Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 675: So cool, don't stop.

Whether it is mind reading or force prediction, Xie Zhi knows that Godzilla is about to spray.

The problem is, when you get super big, your body can't keep up.

But at the same time, Xie Zhi's level of toughness has also reached the point of becoming more perverted, so after being hit by a breath gun, apart from his embarrassing appearance, it is not a serious problem.

However, the submarine mountain range was in a bad situation, Xie Zhi hit several of them and was shattered.

And amidst the billowing smoke and dust, a yellow-green ray as thick as a building burst out!

The two-color light stream blasted violently on Godzilla! Immediately, the bottom of the sea was filled with dazzling light, and violent shock waves erupted!

While knocking Godzilla down, it also interrupted its ultra-long-range breath.

Pang Ran Xie Zhi walked out of the smoke and dust, snorted coldly: "Fatty, don't think you're the only one who can ejaculate, you little boy!"

Xie Zhi strode towards Godzilla with terrifying long legs, every step was a huge earthquake on the seabed!

Godzilla also just stood up and grabbed Xie Zhi with his paw, but Xie Zhi's right fist hit Godzilla's cheek first!

Xie Zhi kept his mouth still: "Hey, your hands are longer than yours. Why are your hands so short? You can't reach them. You say this is a mess, aren't you angry?"

While speaking, the left fist followed closely, and hit Godzilla's head to the right again!

"Little short hand, are you trying to be cute with brother?"

Godzilla came out with both claws, but was grabbed by Xie Zhi's probe again. In the wrestling of the four arms, Xie Zhi followed a close...head hammer! Confused!


The two big heads collided firmly!

Although Godzilla's head is hard, Xie Zhi is not bad, and Godzilla was immediately confused.

And then Xie Zhi kicked straight, kicking right on Godzilla's big belly!

With the tail propped up, Godzilla didn't fall down for a while, but Xie Zhi lunged forward, and made a move to Godzilla who opened the empty door... Iron Mountain!


This time, Godzilla was blown away abruptly!

The scary guy rolled on the seabed along the way, and the stirred seabed shook!

And Xie Zhi followed closely behind and followed.

Faced with Godzilla's big tail that was thrown back by counterattack, Xie Zhi could not dodge or dodge, and took advantage of the momentum to put his hands on it, and his figure spun along with it. As a result, following the inertia of the tail, he abruptly swung Godzilla up!




Xie Zhi didn't just circle around on the spot, but as the center moved forward, Godzilla's body kept colliding with the seabed mountains, and every time it hit, the mountains exploded!


Two laps!


The crash continues!

And on the third lap, Xie Zhi changed the direction of his strength, lifted Godzilla high, and then... smashed it down hard!

The visual impact of the screen and the lossless sound effect from the live broadcast show how powerful the smashing is!

The battle between super giants is truly devastating!

Bucky punched hard: "Choking to death! This is exciting!"

Godzilla howled and screamed when he was smashed. Obviously, this series of violent output, it also benefited a lot. Although the internal organs would not be displaced, it almost lost its breath.

Especially the head, which collided with the mountain one after another, the degree of pain and dizziness can be imagined.

However, it just raised its head with a scream...


A big foot kicked its head upright, very crisp!


As a direct result, its head collided violently with the seabed!

"Hey~ so cruel!" Ren shivered, then raised his eyebrows and smiled: "But I like it, it's sour!"

And Godzilla flicked his big tail again, obviously not planning to give up.

But as soon as it was lifted up, a green light suddenly appeared, and countless green chains thicker than a train appeared, entangled its giant tail, and began to wrestle.

For a moment, it seemed that the strength was evenly matched, but Xie Zhigu showed more and more chains, and finally, the last straw that overwhelmed the camel appeared, and Godzilla's big tail was violently pulled down on the seabed. Hold firmly.

Godzilla exerted strength on his upper body and tried to get up, but was kicked by Xie Zhi and broke the supporting force. At the same time as his claws landed, Xie Zhi stepped on him.

