Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 562: nothing left

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The conversation between the two of them made Hope more and more convinced that Uncle Xie Zhi is Dad's best friend, and the relationship is super close. Otherwise, how could Uncle Xie Zhi have Pym particles? And obviously Uncle Xie Zhi will also make it.

She didn't believe that her own father shared this secret because of coercion, that's not the style of a stubborn old man.

However, Xie Zhi's plan is a method to shrink the planet until it enters the quantum domain, but there are many disadvantages.

The Pym particles can theoretically shrink anything in size, but it is only theoretical, it is very difficult to really shrink a planet.

Because this involves the scope of action, the old Xie family obtained a plan through supercomputing. First, build a special satellite network all over the world, and then the satellite network will simultaneously launch Pym particles to cover all important nodes. Form an area of ​​action sufficient to cover the entire globe.

Of course, the whole process must be extremely precise, including the survey of the terrain, and there is nothing short of it, otherwise it will just leave some basins on the surface of the planet, which is not much different from nuclear weapons.

Even during this delivery process, if the Pym particles touch other things, such as aircraft, flocks of birds, or even weather changes, it will have an impact.

And the most important thing is that the aliens will not honestly let the enemy deploy a satellite network, so this plan can only be theoretical and has no practical significance.

At this time, Xie Zhi spread his hands: "Of course I know the power of Pym particles, the problem is how to weaponize it."

"This is actually not difficult, I have a solution, but..." Hank smacked his lips and said with emotion: "I didn't expect this day to come, and I didn't expect that I would release this monster with my own hands."

Then Hank stared at Xie Zhi seriously: "Xie Zhi, I know you will not use this to destroy human beings, because with Pym particles and Ant-Man suits, it is too easy to get nuclear weapons, there is no need to use leather Mu particles.

However, I still need to confirm some things. First of all, you must have spaceships, right? "

"Of course, otherwise, what would we use to fight the aliens?"

"Very well, then I will draw a few red lines that must not be crossed, otherwise, even if it is for the survival of human beings, I will not talk about this method."

"What do you think."

"First, the experiment site must not be placed on the earth, no, not even in the solar system, the farther the better."

Xie Zhi smiled: "It is necessary. If any planet in the solar system is gone, the earth will also be finished. Am I a person without common sense?"

"I know you're not, but I still have to say, second... the experiment site must be a lifeless planet.

Third, successfully developed weapons cannot be stored on the earth, nor can they enter the solar system. I don't care how you arrange them, but they can only be stored on spaceships in the universe.

Finally, I repeat, Pym particles can only be known by the two of us, and I can only tell you the specific method, and no third person can know.

I don't care how troublesome it is to make, you must and can only rely on ants to help you produce, not robots.

Can it be done? "

Xie Zhi nodded: "Yes, do I need to swear?"

"No, at least you have one advantage that I really appreciate. You keep your word and keep your word."

At this time Bucky said: "Then you talk, I will avoid..."

Hank stopped: "It's not necessary, Bucky, sit down, I will only tell Xie Zhi the specific formula, but there is no need to keep the general method secret.

In fact, the method is not complicated, but Xie Zhi does not know the specific process of the birth of Pym particles, and the process of research and development is not smooth, so there are still failed products, or...incomplete versions of Pym particles.

For weaponization, what is needed is precisely not a perfect version of Pym particles.

When I say this, you will understand that the current Pym particles can directly zoom in and out of creatures. Although they will also cause side effects, they are at least alive.

But the incomplete version is different. It directly acts on the creature, and what you get is a pool of rotten meat, including other things, which are all destructive zoom in and zoom out.

Not only that, when the incomplete version of Pym particles is active, it is extremely unstable, and it will also produce a chain reaction, which can further increase its power and coverage.

So as long as the incomplete version of Pym particles is used, well, in theory, if the amount is large enough, it can completely destroy a planet. Note 1)

Hope couldn't help widening his eyes, looked at his father and murmured, "Dad, what did you invent? If Einstein knew about it, he probably wouldn't be bothered about nuclear weapons."

Hank spread his hands indifferently: "He didn't make the nuclear weapon, it was made by that old guy Howard, and the situation is the same now.

Moreover, this kind of star-destroying weapon still has little practical significance. I think it is still about deterrence and scaring people. "

Xie knew: "What do you mean?"

"As I said, the incomplete version is very unstable, so although I have not practiced the process of weaponization, I know that I am afraid it is not suitable for launching weapons such as artillery shells and missiles.

Nuclear weapons do not have intercontinental missiles as carriers, so they can only be air-dropped. I think the incomplete version is even difficult to air-drop. The best way is to sneak into the enemy's territory secretly, and after placement, detonate at a fixed time.

So if you want to deter the enemy, you can play a show and destroy a planet to frighten people, but in fact, the range is not enough. "

This is indeed a problem, but Xie Zhi and Bucky are still relieved, sneaking into the enemy's territory is enough, because they have cross-border wormhole technology, which is suitable for dealing with pioneers.

That's right, this is the purpose of Xie Zhi's coming to find Hank. If he is directly asked to return favors, things of the nature of star destroying weapons can be said to be incapable of making, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Human affection is such a thing that it is not enough for people to care about right and wrong. Even in the eyes of some people who are not particular about it, the so-called human affection is a fart.

Therefore, active participation is completely different from passive demand.

Of course, at the beginning, Xie Zhi only suspected that Hank might come up with a star-destroying weapon. After all, Xie Zhi had used Pym particles a lot and could imagine its potential, but he was not sure that Hank would have a way.

Now this result proves that he has found the right person. It is no wonder that people who have been in contact with Hank think that he is very conceited, no one looks down on him, and he does have the capital of pride.

However, Xie Zhi intends to go further with the condition Hank put forward, that is, not to experiment in this world at all.

Not only to avoid accidents in the experiment, but most importantly, he did not intend to cause more trouble.

No one, the last time I met Steve, even though what Steve said was unclear, the meaning was There is an eye of an unknown existence that can see all parts of the universe, obviously peeping The ability is still above the ancient one.

Although I don't know who the owner of those eyes is, and it is impossible to stare at the earth specifically, but it is not a big mistake to be careful, if someone sees it, it will not be a good thing after all.

And I asked Gu Yi about Star Destroyer weapons before, and he proved that this world does have them. If the forces with Star Destroyer weapons find out, and they plan to strike first, it will be really fatal.

At this time Hank said again: "Thank you, I also contributed the Star Destroyer Weapon, not to mention saving the world, even if it can bluff the aliens, it is also a contribution to human beings, right?"

Xie Zhi pointed his fingers together: "You're heretic, you don't need to beat around the bush when you join the group, don't you just want robotics, don't worry, robots are enough, give as much as you want, explore the quantum domain, my buddies fully support.

Don't talk about robots, from now on, your home is my home, your company is my company, your daughter is my daughter, buddy, you haven't counted the character, please ask your wife to offer it My friend, that's me. "

Hank touched the taste and sighed: "You are telling the truth, before you know it, I have nothing left now."

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