An Exclusive love

Vol 7 Chapter 55: Skinny tanuki

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

Half a month later, Du Ruo finally accepted the fact that He Xue was missing. To this end, he even took the majesty of the head and let Ying Qingcang re-create the Xuanshan mirror for Xu Mishan, basically achieving the goal of no dead ends and no omissions ... ...

"How could it be that there is a clever and cute apprentice?" Du Ruochang sighed, and looked like he was going to die every day before eating.

Because I'm afraid the old man can't think of it, everyone is eating together these days. And the beard is also very sad, anyway, it is also half a master. The civet cat was originally in a bad mood because he couldn't eat well, and immediately he became angry when he said that.

"Stupid human! Obviously ... the clever and cute are the ancestors." The civet cat slammed into a civet cat and jumped to Du Ruo to slap his face with a hairy tail.

I told my ancestor to come and see you cry every day, and I have no appetite to eat.

"Squeak?" The civet suddenly stopped after drawing, staring at his own small belly.

Win Qing Cang's relaxed expression immediately became serious, and he reached for his chubby tanuki in his arms.

"What's wrong? Does your tail hurt?"

Tao Ran aside, immediately glanced at Du Ruo with dissatisfaction: "It must be Brother, your cheek is too thick!"

Du Ruo's eyes were about to stare out. Just thinking about the theory, when you still have the same feelings, you heard the fat raccoon pursing his throat in Ying Qingcang's arms.

"Thin ... thin!" Tanuki touched her small belly, sad and sad, "all ... you can see your feet."

... (⊙_⊙;) ...

Everyone was stunned by this, except for Win Qingcang.

He especially calmly touched the soft tanuki's belly, then nodded firmly: "Well, thin!"

Thin your sister!

"Which ... Where is it thin?" Du Ruo growled, "So fat ..."

"Squeak?" Tanuki looked over with a small brush.

Du Ruo's eyes narrowed: "It seems ... it seems a bit thinner."

"But also cute"! Tao Ran made up the sentence.

Although she didn't think the civet cat was thin at all, no matter how she saw it, it was not a ball.

"Take it up!" Tanuki Barra took Win Qingcang's arm.

Ying Qingcang nodded and glanced at Du Ruo: "Xiao Qinger is thin, and tomorrow we will just come to eat with my brother."

After speaking, Du Ruo's dull eyes floated away with a fat civet cat.

"Brother." Lu Xiu, who has always been a stable second, sighed. "Since things are a foregone conclusion, you also want to drive some. You may receive better apprentices in two years."

They also know that the relationship between Du Ruo and He Xue is not deep, after all, the days are short. But without a very talented and obedient apprentice, it is certainly a pity.

Fortunately, it's just a pity. If you have been together for a long time, I'm afraid it will be sad ...

"I'm also worried like this." Du Ruo's face became serious, "We have no clue if a few disciples have disappeared. If this goes out, there are disciples who dare to worship."

"Also, if they are done by other martial arts, what do they want to do? What's the purpose?" Du Ruo's expression was dignified, this is by no means a let go, who knows if he will never disappear again.

Back to Qi Xiafeng, Ying Qingcang is feeding the civet cat with dried fish, and the fat fur ball lies on him, with a fish tail in his mouth.

"Is Xiaoqinger coming back?" Win Qingcang wanted to hug Bai Nennen's little girl.

The civet cat squinted and nodded: "Don't!" Human figures came from cults in her eyes. Anyway, everyone in Xumishan had already seen the beauty of the ancestors and no longer had to become two legs.

"Crack!" The Tanuki suddenly looked at him with small eyes, "Did you ... have you abandoned your master?"

It's really unforgivable. The master didn't abandon his servants as stupid humans!

"I like Xiao Qing'er the best!" Win Qingcang said quickly, "I always like it."

I think the servant's words are quite sincere. The raccoon cat is satisfied, and pouting over, "Wipe ... wipe!"

A rough face.

"Xiao Qing'er likes it." Ying Qing's eyes darkened.

When sleeping at night, the civet cat was nestled in a quilt like a hair ball, and Ying Qingcang's hand was brushed from above. After a white light, the teenage girl with ice skin and snow skin closed her eyes and lied slightly. that.

Ying Qingcang hugged people into her arms with satisfaction, the girl's figure had begun to take shape, and her small **** began to develop. The man touched it with satisfaction, imagining that it was not far from the days of eating, and there was some joy on his face ...

"Little master ..." At midnight, Ying Qingcang suddenly got up and opened the door.

Taoran stood in the yard: "Don't you disturb?"

"Xiao Qing'er usually doesn't wake up when he sleeps." Ying Qingcang knew what Sister meant, and she came. "He Xue was killed by me, and the disciples who were missing before were killed by her."

Although I had expected it, I heard the second sentence of Tao Ran still startled: "She ... she killed? Why?"

Why kill some disciples?

"I don't know." Ying Qingcang remembered that He Xuening in the cave refused to admit it that day, "the night when her disciples disappeared, her performance was not normal."

