An Exclusive love

Vol 6 Chapter 338: Uncle is dead

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

The manager welcomed the winner to the private room on the second floor.

"Second, there is a movie on the first floor. If there is any interruption, it will contain more!"

Ying Cheng stared at Xiang Xiaohua and sat down honestly before asking: "Shooting a movie? When did your boss become interested in stars?"

"Hey ... you can't hide anything from you!" The manager rubbed his hands. "Recently our boss's new girlfriend is a star."

No wonder, and there is no shortage of money, lending the hotel to the crew to make a movie can only be for people.

"I see, you go out." Win Cheng's phone rang.

He picked it up and fed it.

"Okay, no, good!"

Hanging up the phone, he pushed the fruit on the table to Xiang Xiaoxi, "Don't get rid of melon seeds, your sister and Prince Shen will come right away."

"Well? Xiang Xiaohua vomited the seeds," "They come for dinner too?" "

"They were already on the street. They called home and said that we were eating hot pot, and they asked where to eat together."

Xiang Xiaohua waryly said, "Why would my sister come to eat hot pot well if she was a vegetarian, she must have come to pack me up."

"No." Ying Cheng shook her face. "I'm here to watch you from making you spicy."

"..." Xiang Xiaohua nodded for a moment, "She can really do this, what should I do?"

Win Cheng shoves a piece of mango into her mouth: "What to do, of course, it's great, otherwise I won't let you eat for a while, what do you do?"

╭ (╯ ^ ╰) ╮Xiang Xiaohua stunned, humming on the dining table.

When Xiang Xiaoxi came in, she saw her dead face.

"What's wrong?" Lord Shen asked his wife and sat down casually.

Win Cheng poured a cup of tea for Xiang Xiaoxi: "It's all right, the waiter will serve!"

Because of Xiang Xiaoxi's relationship, the original bone soup also turned into fungus soup. Xiang Xiaohua pouted for a shabu-shabu, but was blocked by Xiao Xi's eyes and didn't dare to say anything.

"Eat more food." Xiang Xiaoxi heard Xin Qing say, this girl is not afraid of pregnancy.

Xiaohua took a sip of Xiaocai and frowned, and then looked at Yingcheng poorly, and Yingcheng distressed her and gave her a chopstick meat.


Xiang Xiaohua grinned and smirked, eat it.

"You have to be obedient, don't bother your family." Xiang Xiaoxi had a small meal and sat full of educational flowers. "What you can eat and what you can't eat, you have to listen to the doctor."

"Sister ..." Xiang Xiaohua just lobbed a lobster. "How can you become a big **** after you have given birth to a child, but you have never had trouble with me!"

Xiang Xiaoxi: That was because you used to be afraid that you were afraid to curse you ...

"Your sister is also good for you. After being obedient, the child will not recognize you after being born." Lord Shen did not want too many people to know that Xiang Xiaoxi had no speech power, so he frightened, "I will not call you mom."

Ying Cheng glared at him and asked silently: Can't you scare people a bit higher? Who believes?

"I won't breastfeed her if you don't recognize me!" Xiang Xiaohua believed, and patted his chest bravely.

Winning a look that couldn't bear to look straight gave her a piece of meat: "Shut up, eat it!"

After eating the hot pot, Xiang Xiaoxi accompanied Xiaohua to the bathroom, and Win Cheng and Ye Shen went to the door.

Passing downstairs, I saw machines in the yard, and many people were walking around there.

"Two wins less?" A beautiful woman dressed in a cheongsam came over, "It's you! It's been a long time."

Winning went through it in my mind, I didn't remember ...

"This is ..." The woman saw Lord Shen and asked with interest, "Your friend?" "My brother-in-law." Win Cheng smiled, "What about you filming?"

The woman is glad that Winning still remembers him, and smiled in a variety of ways: "Yeah, female No. 2!"

In fact, Win Cheng didn't remember who she was, but asked politely.

"Go away." Lord Shen suddenly turned and stretched out a hand.

Win Cheng looked sideways, Xiang Xiaoxi and Xiaohua came over.

"Go!" He stretched out and hugged Xiang Xiaohua, or the girl would jump again.

The female star quickly stepped back when she saw this, but looked at Xiang Xiaohua for a long time, until four of them went out of the hotel.

"Sister Luo!" The assistant ran over. "The director is calling!"

Schroeder turned and straightened his hair: "Come on!"

In the evening, Lord Shen found a chance to pull Winning aside.

"The woman during the day ..."

"I don't know!" Win Cheng teased him, "how? Are you interested?"

Lord Shen glanced at him: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Where did you talk? Just ask me casually!" Win Cheng cut and said, "She seems to know me. If I say I don't know people, it's shameless."

Lord Shen looked at him: "Don't you know?"

"I don't know!" Win Cheng smiled. "What are you worried about?"

"Don't trouble my daughter-in-law." Grandpa Shen didn't want to care about this pair of teasers, but if something happened to Xiang Xiaohua, Xiaoxi would definitely worry.

Win was furious: "Let's not get in trouble!"

