Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 552: nothing wrong, nothing wrong

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Just then, a Sea Stallion helicopter circled the mountain and flew over.

Tony was overjoyed, and frowned immediately, and hurriedly said: "Hammer, don't say that you killed the person, uncle said, I have a lot of face in the army, and now I will hand it over to uncle, ask you Let’s say you were also kidnapped, they used you to blackmail me into submission, you don’t know anything.”

Xie Zhi and Baki, who were looking at the surveillance screen, nodded, okay, this kid still has a conscience and a sense of responsibility.

What Tony didn't expect was that the helicopter suddenly transformed into a huge robot with a clicking sound in the air!

That's right, it's Melowen Plus.

And he turned somersaults in the air, and his landing posture happened to be kneeling on one knee.

At the same time, he said very respectfully: "Congratulations, Miss Iron Hammer!"

Tony was confused for the nth time, and muttered: "It, it, it is..."

Xie Tiehammer said indifferently: "The deputy director of our family's intelligence department, Mei Luowenjia."

Inson is in your hands, find a safe place and set him free. "

"As ordered."

Mei Luo Wen Jia took Ying Sen, transformed into a helicopter again, and flew away.

Tony looked at the deformed robot flying away with a complicated expression, and murmured: "Old guy, it's okay, there is such a trick, I haven't told me, this is a mech...

Hammer, uncle asks you something, did your grandma and grandpa leave some... special things for you two? "

Xie Tiehammer nodded: "Yes, grandpa and grandma have treated me very well."

Tony's tone was a bit acidic: "I can see, the difference between a son and a daughter is really big..."

"Let's go."

"Oh, huh?" Tony pointed to the sky: "Don't we fly?"

"Is there anyone going to reform through labor by plane?"

Tony was stunned: "Labor...reform? What do you mean?"

"You want to undergo re-education and become a useful person to society again. Labor reform is very necessary. Will you go?"

When it was over, Xie Tiehammer lit up her little fist again.

Tony shivered: "You, you, you respect me! I, I, I am your uncle! Don't keep scaring me with your fists! If you want anything, just say it. How can I not listen to you? ?”

Xie Tiechui said: "You will be obedient without me beating you up?"

Tony said solemnly: "You said you child, really, what kind of person do you think uncle is? Is uncle a person who can't understand good words? What a good idea of ​​labor reform, uncle likes it."

"Then let's go."


But when he was leaving, Xie Tiehammer picked up a missile casually, and Tony didn't dare to ask, but seeing his attitude of not taking explosives seriously, he was even less sure whether the shell in his arms was real or not.

Xie Tiehammer didn't hold up the missile until he had walked a long enough distance, and his arm became a launch pad.

"What are you doing?"

And the constant backward movements actually showed that Tony knew what the girl was going to do.

"Fire a cannonball."

Following the voice, the Tai Chi ring flashed, the missile was successfully ignited, and flew out with a whoosh. The target was the Stark ammunition piled up outside the cave.

After the missile hit, it naturally triggered a martyrdom, earth-shattering explosion, and Tony shook his body and sat down on the sand.

Xie Tiehammer wondered: "You are a weapon maker, why are you afraid of this?"

Tony was about to cry, and he wronged Bara and said, "I have hypoglycemia! Tell me, when I opened my eyes, I didn't even take a sip of water, not to mention eating, and I even made you beat me up.

Take a look, take a look, I just had a thoracotomy, not to mention, you let me hold a shell that I don’t know if it will explode, my heart is not good now, hammer, poor poor uncle Okay? "

Xie Tiehammer sighed, waved his hand, and threw a bottle of mineral water to Tony.

Tony didn't care about magic or not, so he leaned back and had a good drink.

Following Xie Tiehammer's wave, several things flew out from the desert, namely... lizards, scorpions, and snakes.

Tony blinked and blinked: "Uh... isn't uncle just selling out badly? It's really not a complaint, isn't it? Why don't you beat me up."

"Didn't you not eat, I'm getting you something to eat."

With that said, Xie Tiehammer began to process the ingredients.

"Ah? Thank you, but is this food edible?"

"Why can't I eat it? If I could catch a snake when I was a child, it would be enough for me to be happy for several days. Let me tell you, it is good luck to find a scorpion in many cases. How can there be so much to eat?"

Tony was stunned, watching Xie Tiehammer's quick and skillful movements, and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he said: "Did you often not have enough to eat when you were young?"

"Well, but it's not just me. Everyone is the same. During the war, it's hard to find food. I'm used to it."

"War? Then you live in..." Tony paused, biting his cheeks a few times, with shame in his eyes: "Hammer, your the same?"

"Yes, my mother is the leader of the resistance army, and she can set an example. There are delicious foods, such as mice, which I don't want to eat, so I secretly keep them for me.

So now my mother is very unreliable, but I am not like her, that is my filial piety, I let her. "

Xie Tiehammer doesn't talk much, but Tony has such a rich imagination that he has already made up a series of plots in his mind.

He sighed, squatted over, and pointed to his head: "Your mother is here, isn't it..."

Xie Tiehammer nodded heavily: "Well! Now my mother's brain is amazing! You can't imagine it."

Tony said ashamedly: " about you live with me, uncle will take care of you..."

"You? Forget it, you don't know what responsibility is."

"I know, I was quite an **** in the past, but I have been different these days. Really, I have been reborn! Trust uncle, uncle wants to be a good person, give me a chance."

"It's useless to say, you have to do it, and I have to see your performance...Okay, it's cooked, you can eat."

Tony ate the grilled snake, and the circles of his eyes became red as he ate.

"Is it that unpalatable? I'm pretty good at it."

"Yummy! I just... got sand in my eyes."

"Oh, it's so hot."

Xie Tiehammer raised his hood, finally revealing her face, a beautiful girl's face with baby fat.

Tony praised secretly, it is indeed our family's genes, look at this little guy, handsome!

Although this kid is a bit violent, he is a good boy, well, I have to blame for this, but why didn't the second elder tell me about it?

Was it my sister who got lost when she was a child? Or was it kidnapped? But looking at the meaning, I found it later, so why didn't I say it? Maybe it's because I didn't have time, alas, their mother and son didn't look for me either, but I don't blame them, my reputation is bad enough...

Just as he was thinking about it, Xie Tiehammer suddenly released a refrigerator, took out a box of ice cream, and stuffed it into his mouth spoonful by for joy.

"Uh... Uncle is very curious, are you eating ice cream?"

"Yeah, it's hot, it's cool to eat this."

Click, the roast in Tony's hand fell to the ground, and he muttered: "Hammer, can you conjure a refrigerator?"


"Is there something to eat in the fridge?"




"Uncle doesn't mean anything else, just curious, why did you let me eat grilled snake?"

"You said you didn't eat, didn't you?"

Tony was silent for a moment, picked up the grilled snake and blew it, and said in a crying voice, "Nothing wrong, nothing wrong...Uncle, please do something."

"you say."

"Is there any cold beer?"

"You are now in the recovery period after surgery, so you have to avoid it."

"Isn't snake meat taboo?"

"Eat at ease, no taboo."

"Is it taboo to be beaten?"

"You have to believe in my ability. I have practiced martial arts for many years, and I have a sense of control. Do you still eat?"

"Uncle is just asking casually, girls, don't keep shaking your fists, it's easy to misunderstand."

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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