Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 594: Star Destruction Experiment

Children have children's troubles, and adults also have adult business to do.

After the fun of reunion cooled down, Xie Zhi also left the earth, ran quite far, and flew directly to the other side of the Milky Way in the spaceship.

Nothing else, to do experiments, about the star destroyer weapon, that is, the incomplete version of Pym particles.

This terrifying weapon, no matter whether it is manufactured or verified, must find a place that is safe enough. The danger must be within a controllable range and cannot spread to planets with life.

This is not only Hank's request, but also the principle and bottom line of the old Xie family.

But this time, he only brought Youde with him.

There are also things to be busy on the earth side. Howard leads the bee family researchers, together with pioneer experts and Decepticon doctors, to develop cross-border wormholes with all their strength. This is the most important goal at present.

And Banner, who just joined the team, was very happy throughout the whole process. In fact, he is very satisfied with the current situation.

Without him, Banner's two major heart problems were resolved.

One is of course turning into the Hulk after being angry. For him, the super destructive maniac completely ruined his life. Not to mention work and interpersonal relationships, even a normal life is difficult to maintain stably. However, these are not for the old Xie family. thing.

In fact, because of the Hulk, Banner's spirit has almost collapsed. If he didn't commit suicide, he would not have existed, so he has a serious inferiority complex. , but in fact, being able to get the chance to interact with people without concealing it again is simply winning the jackpot for Banner. He is too happy to be happy, after all, people are social creatures.

As for another heart problem, it is the pursuit of being a scientist, and because of Hulk, the career he loves is gone, but it is not a problem now, not only has the conditions for scientific research, but also the conditions are unexpectedly high, not to mention the beauty, the whole The earth plus one piece can't compare!

In particular, there are actually two scientific geniuses here. He is not familiar with Youde, but Howard is a legend. He has studied other people's theories when he was studying.

But even so, Banner has not devoted himself to scientific research for the time being. After all, sparring is his main way of repaying debts today.

But Banner didn't reject it either, it was good, the sparring partner would have a head sooner or later, and he could still enter the laboratory.

And he doesn't mind Hulk being beaten at all, in fact, he still enjoys it a little bit, which makes the old Xie's family wonder if this guy has a tendency to be abused.

And this kind of rare super opponent, let the two sisters-in-law who are keen on violence... no, they are passionate about martial arts, fight very happily.

Of course, the sister-in-law and sister-in-law also got the Transformers version of the mecha now. With the help of supercomputers, there is no problem in sparring.

And the mechs have been further strengthened and upgraded, without him, Xie Zhi they are gone, Youde is not idle here, and now Mandalorian can be produced by itself.

The metamorphosis of Transformers lies in the scanning simulation, so the defense has been further strengthened.

The most obvious manifestation is that Hulk's attack, even if he resists hard, the damaged shell and parts will not fly around like in the past, and the hard block is unscathed! It shows how perverted Mandalorian Iron is.

However, these harvests all happened before Xie Zhi left the earth. After all, Xie Zhi still needs to sing nursery rhymes to make Hulk fall asleep.

And after Xie Zhi left, even Bucky could sing, but the two hostesses were not satisfied with this method, and without him, they were not interested in being a mother to this big green silly kid.

In this regard, Youde came up with a simpler method, which is to use the Force to control Banner's mind first, creating a hypnotic effect.

After all, according to Banner, although he and Hulk are two consciousnesses, there is also a special connection that can affect each other, so based on this connection, it should also be useful to Hulk.

This method did not hide from Banner, and told him directly, whether to accept the voluntary, Banner of course chose... Accept, there are many reasons, but the most basic reason is that, anyway, he has been hypnotized. Compared with shameful singing of nursery rhymes , he preferred to accept.

The results proved that this method is indeed feasible. Speaking the secret word of hypnosis activation to Hulk, the effect will still occur, and the transformation is over.

Half a month later.

Xiao Yu and the others sat around and watched the video information transmitted by the Tai Chi ring, and in the video, it was Xie Zhi who was doing the experiment of destroying the planet.

In the video, Xie Zhi's voice-over came out: "The star-destroying experiment is the first time, starting now, ten, nine... two, one, detonation."

Along with the voice, the planet on the screen did not show any effect, but in the next second, there was a change.

I saw obvious signs of shaking on the side of the planet, and then the planet disappeared.

Yes, it's gone in the blink of an eye!

There is no sound and light effect, let alone an explosion, not even a spark.

Ryan couldn't help asking: "Is this shrinking into the quantum domain?"

Howard followed suit: "According to Hanke's theory, shouldn't it be entering the quantum domain, is there a microscopic lens record?"

There is a virtuous voice in the video: "There is a record, wait a moment... it's done."

The picture changed again, and there was a high-magnification slow-motion change. This time, everyone saw the whole process clearly, and it was indeed a planet that was shrinking.

But this kind of shrinkage is completely different from the past, it is a destructive shrinkage, yes, the entire planet is constantly being torn into pieces during the shrinking process, and it continues to shrink, and continues to be shredded, until it becomes fine gravel in the universe .

Yes, grit, did not enter the quantum domain at all, but whatever was originally on the planet is meaningless, completely destroyed!

"Yeah! It worked!" Bucky waved his fist heavily.

Howard couldn't help but sigh with emotion: " really amazing, I'm convinced, I just made an atomic bomb, and his invention can destroy a planet.

Lao Xie, Youde, how stable is this thing? "

Youde said: "The stability is not high. For the sake of safety, my suggestion is to use it now and make it now. After all, when we travel through, if there is an accident, everything will be finished."

Bucky said: "Then can the production keep up? We are going to destroy hundreds of This question can only be answered by Xie Zhi, after all, the manufacturing process is completely in his hands:" This is no problem, the production speed is no different from that of normal Pym particles, and they can be fully supplied.

There is no problem with weaponization. As long as the cross-boundary wormhole is built, it can be sent through the wormhole. Of course, a cross-boundary delivery experiment will be required to confirm it, so we still need to save some coordinates in this world. "

In this way, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Although they didn't experience it personally, just based on the description, Xiao Yu and others also understood how terrifying the race of pioneers was, and they couldn't be left behind from any angle.

After that, there will be no major events. After the daily life... time travel will come again.

The different phases ended, Xie Zhi and his wife took Xie Ai and looked around.

This time, perhaps, there were no witnesses.

Because here is the vast sea, and there is only one fishing boat under the feet of the three people. The sailors on the boat are also busy with fishing operations. It seems that no one has noticed the sudden light in the sky.

However, the couple still saw a more distant sea area, with thick smoke rising into the sky.

After zooming in on the picture, it was found that a fire broke out on an offshore drilling platform, and the fire almost engulfed the entire drilling platform.

"Let's save people first."

The couple said in unison, and then smiled at each other's tacit understanding, and flew to the fire with their daughter.

What the family of three didn't realize was that there was a bearded young man on the fishing boat, who was watching the movement of Lao Xie's house the whole time.

When the three of them left, the young man murmured in a low voice: "A man, a woman, and a child, one family? Where... are you from?"

Yes, the old Xie family's stealth technology did not hide from the young man's eyes at all.

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