An Exclusive love

Vol 7 Chapter 25: Tabby cat running down the road

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

I don't know how Ying Qingcang represented Xu Mizong and those sects to fight for quotas, and he certainly won't suffer. Anyway, the civet cat smelled the familiar taste in the middle of the night, and arched into his arms again.

"Can we leave?" She stared at her hairy eyes in the morning and let the man wipe his face.

Ying Qingcang poked her little nose gently: "Well, the wedding was cancelled."

The civet cat's eyes widened: "Just ... will you stop looking?"

"Find, but go out to find." Ying Qing Cang smeared her with a fragrant ointment, "I made a puppet last night, intentionally let the people in Tianjilou watch her run down the mountain."

"Hey?" Tanuki looked curious. "What's that?"

Win Qing moved his head, picked up a hair that the raccoon cat had lost, and then struck Dafa to beat it, and saw that hair became a raccoon cat.

"Squeak!" The civet cat was startled and almost fell to the ground.

Ying Qingcang caught her: "Not afraid, she won't move."

The civet cat turned around the fake civet cat several times, and then suddenly blew up.

"Squeak! My ancestor is more cute!" After finishing speaking, he was still staring at Win Qing Cang.

Win Qing smiled: "Of course, she is just Xiaoqing's hair."

The raccoon cat who got the affirmation reached out and poked at the fake raccoon cat, and then said disgustedly, "No ancestor is soft."

"Well, no!"

After looking at it for a while, I found that the fake civet cat was motionless, not even the eyeballs, and a closer look revealed that there was no glory in the eyes, as if dead.

"Time is up." Win Qing said suddenly.

Then I heard a bang, the fake civet cat disappeared into a smoke, and a hair fluttered to the ground.

The raccoon cat jumped back at him: "How did you make them see ... what?"

"This kind of ravioli is different from making with materials. It can only do some simple actions and can't speak." Win Qing Cang said while filling their contents into the storage bag.

"I put my uncle to the gate of the mountain and gave her an order to run, and naturally someone will see it."

At this time, the landlord of Tianji was sitting in the hall with Ci Nian Xiao.

"Nian Xiao is the old man's daughter-in-law who has no way to make you feel wronged." Bai Yuou was ashamed, as if loving Xiao was his biological son.

Xiaonian shook his head: "Uncle Bai, don't say that. I think Tianxin is just playing around for a while. When I find her in the future, my nephew will let her know my affection!"

"It's a pity that the girl disappeared as soon as she ran down the mountain. We're going to mystery soon, I'm afraid ..."

"No problem." Ci Nian Xiao smiled. "Maybe Tianxin will go too!"

That woman will definitely go, no one will give up such a good opportunity.

"I hope so too, eh!" Bai Yuou handed him a piece of jade, "The girl usually hides her face and shows people, you don't know what she looks like. Here is a record of her usual life, you can see it. "

Xiaonian Xiao took it over, and put away a careful look: "Uncle Bai, rest assured, if Tianxin does not show up at that time, I will definitely go looking for it when I come out of the mystery!"

"Okay!" Bai Yuou patted his shoulder happily. "I didn't read the wrong person! By the way, please come back to Zongmen as soon as possible, we will see you at Sumi Zong at the end of the month."

Ci Nian Qiuban watched her brother come in with a face.

"Why are you so calm, we are almost laughing!" She slammed the tea cup at the table, "that **** dared to flee, you ..."

"Shut up." Ci Nian Xiao frowned. "This isn't where you blow your breath."

"Brother!" Ci Nianqiu stomped her feet up. "It's all the same, you still say that me, that ugly and weird marry us Ci Hangzong is her ancestor, and she is not willing!"

Xiao Nian Xiao sat down and poured herself a cup of tea: "Oh, she's not ugly."

"What do you mean?" Ci Nianqiu looked at him strangely.

"Look at yourself, they are much more beautiful than you." Ci Nian Xiao threw out a piece of jade Jank, and taunted, "Do n’t think that you are on a beauty list, a woman who is so big on the mainland and does n’t go too much."

Ci Nian Qiu's face was white, and her eyes were cast into Yu Jian, staring at her. After a moment, her face was ugly and Yu Jian was destroyed.

"Huh, a fox-faced face, it really is a bitch!"

Knowing that she was jealous of others, Xiao Ni thought that Xiao Xi took a sip of tea: "There is also the advantage of running. If you lose money today, when you talk about the number yesterday, you naturally have to let us."

"How many people can we go to?" Ci Nianqiu didn't think about the bright face in the daytime.

No matter how beautiful it is, it's just as beautiful as the misty Pavilion.

After the discussions of the major gates last night, the number of people who can enter the secret realm of each gate is similar. However, there were disputes over the number of elders leading the team.

"Those disciples went away but gave away their heads, and then some accidental killing would be enough. It is mainly monks above the Yuanying period, which is more troublesome to deal with."