"That's the best, to be honest with Xiaohua, let her give birth to the child smoothly."

Seeing him turn around and leave, Yingcheng held him: "Yes, I ask you, does the concubine inherit any strange abilities?"

"I haven't found it yet." Lord Shen paused, suddenly thinking that perhaps soon, Xiang Xiaohua's strange power would also disappear.

He hesitated for a moment, feeling that he should not be reminded to win, so that he could go and find nothing right now, and let Xiao Xiaohua take a break.

Winning and Xin Qingyi the next day: "Maybe the concubine is a normal child!"

"I hope so!" Zhang Huan put down his bowl. "Or don't do the same as Xiaoxi, it's too hard."

Xin Qing comforted her: "World affairs can't be forced, don't think too much about it."

"I know, according to Xiaoxi, there must be something, I just want to be relaxed and don't let the child live too tired."

Win Cheng made a gesture blessed by God: "Everything is fine, just don't be as strong as Xiaohua!"

"Haha!" Zhang Ye was amused by him. "Then you have to pray a little peanut son, their ability to pass on women but not men."

From this day on, Winning Success shouted at the son of Xiang Xiaohua every day. Xiang Xiaohua didn't know what he was thinking. Anyway, he shouted a few times and was not upset, so he left.

At the end of the month, Zhang Huan returned to the rice country and made an appointment to see the island in winter.

"It's June, and I can go when the time comes." Xiang Xiaohua figured out her life and felt that she could go play before giving birth.

Win Cheng looks at the documents next to him. This is also the task that Win Hope gives him, and is responsible for some personnel transfers. But Win Cheng went to the company for a few days a month, and he couldn't sit still.

"As long as you are honest, both adults and children are normal. Let us go wherever we want!"

When Xiang Xiaohua's belly was three months old, she finally had a morning sickness reaction, and she vomited whatever she ate.

"Mom, is Xiaoxue going to die?" Su Su once again saw Xiaohua's roll-up eyes, and burst into tears into Xin Rong's arms.

Xiang Xiaohua was busy rolling her eyes, she couldn't care less of contempt for her, and won't be able to win a smile, she said deliberately, "What if Xiao Su died Su Su?"

"What nonsense?" Xin Qing shouted at him, "Can you say that?"

Win Qing Cang stomped beside him.

"Don't!" Su Su was terrified, holding Xiang Xiaohua's arm, "Don't die, let my uncle die ..."


Xin Rong laughed and winked at her: "Deserve it."

"Su Su!" Win Cheng covered his chest, "Are you ... uncle uncle bad for you?"

Xiang Xiaohua calmed down and panted on the sofa: "Su Su, I can't let your uncle die, I can't bear it!"

"Is uncle more important than chicken legs?"

Winning was moved, and Su Su then asked: "Is it more important than lobster?"

"How about macarons? What about cheesecakes? Brown ..."

She was won to cover her mouth and put into Xin Rong's arms.

"Can I only compare with food?"

Su Su swaggered: "Xiao said that her favorite food in the world is eating, but not her uncle ..."

"Have you said that?" Winning and looking fiercely looked at Xiang Xiaohua.

Xiang Xiaohua is not stupid yet, and quickly shook her head: "No! You matter most."

Su Su also wanted to talk, but Ying Chu covered her mouth and pulled aside to play.

"Are you better?" Xin Qing passed the plum tea. "Drink obediently, and go upstairs to sleep."

Xiang Xiaohua had a vomiting for one month. It was about five months before the birth check-up.

"What are you so nervous about?" Sitting in the car, Xiang Xiaohua felt that it was strange to win today.

Winning yelled: "No? I'm worried about your body."


For a long time, Xiang Xiaohua, who has a big nerve, can still feel some of the emotional and physical reactions of the person near the pillow.

"Well ..." Win Cheng shrugged. "I hope to be a boy."


After a while.

"Then what?" Win Cheng reached out and took Xiang Xiaohua's potato chips away. "You have no opinion?"

"No!" Xiang Xiaohua creaked. "You give birth to a boy if you like a boy. I won't pick it."

Win: o (╯ □ ╰) o

The doctor pointed at the screen: "Congratulations, second son, it's a boy!"

"Boy?" Winning, "Are you sure?"

The doctor said with certainty, "OK, look here."

Ying Cheng stared at the screen for a long time: "What?"

He only saw a mass of things moving.

"What stands out is the symbol of men."

Xiang Xiaohua lay next to him and said, "Is that a chicken * chicken?"

"..." The doctor twitched his lips. "Yes, Madam."

Win Cheng stared at it for a long time again, and finally saw some signs, happily holding Xiang Xiaohua.

"That's great! Give you some credit!"

"Can I go for barbecue?" Xiang Xiaohua's eyes brightened.

Winning hesitated twice: "No."

In the end, Xiang Xiaohua ate the barbecue, which was won by Cheng Cheng in the garden.

"Sister Luo!" The assistant ran in with a document bag. "I have your courier."

Shi Luohua took it and let her go out. After opening it, a photo of Xianghua was dropped.

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