Biquge, the latest chapter on exclusive wedding pets will be updated as soon as possible!

For the two kissing for the first time, Lei Xuan is no better than Su Su. So the kiss doesn't look as exciting as it looks.

Because they always touch each other's teeth ...

"I'll send you back." Lei Xuan was not satisfied with himself.

Su Su blushed, feeling that she hadn't kissed well.

"I ... I will study hard, next time ... I will definitely not bite you next time."

Lei Xuan's face turned black, and he gritted his teeth and said, "No, let's practice next time."

Su Su sighed, hurried to the door, she didn't mean that ...

Go back to the villa and win the correction in eating takeaway.

"Second Brother, you can't wait for me to eat yourself!"

Ying Xiu looked at her: "Don't you eat it already?"

"But I brought you back!" Su Su held the lunch box.

Winxiu took it and opened it, half a pan-fried fish.

"This is what you eat."

Su Su nodded: "Yeah!

Yingxiu seriously pulled her to sit down in front of her: "Su Su, you weren't like this before, don't you want to be the second brother after being with Lei Xuan?"

"What's wrong with your mouth?" When getting closer, Yingxiu discovered that Su Su's lips were cracked.

Su Su covered her mouth and shook her head: "It's okay ... I accidentally bit it."

"Huh!" Ying Xiu cursed Lei Xuan in his heart, and shamelessly dared to kiss Su Su, I will ask someone to kill him.

"We are couples now, isn't it normal to kiss?" Su Su couldn't hide it, and he wouldn't hide it. "Second brother will know when you have someone you like."

Win repair decided to change the subject.

"Are you packed away?" He asked.

Su Su watched him vigilantly: "You don't want me to load you things, my box is full."

"I don't want to talk to you anymore." Yingxiu stood up. "You are no longer my sister who came to this world."

Su Su stretched out her hand with a smile: "But you are still my second brother who is out of control, ah! Second brother!"

Yingxiu threw a pillow onto her head: "Sleep early!"

The next day the camera crew knocked on the door. This time, they left without going to the airport. The destination is a small town in Wuxi, Laoshan.

"Is it just us? A few others?" I got off the plane and won't see anyone else.

The director handed him a car key: "You have to drive to your destination by yourself, whoever comes first can choose the room first."

"The car is good!" Winxiu glanced at the logo on the car key, and did not expect the show team to draw such a sponsor.

Su Su's focus is more practical: "What about other requirements?"

She didn't believe that the show crew just let them go smoothly.

"Forfeit the wallet, one person can only take fifty dollars." Then they came up and began to pick up their backpacks.

Win Xiu was holding his purse and letting go: "Director, do you know that 100 yuan is enough to pay for the highway? What about our lunch?"

"You have to think about gas money first!" The director waved his hand, "Hurry up and let go of his hand."

Su Su has given up resisting and climbed into the car. Now the only thing that is fortunate is that the car is more comfortable ...

"There is still 260 kilometers from here to Wuxia Town, and it is expected to drive for 3 hours." Yingxiu was stuffed into the car by the program, leaving only a cameraman to them.

Susu leaned in the back seat: "Get off quickly, in case we finally have to sleep in the tent."

"You have to refuel first." Yingxiu found a gas station and it cost fifty yuan to refuel.

Then proceeded to leave, rested in a service area at noon, and as a result, the enemies met Lu Cheng and Dong Tian.

"Win brother Xiu! Susu!" Dong Tian greeted warmly and gave Susu a hug.

Lu Cheng and Ying Xiu hushed each other twice and shook hands.

"How much money do you still have?" Lu Cheng asked.

Win repair stretched out five fingers.

"good luck?"

"Don't you cheer?" Su Su asked as she looked at the sausage next to her, she was hungry.

Dong Tian shook his head: "No, but the road ahead is definitely not enough."

"Would you like to cooperate?" Lu Cheng said suddenly.

Winxiu blinked: "Do you want to take our car?"

"Yeah, so we can save the lunch for lunch, which is enough to pay the toll."

Dong Tian said, "This is great! Isn't it Su Su?"

Indeed, this is a win-win situation.

"Closing!" Winxiu was not stupid. "Let's eat first."

The two videographers listened attentively to them.

"You can't sit in a car."

"You can drive another one to follow."

"Who shoots?"

"It would be nice to have a small camera in the car, but not without it."

As a result, the cameraman was abandoned.

Because of the wealth of money, the four were very full.

"Eat more, if you lose the game, maybe there will be no supper." Winxiu reminded Su Su.

So when Su Su left, she secretly brought two corn cobs, Dong Tian was more advanced and bought a few apples.

Halfway to the destination, Lu Xiu asked Lu Cheng to drive and take the co-driver.

"I thought you didn't trust my driving skills to drive it by yourself!" Because the camera is mounted in front, so I have nothing to say in order to get more photos.

Lu Cheng asked Winxiu as he started the car: "I heard that this car uses the latest braking technology and started very fast."

"No matter how good you say, they won't talk to you today." Winxiu lost a sentence.

Lu Cheng: Paralysis do you think I want to say ...

"Su Su, did you bring the insect repellent potion?" Dong Tian took out a box from the bag. "I prepared a lot of medicine before I saw you, and this time brought a lot of special ones."

