An Ordinary Path to Immortality

Chapter 22 The war escalates, the old immortal master wants to make an elixir

When Chen Xianrong first arrived, he noticed the difference in Fang Ping at a glance.

"You seem very happy today?" Chen Xianrong asked.

Fang Ping quickly calmed down and said seriously: "The student did encounter some happy things at the Immortal Master today, and he got carried away for a while. Please forgive me, sir."

Chen Xianrong did not blame him. He put the book he had brought over on the table and asked casually: "Why are you so happy? Could it be that the old immortal master wants to teach you how to cultivate immortality?"

Fang Ping couldn't help but smile again on his face: "Sir, you are so clever and you guessed it right."

This time it was Chen Xianrong's turn to be surprised: "Master Immortal really promised to teach you to cultivate immortality?"

"Yes, how dare students deceive sir?"

Chen Xianrong frowned slightly when he heard this. He sat on the chair and pondered for a moment and said, "You are just a boy next to the immortal master, and the immortal master actually agreed to accept you as his disciple?"

Fang Ping quickly explained: "Sir, you misunderstood. The Immortal Master did not agree to accept students as disciples. The Immortal Master only saw that I have the qualifications to cultivate immortality, so he agreed to teach students to cultivate immortality and explain some common sense to them."

"Didn't he agree to accept you as his apprentice? This is strange. I have never heard of other boys being treated like this before." Chen Xianrong muttered in a low voice.

He casually spoke in a low voice that ordinary people could not hear. However, after Fang Ping absorbed the drop of spiritual liquid spit out by the poisonous python refining from the wood toad, not only was his physical fitness stronger than that of ordinary people, but he also had flexible thinking, powerful brain power, and sharp ears and eyesight.

Chen Xianrong's low voice was naturally heard clearly by Fang Ping.

"Sir, have you seen the boy before the immortal master?"

Chen Xianrong was stunned for a moment, then said with a serious look: "Do your own thing and don't ask about others."

Fang Ping agreed and picked up the book to start studying.

But he was puzzled in his heart. It seemed that everyone was very taboo about the topic of fairy master boy.

This was the case for Sergeant Lin before, and it is also the case for Mr. Chen now.

Is it because the Immortal Master's status in the eyes of mortals is so high that no one even dares to talk about his child in private?

This thought flashed through his mind, and following Chen Xianrong's teachings, Fang Ping quickly put this idea behind him.

Start studying with all your heart by following Chen Xianrong’s teachings.

Now his memory is amazing. He can remember every word taught by Chen Xianrong as long as it is said once.

In the process of teaching Fang Ping how to read, Chen Xianrong's explanation of each word was also firmly remembered by Fang Ping.

If Fang Ping writes the same character a few times under Chen Xianrong's teaching, then Fang Ping has mastered the character.

Although his memory is amazing, his handwriting is really indescribable.

Chen Xianrong also knew that Fang Ping had only learned to read for the second day, so he couldn't ask for too much. He just told Fang Ping to take the time to practice calligraphy more before leaving.

Firstly, it can deepen his memory, and secondly, it allows him to make achievements in calligraphy.

At least as a disciple taught by Chen Xianrong, his handwriting must not be ugly.

Fang Ping naturally kept his teacher's teachings in mind.

After Chen Xianrong left, he took a branch and wrote over and over again what he had learned in the past two days on the ground.

In the process of writing, I take every stroke and every painting seriously and try my best to do my best.

At the same time, he was still recalling in his mind the information the immortal master said today about immortal cultivators, for fear that he would forget it after sleeping.

Until late at night, the military camp became completely quiet. Even the sergeant on duty outside the door began to snore. Then Fang Ping lay down on the bed and prepared to sleep.

However, with a hint of hope and luck, he placed some scraps left over from today's immortal master's cutting of talisman paper on the bedside again.

I want to try to see if there will be another talisman paper in front of me when I wake up early tomorrow morning.

Maybe he was too excited and couldn't fall asleep.

He finally slept until morning, but when he opened his eyes, he found that the scattered talismans were still piled on the bedside, which made him quite disappointed.

After dressing and washing, while recalling what the immortal master and Mr. Chen said yesterday, Fang Ping waited for the sergeant surnamed Lin again.

Just like yesterday, I ate and cleaned up the house, and then continued to work at the old immortal master's place.

The old immortal master didn't talk as much today as he did yesterday. After Fang Ping arrived, he gave Fang Ping an explanation, and then he didn't say much, just drew talismans.

Fang Ping felt the seriousness of the old immortal master and also did not dare to say anything. He carefully completed the work assigned by the old immortal master.

With two days of work experience, Fang Ping became more and more proficient in grinding and preparing the talisman pulp, and the quality was enough to satisfy the old immortal master.

Although he was tired at the end of the day, Fang Ping was still happy in his heart.

Because in addition to the Golden Ge Talisman and the Earth Armor Talisman, Fang Ping learned another talisman preparation method called the Light Body Talisman today and kept it in his heart.

As he came into contact with more and more types of talismans, he looked forward to having Chen Xianrong teach him how to read and write every night.

Because he was very eager to learn more words, and then record all the knowledge he learned from the immortal master about cultivating immortals, so that he would not forget it over time.

So, in the evening, Fang Ping was even more energetic to learn literacy with Chen Xianrong.

While Fang Ping was studying eagerly and with all his strength, the battle around Jianmen Pass also heated up.

Those Liang troops who penetrated deep into the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty had completed the strategic task of driving away the surrounding villagers.

Now they have assembled at the south gate of Jianmen Pass, forming a pincer attack with the Daliang Army outside the north gate of Jianmen Pass.

As for the Great Zhou, the terrain leading to Jianmen Pass was rugged and the mountain road was difficult to travel. In addition, the only official road was also blocked by a large number of refugees, so that the Great Zhou army could not provide effective support for Jianmen Pass for a while.

One day, just after dawn, the soldier named Lin walked into the tent with a lunch box. When Fang Ping put the lunch box in front of him, Fang Ping woke up.

After saying thank you, Fang Ping realized that he was still in the old immortal master's tent when he heard the noisy shouting and killing around him.

It had been eight days since Fang Ping became the immortal master's boy.

And two days ago, the war escalated suddenly.

In the past two days, whether it was day or night, the shouting and killing in the direction of Jianmen Pass never stopped.

And in the past two days, Fang Ping and the old immortal master worked day and night and kept drawing talismans.

During this period, the old immortal master didn't know how many talismans he drew, but every day there were still generals in blood-stained armor coming to urge him to ask for talismans.

Fang Ping had been working continuously for the past two days, and his back and waist ached. He even fell asleep unconsciously while grinding materials in the second half of the night yesterday.

Realizing his current situation, Fang Ping quickly got up and wanted to apologize to the immortal master.

But he found that the immortal master was sitting cross-legged with a spirit stone in his hand to restore his spiritual power.

In the past two days, the old immortal master has used the spirit stone to restore his spiritual power several times.

He even saw a spirit stone turned into a handful of stone powder in the old immortal master's hand because of the exhaustion of spiritual power.

Before Fang Ping could speak, the old immortal master spoke first: "I will not draw the spirit talisman today. After you have breakfast, you can help me make the elixir."

Make the elixir?

Fang Ping was immediately refreshed. Not only did he lose all his sleepiness, but also his fatigue.

. You provide the ordinary immortal road of a great god

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