Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 663: Arranging noodles

The shock of the Kryptonian spacecraft landing on the earth a few days ago has not yet dissipated. Good guy, here is another spacecraft!

Before the Kryptonian spacecraft fired, the sense of threat came from wild guesses, but the stealth mode of the Hunter spacecraft was a real show of ability.

Although the performance is far worse than that of the Kryptonian spacecraft, people on earth don’t know it, so relatively speaking, the threat of this kind of spacecraft that comes to the side silently is more specific in the perception of the global audience.

But that's not all.

The spaceship hovered in the air, the hatch opened, and the Amazon female warrior appeared in front of the world.

One by one, they are neatly arranged, wearing uniform standard armor.

But I saw the full-coverage metal armor, shiny and golden.

Moreover, although the style of the armor has a classical style, it also has a strong high-tech flavor.

In particular, the helmet is very distinctive. It covers the long face, but still can't see the eyes, only the eyepiece, and the part below the nose is a light blue energy shield. If you look carefully, it is composed of small hexagons .

On the top of the helmet, there is a towering tassel decoration, like a high ponytail.

But look carefully, according to the difference in color, it seems to be hair, but it is bound by the helmet, **** high, fluttering in the wind, very rustling.

Yes, this is the standard battle suit specially designed by the old Xie family for the Amazons.

Not only is the performance excellent, but the key is to be handsome.

The function of the helmet's hair binding is actually derived from the design of the Cree battle suit. In fact, the main source of design is the copy of the Cree battle suit.

Of course, there must be a difference in appearance, highlighting the national style, but the style...Although it is magnificent and beautiful, it seems a bit strange. It has nothing to do with the fusion of two ancient civilization styles. Needless to say, ancient Greece, it also has the taste of ancient infrastructure.

A group of armored warriors are still equipped with cold weapons on the surface, with a long sword on their waist, a spear in one hand, and a round shield on their back.

Even though they were riding in a high-tech spaceship, the cold weapons they wore did not feel incongruous, on the contrary, the killing aura they exuded complemented the spaceship.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud sound of war drums!

It is long and simple, but it seems to be beating people's hearts, and every drum beat makes people's hearts jump.

And this music is also a combination of Chinese and Western, but there are those who are knowledgeable and can hear it. This song is called... "The Song of Lanling King Entering the Battle".

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} No need to ask, this is Xie Zhi's idea again, the first appearance of his own Amazon Legion must have a lineup, and the music will be retuned to integrate Chinese and Western styles , to highlight the great national unity.

As for the arrangement, Xie Zhi knew that the top composers in the world were all controlled by his brain without spending any money.

This also leads to this solemn and powerful drum music, which is thought out with the times, and while the sense of ancient and modern coexists, it also has a taste of the future.

cross! cross! cross!

The female warrior was standing still, and the sound of neatly clashing combat boots echoed the beat of the drums. The rhythm of the clanging sound once again refreshed the goosebumps on people's scalps.


Accompanied by a chorus of voices, the former Queen of the Amazons, who was the leader, drew out her saber, flirting with her sword in a handsome and capable manner, and was the first to jump down.

Immediately after, the female fighters in the last row jumped off the spaceship, their movements still neat and clean! Like a robot.

The sound of the collision of the boots and the ground, the sound of the armor shaking, absolutely refreshing!

The fighters on the ground took a step forward in a neat step, followed by the second row, and then moved forward, followed by the third row, just like dominoes, and the strength of the brushing will definitely make the obsessive-compulsive disorder feel good from the soles of the feet to the hair roots.

cross! cross! cross…

As the queue advances, every step is a voice. Many people who are interested in the military parade can't help but have a sense of sight when they are watching the military parade of the National Infrastructure Construction. Yes, the same aura and the same taste.

It’s no wonder that Xie Zhi has watched a lot of videos of the infrastructure parade for Amazon people these days, as a reference, and integrated a set of paces that conform to the sense of the times, and of course slowly infrastructure.

And the army formation of the Amazons is at the same level, and with their extraordinary physical fitness, they can easily adapt to it with a little modification.

As a result, there were no more than three hundred Amazon female warriors, but they showed the heroic spirit of thousands of troops.

In an instant, not only the onlookers applauded and applauded excitedly by the wind of iron and blood, but even the audience watching the live broadcast couldn't help pumping their fists and stomping excitedly, especially the audience of Ji Jianguo, who called them experts and had inside taste.

Atlanna, who is also the queen, couldn't help but twitched her eyes. She was careless in her first appearance, and was actually upstaged by the Amazons. She made a mistake.

Yes, the appearance before the talks can be said to be a special session for Amazonians.

Even Clark, who fell from the sky later, couldn't do it. Although there was a red cloak, compared with the battle armor, the tights were really inferior in appearance by N grades. Although the technology content was dark enough, it also seemed not high-grade and lacked cultural heritage.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}That's right, Clark is also one of the negotiating parties. He does not represent Lao Mei, but only represents himself. This is Xie Zhi's suggestion, as a way to settle on the earth Kryptonians, if you want to have less trouble in your life, it is better to speak clearly from the beginning.

It was the representative of the Xie family who arrived last, but there was no appearance. Xie Zhi, his family and Diana appeared in the venue by teleportation.

This was done mainly to distinguish them from the Amazons. Old Xie’s family did not intend to make the Amazons’ allegiance public, as long as they were clear about it.

And where it appeared, it directly chose the first place in the venue, on the rostrum.

The scene fell silent for a while.

For an international meeting of this scale, the host city, Lion City, has arranged to host and coordinate But at this moment, it is obviously unnecessary.

Xie Zhi walked directly to the front of the stage, without using a microphone, and shook the audience with his voice. According to the political slang he learned from the international memory, he made an opening remark, and directly took the job of the host of the conference.

After saying a bunch of polite phrases, Xie Zhi paused and said, "I wish this meeting a complete success, and on behalf of the superhero group, I would like to express our position.

We are here to do only three things, fairness! fair! Still **** fair!

In the end, I saw that Lao Mei still sent someone. Since she is thick-skinned, I can just wait and listen, but seeing you, I can't help... I feel very happy.

As the saying goes... Sit up in shock while dying, the clown is yourself.

I didn't think about the latter, so let's do it. Okay, this conference officially begins. "

In view of the fact that there is no precedent for this kind of talks, the meeting started first with the reclusive civilization speaking first, mainly introducing themselves, so that the representatives of various countries and the whole world can know the historical truth, so as to proceed with the follow-up topics.

The first person to take the stage was the representative of the sea people, Atlanna.

The queen narrated for about half an hour, briefly introducing the history and culture of the sea people, but Atlanta also paid attention to it. She was robbed of the limelight before, and now she has to make up for it.

So in the introduction, it also introduced the military strength, scientific and technological strength, and resources of the four countries of the Sea People. Simply put, it means one thing, we are awesome, and we beat the land people in every way! Try it if you don't like it.

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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