Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 5 Chapter 546: Coincidentally

The child was present, since Xie Zhi didn't want to elaborate, Bucky didn't ask.

At this time, Xie Zhi said again: "Hammer, bring grandpa's emergency kit."

After receiving it, Xie Zhi released two things, one is a big knife modification, and the other is a black hole grenade.

Seeing Xie Zhi observe intently, Baki suddenly realized: "They all come from the same source?"

Xie Zhi nodded: "That's right, I can sense a similar energy composition, if I guess correctly, the civilization that disappeared back then should have discovered the full version of this power.

Taking advantage of this game-changing thing, the Black Hole Grenade was created in an unreasonable way.

At the beginning, our buddies were worried enough. I was afraid that one and a half substandard products would appear, or that aging would affect the performance. I was worried for nothing. I wish I had known that those black hole grenades would not be tested. "

"If you have money, it's hard to buy. If you knew it, is it possible that you plan to use the time machine again when you go back?"

Xie Zhi said with a smile: "That's not necessary. If you travel through time again, what happened in the past will have to be repeated again. We are working in vain. In fact, it is worth experimenting. At least it can be used with peace of mind."

Bucky said again: "Can you extract the energy in the grenade?"

"Now...not yet, I have to study and study, after all, the current state of the mysterious stone is caused by time regression.

As for the other finished products, they are obviously solidified, either for strengthening or for turning into a black hole. They have no other functions. It is not safe to force it. "

While speaking, Xie Zhi went to Da Dao Kai again, stared at the engine for a while, nodded and said: "It's the same, but there are differences, the engine of Da Dao Kai may be the same as Dr. Lawson's research on the sublight speed engine based on the Rubik's Cube. , this is also a similar method, but it is not as exaggerated as a black hole grenade.

What did the Skrulls say back then? Oh, it is highly suspected that the engine uses dark matter energy. Could it be that the red crystal is made of dark matter energy? No, this thing is obviously more evil. "

Bucky shrugged his shoulders: "You have to consult Youde and Howard about this matter, but this thing, this thing must have a name."

"I have it, I have it!" Xie Ai quickly raised his hand: "It's called Maoxuewang Duck!"

Xie Tiechui was surprised: "Mom, how can it look like Maoxuewang?"

Xie Ai pointed his fingers and said: "Look at the duck, the red water is red oil, the red lumps are duck blood tofu, and the red noodles are peppers. It looks like a duck."

Xie Zhi was silent for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, you said that, your father and I have a sense of the picture, from now on Maoxuewang, Maoxuewang, those who don't know think they are going to cook, let's chat It's easy to get hungry.

It's called... red envelope, simple and easy to remember, everyone loves it. "

Bucky waved his hand: "Call it whatever you want, as long as you have a name, Lao Xie, Hong... Bao, what else can you do?"

Xie Zhi scratched his head: "I don't have much specific ideas, but I have an idea..."

Xie Zhi beckoned, the red envelope turned into fluid again, flew towards a stone, and instantly penetrated into it.

The subsequent changes are interesting. The surface of the stone is green, and then green branches emerge, extending and growing, and soon there will be leaves, flower buds, and flowers...

Yes, stones are turning into plants!

This scene proves once again that the red envelope can really change reality and change the rules. Judging from this magical performance, it is indeed more exaggerated than the manifestation of will energy, because it changes the original material properties, which is completely subversive!

But just when the flowers were about to bloom, without warning, they suddenly collapsed and turned into red gas.

Obviously, it was not completely successful and could not be maintained.

Even so, the whole family was amazed, it was amazing.

Xie Zhi frowned, followed by a pistol, and the red envelope was infiltrated again.

When Xie Zhi pulled the trigger, what was fired from the muzzle was not bullets, but bubbling bubbles.

The children clapped and clapped, this magic trick is beautiful.

But not long after, the pistol also collapsed into a red mist again, still unable to maintain the change.

Xie Zhi smacked his lips and said, "Hiss... is it the reason for the incomplete version? It shouldn't be, even I can change myself. It's just the change of some dead things. Why can't it be completed?"

Bucky shrugged: "I haven't experienced it personally, so I can't give any advice, but this move is already ruthless enough.

Think about it, if you want to turn the enemy's hand into a flower, even if it collapses half way through, the destructive effect still exists. If you change it to a head, tsk tsk, it will be even more fatal. "

"You don't understand, it's not a matter of power, the key is..." Xie Zhi sighed, "This is such a torture for OCD, I feel so uncomfortable."

"Daddy, lend me to play, I'm not afraid of discomfort."

"I'm afraid, when the time comes, it won't be a matter of discomfort. I'm afraid your father and I will age prematurely."

Saying that, Xie Zhi waved his hand, the red envelope turned into fluid, and then got into Xie Zhi's body again, so it's safer to keep it by himself.

This unexpected episode has temporarily come to an end, and it's time to cross over.

But he said that after the journey of Lao Xie's family, he went to three worlds one after another.

It was all determined to be a harmless world after reconnaissance, at least for the old Xie family, it was absolutely peaceful.

And there are no special technologies and treasures, so the stay time is not long.

However, Xie Zhi was not idle. In addition to continuing to study the red envelopes, he also recorded the coordinates of the three worlds, and kept some things for future cross-boundary wormhole experiments.

Calculating the time, it is estimated that it will not be too long before the whole family will be reunited just like Xiao Yu's prophecy.

It depends on the next world you travel through and the length of your stay.

After the out-of-phase kaleidoscope ended, there was a lot of noise around, accompanied by jazz music, it was really lively.

Yes, there are still many witnesses.

The sudden bright light attracted the attention of many people and caused some screams.

No wonder, from the interior decoration, people's clothing, and the language spoken, it can be judged that it should be the era after the millennium, and the location can be determined to be in Laomei.

Terrorist attacks are nothing new here and now. The sudden bright light is indeed easy to cause misunderstandings. Many sensitive people regard this as an explosion, which in turn arouses the fear of other ignorant people.

And many burly men in black suits rushed to the vicinity to check the situation, and the reaction was quite fast.

One by one, look at the dress and is no doubt about the bodyguards.

Some bodyguards quickly protected the employer.

Here, the two adults can also see that it is a luxurious casino, and it is almost impossible to think about it. The possibility of being in Las Vegas is the greatest.

Caused a mess, Xie Zhi was a little embarrassed, and was about to leave quickly, and this place was not suitable for children.

At this time, a man wearing a bag and red glasses pushed away the bodyguard and said loudly in a lazy Gadther tone: "Hey! Hey! Ladies and gentlemen, if it's mine, it won't be It’s a pity that only one light bulb is blown, and it’s pitch black so it’s easy to cheat.

It's still long tonight, I'm looking forward to another light bulb going off, I bet another light bulb will go off, anyone bet against me? "

It has to be said that this person's words really stabilized the panic in the casino, and many people cooperated and applauded.

It seems that the man in sunglasses has quite a face.

And the red sunglasses can't completely conceal his appearance, it's just an accessory, so when he saw the face of the man in the sunglasses, Xie Zhi and Bucky looked at each other speechlessly.

The expressions of the two brothers made Xie Tiehammer unable to restrain himself from saying, "Grandfather, do you know him?"

Xie Zhi smiled slightly: "It's not just acquaintance, you don't want to be too familiar, brother, I don't know why, I feel itchy."

Bucky also smirked and said: "Coincidentally, my hands are itchy too. Why do I want to beat this kid when I see him? It's so strange."

PS: Thank you book friend "Shanxinyu" for your regular tip! Thank you for your support! 666.

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