An Exclusive love

: (Fourty-two)

Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

After dinner, they went back to their respective houses, and Yingxiu and Su Su went down to look at Wang Kai's hammock.

"Actually good." Su Su was still envious when she saw the environment.

Two hammocks and two tents by the lake under the stars. The local people decorated the flowers with special thoughtfulness. The lighting crew shot a dozen of them and looked at them from a distance.

"How romantic!" Dong Tian sighed, turning around a few times.

Su Su suddenly felt that she was weak and burst. When it was broadcast, those laps must be slow motion. The beauty with long hair fluttering in the night sky, oh!

"Then you change with me?" Lan Xin said immediately, "you sleep in a tent!"

Gu Yue pointed at the hammock with a smile: "It's better to change with me, you can see the stars when you lie down."

Dong Tian covered her mouth and smiled: "I still choose bed, you two are romantic!"

Knowing that two teams had a bad time, everyone went back with satisfaction. Su Su and Yingxiu took a hot bath and then slept comfortably.

"La la la! La la la! I'm a little hawker selling newspapers. I run across the street in heavy winds and rain. I can't walk without slipping. The muddy water is full of laughter. Buy two newspapers for one copper plate!"

"La la la ... la la la ..."

Ying Xiu hurriedly threw the alarm clock out, and looked enviously at the door across the door, why he was not as noisy as Su Su.

"Get up," the director whispered. "It's gone without breakfast at seven."

Ying Xiu scratched her hair and opened Su Su's door directly with the key, then pulled out her alarm clock from the bag.

"Dangdangdangdangdang ..." The general deafened.

The videographer and director saw the posture for the first time and stared at Su Su with open eyes.

Damn! Little girl Su Yan is also beautiful, hurry up and give a close-up!

"Win the movie emperor." At the breakfast place, the chief director ran over and asked Yingxiu, "Your assistant's alarm is a general order, right?"

Winxiu glanced at him: "I'll tell you if the next task wins me."

"... It's wrong for you to chat like this," said the director seriously. "What do you think of the ringtone that wakes you up in the morning?"

"Selling a newspaper song?" Win Xiu said, "Not so good."

The director smiled: "But I like it, so the song is called every day."

"Well, what matters to me."

The director's face how can you look like this: "I told you all, you told me too! Did the general order have any special meaning, why did your assistant wake up when he heard that?"

"Want to know?" Win Xiu laughed.

The director nodded.

"Wait for the task to win me."

"... Go to breakfast."

Breakfast is very stable, no games and no tasks. After they finished eating, the director began issuing task cards.

Susu took it and opened it, then looked sympathetically to Yingxiu.

"I guessed it right, boiled silk."

The five groups went to the workshop together, and finally got four dishes and one soup for lunch with the most silk threads, one at a time, and the last one had no dishes.

"What is this?" Don't say anything else, never even heard it.

Only Xiu Xiu was proud of herself: "My Susu will! She will!"

"Su Su, do you really?" Wu Yong hasn't even seen the job, "How about it?"

Su Su thought about it, "I think it's pretty easy."

Everyone is assured.

Then I went to the workshop that Yingxiu and Su Su saw yesterday, and Yingxiu stood at the door and looked in, just not going in.

"What are you looking at, Brother Xiu?" Wang Kai turned around excitedly and couldn't see him yet.

Winxiu mysteriously called him over: "Inside ... do you see a silkworm baby?"

"No." Wang Kai shook his head. "It's all cocoons."

Win Xiu went in with confidence, everyone was surrounded by a few workers, listening to them explain the process of cooking cocoons.

"First immerse the cocoon in warm water at 50 to 70 ° C for about 2 to 4 minutes. Let the cocoon layer infiltrate and form a water film on the outside of the cocoon layer to enhance the water permeability and improve the boiling resistance."

Wu Yong repeated the words of the master: "We just need to remember that the first step is to soak the cocoons in warm water at 50 ~ 70 ℃ for three minutes."

Let's watch the master do it again, and start the second procedure after soaking.

"Then replace the air in the cocoon cavity with a steam temperature of 100 degrees, and then move the cocoon to low-temperature water at about 60 ° C. Due to the decrease in temperature, the steam and air in the cocoon cavity contract sharply when it is cold, causing the pressure inside and outside the cocoon cavity. Different, to achieve the purpose of infiltration of the cocoon layer. "

Everyone around a machine: "How to use this?"

The master demonstrated it again and reminded them to be careful. This is a steam stove above 100 degrees.

"These cocoons are getting whiter!" Dong Tian poked carefully at the cocoons floating on the water, "Master, can I pick them up?"

After the master agreed, Dong Tian and Gu Yue picked one up.

"You touch it, it's slippery! No wonder the silk is slippery ..." The two were discussing excitedly, seeing Su Su and Lan Xin just staring at the cocoons in the pond, thinking they were afraid to touch.

"Did you not do it Su Su? Why not touch it?" Dong Tian pretended to be concerned about her appearance and passed the cocoon.

In her heart, she did not believe that Su Su would cook cocoons ...

