Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 740: 1 fortune

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Ti Feng shook his head and said: "It's not accurate to describe it as powerful. Let's put it this way, when I tell the news now, I dare not mention certain people's names."

Xie Zhi subconsciously turned his eyes to look at the ceiling, and this gesture also made Ti Feng think that Xie Zhi knew who he was talking about.

So he nodded and said, "That's right, it's them."

Who are they? Xie Zhi was a little speechless. Of course, he knew who Ti Feng was talking about, but he didn't know who it was.

Back then Steve said that there is a pair of eyes that can see everything in the universe, but fortunately the universe is too big, it is impossible for those eyes to keep staring at one place, and it is impossible to see over.

And Ti Feng's current meaning just proves that the one with those eyes is staring at Dongfeng 17.

Xie Zhi guessed that Ti Feng didn't want to say the other party's name, maybe it was because he was afraid of attracting the attention of those eyes. If the guess is true, then the strength of the other party...I'm afraid it can't be overestimated!

As a result, Xie Zhi also went down the donkey, without asking who it was, and asked instead: "Then some people... have come to look for you?"

Tifeng nodded: "Of course, I didn't hide it, to be honest, you guys had a fight in front of my house, that's all, I really don't know where you are.

But, when you registered the mercenary group, brother, you didn't use your real name, did you? "

Xie Zhi answered irrelevantly: "Thank you."

Tifeng smiled: "You're welcome, although I can't offend them, but I didn't lie, not to mention... the same sentence, I don't inquire about the affairs between you.

Furthermore, compared to some people, I prefer my brother who has no great ambitions.

The most wonderful thing is that my brother gave me a surprise. I hope that there will be more surprises like this. "

"Don't worry, you will be the first to think of you when you have something good."

As he spoke, Xie Zhi also had calculations in his heart. What Tifeng said contained a lot of information. He repeatedly said that he would not inquire about the affairs between them, which meant that there was still a secret here. Tifeng knew it, but he didn't say it.

But even knowing that he is now being targeted by a terrifying force, Xie Zhi is still very calm, nothing else, today is different from the past, the strength of the old Xie family is not bad, dare not brag about being invincible, but in terms of life-saving, there are many cards in the hole.

The key is that with a safe retreat, there is confidence.

Of course, there is a lot of vigilance. In fact, when Ti Feng said "terrible", Xie Zhi secretly turned on the silent communication function of the ring. The family members can receive synchronous messages, and everyone knows it.

Xie Zhi is not worried about the exposure of the hammer. The main reason is that when Xiao Yu usually does not use the hammer, he will cover the hammer with an isolation force field. Steve used this trick back then and kept it secret for decades without any problems. It proves that even the original owner couldn't find the extra hammer.

Moreover, after Xiaoyu has her own artifact version of the water-piercing sword and other sets, the importance of the hammer is greatly reduced.

It's not that the hammer is outdated, the key is that if you have all the magic equipment, you will have more choices.

In addition, when Dongfeng 17 was built, we paid attention to it, and their family is elusive, so as long as you don't use a hammer, even if the other party has eyes that can see the universe, it is not easy to find the right owner.

However, this news also made Tifeng's status in Xie Zhi's mind countless times higher. He was no longer the cosmic tycoon who could collect wool in his previous impression. Here, he can harvest higher-end information.

It is necessary to deepen the connection.

Thinking of this, Xie Zhi continued: "I was talking about big business just now, man, I wonder if you are interested in small business?"

Tifeng also smiled: "Brother, for a real businessman, business is business, no matter how big or small, just say it bluntly."

Xie Zhizhi: "That's fine. I have a little immature idea, mainly because I don't know much about the... entertainment circle in the universe.

I want to mention that there are not many things that Brother Feng doesn't understand. I don't know if playing games is popular in the universe? "

"Of course, who doesn't need entertainment? But what you said is too general. If you want to be more specific, is it gambling? Is it gladiatorial? Is it war? Is it male and female? Male and female? Female and female? Interspecies..."

"Stop, stop!" Xie Zhi hurriedly stopped him: "I don't need to talk about it later, I'm talking about video games."

Typhon wondered, "What is that?"

This time, Xie Zhi was surprised: "Don't even a boss like you know? Is the entertainment industry so scarce in the universe?"

Xie Zhi was really surprised. His original intention was to know if there were MOBA competitive online games in the universe. (Note 1)

Typhon made a "I don't understand what you're talking about" gesture.

Xie Zhi simply took out his mobile phone, tuned up a small game, and taught Ti Feng how to play it.

As a result, Ti Feng couldn't stop playing, and his eyes were wide open: "Interesting! Wonderful! Who invented this? It's a great invention! It's been a long time, if I had this thing long ago, I wouldn't be keen on collecting it. It's it! I lost! Come again!"

Seeing that Ti Feng was about to indulge in it, Xie Zhi was not only speechless, but the number one rich man in the universe was addicted to small games? ! Can you believe it? !

Xie Zhi coughed dryly, and said: "Brother, this is for you, let's play slowly later, do you think there is something for this business?"

Tifeng excitedly said: "Of course! I have lived for countless years, but I have never played such a fun thing. You don't know how difficult it is to kill boredom when you live a long time! There is no new fun in the universe. Same old stuff, so empty!

Tell me first, which genius invented this? I want to reward him! "

"Calm down, calm down, this thing is on the ground... in our place, there are as many as you want, there are endless tricks, no creativity, and you can't get along in the game business.

What I mean is, let's evaluate whether we have worked together in the game business in the universe. "

"What's wrong?" Tifeng stared and exaggerated: "It should be said that the prospects are unlimited! Do you know what this video game represents? The dawn of peace in the universe has arrived!"

Xie Zhi murmured: "It's not so exaggerated, is it?"

"It's that exaggerated! Don't you believe it?" Tifeng raised his arm: "Do you know how many wars in the universe are caused by boredom? Tell you, there are many long-lived races like me who live too long. And boring, how do you live without finding something to do?

I'm pretty good, but some people say that my little hobby is perverted. Those who want to dominate the galaxy really think they're doing it for profit? Shit! All of them are almost invincible existences, and it's not because the days are too boring and boring! They really became perverted!

Wait a minute, you mean cooperation, right? Don't go back on your word! "

Xie Zhi doesn't quite believe what Ti Feng said, but what he thinks is his business.

So he smiled and said: "Of course, if you have money, let's distribute it together. I will produce works here, and you will provide business channels. As for the share, it is easy to discuss..."

Ti Feng waved his hand: "Don't! Don't toss about whoever loses and who takes advantage. This is a big business throughout the universe, and the odds and ends are not important."

Xie Zhi raised his thumb, and said in an exaggerated tone: "This is the big picture! The big picture! How about saying that it's appropriate to mention Boss Feng's fortune!"

"Haha, let's make a fortune together!" Then Tifeng straightened his face, raised his finger and said, "But I have one condition, no third party, just the two of us."

"No problem, but we have to remove our sphere of influence."

"That's natural."

"Happy cooperation!"

"Get rich together! By the way, what's the name of the game I'm playing now?"


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