Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 787: little disappointed

While the couple pondered, the grand ceremony began.

It has to be said that the Odin and his wife have some skills, or that the king of the gods has impeccable control over Asgard. In short, the people watching the ceremony were in high spirits and cheered, and there was no doubt about Xie Tiehammer at all.

Miss Xie's family was like a princess in Asgard's God Realm, and she was even a bit fanatical about being in an idol concert.

As for Loki's rebellion before, it was as if it had never happened.

And Xie Tiehammer, wearing Thor's armor and holding a meow hammer, walked towards the throne neither humble nor overbearing.

Odin naturally sat on the throne, followed by the queen and other important ministers, as well as Sol.

And Drizzle is also ranked on it, and tied with the queen, second only to Odin.

Then Odin got up and slammed the spear of eternity on the ground, and the sound of Qingming made the scene quiet.

According to etiquette, Xie Tiehammer should kneel on one knee at this time, waiting for the announcement of the current king's canonization, but Xie Tiehammer did not kneel.

This was agreed in advance, cooperation is cooperation, and most etiquettes can be cooperated, but the old Xie family doesn't like to kneel down, and Odin can't insist on it, so just stand up.

Odin opened his mouth, telling the truth about the special features of Thunder Hammer, from the forging material to its connotation. Simply summed up, this treasure is only worthy of the king.

Then there was another set of speeches, Xie Zhi and Xiao Yu listened, and felt that the content was similar to the meeting of the leaders of the earthlings.

It is nothing more than that the content of the speech is slightly different, from the level of the country to the level of the Nine Realms.

As for the question-and-answer session between Odin and Xie Tiehammer, it is also about lofty concepts such as justice, benevolence, and peace.

Since these concepts did not conflict with the old Xie's family, Xie Tiehammer also vowed to agree to them one by one.

Finally, Odin announced that Xie Hammer was the next king of Asgard.

Of course, the official enthronement has to be postponed, after all, the old king has not abdicated yet.

The audience cheered excitedly, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Judging by the feelings of Xie Zhi and his wife, it seems that the people are sincere.

It's not surprising to think about it. If the crown prince doesn't implement it, the people's hearts are unstable, and the two sons of Odin are more worried than the other. It is estimated that the common people are very clear.

And Xie Tiehammer at least has a very stable temperament. Even the eldest girl's appearance will definitely beat the two princes. Who doesn't like beautiful girls? In Xie Zhi's words, the eldest granddaughter has the flesh of a lover.

In short, the process is over.

Xie Tiehammer's identity can be said to be a certainty.

But Xie Tiehammer's work is not over yet, and there will be a celebration after that, which is a party for the whole people. The new queen is the protagonist, so he has to participate.

Xiaoyu didn't object to this point. According to Xie Zhi, since he wanted to accept everything, the people of Asgard were the people of his granddaughter, so the exposure rate should not be less, and attracting fans is also a very important step.

Die-hard fans still need to be cultivated. Although the eldest granddaughter has the support of her family, she also needs someone under her command, and no matter what she does in the future, the support of the public is essential.

Although Xie Tiehammer is not good at socializing, it went smoothly with the local snake Sol, and having the former crown prince incarnate as a dog licker saved a lot of talking.

The locals can understand it clearly, and they are not lacking in imagination. They have already thought of Sol's future, and it is estimated that he will sit in the harem...

Well, the locals don't know him. Asgard is the most stunned young man. It's not wrong to seek him out for fighting and drinking. Being a king is unreliable no matter how you look at it.

The excitement lasted for a long time, and it didn't subside until the next day.

And Xiao Yu and Xie Tiehammer still have to stay here for a while, the eldest girl still has a lot of things to master, and Xiao Yu is nominally teaching the two children the way of thunder in Asgard.

As for Xie Zhi, after seeing the signal from his wife, he left silently.

Although he has never let go of his guard, he can't be tied to Asgard. Xie Zhi believes in his wife's judgment, and the cards are ready, so it's time to do his job.

After returning to Earth, he found Steve directly and prepared to leave.

Steve had also been notified long ago, he was mentally prepared, and he was visibly excited a lot. After all, he wasn't greedy for things like time travel.

Looking at Steve's high-spirited posture, Xie Zhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, people who are broken in love like to travel.

And if it wasn't for knowing that Steve would find true love in the future, Xie Zhi really planned to arrange some romantic encounters for him, now, let's not worry about it.

The two of them didn't delay, everything was ready, they greeted their family members, and the time travel began.

The kaleidoscope ends out of phase.

Xie Zhi, Steve appeared in the new world.

The perception of the new place is different for both of them.

Steve was purely out of the freshness of the first time travel, while Xie Zhi was a little... a little disappointed.

Because, this is not the world of force.

You don't need to look, whether there is the force or not, you can't hide it from his senses.

And the scenery within the line of sight also proves this point. It is still in the old beauty, the architectural style, and the signboard of the shop can all prove this point.

Xie Zhi couldn't help but be disappointed, because even though he can take the initiative to control the time travel, he can't do it continuously. It will take at least three days before the next time he starts the kaleidoscope out of phase.

And my own cross-border wormhole is not a Chinese cabbage. It takes a lot of time to build one, and if the inventory is not luxurious enough, I have to save it.

This point was discussed as early as in the meeting. If the world traversed again is of little value, it is better not to waste the cross-boundary wormhole, and would rather wait for a few days.

However, this is not the first time Xie Zhi has encountered this kind of thing. For example, in the world of Xihong City that he experienced before, apart from watching a bunch of strange things, the only gain is that Xie Ai fell in love with square dancing.

So if you are mentally prepared, you can accept it.

Yes, Xie Zhi's first impression of this world is that there is no danger.

This is not because of Xie Zhi's old problem, just like the last time in the Kryptonian He just opened his mouth and stood up.

Rather, the local atmosphere has already explained the problem.

This place is too quiet.

It was so quiet that the sound of dry leaves being blown by the breeze was much louder than usual.

Since it is not an illusion, it can only be caused by too much silence, and even the slightest sound will be amplified in the senses.

And here is an ordinary old and beautiful town, without any prosperity, just ordinary.

The problem is, there's not a single living person in sight.

The cars on the street were covered with dust and had obviously not been moved in a long time.

The overgrown grass has already affected the landscape, and the dead leaves on the ground are numerous and disorderly, which shows that no one has taken care of the sanitation for a long time.

In short, the feeling of the small town is only dead, without a trace of life.

Of course this is abnormal, but it is precisely this abnormality that makes Xie Zhi feel that this world is not dangerous.

The main reason is that I have traveled a lot, I have more experience, and those who look safe often hide crises. This seems abnormal, indicating that crises have already appeared, and crises for ordinary people may not be considered as serious for the old Xie family. crisis.

Steve glanced around, pointed around, frowned and said, "Old Xie, something is wrong with this situation."

Xie Zhi smiled: "There's nothing wrong, people in this place have been hit by a disaster, and they're dying, it's not unusual."

Steve shrugged: "Okay, you guys are well-informed, so what do you think is an alien? Or a virus? Or a monster?"

"You have summed it all up, I think..." Xie Zhi turned his head, looked at a building and said, "Just ask the locals."

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