"I don't want to touch the body," Su Su said lightly. "I thought you would be afraid."

Gu Yue and Dong Tian were stunned.

"Su Su, you just said the corpse?" Gu Yue thought he heard it wrong, and asked aside, "What corpse? Where is it?"

Su Su pointed at the cocoon on their hands: "The body of the silkworm baby is inside the cocoon."

"Ah!" Dong Tian screamed and threw the cocoon back to the pool.

Gu Yue also turned pale and threw in.

"There are silkworms in it?" Lan Xin was curious. He picked up one and looked at it. "Don't it become a puppet after it's changed?"

A few men didn't look well when they heard Su Su's words. They never thought that there were silkworm babies in it. Shouldn't they be taken out and cooked?

Only Winxiu looked at them with the eyes of those of you who have never seen the world before.

"It's not a silkworm, it's a puppet," the master explained. "When in a puppet state, there are no vital signs, it is a meatball, and it will only be counted as time passes."

The expressions of several men looked better, and Guan Yue sighed: "I understand the meaning of the idiom of cocoon self-binding ..."

And Gu Yue and Dong Tian were still unacceptable.

"Next is the third step."

Continue to cook the infiltrated cocoon under the steam pressure of 100 degrees, the main role is to make the cocoon cavity spit water and cook the cocoon layer. Water molecules are allowed to enter the inside of the sericin, and the volume of the sericin is increased to make it swollen and softened. At the same time, a part of the sericin is dissolved by using hot soup.

"This part should be constantly stirred to make the silk cocoons evenly heated. When stirring, lightly, clockwise." The master took a stick and "be careful not to burn yourself."

The last step is to soak the silkworm cocoons in low-temperature water, and you can draw silk in a little time.

The technical term for wire drawing is called silk reeling, which has been peeled off a little bit by hand since ancient times.

"You too?" Lan Xin asked Su Su.

Su Su nodded: "The university's candidate for the course."

"Are you going to Textile University?" Gu Yue asked curiously, "How do you still learn this kind of thing?"

Susu didn't say she attended Caesars College: "No, it's fashion design."

"Ah, why did you become an assistant?" Dong Tian was watching the workers picking the right silkworms. When he heard that Su Su was a college student, he turned his head and asked her, "Can't find a job?"

Gu Yue said with sympathy: "Now a lot of college students are not good at finding a job, unless you are better at a prestigious university. Don't be sad, Su Su either, it's not too good now, all enter the entertainment industry!"

"Yeah! It's okay to study well, dreams will come true if you work hard!" Dong Tian and Gu Yue high five.

Su Su was forced to pour a bowl of chicken soup, but she felt extremely sick.

They do not want the audience to feel that they have a high degree of education, so they say that they are not in a prestigious university, and their grades are not good.

"What school did you two graduate from?" Lan Xin suddenly asked, and said, "I haven't gone to college, so I went to high school to go on a show."

Dong Tian was embarrassed and said, "I graduated from the drama. Brother Lu Cheng is my senior."

"My college ballet." Gu Yue smiled, "Hua Guo Ballet Academy."

They are all famous schools.

"Did you guys learn?" Wu Yong turned to remind them, "No one will teach if I will do it for a while."

Wang Kaiyu shouted, "Sister Gu Yue, what are you doing?"

"Let's listen!" Lan Xin pushed Su Su, "Is Su Su?"

Su Su smiled: "Anyway, I will."

Dong Tian and Gu Yue who have n’t heard anything from beginning to end: Σ (° △ ° |||) ︴

"Did those two women run on you just now?" After the teaching was over, Yingxiu and Su Su began to cook with a bucket of cocoons. Ying Xiu took a look at him angrily, "Take everyone else a fool!"

The cameraman will not be here, Su Su said as he poured the cocoons into the water, "Go back and check their education."

"Hah!" Winxiu mocked, "the irregularities are fake."

Su Su raised her head: "I don't know if it's true or false, but they'll be busy in a while."

Cocoon cooking is actually relatively simple, and everyone listened carefully, so each group was done well. Su Su and Ying Xiu were naturally the first to complete them, and they carried clean cocoons to reel next to each other.

"Su Su ..." After a while, Wu Yong came over, "How can I not find a silk head!"

There is no way to start without a silk head.

"If you can't find it, it means that you haven't cooked it well." Su Su wound the wire on the shelf and glanced at him. "Come for another one."

Wu Yong: "..."

At twelve o'clock, the director's group stopped and began to check the results of each group.

"The first place wins Susu! They smoked a total of 300 grams of silk."

"The second place is Guan Yue and Lan Xin. They smoked 100 grams."

The third place is Wu Yong, Lu Cheng is fourth, Wang Kai is last ...

So Wang Kaisao didn't eat well after he hadn't slept well, and he scratched his head at noon. The director also said that he was full and went back to siesta and gathered at three in the afternoon.

Su Su returned to the inn, the mobile phone on the bed just flashed, it showed ...

Xiao Xuanzi.

ps: Babies who enter the group, look at the group announcement for yourself, there are instructions on how to enter the group V!

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