Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

Su Su carefully listened to the opinions of Shen Jiateng, but still let herself go in action. Pink short sleeves and white shorts, plus a pair of flip-flop sandals, but the rhinestones on the shoes shine a lot in the sun.

Goodbye to her two round and slender big white legs and small thin waist.

"Today's task is to play!" The director team watched the four of them especially happily.

Yingxiu gave him a dead face: "I don't believe it."

"Really." The director handed them two envelopes. "It says the sights you are going to today."

The two groups are different. Yingxiu and Su Su are sea dragons and deep sea explorers.

"What are you?" Win Xiu asked Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng showed him the envelope directly: "It looks unlucky and has bungee jumping."

"You start now, play these two projects, remember to take pictures, otherwise it is not counted." The director handed over an envelope again, "there is money in it, drive yourself."

Su Su had a bad hunch, and it turned out to be another 100 yuan.

"Oil, highway fees, tickets and lunch money are all in it." The director saw that they were going to change their faces, and quickly said, "Live in a luxurious suite for you tonight, live without games!"

"No, give me the suite for the hotel and give me the money." Winxiu reached out.

The director shouted, "I won't give it to you if you change the money. Let's go! Don't even have money for the evening meal."

The purpose of the two groups is different. Only two cars can be driven. Fifty yuan was spent on tolls and refueling. At the beach, there were only fifty yuan left to win repairs and Susu.

"This is a flying dragon at sea." Su Su pointed to a facility by the sea, and people stepped on a pedal. There was a power unit below to push people out of the sea. The game mission requirement is to stay in the air for ten seconds before it is counted.

"Are you playing?" Yingxiu asked with ease, both of them had played, and they would.

Su Su shook her head: "You play this, I dive."

"... 100 yuan at a time." Yingxiu saw his price list black.

So the show crew did it on purpose?

"What to do?" Su Su was also dumbfounded.

Winxiu thought about it seriously and said, "Brush your face!"

Obviously, the film crew had experience this time and greeted them in advance. No matter what they said, there was no response.

"No wonder the staff are all men. They must be afraid that women will open the back door for you." Su Su frowned her hair. "Will I go?"

Winxiu gave her a thumbs up: "Go Pikachu!"

A few minutes later, Pikachu returned dejected, holding two coconuts in his hands.

"They gave us something to drink, not money." Su Su thought he was better than Xiu Xiu.

Okay, now it's back to the original point, and still have no money to play.

"You help us clean the machine!" A worker came over. "A hundred dollars an hour."

Yingxiu squinted at him, the show crew asked you to come ...

"Can we be together?" Susu asked. "You give us 200 yuan."

"No, two people are also $ 100."

It seems that they will only be given money to play this project, no extra points.

"Then you go to work, I'll go diving there, maybe I have to work." Su Su already knows the director's routine.

Winxiu is not assured: "If the task is difficult you just wait, I'll finish it and help you."


Deep sea exploration is diving. Not only does Susu know, she also has an international professional diving certificate.

"I only have 50 yuan." Su Su discussed with the diving staff. "A discount?" The staff member was a young man who did not dare to look at Su Su, and took a card and told him what the director said.

"I can let you dive for free, but the lost treasure you will find for me under the sea is the token of love I give to my sweetheart."

The young man was blushing after reading and was about to smoke, Su Suzhen laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha ... who wrote this!"

"No ... it's not me anyway." The young man obviously also had an opinion on the lines he just said, throwing away the card and asking, "Are you going to accept the task?"

Su Su shrugged. "I have no choice, come on!"

On sunny weather, the sea water is clear. After entering the water, you can see more than ten meters. A diving instructor followed Su Su closely. Although this beautiful girl refused training to say she would, many people said so.

As a result, after entering the sea, I followed various panics like the pan.

"..." Su Su gave him a gesture, meaning to continue diving.

The coach didn't have time to catch her, he was shocked, and was afraid of something unexpected. I saw Su Su flexible like a fish in the sea, a few meters away.

"..." Really an expert? The coach quickly followed.

Su Su searched the so-called treasure carefully on the bottom of the sea, and finally found a small bottle tied to a coral. She swam over to unwind the bottle and made a thumbs-up gesture towards the coach.

The instructor understood, pressing the button on her diving suit, the pressure was relieved, and Su Su surfaced.

"How's it?" A hand reached over and pulled her up, winning the repair.

Su Su took off the diving goggles: "You're done?"

"Working for them was delayed, or faster."

Completing a game project is a piece of cake for winning repairs.

"Is this it?" Susu gave the bottle to the young man in the beginning.

The boy nodded, Su Su took a photo with him and sent it to the director.

