An Exclusive love

: (Forty-four)

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

Yingxiu: I asked Brother Shen to check. The academic qualifications of the two women were fake.

Su Su: I guessed long ago.

Cameraman: Why the film emperor and his assistant often use eyes to communicate, the main point is why they seem to understand ...

"How are we going to the airport? I'm afraid we won't be able to stop the car here." Telepathy ended, Su Su dragged his suitcase back to the room where he won the repair.

Yingxiu checked what was not missing, and shook his head as he went out: "I'm afraid the show crew is vented and no one will help us."

"That's not necessarily!" Su Su hee hee, "I often saw a guest who flickered in the last season to help, and I'll look for your fans, and let them go in minutes."

In the same way, everyone thinks about this idea, the girls are not watching enough, they are all under the banner of assistants, so I hope they are on several male stars.

"The Great Emperor, it's all up to you!" Wu Yong patted him on the shoulder as soon as he saw Yingxiu, "Remember to take my brother, my old arms and legs ..."

"Brother Yong, do you remember those grannies yesterday?" Su Su laughed thief, "How do they like you, you go to them and let their children send you!"

Assistant Xiaokai also coaxed: "Yes, yes, a grandma gave you insoles!"

Wu Yong thought for a moment, took out a small mirror and straightened his hair: "How do I look?"

Three people thumbs up.

"Let's go!" At this time Gu Yue and Wang Kai sat flying on the electric tricycle.

Gu Yue's long hair was flying wildly ...

"This elder brother can take us to the bus station outside the town. Where is the bus to the airport!" Gu Yue waved his hands over them, "See you at the airport!"

Wang Kai also shouted in a play: "Sister Su Su! It's not because I don't take you, it's the size of a car ..."

Su Su rolled his eyes.

"Let's go, let's find a car too." Yingxiu suddenly felt relieved. Since there is a bus station outside the town, don't be afraid.

Su Su reminded him solemnly: "They all forgot one thing. How can they take the airport bus without money?"


Yingxiu finally borrowed a donkey cart with the fellow. The fellow said that he would be at the bus station after half an hour, so the two climbed up without a word.

Halfway by Wu Yong, he overtakes the car. An old mom's son drives a delivery electric car to deliver him. Guan Yue and Lan Xin also crowded on it, and also despised their donkey carts for being slow.

"Hehehe ..." Win Xiu laughed and said nothing.

Lu Cheng was the last one to leave, but he and Dong Tian even found the mayor, who sent a car to take them to the airport.

Yingxiu and Susu were the last to arrive at the bus station, and it was already dark. Everyone is here except Lu Cheng and Dong Tian.

"You're here!" Wu Yongdian run over. "It's troublesome. We can't get a car without money."

Su Sun whispered and pulled the suitcase and went straight to the airport bus.

"Why did you get up?" Seeing Xiu Xi also followed the car, the others crowded into the door.

Winxiu leaned his chin: "I brush my face!"

"Then we will do it too!" Guan Yue jumped into the car and smiled sweetly at the flight attendant. "Do you know me?"

The flight attendant was a young girl, and she patted her mobile phone excitedly: "Knowing and knowing, our whole family loves to hear your cross talk!"

"Come and take a picture!" Guan Yue took the initiative to come over.

The little girl shook her hands and took a few pictures.

"So what ... now that we are so familiar, then take me to the airport?" Guan Yue also pulled Lan Xin up.

The little girl nodded with a smile: "Okay! Alone 50."

"... 50 yuan?" Guan Yue drew a corner of his mouth. "Girl, look, the film crew does not give us money, so ..."

"I'm sorry, you can't get in the car, you have to buy a ticket." The little girl pushed him down.

A few people laughed under the car.

"Why can Winxiu and Su Su sit?" Gu Yue asked unconvinced.

Flight attendant: "They bought a ticket."

"Where did you get the money?" Wu Yong was shocked, obviously the film crew did not give them a penny.

Su Suzhen laughed: "We asked the fellow to borrow it, and left Weixin to return it to others."

Others: Σ (° △ ° |||) ︴

"It's time to drive!" The flight attendant closed the door.

Wu Yong said: "Don't, take us!"

"Brother Yong, there will be a bus after half an hour, you still have to find a way to make money, otherwise you really can't catch the plane." Su Su reminded him.

Then a few people watched the bus leave.

"What shall we do?" Wang Kai rubbed his stomach, "I knew I would not buy instant noodles before I knew about the ten yuan left before."

Wu Yong is the biggest, everyone is watching him.

"Seeing that I can't make money," he said with a pained expression. "At this time, everyone will show their skills, and think about how you can make money."

Yingxiu and Susu arrived at the airport. Fortunately, their ticket was first class, so they could go to the VIP lounge and have free food.

"You guys are fast!" Lu Cheng and Dong Tian are already drinking coffee.

Su Su lowered her luggage and went to find food. Win Xiu sat down, Dong Dong stood up and handed him a cup of coffee.

"Thank you." Yingxiu took it but did not drink. When Susu came back with two glasses of juice and sandwiches, she set the coffee aside naturally.

