Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 4 Chapter 531: The more the better

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At this time, the two mechas have not only changed their operating modes, but also almost changed their appearance in terms of appearance.

First of all, let’s talk about the dangerous homeless. Its original biggest appearance feature is the nuclear power engine on the chest, which is very conspicuous and looks handsome.

But in the eyes of Xie Zhi and Bucky, this design is sick, right?

The power core, the vital point, is it just exposed? If you take a hit, you have to waste it, what do you think?

No matter what others think, according to their habits, this is a bright target, as if they are recruiting at them: "Shoot me, shoot me, I will look down on me if I don't shoot!"

In the past, if they didn't shoot that place, they wouldn't sleep well.

It's all luck that the dangerous homeless can survive until today, right?

But there is no way, according to the design, this is to keep the engine running stably.

So the two brothers were directly eliminated and replaced the core!

And the current power source is the Ark reactor, yes, Howard's representative invention.

Not to mention the stronger power, there is no need to consider the problem of exposing weaknesses, which can be covered with armor.

The changes in Storm Crimson are even greater, not only replacing the Ark reactor, but also canceling the design of the three mechanical arms.

Changed to...four arms.

Yes, more.

First of all, the original two mechanical arms on the right are much thinner than the left arm. The proportion of the left arm to the body is normal, so the other two should be much smaller for balance.

Not to mention the combat effectiveness, anyway, Xie Zhi looks uncoordinated and asymmetrical... OCD is absolutely unbearable.

So it was simply disassembled, and a right arm of equal proportions was made, and the other two small arms were arranged in the position of the rear shoulder armor.

Moreover, the auxiliary double arms have also been modified in mechanical structure, with the ability to deform, not from Transformers, but from Terminator T-X.

Therefore, the auxiliary arm is usually contracted, and it will be opened when it is used.

What's more, the original rotary knife hand was also cancelled. Xie Zhi changed the function of the secondary arm to... shoulder cannon, yes, it was tragically copied from the hunter clan's shoulder cannon.

In addition, the cockpit of the Crimson Storm, that is, the head, has also been modified.

The main reason is that Xie Zhi doesn't like the style of the Cyclops, it looks like the shock wave in the Transformers world, not handsome enough.

As for the design in this aspect, Xie Zhi chose to copy it. Yes, there are ready-made ones. He thinks Optimus Prime's head has a handsome shape. Of course, the painting has been changed to red.

So in terms of appearance, Storm Crimson is holding Optimus Prime's head.

In addition to these most obvious changes, the two mechas also have changes in details.

For example, there are plug-ins installed on the forearm, and there are also plug-ins on the two thighs.

But the two mechas at this moment, or twisting their waists, or shaking their hands, feel like they are doing radio gymnastics.

The general commanding the platform couldn't help asking: "How is it?"

Xie Zhi replied: "There is no problem in operation, the flexibility is enough, and it is too slow."

Xie Zhi's words made everyone in the headquarters a little helpless. Without him, the two mechas are obviously more than twice as flexible as before, okay, and they are much faster. Is this called slow?

And Bucky continued: "Try your jumping ability."

"Okay, three, two..."

The general was shocked by the words of these two people: "Wait a minute! Jump in place? Are you crazy! That is a mecha weighing more than 2,000 tons!"

Yes, now the two mechs have gained weight again.


As soon as the voice fell, the two mechas squatted down, and then jumped up violently!

The two mechas really jumped up! And it's very tall, at least three statures!

And it turned a 720-degree somersault in the air, and then landed steadily in the sea. The waves caused by the tonnage were too exaggerated, as if a high-explosive bomb exploded in the water!

The general and a group of staff were dumbfounded. When will the behemoth over 2,000 tons be able to do somersaults! ?

In fact, the mecha is not incapable of jumping, but there is a premise that it must run up first, rely on inertia, and then rely on the jet thrust of the back to jump up. It is impossible to stand still without such a strong thrust.

But at this moment, due to the size and weight of these two mechas, the whole process is like slow motion, and everyone can see clearly.

There are multiple injection ports on the lower legs, underarms, and back of the mecha. Not only are the muscle-powered engines inside the mecha, but also jet engines similar to jet fighters provide additional power. Obviously, more power has been added during modification. Multiple jets.

But even so, everyone was amazed. It is difficult to do this with ordinary jet power. Obviously, the technology of these two geniuses has surpassed the times, because those jet ports are much smaller than those of normal mechs, but they can provide Stronger power.

That is, the jet engine used by the family is of the spaceship level, and of course it is not the most advanced at home, it is of the black antelope level.

And this is only an external performance. In fact, there is a magnetic levitation technology inside to provide additional power. Xie Zhi and Bucky don’t care about the reasonable design.

Even though it is just a somersault, it has already explained too many problems. Being able to do a somersault means that there are almost no movements that cannot be done.

Everyone also understood at this moment, why people said that they would see a level 6 mecha, yes, a level 5 mecha would never be able to do this kind of action, the gap is iterative!

As Xie Zhi said, the general is a little bit regretful at the moment, but not many, it is better to have level 6, and the success rate of the plan is higher.

On the contrary, Hansen glanced at the general like a wretched woman, didn't say anything, but complained in his heart, it would be great if he changed the Eureka Raider, even if he couldn't drive it, it still belonged to Lao Ao afterwards. Well, it's over.

Afterwards, Xie Zhi and Bucky operated their own mechas and punched a set of punches. At least the audience felt that it was so smooth and natural.

But these two were not satisfied, so they listened to the conversation between the two in the public channel.

"Old Xie, you can't do this when you go back and make a new one, it's too dry."

"That's right, it's awkward to be so slow, I can't keep up with our reactions."

"But this thing is just good for fighting big monsters, the practical use...cough cough, let's play together."

"Let's play, don't ask too much."

not bad? Also play? Everyone in the headquarters is completely speechless, can you two die if you don't show off?

However, this is not over yet, and it is the turn of the weapon testing stage.

Storm Crimson's super shoulder cannon was launched. Although it was bombarding the sea, regardless of its power and rate of fire, it made the audience understand that the power of this thing is not inferior to the plasma cannon of dangerous wanderers.

And there is still a winner in terms of range. In fact, the plasma cannon of the dangerous wanderer is actually a melee weapon. It is used when approaching monsters. At this moment, the shoulder cannon of the storm is the real long-range arms!

The problem is that the flexibility also wins too much. Dangerous wanderers have to distort and deform the mechanical structure of their hands before they can use it, which takes up one hand. Now, the dual cannons are controlled by the auxiliary arm of the rear shoulder armor, which is more flexible and more powerful. Regardless of the angle, it does not take up both hands.

In this regard, even the chest missile silo of the Eureka Raider is incomparable. After all, there is still a missile loading problem, and in fact it can only be used once.

The shoulder gun is obviously an energy weapon, and the ammunition depends on whether the energy is sufficient. Such a gun... no matter how you look at it, it is harder, bigger, and more durable! Who does not like?

In fact, there was a mecha in the early days, which also used the shoulder-mounted cannon mode, but the reason why that design was eliminated was because of the shortage of ammunition.

It can be said that anyone can see that with this kind of gun, as long as you keep a distance, you will be invincible in the battle with monsters!

Seeing this scene, the two scientists in the command headquarters couldn't help raising their eyebrows, feeling proud, as if the mecha was modified by them.

Gottlieb even proudly said: "General, do you regret it now?"

The general was in a good mood, and rarely smiled: "I regret it, but the more regrets, the better."

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