Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 878: you made me

Xie Zhi spread his hands, with an expression of "This is your problem, no one else is to blame."

Little Qilu sighed, took a step closer, and said something, but Xie Zhi and Qilu shook their bodies at the same time...

"Okay, father, the child support that has been in arrears for more than ten years, let's settle it together."

Xie Zhi couldn't help but give his thumbs up secretly, okay, anyway, he is not at a disadvantage.

Da Qilu coughed a few times, and spread his hands with a wry smile: "Well... are you really my son? I'm just kidding, look at me like this, who would fall in love with a blind man?"

Little Qilu shook his head and said: "Don't underestimate yourself, although you are a little blind, you are still somewhat pretty, um, he is considered a handsome old man."

"Eh?" Da Qilu couldn't help but look serious: "It's rare to see such a discerning child like you in a hundred years!"

"Do you want to face you?"

It was the voice of a rough man, followed by a tall and strong man who came out of the shadows, with messy long hair and a big beard, and looked quite masculine.

With a tall and strong figure, and with a big gun in his hand, he looks like a man who is not easy to mess with.

But the appearance of this man made Xie Zhi feel inexplicably familiar, and a picture popped up in his mind... This man squatted with a shaved head and stuffed pebbles into his crotch. He didn't know what it meant. (A deleted segment from "Let the Bullets Fly", but my buddy remembers this segment when I watched it back then, an illusion?)

Da Qilu smiled: "Don't be afraid of the kid. Although this guy looks fierce, he is actually very gentle in his heart. His name is Baze Mabus, my friend."

Little Qilu looked at Baez with a strange look in his eyes: "So you look like this when you grow up..."

Of course he knew Bates, his childhood friend, and he was much more handsome than when he was a child.

That's right, I couldn't see it when I was a child, but when I touched my face, it felt... resting my hand.

Baez raised his eyebrows: "Child, do you know me?"

"Well, I've seen it, it happened a long time ago, macho, do you mind if I talk to him alone?" Little Qilu pointed at Big Qilu.

Baez winked at little Chirrut: "Child, don't believe him, his fortune-telling is a lie."

It was straightforward enough to turn around and walk away.

It's just that little Qilu didn't know what to do. Should he praise his "little partner" for his kindness, or scold him for tearing down his friend?

And Bates walked in the direction of Xie Zhi, standing next to Xie Zhi, obviously saw that Xie Zhi and little Qilu were together.

Baez's hoarse voice spoke again: "What do you call brother?"

Facing Baze's face, Xie Zhi inexplicably came up with a name, and cupped his fists and said, "Zhang Muzhi."

"Well, good name."

"Which is good?"

"It's an exciting name."

"Good taste."

On the other side, Little Qilu stood in front of Big Qilu and said in a low voice, "You still tell fortunes?"

Da Qilu shook his head and said with a smile: "It's too low grade to be called a fortune teller. I'm here to guide the lost sheep and change the fate..."

"Really? Then why don't you change your destiny?"

Da Qilu was startled, and his expression became a bit serious: "My child, what do you mean?"

Little Qilu said seriously: "I know you know where you will die, I don't know if you know when you will die, I want to know that you know..."

Da Qilu raised his hand: "Stop! Why does it sound so devious?"

"Okay, if there is something wrong, I just want to know, are you staying here to wait for death? Why?"

Da Qilu was silent for a while, and frowned: "Child, you gave me the feeling that I'm looking at myself, like looking in a mirror. Can you tell me why?"

"You can't see, do you have the experience of looking in a mirror?"

"Children, it's impolite to discriminate against blind people."

"Others count, I don't count, and what I'm most dissatisfied with... is your size!"

"Aren't you afraid of being beaten for talking like that?"

"What are you afraid of? Would you do such a shameless thing as bullying a child?"


Big Qilu tilted his head, staring at Little Qilu with his gray eyes: "I remember... I often said that when I was a child."

Followed him with a chuckle, shook his head and said: "Impossible, how is this possible...

Well, blame the kid, I guess you have learned some special skills and can see something.

I thought the Jedi Knights were all dead.

But even if you are quite capable, this place is controlled by the empire after all, your identity, it is better to stay away from here. "

"If you don't tell me the answer, I won't leave."

"Then a fair exchange, tell me, what is your relationship with me?"

"Okay, you go first."

"You think I don't know you're playing tricks?"

"Each each other."


Spreading his hands following Xiao Qilu: "How about this, I know you want a lightsaber, I'll give it to you, is this a good deal?"

Da Qilu shook his finger: "No, because I'm more curious do you know so many things about me?"

Little Qilu was very angry, why did he become so difficult when he grew up? irritating!

This scene made Xie Zhi not far away find it very interesting. Although the two spoke in a low voice, they couldn't hide it from his ears.

It’s rare to see yourself in a difficult situation, and the only one who has this kind of experience is Steve besides Chilu. I guess the old boy has a similar experience. It’s very happy to think about it.

"You're here for Chirrut, why a kid in the front?" Baze asked.

Xie Zhi smiled and said, "Because he is suitable."

"That child...isn't it really Chiru's son? Is species isolation possible?"

"Thinking too much brother."

At this time, Xiao Qilu rolled his eyes and said, "Is this good? If you have any wish, I will help you realize it, and it will be your regret."

Da Qilu chuckled: "I just want to know your secret."

"You have to fight against me, right? Let me tell you, if I'm in a hurry, I'll be scared myself!"

"Don't say any You are not a bad kid."

Little Qilu sneered and said: "It depends on how you say it, although I am kind, but I am not lenient when dealing with certain people.

Tell you Qilu Yingwei, I have your little braid in my hand, if you insist on embarrassing me, fine, my lord, I will go all out! Shameless today!

Isn't it just hurting the enemy by one thousand and self-defeating twenty thousand, afraid of a ball! I admit it! "

Da Qilu couldn't help but thumped in his heart, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously: "What are you going to do?"

Little Qilu hooked his fingers viciously: "Come here with your ears."

Then the little guy whispered to the big guy, and the big Qilu had bags under his eyes twitching wildly, his lips trembling violently: "You... how do you know!? You are too hurt!"

Little Qilu had a sneer on his lips, but his face was flushed, and he said angrily, "It's not my fault! You forced me!"

And Xie Zhi had a smirk on his face, yo, so the brat did this when he was a child, come on, the uncle is here, and he cheats himself, no one else...

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