Dong Tian glanced down and went to eat quietly.

It was almost nine o'clock, and other talents arrived, and when they came in, they ran to the food area like wolves.

"How did you make money?" Su Su would eat and drink, leaning on the sofa and squinting.

Wang Kai grumbled and drank a glass of milk: "I ... I am showman ..."

"He dances on the street." Gu Yue sniffed bread, but quickly, "I sing for him!"

Win Xiu saw Wu Yong holding two chicken thighs and gave him a glass of beer: "Brother Yong, you won't beg ..."

"Well!" Assistant Xiaokai almost squirted out the coffee. "How do you know the movie emperor?"

Su Su said, "Did you really beg?"

"What can we do, Brother Yong ..." Assistant Xiaokai sighed with a smile.

Wu Yong couldn't dance, and he couldn't sing. He stood on the street for ten minutes and ignored him. Later an aunt with a child recognized him and greeted him.

"Sister, can you lend me some money ..."

Wu Yong opened his face cheekily. People really borrowed 100 yuan from him.

"I added that aunt's WeChat and returned it to others." Assistant Xiaokai took off a loaf of bread a few times and picked up another one. "This is a world of faces, and Brother Yue can't even borrow it."

Guan Yue was paralyzed on the sofa like he was dead. Lan Xin handed him a sandwich: "Okay, whoever makes you meet is a child. It is normal for them not to see cross talk and not to know you!"

"Where did your money come from?" Susu asked.

Guan Yue suddenly jumped up and filled with indignation: "I'm desperate for this face-seeing world. That child has gone to junior high school, and he didn't even listen to cross talk. He didn't listen to such a great artistic creation!"

"The money was borrowed by Lan Xin," Gu Yue said with a smile, "the child said that Lan Xin was beautiful, so she lent it to her."

What a sad story ...

"Okay, now that everyone is here, then our journey is over." The director began to shout again, the next week's recording location is in this box, let's pump it! "

Wu Yong held a bottle of beer: "meaning we're not together next time?"

"There are three places, random."

The final result was particularly enjoyable. Yingxiu once again took a place with Lu Cheng. Wu Yong went to a place by himself, Guan Yue and Wang Kai.

Then everyone got on the plane and ended the shooting.

"Will that guy come to pick you up?" Without the camera, it would be more convenient to speak. Ying Xiu said angrily, "You must tell her the flight number."

Susu covered the blanket and was ready to stare for a while: "He said he would surprise me."

"A man giving a woman a surprise is nothing more than sending flowers." Winxiu poked his sister with her eyes closed. "You shouldn't be scared to give you a car diamond."

Su Su didn't respond and fell asleep.

Ying Xiu secretly edited the short message, and prepared to send the plane to Shen Jiateng as soon as it landed, let him see in advance what surprise Lei Xuan brought.

"BOSS, Miss Su's flight has landed." Shanggong Hong pulled the door.

Lei Xuan glanced at the box on the saddle and got out of the car with his long legs.

Su Su slumbered and was taken away by Yingxiu. There were few people at the airport in the middle of the night, the crew did a good job of keeping secrets, and there were no fans to pick up.

So Lei Xuan saw the rickety little girl walking at a glance.

"Su Su!" He walked quickly and took over the people from Yingxiu.

Ying Xiu originally wanted to drag Su Su back. Later, thinking that he was not the second brother, he could only let go.

"You're here!" Su Su rubbed her eyes.

Lei Xuan looked at her tenderly: "Sleepy?"

"Not sleepy, sober!" Su Su worked hard to widen her eyes.

Wing Xiu wanted to hit her, and she just said she was stuck.

Lei Xuan took the opportunity to put on the little girl's waist: "I'll take you back."

"General Manager Lei." Yingxiu stopped him, "Don't be too late, or I'll call."

He didn't even say to let Su Su go with him. Everyone came to the airport to rob someone, and it was useless to stop him. Moreover, his sister had followed her face with happiness, and never thought that his second brother was still there.

Lei Xuan took Su Su to the car, Su Su kept looking at him with bright eyes. Seeing Lei Xuan lowered the car baffle and pulled people into his arms and kissed him fiercely.

"Hmm ..." Su Su was severely kissed, and she found that she hadn't seen them for two days. The man's kiss skills were no longer what they were.

Lei Xuan kissed for a while, slowly getting gentle, licking his lover's lips little by little, like some delicious food. Su Su was turned dizzy by the pro and leaned in his arms to kick the calf.

"Good ..." the man said hoarsely. "Let me kiss again."

Su Su raised her head, flushed, her eyes dripping with water, and she was amazing.

"Why are you so powerful? You ... did you practice with other women?" She said these words, her eyes flushed, her mouth narrowed.

Lei Xuan couldn't laugh or cry: "Stupid girl, how can this kind of thing be practiced casually?"

PS: The fan survey sent by the demon in the group, please remember to fill in, the aspect of the welfare to the readers! The more people you fill in, the easier it will be! In addition, I recommend a sister's book "Jin Shao, your wife is wrong." The girl is rushing to the list, please collect it for support ~ Mody ~ \\ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~

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