An Exclusive love

Vol 7 Chapter 63: Marry tanuki

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

Blue hair was shining in the deep blue sea, and a tadpole with a blue tail stopped in front of them, but froze when he saw the civet cat.

"Big prince!" The stunned guard came over and shouted at Liang Pi, "It's him, he just knocked me out."

The blue stunner changed his face when he heard: "You stole our spiritual pet?"

"No!" The Tanuki also knew he couldn't reveal his identity at this time, and carefully pried out his head from behind Liangpi.

The blue scumbag smiled when she saw her face: "Do you like that kind of hair dumplings?"

"Hi ... I like it!" The ancestors loved everyone, who didn't like it.

The blue tadpole let the guards around him disperse and approached a little: "Don't be afraid, give me that hairy dumpling, it's my second brother."

Seeing the little girl looking at her with vigilance, the corner of the blue cypress's mouth was more curved: "My name is Aruda, what's your name?"


The ancestral word of the raccoon cat was covered by Liang Pi's mouth before he could say it.

"What do you want to do?" Liang Pi felt something wrong, shouldn't he be arrested? How it became self-introduction.

Aruda wore a pretty tail. "You're her brother! Then it's easy. I like your sister and want her to be my wife."

"You ..." Liang Pi's mouth was covered by the civet cat.

He narrowed his eyes and watched the tanuki stand before him.

"Madam? What's that?" Asked Tanuki, turning his head and muttering, "Fool, we have to confuse him, or we'll be caught back!"

Liang Pi's tears were all over his face. If the master knew that you were so confusing to the enemy, it would be us who died first ... right.

"You are so cute!" Aruda probably liked such a girl, and she looked at the civet cat with bright eyes. "After we become married, you are my wife. The puppet people rule this sea and wait for my father Wang , I will inherit the throne, and you will be the Queen of the Tatars! "

Probably felt that he was not clear enough, Aruda pulled out a handful of pearls from the storage bag: "Everything here is mine, and it's yours."

Liang Pi felt that he was more like a peasant in the village holding a few cows to propose to the village flowers ...

"I am the strongest Tatar people of the Tatar people. We must have a beautiful and powerful offspring!" Aruda seemed to have seen the good life in the future, talking about various benefits endlessly.

The civet cat took the opportunity to scratch the beam skin: "Are the win Qingsang coming?"

"Not yet ... but Sister has already transmitted the message to Master. She should be there soon, Master ..."

"Then I promise him first!" Tanuki said without waiting for him to finish, "Let him let you go, and you will come to pick me up when Yingqing Cang comes."

The raccoon twisted proudly: "How is it? Is this a good approach?"

Not good at all ... Liang Pi thought it was a death, but he had no chance to persuade the civet cat.

Because Tanuki has rolled to Aruda and pointed to him: "Then ... let my brother go ashore, and I have an older sister at home."

"And sister?" Aruda waved his hand generously. "Then you go and bring your sister ... by the way, I don't know what your name is yet?"

"Old ... My name is Xin Qing!" Tanuki blurted out.

Aruda read it twice: "Well, Xiaoqing! Where did you hide the hair dumplings you stole? You have to come back, that's my second brother."

"No ... I don't know!" Tanuki looked innocent and blinked, "We didn't see what you said when we opened the door."

Aruda, who hasn't seen the world before, is cute and wipes her nose fiercely: "That's Mao Tuanzi running away!"

Liang Pi, who was being sent away, twitched, glanced at the civet cat worriedly, and then swam quickly like the sea.

"Old ... can I ask you a question?" The raccoon cat asked by Aruda to return to the tribe was very kind and asked, not even feeling that the cat was in the mouth.

Aruda didn't like it when she saw her big eyes, and nodded quickly: "You ask!"

"How did you get through the protective cover above my head?"

When the fish stopped them, their hands reached in directly, but the magic weapon was so hard to break even Yuan Yuan's infancy ...

"You said the plate on your head before that?" Aruda countered, "That's the magic weapon of a human monk! Haha, it's no use for us. This area of ​​the sea is forbidden from magic, forbidden spirit, any spiritual Both the attack and the weapon are invalid. "

Tanuki: ヽ (*.> Д <) o ゜

"What's wrong?" Arruda saw her grimace.

"No ... nothing." Tanuki shook his head.

This is bad, even if Win Qing Cang came, I am afraid it is not good ...

Aruda led the young girl who fell in love at first sight into the Tatar people's palace, and saw his second brother rushing over.

"Where is my spiritual pet? What about the thief?"

The civet cat was guilty of thief and hid behind Aruda.

