An Exclusive love

Vol 6 Chapter 342: Item floret: Σ (° △ ° |||) ...

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

When the man saw that he was motionless, the first reaction was to grab a photo.

Schroeder scolded him for not having long eyes, and did not recognize that it was a win? Let him pick it up and it's done.

"Damn!" The man was won and kicked, and he got up and saw Xiang Xiaohua coming over to pick it up, and flung at her as soon as his eyes brightened.

Win Cheng took the opportunity to pick up the photos and frowned one by one. As for the man who rushed over, he didn't worry about it at all. He wouldn't be thrown away by Xiang Xiaohua ...

As a result, his face changed in the next second.

"Little flower!" Xiang Xiaohua reached out to catch the man, but was pushed out by others and fell backwards all at once.

Winning into his eyes, he uttered a huge panic and rushed to pull her, but it was too late.

"Ah!" The scream was not Xiang Xiaohua.

It was Schroa ...

"Xiaohua ... Xiaohua ..." Win Cheng couldn't control his body, and hugged Xiang Xiaohua tremblingly.

Xiang Xiaohua first frowned, and then seized the winning sleeve: "My strength ... Ah!"

"Don't frighten me, Xiaohua ..." She suddenly called out, and her heart trembled.

Xiang Xiaohua covered her stomach: "It hurts ... I hurt ..."

Winning in horror, she saw the thin red thread flowing out of her trouser tube and fell to the ground into a small pool of blood.

"Don't be afraid, we'll go to the hospital right away, you're fine ... it must be fine ..."

He picked up and walked away, ignoring Shi Luohua overwhelmed by Xiang Xiaohua.

Shi Luohua was overwhelmed by Xiang Xiaohua and her legs seemed to be pinched. She kept showing a pitiful and moving expression and looked at Winning. Unfortunately, people didn't look at her from beginning to end.

"Two less ..." The doctor stepped out of the emergency room with a solemn look.

Ying Cheng pursed her lips: "I don't want to hear from you, I just want her to be fine."

The doctor took a moment, was about to speak, and was interrupted by Win.

"If necessary, the child ... the child can take it. As long as ... as long as my wife is fine."


"Second, I want to say that your wife is fine ..."

Win Cheng suddenly felt relieved and almost didn't stand still.

"Two less?" The doctor was frightened, how could he be smitten when he heard nothing. "

"Can I go in and see her?"

"Yes, the nurse will be pushed to the ward. Although it is out of danger, it will still be infused for a few days."

Ying Cheng didn't even hear the words behind the doctor. He was as cold as rain, and his heart was cold from the inside to the outside.

"Flower ... Flower?" His eyes straightened as he entered the door.

Why is my belly so big? ? ?

"Two young?" The doctor has grown accustomed to seeing him now and then, calmly asking, "What's wrong with you?"

Ying Cheng pointed at Xiaohua's belly, and he gestured for a long time, finally sighing with relief.

"It's okay ... you go out first."

It turned out that he made a mistake himself, great!

Xiang Xiaohua hasn't woke up yet, and wins and sits and pulls her hand.

"Sorry ... I didn't protect you, if I knew your strength ..."

Wait a minute, did Xiaohua say that her strength was gone?

Win Cheng immediately pulled out his phone.

"Hey, lord, let me ask you something."

Xiang Xiaohua was already in the ward when she woke up, with only a dim bedside lamp.

"You're awake!" As soon as she moved, Winning Achievement was discovered, and she quickly turned on the light. Xiang Xiaohua blinked and stared at him with a grimace.

"What's wrong with me……"

"You forgot?" Win Cheng poured her a cup of warm water and inserted a straw. "Aren't you fallen, this is the hospital! But it's all right now, neither you nor your son!

Xiang Xiaohua looked at his stomach, drank a few sips of water, and lay down easily.

Win Cheng stared at her.


After a few minutes, the person in bed suddenly sat up. Fortunately, he was ready to help him back in time.

"I ... I'm out of strength. I was going to throw him out when the man rushed over. I ..."

"I know I know!" Win Cheng hugged her comfortingly, "I just talked to your sister over the phone, and her spiritual ability is gone."

Xiang Xiaohua froze: "What?"

Ying Cheng told her the situation of Xiang Xiaoxi in 151, and said at the end, "Your sister hasn't recovered yet. I don't know if I will have no speech power in the future."

"You mean ... I can't throw you away at will in the future?"

(# ‵ ′) Win Cheng glared at her.

"You just want to throw me out?"

Xiang Xiaohua laughed a few words: "I mean I'm not used to it!"

She is different from Xiang Xiaoxi.

For so many years, Xiaoxi has been trying to avoid hurting others with her own abilities, so she is not actively using it at all. Xiang Xiaohua does not use brute force in her life at all times. If she suddenly disappears, she is afraid she will not remember it.

For example today ... eh? She suddenly remembered something.