"I heard that there are a lot of mosquitoes, most of them are poisonous."

Su Su glanced: "It's almost October now, can there still be?"

"I read on the Internet that it's all winter." Dong Tiansai gave her a small bottle. "Then, apply this to your body to prevent bites."

Su Su said thank you, and pretended to be polite. Turning his head, he took out a sachet from his backpack: "Li Shangshang, this one is for you, and it can also prevent mosquitoes. It contains natural Chinese medicine."

"Did you buy it online?" Dong Tian took it and smelled it, and found that the sachet feels particularly good, and the embroidery on it is beautiful.

Su Su looked around: "No, I bought it when I traveled to Jiangnan."

"Very fragrant!" Dong Tian put away happily. "So beautiful, I'll keep it as an adornment when I look back."

This sachet is made by Xin Rong's clothing design room. The spices in it are also arranged by Xin Rong according to the ancient recipe, and all the winners bring it. But their sachets are all stitched with stitches and stitches.

The high-speed was off at two o'clock in the afternoon, with thirty yuan left, and Lu Cheng gave fifteen yuan for repair.

"Maybe these two days will limit money, one more piece is one piece!"

They found the entrance to Wuxia Town according to the address given by the director, and saw Wu Yong and his assistant Xiaokai waving their hands proudly.

"Ah! We are second." Win repaired and pulled Su Su and ran.

When Lu Cheng and Dong Tian reacted, he had already run to the director.

"That's OK?" Lu Cheng couldn't help laughing and crying. "Should we count as second?"

The director told him cruelly: "No tie, you are the third. Now your three groups can choose a room first, pay attention! After the selection, you must complete the task, once the task fails, you will be ranked last, and so on.

"Meaning, if my task is not completed, but the fourth group has arrived, I will wait for them to finish the election?" Wu Yong asked, "What if the task fails again?"

Win Xiu laughed at him: "Brother Yong, please re-arrange again!"

"Remember the quality of the room is directly proportional to the difficulty of the task!" The director reminded them again.

Wu Yong pointed to the option on the wooden board: "Then I won't choose a double standard room, we choose a fellow villager."

"What do we choose?" Su Su bumped into winning repairs.

Ying Xiu did not hesitate to choose the best standard room, and Lu Cheng chose the public bathhouse hotel. No one left for the two tents and the hammock by the lake ...

"This is your task." The director handed them the envelope.

After reading the task card, Winxiu asked, "Can I re-select again? I just read it wrong. Let me re-select it!"


Wu Yong came up curiously: "What task do you have?"

Please find the highest mountain in the town and use the tool to climb up to get the flag. Note: Only two players must complete it.

"Hahahaha rock climbing!" Wu Yong patted Yingxiu's shoulder. "It's nothing to young people! You'll do it."

Su Su has turned pale, she won't be able to fix it ...

"My family Su Su is afraid of high." Win Xiu helpless, "Director, let me change one! Or I climb alone?"

The directors refused: "No."

The kneeling you choose must be completed.

"Go and see first." Su Su fantasised, "Maybe a small mountain bag?"

Things can only go now, the two were carrying backpacks. When he left, Xiu Xiu did not forget to look at the tasks of the other two teams.

"Lu Cheng is that simple." Ying Xiu analyzed as he walked.

Lu Cheng and Dong Tian need to help the villagers pick 100 corns. This is a time task.

"Brother Yong is a bit technical."

Wu Yong's task is to build a vegetable greenhouse for an elderly person.

"In fact, it's not difficult for us to count," Su Su resentfully said. "If I'm not afraid of heights, I won by climbing up."

Win Xiu said: "It's okay, big deal. I will carry you on your back, just keep your eyes closed."

When they were training on the Wanjia Island, they often climbed mountains with Susu on their backs. At that time, Su Su was always afraid and wanted to overcome, but later she still won and distressed her.

The highest mountain in the town is really high, and it has five floors. Yingxiu looked at the climbing equipment already prepared by the crew, and threw the backpack to the ground and began to wear it.

"Su Su, come here!" After putting it on, he put Su Su on his back.

Su Su closed her eyes, and the cameraman muttered, "You have to climb by yourself ..."

"You won't climb if you say it again." Yingxiu brought his gloves on. "Do you say the audience is willing to watch me climb the mountain? Or will they?"

"... I didn't say anything, you climb quickly!"

PS: One group is full, the second group number (492830661)

Let's say something! In fact, I treat the readers of the V group and the authors of the two ordinary groups equally. Whatever activities we have, all readers can participate. The only benefit of the babies of the V group is that they can see extras that are not available online. This is also the return of the demon to their subscription to the genuine edition.

But why don't I want to bubbling in the ordinary group? Today, I saw a reader who said I didn't update or say yesterday. She waited very late. Sorry, this is my fault.

But you said that every time I opened the ordinary group, I saw someone asking for a hotlink, and then someone returned it to him. Who do you say can stand? This is the case with a group of two groups opened today. I ask you again, I treat everyone equally, I hope everyone can understand me more, and ask if the hotlink is ok, can you private stamp it? I see others, otherwise the codewords have no power.

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