"What are you doing so eagerly? Scared her." Aruda dissatisfied. "Your hair dumpling fled by yourself. If you still want to find it, send more men, but I think it is Will be drowned. "

After hearing this, the white-haired shy man said, "If you really die, find another one!"

Anyway, inland businessmen often sell spiritual pets, which are not rare.

"Yes, who is this?" He noticed the man hiding behind Aruda.

Aruda pushed out the raccoon cat: "Meet your aunt, her name is Xin Qing!"

"Big cock?" The white-haired tadpole looked at the civet cat. "So you like this small brother?"

Aruda glared at him: "Don't talk nonsense, I love Xiaoqing at first sight. Xiaoqing! This is my second brother, Aruga."

"..." Tanuki looked at Aruga and tilted his head to ignore him.

How dare to say that my ancestors are fat ... Huh!

"She's shy!" Aruda was talking nonsense, "I'm going to take her to see his father, go and find that hairy dumpling!"

Probably the Tatar people are relatively slow. Aruga didn't think that the Tanuki was hating him, and he waved his hand with special enthusiasm: "Ohhh!

Then he swam away with his tail.

The raccoon cat was taken to see his parents, and the little head on the road kept turning.

"If your father doesn't like me, can I go now?"

"He won't dislike it."

"But I have no dowry and no power!"

"We don't care about those."


The civet cat took her head and was taken to the old tadpole. She lifted her head with her mouth peeped, and saw a black tail tadpole sitting in the middle of the huge coral.

"Father, this is the girl I like. I want to marry her as my wife!" Aruda said happily.

The civet cat whispered: Quickly said he didn't agree.

"That's great!" The sultry cheeks of the black tail bulged out. "I didn't want you to marry you last year. This year, your younger brother will be ahead of you. I didn't expect it ... hahaha!"

"Hahahaha!" Aruda crackled his tail. "I can't talk to my father early, I will always find someone I like, won't it come!"

Watching the scene where the two fish flapped their tails crazy, the civet cat held back a tear in her eyes and silently hid in the corner to reduce the sense of existence. The patriarch of the Tatar people not only agreed quickly, but also gave the tanuki a box of flashing jewels.

"I'll send them to your room!" Before Aruda had to pick up a few pearls, the box was taken away by Aruda.

Squeak! The tanuki stared at him, dare ... dare to corrupt the ancestor's baby?

"What's wrong?" Aruda felt so cute when she saw her, and couldn't help raising her hand and touching the tanuki's head.

The civet cat instinctively frowned.

"I know all the girls on your shore are shy, that's okay, I will give you time to adjust slowly." Aruda looks very good-tempered, "When you look back, you will come into contact with the aquarium girls and be lively!"

Lively your sister ...

The tabby cat rolled his eyes.

"I'll make you a wedding dress in a few days. Our wedding is set to take place ten days later!" Aruda took care of himself.

The raccoon cat felt good after ten days, and Ying Qingcang should crawl even if he climbed.

In fact, Win Qingcang has arrived.

"Who do you want to be a wife for?"

Liangpi trembled in shock and said again: "Hey ... Hey Prince ..."

"I haven't been there for three days, so you have lost your sight." Ying Qingcang sat on a chair in the main room, his eyes glanced at his heart and beams during the day.

"What do you want?"

Liang Pi knelt as soon as he slammed: "It's my fault, ask the master to punish him, but ... but now I'm going to rescue the lady first ..."

"Who made you kneel?" Ying Qingcang waved his sleeves and Liang Pi flew out.

During the day, my heart will let the vines pick up.

"Did I say I want to punish you." Win Qing said angrily.

"Master, we are worried about sister-in-law ..." In the daytime, I felt that Ying Qingcang seemed to be in a good mood, only after hearing the news that Tanuki was missing.

Win engine Cang was indeed in a good mood.

The letter that Du Ruo found in the tomb was written in Chinese. It was said that a hundred years ago, a powerful person stripped a small part of the soul of a civet cat and scattered it in various places on the Poyuan continent.

No wonder no matter what he did, Tanuki couldn't remember the things of the past life, so she had to collect her soul completely.

"Master?" Liang Pi screamed blushingly. "It seems that the sea of ​​the puppet people is weird ..."

Win Qing Cang retracted his thoughts: "The magic and aura of the sea where the Terrans live are not used, and even some magic instruments cannot be urged."

"What should we do?" Liang Pi's face turned white immediately. "How can we save Master!"

During the day, his heart was firm: "I'm going! My vines don't need aura."

Ying Qingcang ignored the two children who were about to be heroic and stood up slowly and walked to the beach.

"What about Xiao Qing'er from the sea?" He asked suddenly.

Liang Pi and Daytime stared at each other: "In the collar of Madam."

"She said, that's Atang's weapon?"



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