An Exclusive love

Vol 6 Chapter 345: You're not finished biting me!

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

Su Su ran away from home when she was eight years old, because her brother had eaten the lollipop she had hidden secretly while she was asleep.

"Hum, mother doesn't say him!" Su Su carrying her bunny bag, angrily walked on the Panshan Highway. Every time I said something, I looked back at the winner's villa, which was gradually disappearing.

"I'm going to find Sima!" She was confident.

Running away from home also needs to be fully prepared. Su Su brought her passport, her grandmother's credit card, and grandpa's pocket money. She's going to the airport first, of course she can't take her own plane, she wants to take a passenger plane!

"Take a taxi first." Su Su thinks she is a smart child, although she has never been in a taxi ...

Pharaoh was an old brother who had been renting for ten years, and Su Su was shocked when he sat up.

"Child, what about your mother?" He asked, turning his head.

Then I found out that this is a very beautiful child, as seen in the magazine, really a little bit is a beauty embryo.

"My mother is waiting for me at the airport!" Su Su blinked with big eyes.

Pharaoh was cute, and said immediately, "How can she let you go to the airport by taxi alone? I'll help you to the police."

"It's not Uncle Da. I live with my dad. Today I'm going on vacation with my mom, but my dad won't let me go ..." When her face fell, her tears were tears.

"But I miss mom ..."

Pharaoh's mind had already brainstormed a family ethics drama, and he started the car without saying a word: "Sit down, uncle will take you to the airport!"

I helped the cute kid to find his mother. Master Lao was in a good mood all day. He closed the car an hour earlier than usual. When he parked the car downstairs, he heard a few pops and the headlights of several cars. To him.

"Who?" Pharaoh shouted angrily, whose driver was so immoral.

A man came out of the shadows, and the headlights made Pharaoh unable to see the other person's face clearly until the other person stood in front of him.

"Wang Binyi?"

Pharaoh lowered his arm and took a closer look at the people in front of him. The gas field was very full. The boss of their company and BMW was like a farmer. Moreover, parents are handsome ...

"who are you?"

Pharaoh thought it was fortunate that it was not his wife and daughter, or maybe he had already rushed up.

"Have you ever seen this child." The man raised a photo in his hand.

At first Pharaoh's look, wasn't that cute in the afternoon.

"You are her father?" From a genetic perspective, it should be the father and daughter ...

Yingwang nodded: "Yes, please tell me where my daughter is."

"Why should I tell you!" Pharaoh stood firm. "The child wants to see his mother. If you didn't stop her, she wouldn't sneak out."

Yingwang frowned. He heard footsteps behind him when he was about to say something, and he turned around and hugged him.


"Sir, I'm her mother. Please tell me where my daughter is!"

Lao Wang was stunned. Although the woman who was crying and looking at him was very young, her facial features could still be seen to be similar to that little girl during the day.

"Are you really her mother?"

"I am mine!" Xin Rong nodded vigorously. "My daughter has run away from home today. We have been looking for her. Later I found out she had hit your car. Where did she go?"

Yingwang looked at Xin Rong: "Did you go to the airport?"

"Yes ... yes!" Pharaoh would regret it.

It turned out that the child ran away.

"Sorry, I'm sorry! Your daughter is so cute, she said she was going to find her mother, and I thought it was true. I was negligent ..."

"It has nothing to do with you, thank you." Yingwang thanked him, then helped Xin Rong go.

Pharaoh watched a few expensive cars leave, and groaned in his heart. I never expected that he could talk to such a rich man in his lifetime ...


Su Su was sitting on a chair in the waiting hall, shaking her calf waiting for the plane. She just asked an aunt to buy her a flight ticket, and the reason was to visit her mother and wanted to surprise her.

Auntie was particularly pleased to buy her a ticket and took her to the seat closest to the gate.

"What about people?"

"Have you seen it over there?"

"Not here, look for it!"

A few guys in black suits who looked like bad guys ran over and looked at Su Su as she passed by.

Su Su jumped out of the chair, da da da followed a few steps and thought of something and turned to the storage room next to the bathroom.

"Hey! They're gone."

Nothing inside.

"Hurry up soon!" She patted the door.

Still nothing.

"The person you're looking for is here, come back soon ..." Her mouth was covered.

Su Su blinked and heard the people behind her warn her.

"Don't call or sell you."

Seeing her not moving, the hand covering her mouth slowly let go, and finally let go of her.

"Big sister!" Su Su turned around.

She was also a child across from her, probably a few years older than her, because she was half a head taller, wearing a worn blue shirt and dirty.

