An Exclusive love

: ——Su Su (4)

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

When Yingwang walked out of the study, he saw Su Su squatting on the other side of the corridor. Ying Chu and Ying Xiu looked at her, otherwise they would have broken in.

"Big sister!" Su Su rushed over at the first sight of the two, "Mom agreed with you when you slept with me today."

Xin Rong understands win, and since talking for so long, I am afraid that most of the child is still left, so he has already prepared a new bedding.

"He can't sleep with you." Yingwang picked up his daughter. "Also, he's not a big sister."

Su Su was about to cry, thinking that her dad still had to drive his elder sister away, and blinked stupidly after listening: "So ... what is that?"

"My silly sister, he's a man. How can he sleep with you? It's almost the same as sleeping in a room with us." Winxiu said with a smile.

Su Su glanced at Lei Xuan stupidly, and then went down from the win to walk up to him and raised his head: "You ... aren't you your big sister?"

"No, I'm a man ..." Lei Xuan still wanted to say, but saw the little girl's tears filled with tears.

He instinctively apologized: "Sorry, I ..."

"Wow ..." Su Su cried and ran away.

Yingwang rubbed his eyebrows: "You don't care, win Chu, take him to the guest room."

Lei Xuan didn't know what to expect from Win, but he promised himself that he would send him back to Europe at most one month, during which time he wanted to be honest with the winner.

Except not being able to go out, everything else is fine. If there is any disadvantage, it is now ...

"Huh!" Su Su, who returned from school, gave him a stern glance.

Lei Xuan handed her an apple: "I didn't mean to lie to you. I didn't have time to say it the first time I met."

"Huh!" Su Su glanced at him again, but Apple picked it up.

"The second time I am afraid that I am a man, you will scare away ..."

Su Su pouted his lips and looked at him: "People ... they always wanted to have an elder sister who can play princess together and play Barbie dolls, and thought you were the result ..."

"I'm sorry ..." Lei Xuan said when she saw that she was about to cry again, "I play Barbie with you!"

After speaking, he felt wrong, and wanted to change his mouth, but Su Su had grabbed his hand: "Really? Will you play with me?"

"..." The little girl stared at him with a beautiful and excessive face, and her large clear eyes reflected Lei Xuan's shadow. He inexplicably felt that his ears were a little hot and took a step back.

"Really, I will accompany you whenever you want to play."

So on the third day that Lei Xuan stayed in the winner, everyone found that Su Su was suddenly not angry, not only was not angry, but also like a fart, Lei Xuan was stuck after school.

This is even more the case on the weekends. Even the winning repair of Barbie, who has always refused to play with Su Su, is somewhat jealous, and went to her sister's room to play with her.

"Second brother, you are wearing the wrong thing. You have to wear blue sandals, not black." Su Su rushed at him.

Yingxiu was holding a blonde Barbie doll in her left hand, and she was trying to put on the doll in her right hand.

"Ah, what's the difference between black and blue, almost!"

Su Su snorted and snatched Barbie: "Second brother, don't make trouble, you go out!"

"I'm your second brother!" Ying Xiu pointed at the boy who was silently putting shoes on a toy dog, "Why don't you let him go out?"

"Brother Xuan did not wear it wrong." Su Su glared at him. "You have worn it wrong several times!" Yingxiu took the doll and shook it: "Ah, you say, what is the difference between blue and black? What's the difference !? "

"The black pair is for this suit." Lei Xuan silently handed over the baby, "wrongly dressed and not good-looking."

Winning repair: "..."

"Hear it!" Su Su pushed out Winxiu. "Okay brother, don't make a mess, go play the game yourself, go!"

The ousted Xiu Xiu heard the door slam closed behind him.

"Ah, I'm furious!" He ran downstairs. "Dad, when is that person going?"

Yingwang is watching TV with Xin Rong, and sees that the second child is ignored by him.

"Ying Xiu, how do you say that?" Xin Rong pulled him to sit down. "Lei Xuan is older than you. You want to call my brother."

"I don't want it!" Winxiu refused if he didn't want to.

Who wants to call that kind of strange brother, Lei Xuan sees everyone except Su Su, as if everyone else is air in his eyes.

"Brother!" Win Chu returned from running outside.

Winxiu rushed over again: "Let's teach that guy a meal!"

"Can't beat it." Win Chu walked past him.

"You ca n’t beat two if you hit one?" Yingxiu saw him going upstairs. "You wait a minute!"

Ying Chu glanced at him: "Get up, I'm going to take a shower, I'm dead."

"Okay! Then you hurry down." Yingxiu let go of his hand and waited for Yingchu to walk away. "Either one or two. I knew I wouldn't be the second child, only the youngest one!"

In an instant, we reached the end of the month. For more than half a month, Su Su's enthusiasm for Lei Xuan continued, and Yingxiu continued to be jealous. Ying Chu looked at his stupid brother jumping up and down.