Therefore, each gate specifies the number of monks who can enter the Yuan Infanthood. This is what determines the strength of everyone after entering.

"Tianjilou allows us to go to two more elders in the infancy." Ci Nian Xiao picked his corner. "They and Xu Mizong, and three other Zongmen families can only go to five."

Ci Nianqiu nodded with satisfaction: "They know current affairs, but ..." Her face changed, "I'm going to kill that Xu Mizong disciple."

"He is an apprentice to Win Qingcang, do you think you can kill?" Ci Nianqiu mocked. "You are just a female infancy in the early infancy. If there is no Ci Hangzong behind, how can it be as free as today."

Ci Nianqiu was unconvinced: "What about Xu Mizong? What other win Qing Cang, don't you all say he was injured and died? Even if he wakes up now, the ghost knows how far he has cultivated and why Be afraid of him? "

"You can do it." Ci Nian Xiao put down the tea cup. "I will be careful no matter who you are going to kill. Don't let people catch it. The Great Secret Realm is for finding natural treasures, not a waste of time for you. "

"I know! Don't worry, I have a sense." Ci Nianqiu smiled. "It's a big deal, I just need to pack that tanuki."

A grand Xu Mizong, wouldn't he tear his face for the beast and Ci Hangzong?

The despised civet cat ancestor was squatting at the table with a big slap in the eyes.

"Don't sneeze!" Daytime said with a smile, "otherwise blow me away."

She is less than a foot tall today, like a doll.

"I want to learn, I want to learn!" Tanuki was amazed at the spell that can make people smaller, jumping into the arms of Winking Cang for a while.

Ying Qingcang hugged her carefully, so as to save it: "You must also change shape first, and wait for you to change shape. I will teach you whatever you want to learn." "Thank you!" Thank you sincerely during the day.

She had learned the identity of the man from Liang Pi, and was excited for the night when she could see the legendary character from a hundred years ago. By the way, she felt really lucky, and ran away to find a big tree!

"Get her, let's go." Ying Qing Cang ordered Liang Pi.

The little boy carefully held the doll in his hand during the day and put it into a special small box. Then put it in the waist bag that the tanuki cat gave him, but be careful.

"A lot of people have left, let's hurry up?" Liang Shui ran in from outside. "But Ci Hangzong hasn't moved yet."

Ying Qingcang picked up the raccoon cat and dragged her a little red gown: "Don't bother with them, go."

Bai Yuou received a message from his disciples and hurried to the gate of the mountain.

"Thanks to the good-natured nephew this time, we were able to successfully reach an agreement. We will be rewarded with gifts when we go to Xumizong in the next few days!" He became more and more amiable when he saw Wing Qing Cang wearing a weird fat tanuki.

A spirit pet is full of treasures. It can be seen that Ying Qingcang attaches great importance to this apprentice. Xu Mizong opened the mountain for hundreds of years and is rich in resources.

This is the biggest opponent in the great mystery!

"The landlord is polite, the junior must tell the suzerain and the master, and look forward to the presence of Tianjilou." Ying Qing Cang said humblely and happily, and then left his hand to leave.

As for the daytime heart? Who would doubt that the guests who came would dare to accept her? Therefore, no one doubts at all, and Ying Qingcang brought the missing bride out of such a big swing.

"We flew back directly." At the foot of the mountain, Ying Qingcang took out the previous wooden boat, and a few of them broke away.

After listening to his disciple's report, Bai Yuou knew that Ying Qingcang would leave the machine without going out of the Tianji Tower, and shook his head and said to the elders, "Looking at these younger generations, I can't hold back."

I thought of my daughter who ran away, and she was the first two. I just hope I can find people before going to the secret, so that they will have one more help.

"Squeak! Strangling the ancestors." Soon after the ship flew, the civet cat called. "Did I just be dignified?" An absolute look was a good-looking tanuki.

Ying Qingcang didn't want to say that when she was just facing the landlord of Tianji, the small eyes had been floating on people's body. If it weren't for the shame of face, it would have been fine for Bai Yuou to pull out her hair.

"Well, Xiao Qing'er doesn't have to be like this, you are good at everything."

The raccoon twisted its body proudly: "You know it! The ancestor is all for you!"

Let everyone see how sensible your pet is.

"Will you let her out?" Liang Pi whispered.

When Ying Qing grabbed the void, the box flew into his hands. Scared, Liang Pi hurriedly checked the small bag on his waist, for fear that it was a little broken.

"Come out." Win Qingchang dropped the box and dropped his heart into a normal-sized standing on the ground during the day.

The raccoon jumped over and touched her, and it was sure that it was hot. Then he put his tail on it and said, "Look, my servant is awesome! You have to do it well, or you will lose your master."

"Okay, I see!" Touched her with a smile during the day.

The wooden boat was flying steadily in the clouds, and Liang Shui had been knocking here, so if he touched it, if it wasn't for Liang Pi's reminding him, it would be estimated that he would take a piece and study it carefully.

Three days later, they returned to Xumi.

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