Repeating the words of the daytime heart, Tao Ran thoughtfully: "When He Xue died, there was nothing unusual about it?"

"It's burnt to ashes." Win Qing said slowly.

Tao Ran drew his mouth and said, "Forget it, you can't ask anything. Presumably it's useless to keep it. It's dead to worry about it."

Otherwise the ghost knows what will happen in the future.

Even if this incident has passed, no disciples have disappeared since then, and various horror rumors circulating among the disciples have gradually faded.

Then again, everyone will not mention He Xue, time really is a hero who covers up history, no matter who it is, it will be wiped out, as if never been ...

Six months later, my heart returned during the day.

"Master!" She asked to return to Tianjilou to solve the problem. Liang Pi and Da Mingque went with her to take care of it.

The two haven't seen Tanuki for a long time and are very excited. The civet cat was also very happy and patted them with their hairy paws: "Squeak! Now that you are back, be a servant!"

How can you stay outside and ignore your master?

"What's up with mother ..." I didn't finish my mind during the day and probably guessed a bit.

Liang Pi said particularly charmingly: "Madam is still cute!"

"Hey, cute!" It ’s been a long time since the big bird has seen the little master, and he wants to fly to his shoulders, but the civet cat is fat and has no shoulders, and it dare not fall on its head, so it has to stand beside it with a pointed mouth Gently touched the tabby's tail.

"Squeak!" Tanuki touched the hand of the daytime heart, "You ... are you done?"

During the day, Xinxin held a paw and laughed, "Well, it's all dealt with. The marriage contract has been terminated, and my father kicked me out."

This ... it doesn't feel like being kicked out! The civet cat felt that his servant might be smiling. "It doesn't matter!" Daytime knows that she is being upset for herself, and smiles even more happily. "I had no hope of him for a long time, and my mother was also annoyed by him, now it is just right."

Said in the heart during the day, looking at Ying Qingcang: "If it wasn't for the Master to keep me, support me. Tianjilou wouldn't let me leave, this is my blessing!"

The first reaction when Bai Yuou saw her go back was to lock up first and then notify Ci Hangzong. However, when she found out that her daughter had broken through, and even cultivated with Ci Nian Xiao, she almost jumped up happily.

"I won't marry someone, you're dead this heart!" The heart of the day just shattered his hopes in the next second.

"You can't move me. I'm Xu Mizong's disciple now. My master is Ying Qingcang."

"From now on, I have no relationship with Tianji Tower."

During the day, Xinxin told these to the civet cat. The civet cat thought about it, touched it from the collar, and found out a beautiful little umbrella into the heart of the day.

"Crack! This ... magic weapon!"

"Thank you, Madam!" During the day, I knew that Tanuki was comforting herself. Although she was not sad at all, she still looked at Tanuki with tearful eyes.

Knowing that you have been wronged, you can get more love.

"Don't cry!" Tanuki touched the servant's head again, thinking of any other way to make people happy.

She feels that her servant must be in a good mood, otherwise how can she serve her ancestors? Seeing the face with tears, the food is not delicious!

Liang Pi narrowed his lips and thought that he should also compose a tragic life or something, but it looks like he was quite miserable ...

"I ... I know a secret, too." The boy looked up with tears in his eyes.

The civet cat looked at him blankly: "What ... what's wrong?"

"My dad is Bai Yuou, and my sister Tianxin and my half-sister are half-sisters." The beautiful young boy began to tell the story, "It was a cold winter ..."

The story is dog-blooded, the main idea is that Liang Pi's mother rescued the injured Bai Yugu, one is a beautiful little demon who is ignorant of beauty, and the other is a handsome and handsome boy.

Soon I spent a few months before Qingqing me and me, but unfortunately the beauty was not enough. After a few times, Bai Yuou patted her **** and left, leaving a girl full of hope waiting for her sweetheart to marry her.

"In fact, Bai Yuou was married at that time and soon forgot my mother."

It happened so coincidentally, another elder of Tianjilou rescued the bullied Liangpi's mother a few years later, and when she saw Bai Yuou's token on her body, she gave birth to a hidden heart and wanted to take her back to Tianjilou.

As a result, the man sent by Bai Yuou was killed halfway, the elder and Liang Pi's mother were both dead, Liang Pi was picked up by Liang Shui to raise him.

"Squeak!" Tanuki patted the young boy's shoulder, and found a gadget from the collar and shoved it to him. "Not sad! Then ... then you two are enemies?"

This is a half-sister, clearly a feud against her mother!

"If you have a debt and a debtor, I won't be stupid enough to know." Liang Pi shook his fist. "And, Sister Tianxin will not stop me from taking revenge."

Seeing the tanuki staring round his eyes, Daytime Xin quickly said, "My mother was killed by Bai Yuou. He did not save her for one exercise."

"Crack ..." Tanuki shook his head.

Sure enough, humans are bad guys!

ps: I finally caught up with the update before 12 o'clock. It could have been earlier. As a result, the baby vomited, vomited a quilt, a bed, and a body. Update.

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