"Su Su, haven't you always wanted a big sister?" Xin Rong blows hair to Su Su that night, and sees that she is playing with a wood bird in her hand and smiles. "This is what Lei Xuan made for you ? "

"Cute!" Su Su raised her proudly. "Brother Xuan is terrific."

Xin Rong poked his head: "Isn't the suspect a boy?"

"Xuan Brother is different from other boys!" Su Su crooked her head. "He will pay me to play with a doll, but Brother 2 will not. He will also be a bird. Brother 2 will only hit birds on the tree."

Xin Rong reminded her: "You are not afraid of your second brother being sad if you say so!"

"The mother don't tell him!" Su Su blinked. "In fact, the second brother is also very good, but I think that brother Xuan is only one person. If I don't play with him, he is too pitiful ..."

I don't know when Lei Xuan stood at the door for a moment, and then turned quietly to leave, encountering the hope at the entrance of the stairs.

"I'll see you off in three days." Win Hope dropped a sentence.

Lei Xuan opened her mouth, but said nothing, but nodded: "Thank you ..."

"Don't let Susu know," Yingwang said, "she will be sad to know you go."

"Understand." Lei Xuan nodded again, then left silently.

In the evening, Xin Rong moved back and forth in the arms of Winning, and Winning held her tight.

"what happened?"

"Wang Wang, don't ... let's leave Lei Xuan! Su Su likes him so much."

Yingwang rubbed her head: "Stupid girl, forget that I told you that the child's identity is too complicated. I wouldn't keep him if I didn't wipe the provoked tail."

"It's so pitiful ..." Xin Rong said unfortunately, "I'm only 13 years old, and I have to go back to face such a complicated environment by myself."

Yingwang didn't tell Xin Ronglei that there were several lives in his hands, afraid to scare her. It is only said that his parents died unexpectedly, and relatives in the family are chasing after him to fight for the property.

"Everyone has his own way to go. No one can help him. For us, he is just a passer-by. We and him are originally people who do not meet."

Xin Rong nodded, burying his head in the man's chest and closed his eyes.

Yingwang kissed her bun, patted her hands behind Xin Rong, but her eyes were cold and cold ...

Since there is no intersection, then ... don't have any intersection.

"Su Su!" Xin Rong put down the cookies and juice. "Don't worry about Lei Xuan, you will be late for school."

Winxiu poured a big mouthful of juice and stood up: "Su Su, let's go!"

"Brother Xuan, wait for me at home. Tomorrow is the weekend. Let's go to the playground and say OK!" Su Su carried a small schoolbag on his back and shook Lei Xuan's arm.

Lei Xuan hid her face and smiled at her: "Well, let's talk."

"Brother Xuan smiles so nicely!" Su Su holding a small face, even though she knew that Lei Xuan was not a big sister, but she still thought Lei Xuan was beautiful.

Ying Chu had already come to the door. Seeing her younger sister still watching, kicked the jealous brother and shouted, "Su Su, if you are late, you will be detained in the afternoon."

"Ah yes, yes!" Su Su hurried over, if she stayed in the church, she wouldn't be able to come back early to play with her brother Xuan.

Watching the three of them get in the car, Xin Rong smiled at Lei Xuan: "Go to the study!"

Yingwang sat behind the desk and looked at the teenager. Lei Xuan looked at him quietly: "It's still night at this time."

"Now." Yingwang retracted his gaze. "The person who pursued you has been led to the city next door and will take you to the pier and leave by boat."

Lei Xuan nodded: "Thank you, I have troubled you, in the future ..."

"There is no future." Yingwang interrupted him. "Your world is too dangerous. I won't let Susu contact. You won't come back anymore, let alone remember what happened here."

Lei Xuan froze, her nails fell into her palm, but she didn't feel pain.

"I see ..." He lowered his head.

Today, he is not qualified to choose.

"My friend has picked up your grandfather, otherwise you won't see anyone when you go back." Yingwang continued, "His people will meet you there and send you to see your grandfather."

Lei Xuan looked up: "Why do you ... help me."

"Because you played with my daughter for a month, she was very happy." Ying Wang picked his lips, "Just let me pay you well."

Lei Xuan squinted at the corner of his mouth, his eyes seemed to have a lot of words, but he said nothing in the end.

"Go back and pack up, and the car will pick you up in ten minutes." Ying Wang waved his hand and ended the conversation.

"Mr. Win ..." Lei Xuan was still unwilling and finally said, "If ... I mean if I solve the family problem and become as successful as you, then ... then, I can come to Su Sue? "

Yingwang ignored the desire in the eyes of the teenager and refused coldly: "No, I said, she and you are two people in the world."

Lei Xuan turned white, closed his eyes and slowly turned away. When he walked to the door, he suddenly heard that Yingwang called him.

"Lei Xuan, look at me."

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