An Exclusive love

Vol 7 Chapter 34: Tabby cat

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

Chess pieces scattered on the chessboard, spelled a ... tanuki.

"Squeak?" Tanuki stared with a fat face, "Okay ... so familiar!"

Ying Qing's eyes were dark, and there was the image of a raccoon cat in a secret that had been sealed for hundreds of years. This was coincidental or intentional. He didn't believe in coincidence, who would put the raccoon cat here.

"It's your prototype." Ying Qingcang looked at Fat Doll's face and wanted to see how she reacted.

The raccoon's eyes brightened in an instant, and he grinned, "I ... me! No wonder my ancestor thought it was so pretty, it turned out to be me."

Ying Qing frowned, apparently his tanuki was as stupid as ever ...

"Xiao Qing'er, have you heard of this great mystery before?"

The civet cat was lying on the stone table, shaking his head at the tanuki that was spelled out, and casually said, "Listen ... heard!"

"Where have you heard?"

"Beard is in charge."

Win Qing Cang: "..."

"Xiao Qinger." Picking up the fat doll from Meizi, Ying Qing looked at her seriously, "Do you think it's strange that you look like this?"

The civet cat was lost, and blinked, "No ... not because the ancestor is beautiful and cute!"

"We know that you are beautiful and lovely, but there is no one in this big secret. Who would know that you are beautiful and lovely?" Ying Qingchang deliberately said in a particularly serious tone.

The face of Bai Nennen's bun changed suddenly, and Tanuki asked in horror: "Who is that?"

"That's why I asked you if you have heard anything about the Great Secret before." Seeing that she finally realized the problem, Ying Qing Cang softened her voice and touched her head.

"No ... no!" Tanuki bit his chubby hand, thinking hard and hard, and then shook his head. "The monsters where the ancestors lived before have never seen the world except Atang ..."

Win Qing frowned: "Who is Atang?"

"Atang is Atang!" When Tanuki said the name, the relief and joy in his eyes made Ying Qing wary.

The people in the name are all **** and must be killed!

"Is it Xiaoqinger's friend?" Ying Qingcang managed to ask something and wanted to know more, "Is he also a raccoon cat?"

The tanuki shook his fat legs: "Atang is the ancestor's best friend! He ... he is not a tanuki."

"Then what is he?" Win Qing asked.

But the tanuki cat reacted, and his small eyes watched him alertly: "Bold! You ... you set your ancestor's words."

"..." How clever this time.

Ying Qingcang knows that although his tanuki looks silly, he has a lot of eyes, and it is very good to be able to put these out today.

"No, I'm just curious, maybe he played this chess piece." Win Qing Cang calmly wanted to make a final strike.

Sure enough, the civet cat immediately shook his head: "No ... no! Atang can't come out."

"Let's go somewhere else?" Ying Qingcang smiled and let her sit on her shoulders, as if the problem had just passed.

The raccoon cat held his head and thought, "Chess ... the flag!"

"Xiao Qinger wants to take away?" Ying Qingcang glanced at the chessboard, but shook his head. "There is a formation here, neither the chessboard nor the chessmen can be moved. If you forcibly break it, the chessboard will be broken."

The civet cat pouted: "Little ... stingy!"

Fighting the ancestor's appearance without letting the ancestor take away, hate!

As Ying Qing Cang walked, he analyzed the words from Xiao Qinger in his mind. She knew a man or monster named Atang, but the man was trapped somewhere and couldn't get out.

Then ... whether the thing Xiaoqing's looking for is related to this Atang, maybe that thing can save him.

"Stupid human!" Tanuki saw Winking Cang not talking to her and was furious. "You ... Do you want to lose your master?"

Ying Qingcang quickly hugged her from her shoulder and carried her into her arms: "I don't want to lose Xiaoqinger if I lose my life, nor will Xiaoqinger leave me. No one can take you away from me."

"Okay ... all right!" Tanuki saw him look like another sleazy, cheap, and quickly turned around to look, "pot, you like a big pot."

Ying Qingcang rubbed her little hand and laughed lowly, and found that the little man in her arms snore, and then she no longer scared her. Looking down the white jade tower, there was a large black pot.

"Yes ... I can fly!" I walked to the front and found that the pot was floating in the air, as if there was something to support it.

Ying Qingcang walked around the pot holding the civet cat and saw a door at the bottom.

"Go in ... Go in?" Tanuki clutched him, obviously afraid.

"It's okay, there's me." Ying Qingcang opened the door with his feet and stooped in.

Inside a few-foot pot ...

Still a few feet big o (╯ □ ╰) o

"Squeak?" The civet cat touched the wall of the pot with a small fat hand, cold.

The space is really small, only enough to accommodate five or six people.

Win Qing turned around and found nothing, so he opened the door again.

"Little master!" Two people ran over from a distance.

The three older brothers with beards ran to him and were about to speak, but were frightened by the fat doll in Ying Qing's arms.

