An Exclusive love

Vol 7 Chapter 37: Grown up a little tanuki

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

Du Ruo and Tao Ran each received a weapon. Tao Ran was particularly suitable for her. As a monster, her defense has always been a weakness. I was lucky to find one this time, which is still wood, which is just right.

"Go out and talk." Du Ruo, who has no ideals to win, said, "Inform our disciples and leave as soon as possible."

"Say ..." Liang Shui thought of a very important thing, "how do we leave here?"

Du Ruo gave him a distasteful look, apparently about the same age as himself, but he was younger than himself ...

"I found it when we came in, then! Did you see it?" He took out a few stones from the storage bag. "This is the one on the stone door. Just enter the aura into it and go out."

Everyone held a stone and disappeared in place after entering the aura. The magic was that when they went out, the stone in their hands automatically returned to the stone gate.

"These potholes must be those people." Du Ruo looked and found that only they were out.

Win Qingcang also glanced: "I will stare here, you go back to retreat."

"Not a little brother, you haven't said what you found!" Beard and Du Ruo shouted, "Tell us first, otherwise how to retreat in peace."

Taoran didn't know when she got to the tanuki again: "Go to sister and eat peach cake?"

"Squeak!" The civet patted Fatty's hand, "Okay!"

So a bunch of people went to Taoran Peak of Taoran.

"There is a problem in that big secret." Win Qingcang didn't like to turn corners and scared people as soon as he spoke. "All the monsters outside can be infinitely regenerated."

What? Several of Xu Mizong's faces were dull.

"I have tried a snake and beast in the lake, and it will probably be resurrected in about half an hour." Win Qing frowned. "Strictly speaking, it is not a resurrection, it should be a time countercurrent in those monsters. "

Du Ruo stuttered, "So ... so?"

"Also, there was someone who used chess pieces to spell out what Xiao Qinger Tanuki looked like." Ying Qingcang glanced at the sleepy fat doll, "Wait a minute."

He held the raccoon cat and entered the apse. He thought about it during the day and followed him.

"Senior, I look at Xiao Qing'er, rest assured." She was not a disciple of Xu Mizong, and it was inappropriate to listen to those words.

Liang Pi also came in. Only Liang Shui, the shameless one, remained outside.

Ying Qingcang touched Tanuki's face and saw that she had fallen asleep before returning to the front.

"Little master!" Du Ruo pointed to the back of the palace, "Do you mean, the secret realm has something to do with the little raccoon cat?"

"I don't know." Win Qingcang really couldn't figure it out.

The second brother looked at him: "Is there anything strange?"

"There is also a portrait of Xin Qing." Ying Qingcang's eyes were gentle when he said the name.

Tao Ran responded the fastest: "Is that the girl you wanted us to find in the beginning?"

"I said, why did you come out so soon?" Luoyu Fairy, who received the voice, walked in, "Nothing?"

Du Ruo asked her to sit down: "Listen to Xiaoshi first."

Ying Qingcang told him about going to another world when he was retreating, including his feelings with Xin Qing, and the children's affairs. He almost told himself all his life.

"God!" Luo Yuxian was so excited, "There is still a world like this? What plane can one take to go to heaven?"

Tao dyed her a white look: "The focus of your attention is wrong, okay, you should ask why there are no monsters in that world, where have all our monsters gone?"

Everyone rolled their eyes, as if you were concerned ...

"Xiao Qing'er became a raccoon cat and lost her memory, I can understand." Win Qing Cang continued, "But in the secret place, there is a portrait of Xin Qing, which I can't figure out."

Du Ruo looked back from shock, and he analyzed it in a plausible way: "If there is only a little raccoon cat, then we can say that it has a long history and it existed a hundred years ago."

"Yes!" Luo Yuxian echoed. "But you say there is another world ... the face of a younger brother or sister, that really doesn't make sense."

Ying Qingcang was silent, the bearded asked cautiously: "Then ... can we go in this secret state?"

"Not only can I go, I can go often!" Win Qingcang suddenly smiled. "In the future, it can be used as a test place for Zongmen."

The second brother frowned and asked, "But every time you open it, you need a lot of aura. It may be difficult to achieve it by our intelligence alone."

"Xiao Qing'er contracted the spirit beast." Win Qing Cang threw a sentence.

The expression on the head of the brother's head was instantly brilliant.

"She, she, she, she ..." I didn't say a whole word.

Win Qing Cang remembered and said, "I killed the owner of Piao Miao Pavilion."

"You, you, you, you ..." The brother in charge clutched his chest and looked like he was about to pass.

However, Tao Ran clapped her hands and praised, "It's great! I don't see that woman anymore."

"When those people come out, you can go in again." Win Qing Cang said, "go straight to the tomb."

Suddenly, Du Ruo had a feeling that his own things could not be taken away by others: "Those guys won't take all our treasures, right?"