However, that face is very beautiful, and you can foresee what kind of evil will grow up when you grow up.

"Big sister?" Su Su called again.

The other person's face was dark, but because he was dirty, he couldn't see anything.

"What do you call me?"

"Big sister, your voice is so nice, it's as good as Su Su!" Su Su took the other's hand happily, "My name is Su Su, what's your name!"

big sister:……

"Are those people going to get you sold?" Su Su continued. "Big sister, you look so good, they must want to sell you to the mountains to raise children."

big sister:……

"I'll tell you! When Tong Yangyi is very pitiful, he has no meals or snacks every day. When it's not dawn, he has to get up and work, and a little fart who is much younger than you wants you to take care of."

"That's ... that's ..." Su Su crooked her head. "That's where it came from, how can I forget it?"

"My husband." The other person finally said something.

Su Su head smashed garlic: "Yes, yes, yes, your future husband, a future husband who is many years younger than you. When he grows up, you are all old, and then he will marry a new young woman, you You have to be a nanny for them! "

"... Who told you this." The older sister couldn't help but help.

Whose child is this? I really want to see what her adult looks like ...

"I will protect you!" Su Su shook her fist. "I'll buy you a ticket and take you to find Sima."

She dragged and left, but the other person suddenly picked her up: "Shh, don't make a noise, those people are back."

Su Su was lying in the arms of her elder sister. She felt that although she was hard, she was very warm, so she pinched and pinched her neck.

"Okay." Someone had gone, and the other party was about to drop her, but found that the child in her arms closed her eyes ... asleep.

big sister:……

"You wake up!"


"You wake up!"


However, no matter how shaking, the child did not respond. In the end, he even beat her hard twice and still did not respond ...

"Go looking there!"

The people returned, and the child holding Su Su was pale. She gritted her teeth and put her in the storage room, then ran in the opposite direction.

Wing Woo found Su Su's flight on the road. He asked someone to let the airport take off regardless of the method. When he and Xin Rong rushed into the plane, he could not find Su Su.

"Where is Susu? Where is my daughter?" Xin Rong cried.

Yingwang saw that she was too excited, and she just hugged people: "Don't worry, she has passed the security check, she will be in the waiting room if she is not on the plane!"

A dozen bodyguards began searching in the lobby. Xin Rong's spirit was almost on the verge of collapse, but he still looked for it with his teeth.

"Here is a little girl!" Someone suddenly shouted.

Everyone rushed through and saw the cleaning staff carry a sleeping child out of the storage room.

"Su Su!" Xin Rong rushed over and cried, "Su Su, Su Su!"

Yingwang picked up her daughter and looked at it, "It's okay, I fell asleep."

A group of people came in a hurry and left in a hurry. I didn't find a child in the corner not far away looking at them all the time and holding a string of red beads in his hand.

"Sister!" When Ying Xiu saw them coming back, he cried and greeted, "Su Su!"

Xin Qing and Ying Qingcang also ran over: "Is it okay?"

"It's all right, she fell asleep at the airport."

Yingwang glanced at Xin Rong: "I'll send her up."

"I'll go too!" Xin Rong opened his eyes.

Yingxiu also cried: "I want to accompany Su Su too, I give her all the lollipops ..."

"Okay, let's go with your family!" Xin Qing sighed.

When they were gone, they were worried and said Ying Qing Cang, "Su Su is really angry at winning this time. When she wakes up, she doesn't know what to do!"

Ying Qing Cang squinted at the corner of his mouth: "If he worried you when I was a kid, I would choke him."

"It seems like you're missing him." Xin Qing looked at the time. "It's so late, I suppose Su Su won't wake up."

Su Su did fall asleep until the next day, and when she woke up, the first sentence was.

"big sister?"

"Sister!" A face came over.

Su Su looked away and pushed away angrily: "Huh, second brother is bad!"

"Su Su, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I won't steal your sugar anymore. I'll give you all my snacks. Don't get angry with me, don't you run out alone if you lose What can I do now? "

What Su Su thought: "What about big sister?"

"What big sister?" Winxiu asked strangely.

Xin Rong and Yingwang pushed in the door, and when she saw she awoke, tears came down again.


"..." Su Su turned her head and did not look at Xin Rong. She had not forgotten that her mother had let her brother eat her sugar.

Yingwang looked at her: "Your mother is calling you."

"Huh!" Su Su leaned her head, but didn't say a word.

"You come in," Yingwang said suddenly.

Two aunts came in at the door.

"Gather all her toys and throw them at the garbage dump at the door."

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