"Go to change clothes and find a place to eat!" Winxiu was in a good mood. They still have 50 yuan. No need to be hungry at noon ...

However, when Su Su changed his clothes and came out, the directors handed them an envelope.

"You can take this back and we can still record the show." Yingxiu glanced, and threw the envelope to the director's face.

The director was not afraid of death and said, "Then your task is completed too quickly, and there is nothing when the material is not enough!"

"That's your problem." Win Xiu gloated, "We have completed the task anyway."

When the director saw him so uncooperative, he simply said, "If you don't finish the evening, you will have no food."

"I don't record like this." Yingxiu looked at him with his arms folded.

The director felt a headache. Who would have thought that these two guys would be so playful, obviously that when the staff members experienced it, that dragon * couldn't stand.

Diving is also the best. It takes an hour to find something.

"In this way, we take a step back." The director began to flicker. "Tomorrow your two groups are going to compete. We will release water for you at that time."

Winxiu squinted: "I don't believe it."

"Really!" The director raised his hand and swear.

Su Su reached out his hand: "Then let us look at tomorrow's tasks first."

"This won't work ..."

"If it doesn't work, let's take a nap on the beach!" Susula pulled away to win the repair.

"Show you! Show you!" The director conceded, obediently giving them tomorrow's task card, and did not forget to remind him, "Don't let another group of people know ..."

Ying Xiu and Su Su are not stupid, how could they tell Lu Cheng. Knowing the task for tomorrow, the two got on the car with a smile and went to the famous local water stall.

"The task is to find a restaurant casually, as long as you eat abalone and geoduck." Su Su glanced. "Find a boss who looks good."

Fifty yuan is not enough to buy a pound of geoduck, let alone abalone. After turning around for a long time, they did not find a suitable opportunity to speak, and Yingxiu wanted to threaten the show crew, and Susula took him a hand.

"Did it just come over there?"

A boat docked in front of the gear, and several people were moving down a basket of seafood.

"You don't move here." Yingxiu took off his jacket and pointed at the cameraman fiercely. "Don't follow it, shoot away."

Cameraman: What are you doing ...

Winxiu ran to pick up a basket of seafood and left. The people who unloaded the seafood on the boat didn't even look at him and didn't stop him. So Yingxiu followed a few workers and carried a basket of seafood.

"It's OK!" The show crew was stunned.

Su Su covered her mouth and smiled, and then followed behind Winxiu unhurriedly.

Win repaired and sent the seafood to a restaurant with the workers, while the boss ordered two abalones and an ivory mussel.

"Boss!" Then he turned around and put on his coat, looking like he just came in from the outside. "Can you use the kitchen?"

As soon as the boss saw that he was a star and there was a camera behind him, he nodded immediately: "It works, but it costs some materials!"

"How many?"

"Ten dollars."

"Then I'll give you fifty. Can you help me?"


The boss took off the geoduck and abalone in Win Xiu's hand, and said something in his mouth: how to eat two ...

The assistant director whispered, "Would you like to remind the boss?"

"Remind me?" The director glared at him. "It will all depend on this when the show airs!"

Su Su smiled, and imagined the expression of the boss after seeing the broadcast.

The last two were full, and the boss kindly gave them two bowls of rice.

When he left, Yingxiu took a photo with the boss, and the director and assistant muttered, "He isn't at a loss. He returned to the store to take the photo of the Emperor to the store. The business is not good enough!"

"Are we all done?" Su Su asked with a yawn.

The director dared to say no, nodded his head and gave them the hotel address.

"I want to take a boat!" Su Su saw the words "Meigong Island" written on it.

Ying Xiu glanced: "I've been there, the island is beautiful, let's go!"

Drive to the pier first, and then take the boat. When the sun on the island is west, the two will return to the room to rest after getting the room card.


"Lu Cheng's mission is not over yet, so ..."

So they couldn't have dinner on time, but fortunately they had enough for lunch.

Back in the room, Su Su called Lei Xuan.

"Why did it end so early today?" Lei Xuan looked at his watch, it should be meal time.

Su Su said the situation, the man immediately had an opinion on Lu Cheng: "They can't eat even if they are late? What is the rule?"

"No, it's not me! I'm not hungry, either." Su Su rolled away. "I'll go back tomorrow afternoon. You don't need to pick me up. I have an appointment."

Lei Xuan immediately asked her who she had appointed.

"Colleagues of the company, we met during the previous training. Rarely she took a break and we made an appointment to go shopping!"

Lei Xuan hung up and called JU in.

"Go to the company's assistant named Feng Lu."

PS: Make up a chapter yesterday asked for leave!

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