"No." Win Qing raised his eyebrows. "I think that since the secret has something to do with Xiao Qing'er, they won't let others cheap. If they didn't guess wrong, they could get some elixir of materials at most. Unless it is someone with a lot of luck. "

Du Ruo was relieved. A few people discussed and couldn't retreat now. Isn't that plainly telling others that I have benefited! Win Qing Cang made things clear and stopped them.

The next day, the civet cat began to absorb the remaining aura. After sleeping, it slept for more than half a month.

"Little Master!" On this day, Win Qing Cang received a message from his head brother and told him that those people had come out of the mystery, and said.

"The people of Ci Hangzong want to see you." Du Ruo was a little curious, "Ci Nian Xiao said that he had a side with you in the secret realm?"

Win Qing Cang replied: "Let them wait."

"Squeak?" The tanuki who just woke up staring at the little girl in the mirror blankly: "Old ancestor ... My ancestor has grown up a bit!"

Ying Qingcang bent her corners to wipe her face, but sighed in her heart: it was a little longer, and now she looks like a five-year-old ...

"I'm going to meet the people of Ci Hangzong. Will Xiao Qinger go?"

"Go ... Go!" Tanuki touched the flower on her head. "Once, ancestor ... is ancestor particularly beautiful and cute?"

Win Qingcang dragged a small skirt: "Well, Xiao Qing'er is the most beautiful and the cutest!"

In the main hall of Xu Mizong, Ci Nian Xiao and the two elders of Ci Hangzong sat at the head.

"Well, I didn't expect that the treasures in this great mystery are so rare, we didn't even bring one out." A middle-aged man with a scar on his face sighed. "I don't know if it's the wrong way or there's no chance."

Du Ruo also put on a pity face: "Who said no! My second teacher is lucky, and realized that some of us only got some elixir and top quality materials."

"Oh?" Asked the old man with a flash of light in his eyes. "It's Lu Daoyou of Saint Peak."

"Yes, it's closed now!"

Ci Nian Xiao looked at the old man and thought about it.

He also learned the mystery in that big pot, and the breakthrough is just around the corner. In addition, he obtained a magic weapon for defense in a well. However, the rest of their ancestors were not so fateful, and they only brought out some materials.

"Senior Du, the junior want to wait for everyone to retreat and explore again?" Ci Nian Xiao felt that there was definitely something more powerful in that secret place, and he did not give up. "Next time, if the senior is willing to take the shot, we can do more with less!" "

When the middle-aged man heard him raise Qingcang, his eyes were marked with disdain: "I just don't know what the cultivation is for now."

"My little master is here, Dao You can ask him by yourself." Du Ruopi pointed at the air without smiling.

The air in the middle of the hall suddenly swelled, and Ying Qingcang stepped out of nowhere, holding a little girl with a pink carved jade in her arms.

"Win the elders!" Several of Ci Hangzong stood up to salute, no matter what Ying Qingcang is doing now, his seniority is there.

But in addition to seeing his kindness Xiao, the other two were shocked. Why didn't this person see him at all ...

"What do you see me?" Win Qingcang sat down on the other side.

Du Ruo stared at the tanuki for a long time, muttering in his heart.

It took so much of our aura to grow like this ...

"Crack! What's your look?" Apparently, Tanuki didn't think Du Ruo was indulged in her beauty. "Old ancestor ... ancestor is ten thousand times more beautiful than you!"

Du Ruo: (⊙o⊙)

"I didn't say anything!" In front of outsiders, he couldn't be too stupid, so he coughed in two voices. "Little Master, Ci Hangzong's Taoist advised us to explore the secret again."

The tabby cat secretly stuck out his small tongue to vomit, and Du Ruo drew the corner of his mouth when he didn't see it.

It's strange that Xiaonian was so kind. How did this little girl give him a familiar feeling, as if she had seen it somewhere?

"You want to go, please." Ying Qing faintly said, "Xumi Zong will not explore the mystery for a hundred years."

Compassion Xiao retracted his gaze from the little girl, because he saw the little girl fiercely gesture to him ...

"Senior, I will sue my father when this matter returns. His old man has transmitted a message to me that he will visit his old friend in the future."

Ying Qingcang said nothing to his face: "I and Ci Hangzong are not friends, but your father worked hard when fighting the demons a hundred years ago, so I just agreed that you can go anytime Mystery. "

"Hehe! The younger generation knows." Ci Nian Xiao is a very knowledgeable person who knows that he is not qualified to talk to Win Qing. Anyway, knowing his attitude, just talk back.

"Oh!" The middle-aged monk suddenly spit out blood and fell pale on the ground.

Ci Nian Xiao was shocked: "What happened to Elder Guo?"

"He ..." The other old man quickly lifted him up, stuffed an elixir, and then glanced at his wrist.

Then flush your face.

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