"What about the photos? Did you get them back?"

"Xiaohua you believe me! The person in the photo is definitely not me." Win Cheng was anxious when she mentioned the photo. "I haven't touched any other woman except you. Before I knew you ... I ... I'm still a virgin ! "

Xiang Xiaohua nodded solemnly: "I know! That's why we have to take back the photos. If we let them out, dad and mom will know to hit you again."

After speaking, I also touched the winning head.

"Small flowers ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~!" Winning is not exciting.

This is her daughter-in-law! Believe him with all my heart and love his wife!

"When you leave the hospital, I will investigate this matter well." Win Cheng snapped and kissed her, "It is also harmful to the guy you fell down, and the woman, I will not let them go!"

Xiang Xiaohua nodded and asked, "How does the person in the photo look like you?"

Several photos were taken from different corners, with a man and a woman in bed. That expression, that detail, that clarity ... It can be said that as long as it is put on the Internet, it can be recognized by individuals as Winning and Schroeder.

"It must be P!" Win Cheng sneered. "If it was Uncle Wan, it could still be a human * skin mask or something, where would that woman have such a high-level thing?"

The use of P's photos to pour dirty water on people is long gone, and professionals can tell at a glance. But the owners of eating melon do not know! They just watch a hilarious.

I really want to go out, I don't know how to live it online ...

"Even if she used me as a meat pad, she can't forgive me!" Xiang Xiaohua said in a loud voice.

Win Cheng kissed her again: "Rest assured! I will not toss her."

Because Xiang Xiaohua and the child had no major issues, the two kept the matter secretly hidden away, and Ying Cheng also vented his breath to King Shen and told him not to tell a few adults.

"Xiaoxi has to say a few words to Xiaohua, or she won't be assured."

Xiang Xiaoxi heard that Xiaohua was so full of energy on the phone side that she wasn't dying at all, so she was relieved.

Then, in this case, it is only necessary to win a person to take care of Xiang Xiaohua, but it is nothing. Anyway, I live in my own hospital. Meals can be ordered from my hotel or delivered.

"I made the hotel cook the soup early in the morning, and you will have to drink it at noon." Win Cheng emphasized, while he massaged the calf of Xiang Xiaohua.

Xiang Xiaohua hummed twice.

I do n’t know if it ’s my heart ’s function or what ’s going on. After she knew that she had no strength, all kinds of problems came out, what turned over, the calf was cramped, and I always wanted to pee ...

"I rub it for you, and it won't hurt anymore." Win Cheng was tortured all night yesterday, but he was not angry at all, but his heart felt sorry for Xiaohua.

Of course, you must never let others know that he is excited because he will never have to be thrown out ...

At noon, the hotel delivered the meal on time. Xiang Xiaohua had a good appetite. After eating the fruit, she stunned. She won the achievement and let her lie still. She went to the supermarket next to the hospital to sell her.

"Don't let anyone in." When he arrived, he also specifically explained that the nurse was optimistic about the door.

Xiang Xiaohua typically sleeps when he is full, and is confused. Just heard the nurse outside didn't know what to call, and then heard the door ring.

"It's you!" She rubbed her eyes.

Shi Luohua walked in.

She looked sad, sad and helpless.

"Mrs. Win!" She walked to Xiang Xiaohua's bed a few steps and saw her belly so big, she couldn't help feeling resentment.

How could he be so lucky that he did not drop the child ...

"I'm sorry ..." she cried with jealousy. "It's all my fault, and it's an accident for you. If you have something that's long or short, I'll feel guilty for life."

Xiang Xiaohua looked at her silently: "Oh."


This reaction is wrong! Why did she see herself so calm? Should n’t you be asking yourself noisily? "

Shi Luohua never imagined that Xiang Xiaohua's trust in winning could not be described blindly. Not to mention that her means in the eyes of the winning family are pediatrics.

"Mrs. Win ..." Shi Luohua continued to pretend to wipe her tears. "I and Win 2 have passed. At that time you were not married. He may not even know you."

"I ... We drank too much at one party, and then ... then ..." She covered her face and purred a few times.

I found that there was still nothing in my ears, so I looked up: "I think it wasn't intentional to go to bed with me that night, so he arranged for the director to let me audition after leaving the next day, so that I can have today Results! "

"Mrs. Win!" Shi Luohua excitedly held Xiang Xiaohua's hand. "You must not be mad at winning the second youngest, and do not leave him. Since he married you and made you pregnant, it must be very love you……"

"I ... I and his things have passed ... Pissed ..."

Xiang Xiaohua pulled her hand back hard, she missed her strength very much, otherwise she could just throw people out.

"I see, have you finished talking?" She yawned and looked at Slovakia in a boring way.

Shi Luohua's eyes narrowed inconceivably: "Win ... Mrs. Win ..."

"What did you tell my wife to do?"

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