Godzilla turned around, trying to grab Xie Zhi's leg with the other paw, but Xie Zhi's eyes flashed green, and countless chains appeared, binding his left paw again.

Xie Zhi folded his arms on his chest, and said frightfully, "Fatty, are you convinced?"

Godzilla shook his head, stared at Xie Zhi in rough clothes, wrinkled his rock-like eyebrows, and roared violently.

The meaning is also simple, don't accept it!

"Hot meat..." Xie Zhi scratched his cheek: "That's right, do you think you are strong enough to resist beatings, and you can stand up?"

And when Xie Zhi was speaking, Godzilla's bone plates lit up again, apparently about to spray again.

"Spray you uncle!"

Xie Zhi stomped on Godzilla's head, and then the violent blue light sprayed crookedly, shooting out a deep groove horizontally on the seabed!

"Are you convinced?"

"Not convinced!"

Xie Zhile, he raised his thumb: "Okay, I like hard bones!"

As he said that, Xie Zhi knelt down on one leg, put his knee on Godzilla's shoulder, raised his fists... and bowed left and right!

boom! boom! boom! boom…

One punch after another, the strength of each punch is enough to smash the battleship! It's such a super heavy punch, constantly bombarding Godzilla's head!

Simple, beaten.

They were beaten for ten minutes.

Xie Zhi closed his fist.

Looking at Godzilla again, even the rock-like skin has been ripped apart, and the blood is dissipating in the sea water, especially those big nostrils, the blood flow is even more fierce.

And the brow bone on the left had a big gap, which could penetrate deep into the flesh.

A pair of eyes are not as piercing as before, and they stare confusedly, half-closed.

In short, Godzilla was brutally beaten into a pig's head.

"Are you convinced?"

From Godzilla's throat, there was only a moan.

And the paw that was no longer stepped on by Xie Zhi lifted up tremblingly, holding a stone in the paw, tremblingly approached Xie Zhi's head.

Pa, knocked Xie Zhi's forehead forcelessly.

Following the claws, it fell weakly on the seabed.

Xie Zhi didn't hide. After staring at Godzilla for a few seconds, he sighed, "Why do you feel like I'm the big villain?"

The people watching the battle on the other side also nodded subconsciously, that's right, it's Renn said sympathetically, "I didn't recruit anyone, I slept at home for a beauty sleep, but the bad guy came and shouted Not to mention disturbing the people, but also beating people into pig heads, even my own mother couldn't recognize her when she saw her...standard villain behavior."

Bucky opened his mouth: "Didn't you say you liked it before?"

"Women are fickle, and it is our privilege to be unreasonable, don't you agree?"

Bucky shrank his neck: "How can it be, take it, you must take it."

On the other side, Xie Zhi shook his head, stood up and said, "Well, your temper is like mine.

But with your stubbornness, you will die sooner or later. Instead of being beaten to death by others, death in my hands is not wronging you.

The big villain... just the big villain. "

As he said that, Xie Zhi raised his left hand, followed by the red light all over his body, and at the same time, the sea water around him boiled violently, and it boiled! ~

Yes, super heat mode is on.

And Xie Zhi's left hand, which looked like the surface of the sun, was pressing on Godzilla's chest.

Immediately, the epidermis on Godzilla's chest was also burned red by the high temperature.

But immediately afterwards, red light was projected from its skin texture, and then spread.

Xie Zhi was even more stunned, and said in surprise: "Huh? Absorbed? Hehe, yes, even a nuclear explosion can greatly nourish. Ultra-high temperature is a tonic for you."

And from Godzilla's throat, there was an extremely comfortable moan.

Xie Zhi's face turned dark immediately, because the translated meaning is... so cool, don't stop.

"It's cool, isn't it? Then change to this, it's even better."

Click! Click! Click!

The high temperature disappeared, the red light disappeared, the pale frost suddenly appeared, and the sea water condensed rapidly!

Yes, changed to ultra-low temperature mode.

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