Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 642: sanctions

King Nereus said: "Thank you for your reminder, what are your other conditions?"

Xie knew: "Just establishing diplomatic relations is not enough. I hope you can actively participate in international affairs. After all, the earth is my home, and it depends on everyone to love her, right.

So, safeguarding human beings...ah no, it is a community with a shared future for people on earth, which is good for everyone.

The establishment of diplomatic relations is only the first step. The second step is that oceanic countries should also shoulder the heavy responsibility of maintaining world peace, harmonious development, maintaining multilateralism, and combating hegemony.

Questions about this? "

This time Atlanta hesitated a bit, and said with a dry smile: "Mr. Xie Zhi, I understand Lao Mei's situation, the problem is... my eldest son is an old American."

Xie Zhi smiled and said: "I know, I also know that he doesn't want to be king, you can ask him if you don't believe me.

But even if he intends to be king, it's okay, now you are the queen, and you have the right to make national policies.

And even if your eldest son inherits the throne in the future and intends to change the national policy, I believe that the other three countries will not agree, right, King Nereus. "

King Nereus nodded: "Yes, I think the kings of the four ocean nations, even if they are blood... Well, at least they can't sell the interests of the ocean people."

Atlanta sighed: "Okay, I understand, the king really can't retain dual citizenship, and the country of the sea people doesn't have such rules."

Vico interrupted the topic at this time: "Mr. Xie Zhi, I have some understanding of the land world, as far as I know, the land people's wars have almost never stopped.

Especially the old Americans, they have caused almost every war for decades.

And if we ocean people participate in the disputes in the land world, I am afraid that the old Americans will unite their allies to create a threat theory of ocean people, and we will become public enemies.

So even if we are willing to communicate peacefully, can you guarantee that NATO will not go to war against us? From my understanding, for things they don't understand, their first choice is war. After being beaten, they know that war will not work, so they choose other methods. "

Xie Zhi couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "As expected of an important minister, you really know the land world very well, you understand people.

What you said makes sense, but you misunderstood me, I didn't say it... let you make excuses.

That's right, I'm hitting your home now, and I'm controlling your life and death, but this is me, and I don't represent any country on the surface of the earth. The situation of my buddies is very big. I care about all human beings, and this human being includes you.

So... I didn't say that you should not show your strength. You must protest what should be protested, and what should be condemned must be condemned, and you must be strong enough, especially those who wantonly invade other countries' waters under the guise of freedom of navigation. You have endured it for too many years, don't bear it anymore.

Just make it clear that a clear answer must be given within three days, and if a sincere and universal value response is not obtained, then sanctions will be imposed..."

Hearing this, Mera couldn't help but said: "Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Xie Zhi, we don't have any contact with mainlanders, how to sanction?"

Xie Zhi said with a smile: "Isn't this simple? First of all... who said there is no relationship, don't forget, I am the boss of Big Fish Country and a member of Sea World. You can completely call my ability as that of the Sea People." .

Some countries don't pay attention, so of course the sanctions include... Don't eat fish, shrimp and crabs. Yes, there will be no catch in the waters of the relevant countries.

And they have drilling rigs. It is too easy for you to sanction them. Just make those drilling rigs unable to produce oil. Of course, it goes without saying that they understand.

What's more, you are the experts who really grasp the information of the sea, and you can completely report to other countries the... fleet information of countries that trample on the basic interests of other countries.

Yes, tell them clearly, not only do you know where each of their nuclear submarines is, but you have always followed them closely.

Or simply do this, tell your soldiers to draw graffiti directly on the hull of the submarine, so that they can count.

And the countries that are throwing dirty things into the sea, tell them not only they have to stop, but they have to be ready to accept the garbage back, after all, you have the ability to wash the garbage back to the coast, I know that.

If you are willing to be friendly, you can return the garbage on the coast they designate, otherwise, then you are free to play wherever you want.

Finally, you have to declare that you do not rule out the right to use means of war.

Of course, I suggest that you stop talking about high-tech weapons that they don't understand, and just say that you have nuclear weapons, which is what they understand. "

Everyone was stunned again, nothing else, a little bit confused about which side Xie Zhi was facing.

King Nereus spoke first: "If that's the case, then I completely agree! Mr. Xie Zhi, your arrangement is indeed very fair."

"That is required."

Atlanta continued, "Are there any other requirements?"

Xie Zhi drew a circle with a trident: "The sea world is not entirely the territory of your four countries, but more of a land of no man. I will divide an area as the territory of the giant beast Karathon.

I suggest that you warn your people, don’t provoke others when you have nothing to do, its temper is not as easy-talking as I am, and they are very good at eating. "

Atlanta agreed again, while the others looked at each other in blank dismay, apparently shocked by the fact that the frightening monster in the legend actually existed.

Since it is true, King Nereus is not stupid and has no thoughts of courting death, so I agree.

This site is the main purpose of Xie Zhi. Yes, he plans to set up the entrance and exit of the cross-boundary wormhole there. It just so happens that Karason will guard it more safely.

Of course, there is not only one entrance and exit, there is a safer place, and that is the unique space in this world, the Rock of Eternity.

But he said Xie Zhi and said: "Furthermore... this is an agreement between me and your ocean kingdom. Suppose one day, a world war breaks out. If the reason is on the side of the land people, I will not trouble you, and I will help the ocean. People against land people.

But if the reason is on your side, then I'm sorry, but don't blame me for letting the sea people eat dirt.

For the time being... that's all I can think of, if you have any you can also mention them, let's communicate. "

King Nereus said: "I have a question. After all, Aum is the fiancé of my daughter, Princess Mera. May I ask how you plan to deal with him?"

Xie Zhi wondered: "How to deal with him, does it have anything to do with whether he is your son-in-law? I deal with him because this kid is going to war."

"Uh... That's how it is. According to our tradition, once a marriage contract is made, it must be abided by. I mean... Can the little girl marry him first, and after the rest of the children..."

"Wait a minute!" Xie Zhi scratched his head: "Your operation... confuses me a bit, is Mera your own daughter?"

"Of course!" King Nereus turned green with anger.

"Then I don't understand. No matter how lenient I am to deal with Aum, the result will not be too good... As far as I know, arranged marriages are popular here, and free love is not popular here. The tragedy of Queen Atlanta lies in Right now, Your Majesty the King, don't you plan to improve your memory?"

King Nereus was startled, and then looked suspiciously at his daughter: "Meera, you don't plan to escape marriage, do you?"

Xie Zhi understood Mera's thoughts. As a person with a daughter, he looked down on King Nereus' behavior.

So Xie Zhi shook his head and sighed: "Your Excellency is a model father-in-law. Well, I don't interfere with other people's family affairs, but I also have a daughter. Let me stay here and marry someone? If there is a **** who dares to miss my daughter, Discounted legs!"

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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