Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 860: bigger only!

Enfes didn't understand Chirrut's words, but he still took off his helmet, revealing a girlish face, who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

So in the eyes of other adults, she, like Chirrut, is still a child.

Qilu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered, "Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with my perception, otherwise I really have to doubt life..."

Enfes looked at Chirrut, then looked at the others, and spoke, without the cover of the helmet voice changer, the girl's voice was clear and sweet: "Everyone, we are not pirates, we are not bandits, we are allies to pay the blood debt to the blood red dawn .

I don't know what the Red Dawn is in your eyes, but in our world, they are beasts.

Since you are working for Blood Red Dawn, you should know what they have done..."

"I don't know!" Qilu interjected, "I don't know exactly. I only know that they killed many ordinary people in Savarin, and the rest cut off their tongues, regardless of age, and collected protection money every now and then."

Enfes said blankly: "It's not just Savarin, look at us."

As soon as Enfes raised her hand, all her people took off their helmets, and among these people, the largest number of people is the human with the largest population base in the Milky Way, and the rest have no repeated races, and are full of aliens of various colors. And even in human form, skin tones vary.

And most of them opened their mouths, revealing the… severed tongues inside.

"Every one of us, every homeland, planet, is a witness to the evil of the blood red dawn..."

Enfes gave a plain and concise account of what Blood Red Dawn had done. Yes, there was no need for complicated descriptions, simple and plain introductions, but it was enough, because she was not telling stories, but just stating facts.

To put it simply, if the Milky Way is a food chain, then the Empire is the lion at the top of the food chain, while the Blood Red Dawn and similar dark forces are the hyenas and vultures that eat and eat.

Moreover, these evil forces are more disgusting than the empire, because they are professionals in harming vulnerable groups.

The real big forces can still show some face, even if they are fig leafs woven by lies, but they still exist, but there is no need for the existence of gangsters and the like, at least not in this interstellar world.

In other words, they are the dogs that Chirrut described before, but they are bigger, fatter, and more greedy dogs.

After finishing speaking, Enfes glanced at Qilu, and said: "Little brother, I didn't say this to win sympathy, but to show our determination, we and the Blood Red Dawn are at stake.

Therefore, we are determined to obtain this batch of core elements, because it represents a hope, and its value can help us form a rebel army to fight against them to the end.

Little brother, I know you are not with them, but I'm sorry, I won't give in, I hope you can understand.

But... I will try my best to compensate you for your loss. You can put forward conditions, and I will never refuse if I can do it. "

Just as Qilu was about to speak, Beckto said suddenly: "Wait a minute, I won't participate in this matter, I'm just a thief, you are all ruthless characters, I admit it.

Working in vain is nothing more than being hunted down by the blood red dawn, just like Han Solo said just now, a late death is better than an early death. "

Chirrut opened his mouth again, but was cut off again, this time it was Han Solo: "Wait a minute! Why don't we have an idea, get the money, you get the core, and we can leave alive, escape the blood red dawn Control, think about it, we have so many smart people, we will think of a way!"

Beckto waved his hand: "Maybe I can **** your girlfriend back by the way... Children, don't count me in, I just want to run for my life now, and Dryden is coming."

"No, Beckto, you are old and cunning, we need you..."

"Shut up!" Qilu said angrily: "There is no end! Let no one talk! The most capable person here is me, okay! Children have no human rights!"

Lando doggedly echoed: "Yes! It's so irritating to you, you are so unqualified, you are not happy to listen to the young master! Say it, young master."

"Call me young hero~" Qilu cleared his throat: "There is no need to bother, isn't Dryden coming over, I will give Enfes a beating, you will definitely not spare him, but you can Claiming that Shaoxia was unhappy and slaughtered Dryden, blame me.

As for me, as long as Dryden's bank password is used, it will be considered as compensation for my loss, and the core Suenfis will take it away.

If there are valuable things in Dryden's spaceship, you thieves will share a share, and then run away to break up, everyone is happy, and it's over. "

Xie Zhi, who was silently paying attention, couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the words. Qilu's plan was simple and crude, and it was still not comprehensive enough, but it didn't matter, since he was young, it was not bad.

So even though he had other ideas, Xie Zhi didn't remind him that the original intention was to train children.

And Enfes frowned: "Little brother, Dryden is not easy to deal with, he has a lot of mercenaries."

"Miss, don't worry, I'm even more difficult to deal with, and if necessary, I also have a lot of monkey cubs, it's just a matter of plucking a pinch of hair."

And Qila's face became more and more ugly, and she shook her head with a wry smile: "Boy, you don't understand how terrible the blood red dawn is..."

Qilu spread his hands and said: "But you didn't tell me if I asked you, what's the use of fixing this shit? I really want to let me quit in the face of difficulties and show their good looks."

"You don't understand...I can't say it, and even if I say it, you don't understand what it means..."

Chirru's curiosity was aroused: "The boss of Blood Red Dawn is definitely not the son of Emperor Palpatine, right? Even so, it's nothing special, Sith warriors, it's not like our family has never been beaten before. "

Others didn't respond to Chiru's words, but both Qira and Chewbacca's expressions changed.

Especially Qila, staring at her eyes and said: "Do you know Sith warriors?!"

"It's so fresh. It's only been ten years since the fall of the Republic. Don't people today know the history? Could it be don't know the **** things about the Jedi and Sith?"

Han Solo was surprised: "Isn't that a story about coaxing children?"

"It seems that Palpatine's propaganda work is in place." Chirrut shrugged, suddenly turned the stick, and with a buzzing sound, the lightsaber popped out from the head of the stick, and the long stick became a spear.

"Sister, it seems that you are knowledgeable. Have you ever seen a lightsaber? I have one too! And it's even bigger! Look, it's big and long! It's so powerful when stabbed!"

The adults couldn't help being speechless. Is this little boy talking childishly, or is he openly flirting?

Qilu proudly said: "Now dare to say it, don't worry, everything can be pushed on my head, it's all done by the young hero."

"Okay..." Qila sighed: "The person who controls the Blood Red Dawn behind the scenes is indeed a Sith warrior, and his name is Darth Maul..."

"Who are you talking about!?"

Chirrut can't help but be Isn't Darth Maul dead? The one who didn't die became Wu Neng, and he was also considered as the master's disciple... he was also considered as a senior brother.

Not only Qilu was surprised, but at almost the same time, Xie Zhi suddenly teleported into the tavern, obviously Xie Zhi was very concerned about this information.

Instead, a big living person appeared out of thin air, and everyone was startled immediately. What's worse, the men of Enfes hadn't put down their guns, so they missed and fired in shock.

In an instant, three blue explosive bombs shot out!

When it seemed that it was about to cause accidental injury, the changes that followed immediately refreshed everyone's cognition.

Three slender blaster bombs were actually fixed in the air, buzzing and trembling, and making the sound of energy running.

Such a spectacle naturally shocked everyone.

That's right, Xie Zhi did it. He raised his hand and used the force to control the object to stabilize the blaster.

But to Qilu's surprise, the uncle frowned slightly after finishing the work. Is this...dissatisfied? What is wrong?

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