"You ... who were you born with? Why are you so fat?"

"Bold!" The raccoon cat reached out and pulled a ball from his collar and slammed it on his face. "You're fat, your whole family is fat!"

The bearded man covered his face and mourned, and when he saw the ball, he murmured again: "Isn't this ... I gave it to the fat civet cat?"

"Old ancestor ... my ancestor is going to kill you!" The raccoon cat was so angry that he kept digging out of the collar and threw his brain on the beard.

Followed by the young man in a green robe behind him looked at this scene with a smile: "Is this a little raccoon cat? It is so cute after being transformed!"

"Crack!" Tanuki nodded to him. "You ... you are a good man!"

She crooked her head, probably thinking who it was, and then she said, "Second Brother?"

"Little civet remembers me?" The young man smiled even wider, as if it was a special honor to be remembered by a civet.

The beard finally understood that this fat doll was the previous fat tanuki.

"Hehe! Hehe! You are transformed." The bruise on his face was swollen.

Future brother-in-law hits him, how can it be stopped by spells!

"╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮" Tanuki ignored him.

Win Qing smiled: "Three brothers have a bad memory. He must remember this time."

"Yes, yes!" A mighty man with a big beard and so mighty, pretended to be a little daughter-in-law and approached the raccoon cat, and said charmingly, "I haven't seen such a beautiful girl!"

You and your master brother have seen this baby in this life ...

"╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮" Tanuki still ignored him.

Win Qing Cang shook his head and asked the two: "How? Are there any gains?"

"Yes, the three masters." The handsome man laughed. "He found a thunder eye in the cave and tempered his skin."

"There is a magic weapon for destiny!" Beard said happily, "I'm worth this trip, and I will earn more chances!"

Ying Qingcang's gaze crossed the pot next to it, and suddenly thought: "You go in and see."

"Is this the mustard world?" The second elder brother asked, thinking there was no hole in it.

The raccoon cat chubby his hand: "But ... so small!"

"Go in and take a look." Win Qing Cang said, "Maybe there is another chance."

The big-bearded and handsome two brothers did not hesitate and stooped into the pot.

Soon the beard came out.

"Nothing!" He clapped his hands. "But Brother Two is set."

Win Qing Cang is very satisfied, this pot really has a chance, but they are not related.

"Let's go up." He turned and looked at the half-empty building. "The red one."

The bearded man hummed to keep up, and did not forget to be diligent with the civet cat, and finally let the fat baby not hum him.

"It looks very big in here!" Beard stood in front of the red door. "Little brother, hold your baby, I will explore the road first."

How could there be no law enforcement in this? That's too suspicious.

"Brother." Ying Qingcang held him, "I'm coming."

He received the mind of his own brother, but it is said that only he can be safe here.

"Crack!" The civet patted the beard's broad shoulders. "You ... good guys!"

The beard scratched his head and grinned, "Hey hey, you want to ignore me!"

Liang Shui and Liang Pi also came to the door of the ancient tomb, but saw that Xiaoxin and Mercy were together during the day.

"White ..." As soon as Liang Shui was about to call, his apprentice covered his mouth.

"Old man, look at the situation, what are you calling?"

Liang Pi doesn't think that in the daytime, Xin Xin will be accompanied by Xiao Nian, and it must be for a reason.

During the day, Xin Xin also saw them, with a particularly surprised tone of breath: "The two are Xu Mizong?"

"Yeah!" Liang Shui they were wearing Xu Mizong clothes. "Where is this Taoist?"

Seeing him answer, Xin Xin and Liang Pi relieved during the day.

Especially during the day.

She wanted to get rid of Xiao Zian Xiao all the way, and she was afraid that she would meet the disciples of Xiaomiao Pavilion. As a result, the disciples did not meet and no one left.

"Under Mimo Pavilion, this ..."

"I know this!" Liangshui hahaha laughed, "Well, the young master of Ci Hangzong!"

Ci Nianqiu frowned. The two were cultivated as old Yuanyuan infants, and the little one was a half-demon who had just become Dan. How could Xu Mizong send such a weak person in.

But for now, they can be used ...

"The two must have entered the ancient tomb, so it would be better to go with them, or to take care of them."

Liang Shui was afraid that he would not invite, so how could they keep up with Bai Girl! I agreed cheerfully at the moment, blinking at them secretly during the day.

"That kid probably doesn't know the identity of Bai girl." Liang Shui and Liang Pi muttered behind.

Liang Pi shook his fist and said indignantly, "But he was not at ease with Sister Bai."

"Two of us, let's go in together?" Ci Nian Xiao looked like I was fairly fair and gave up two positions. "Rest assured, if there is a monster formation in it, I will take good care of everyone!"

ps: I have a cold and a sore throat. I guess I'm going to have a fever. I will go for an infusion tomorrow. Today, I ’m going to take a chapter.

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