Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 751: you don't understand at all

After hearing Miss Xie's words, Loki didn't answer right away, and glanced at Meow Hammer cautiously.

Xie Tiehammer thought he didn't believe it, let go of the hammer and fell to the ground: "I didn't lie to you, I really won't fight back."

Unexpectedly, Loki sneered: "Who do you think I am? I am the **** of tricks!"

Xie Tiehammer said with an innocent face: "I never lie. If you don't believe me, use another method? What do you want?"

Seeing that Loki's eyes were still fixed on the hammer, Xie Tiehammer seemed to understand: "Oh, you want this? All right, anyway, this hammer belongs to your family, then..."

Speaking of Xie Tiehammer, he threw the hammer to Loki. Although Loki was severely injured, he still had the ability to grasp the hammer, and he grabbed it, and he held it very tightly.

For a moment, Loki showed a successful smile on his face, but the smile was distorted in an instant: "What... the situation..."

call out!

Loki's whole body was taken away by the hammer! Like a kite, it disappeared again.

Xie Tiehammer looked at his hands: "Uh... sorry, I really didn't use my strength."

When Xie Tiehammer flew to the landing point again, he saw Loki covered in scorched black, and now his body was covered with sand, as if he had been dug out of the soil. The explosive hair style that was electrified also turned into a broom head .

Even so, at this moment Loki was holding the handle of the hammer with both hands, trying to pull it out like a carrot, but unfortunately the hammer didn't move at all, as if it was welded to the ground.

Seeing Xie Tiehammer approaching, Loki released the handle of the hammer as if nothing happened, clapped his hands, shook his hair, and put on a handsome pose: "It's quite heavy."

Xie Tiehammer looked at Luoji with strange eyes, and shook his head: "Brother, you can't hold this hammer."

Loki grinned: "Yes, the water quite deep."

Xie Tiehammer said again: "You were indeed beaten by me, and you suffered a loss. If you don't want to fight back and you can't pick up the hammer, then I'll make it up to your brother, right?"

Loki's expression changed immediately, and he grinned dryly and said, "No need, no need, a little misunderstanding, I didn't take it to heart, but it doesn't hurt at all, I just treat it as loose, haha..."

"Are you okay? Don't you feel pain?"

"It doesn't hurt at all!" Loki did a chest expansion exercise, and even hammered his chest twice, grinning: "I'm very strong!"

"Ah, you vomit blood, how about I cure you..."

"No, no, no!" Loki took two steps back, and brushed his hair angrily: "Don't bother, I got angry recently, and my gums are bleeding, it's a trivial matter."

"You vomit a lot of blood. In this way, if you are really afraid of me, I won't treat you. I will throw the medical supplies over to you. You should respond first."

With that said, Xie Tiehammer took out something and threw it to Loki.

Loki didn't answer, looking at the thing that fell on the ground: "What is this?"

"band Aid."

Loki took a deep breath: "What is a Band-Aid? Well, you are so kind, anyway... I'm fine! You don't have to feel guilty! It's all my fault, as you said before, I did appear Reckless, abrupt beauty, you deserve to be beaten."

"That's fine." Xie Tiehammer nodded, and with a wave of his hand, Miaomiaohammer flew into her hand.

And this move made Loki startled, and took two steps back: "What are you doing!?"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I won't hit you, I'm a reasonable person."

Loki's throat squirmed, his eyes fixed on the hammer, and he said with a dry smile, "Of course I'm not afraid. Tell you the same."

"tell me?"

"That's right, you raised Thor's Hammer, and you are the new God of Thunder. Since you are a god, you must serve the King of Gods and obey his orders..."

Xie Tiehammer's expression turned pale immediately, and he stared and interrupted: "Bah! Are you trying to blackmail me? One yard counts for one yard. If I hit you, you hit back, and we'll count the blackmail after we're done! Want to order me , first ask my hammer if it agrees!"

"I definitely don't mean that! You can do whatever you want! I'm just telling you that being a **** is really boring...cough cough!"

Loki looked at the blood coughing on his hands, panicked, and tremblingly said: "I'm very angry, you can see it too, can I trouble you to pass something on to Sol?"

"Okay, then tell me quickly, don't delay the treatment."

Don't need Xie Hammer to remind, Loki doesn't want to stay for a second now, and said quickly: "Thank you, please send a message to Sol, just say that Dad is dead, and the truce agreement in Jotunheim is signed. Yes, exile him forever is the condition, besides, mom doesn't want to see him anymore, I will be a good king.

well, bye! Heimdall, take me back. "


Xie Tiehammer looked around: "Who are you talking to?"

Loki's face was full of embarrassment: "A gatekeeper, ahem, Heimdall? Heimdall! Hurry up!"


A pillar of light shining with colorful light suddenly appeared, and it landed on the location of Loki. At the same time, the strong light was dazzling, and there was a surging wave of air spreading.

Xie Tiechui also felt that the power of the beam of light was no small matter, subconsciously backed away, and focused on it.

But then, the beam of light disappeared, and Loki also disappeared, leaving only a circular imprint composed of patterns on the ground.

"Let's go..." Xie Tiehammer looked up at the starry sky and murmured, "Are all gods so careless?"

But Xie Zhi couldn't help whistling, and exclaimed: "The two brothers came here in this way before, this black technology is not ordinary black! Tsk tsk, it seems... we can't stop it at all."

Xiao Yu nodded: "This faction called Asgard is more troublesome than imagined. It is very troublesome just because of its ability to cross the universe."

But Loki, following the beam of light, appeared in the depths of the universe.

He appeared from a ray of light in a resplendent and magnificent hall, behind which was a semicircular arch, with spinning streamers inside the door, mysterious and magnificent.

As for the hall in front of Loki, the walls are composed of countless interlaced circular structures, which seem to be artistic decorations.

In addition, there is only a high platform in the center of the hall, on which stands a black man in golden armor, with golden eyes, holding a giant sword, inserted into the pillar of the high platform.

As if he couldn't hold it anymore, Loki spat out another mouthful of blood, wiped the corner of his mouth, and looked at the man in the golden armor viciously: "Heimdall, what do you want to say?"

Heimdall said flatly: "You don't seem to be going Loki sneered: "Thor's hammer can't kill me yet! Only God can kill God! "

"The girl stopped."

Loki was silent for two seconds, turned around and was about to leave.

Heimdall said suddenly, "I didn't hear what you said to that Midgardian girl."

Loki glanced at him: "Maybe you've been in this business for too long and your senses have become dull."

Heimdall stared at Loki with cold eyes: "Maybe some people don't want me to know anything, so they try to hide themselves, just like after you go to Midgard, I can't see it anymore, until you Show up.

Just like...the ice giants who broke into Asgard before, there are not many ways to hide it from me, but they did it, aren't you curious? "

"Heimdall, your mana is indeed very powerful..." Loki paused and asked back, "Has Odin ever been afraid of you?"



"Because he is the king, and I want to serve him wholeheartedly."

"That was before, now Odin is awake, Thor is exiled, the person you want to be loyal me, right?"

Heimdall was silent for a while, but finally said: "Yes."

"Fine! That's a Loyalist look! You can't open the Rainbow Bridge to anyone until I clean up my brother's mess!"

After saying that, Loki walked away.

After Loki walked away, Heimdall sighed: "Loki, Loki, you don't understand what that hammer means..."

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