Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 467: ambition

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Bucky said: "Maybe, who knows what she thinks, but when it comes to spaceships, it's good that the black antelopes haven't been exposed this time, but if we're going to be active in the territory of the Kerry Empire, the best camouflage must be the Kerry Empire." spaceship."

Xie knew: "That's right, of course the Kree people want to drive the Kree spacecraft, and they don't need to be sneaky, just fly openly... Then Mr. Rogue, do you have any good ideas?"

"Our spaceship is damaged, but there are still two small fighters on board, but they can only be taken by one person."

"That's not what we want. I want a bigger one, like the one you drive."

Rogge spread his hands: "It's easy to handle, everyone is very rich now, just find a planet and just buy it... Oh, if you want a military spaceship, it's not easy to handle, even if I apply for a new one , but also to make a report and spend time."

Xie knew: "Then buy a civilian one first, and talk about the military one later. Now, hand over the control of your battle suits, and explain all operations in detail. Frankly speaking, I hope you can play tricks. You know, so do I." There is no need to keep promises."

It has to be said that Rogge and the others are quite aware of the current affairs and have not reserved at all. It is obvious that the will is completely overwhelmed by the energy of fear.

And Youde quickly figured out how the opponent's suit was manipulated. What everyone cared about most was nothing more than the positioning and communication functions. After looking at the data, it was found that the four Rogge were not lying. They were really operating secretly. Passed information to others.

"Very good..." Xie Zhi thought for a while, and then said: "Mr. Rogge, we are going to deal with the Kerry Empire, what do you think?"

Rogge remained silent for a while, then raised his head and said, "If that's the case, then I become the most loyal subordinate of all the adults."

Everyone was stunned, and Ren frowned and said, "You rebelled so fast, you are not even loyal to your own country, and you are the most loyal?"

Rogge said solemnly: "No, no, I am willing to give everything for the Cree Empire! The choice I am making now is also for the future of the Cree Empire. Let me ask, if I control the Cree Empire, then the empire will still exist, and the people will still remain. To live and work in peace and contentment is nothing more than a change of ruler. Once the Cree Empire becomes the help of the adults, I believe that the adults will not destroy the Cree Empire.

Of course, I don't deny my selfishness, what is the purpose of my pursuit of power? Right of course.

Frankly speaking, I have made countless achievements, but the position I have climbed is not high enough, and the achievements I can achieve in the future can also be foreseen. At most, I can control a part of the army's command. Even if I am in politics, I can't control everything.

If I become the ruler of the Cree Empire, I will only obey you, you will become my masters, and as long as I become the master of the Cree Empire, compared to the right to control the entire Cree Empire, being the subordinates of the adults, Great deal.

Taking a step back, even if I can't become a ruler, my high position and authority will help my lords'... um, great cause. "

Xie Zhi smiled and said, "You really have confidence in us."

Rogge didn't hide the excitement in his eyes: "My lord, it's not a good idea to go head-to-head with the Kerry Empire, but if I can have... oh no, I mean borrow this magical ability from everyone, then I have the opportunity to climb even higher." Gao, I have a deep understanding of this terrifying power, and I am very clear about its potential!"

Bucky smiled and said, "Borrow? It's a beautiful idea."

Rogge sighed, and said: "Okay, but I hope that all adults will consider this proposal. The Kerry Empire is very powerful and worth having."

"It sounds like an advertisement, hehe, okay, we will consider your proposal, just wait."

Saying that, Xie Zhi winked at everyone, went to the compartment, and left the sentinel robot to guard the four prisoners.

After closing the hatch, Xie knew: "What do you think?"

Baki said: "The method of subverting a huge empire from within must have a good effect, but it is too time-consuming and energy-consuming, and we don't have the time."

Xiao Yu said: "And this kind of traitor... within sight, he will be obedient, out of sight, he will only use his energy to get rid of the control of the little cutie, he is an unstable thunder."

"That's right." Xie Zhi rubbed his chin: "Although they have lost the will to resist and have given up, their ambitions are still there. If you give them space and time, they will definitely turn out to be moths, but I think they It’s still useful, at least it’s not insignificant in dealing with the Kree Empire, so why not…give them hope, they have the right to act as motivation, and they may be even more motivated.”

Youde said: "Then put it another way. In fact, our strength is not enough to fight a top interstellar civilization. Our advantage lies in guerrilla warfare. Unknown infiltration is our strong point, but we can't do it at this point in time." stay long.

So I think weakening the potential of the Kree Empire is the key point, the second is to find something for the Kree Empire to do, don't stare at the earth, and finally, make sure that the Skrulls will not be discovered, because Talos may know The energy core, or the universe Rubik’s Cube, is on the earth.

As long as the Rubik's Cube cannot be found, there is no basic prerequisite for replicating Firth's experience. "

Xie Zhi smiled and snapped his fingers: "I see, let's make trouble, this is what we are good at."

Everyone came back, Xie knew: "Rogge, the result of our consideration, we basically accept your proposal..."

Rogge's eyes lit up, and the other three also became excited. Although they have been depressed since being captured, it seems that the situation has changed now, and the opportunity to develop has come!

"Don't get too excited, because we don't trust you yet, yes, you have shackles, we can control them, but this kind of shackles can be used on more powerful people in the Cree Empire, right?

But you are lucky, because we prefer to train our own people rather than control them. If one day you gain our trust, it will be much more convenient for the Cree people to control the Cree Empire than us. Do you understand me? "

Rogge solemnly said: "Understood, please accept our allegiance, master!"

The other three also said in unison: "Master!"

"Well, it sounds a bit awkward, we don't like being slave owners, let's call... the boss."

Xie Zhi's words reminded Xiao Yu of Grandmaster, and she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Okay boss." Rogge said very well.

"Success, I want to create a situation where you are missing, but you won't be alerted. When you return to the Cree Empire in the future, it will be a matter of course. Is there a way?"

Rogge thought for a while, and said: "It's not easy, but it's not too difficult. If we are performing a confidential task and it takes a lot of time, then it's fine.

But this task must not alarm more people, so it is top secret among top secrets, which requires... enough value, sorry, I can't think of a suitable target now, boss, please give me some time. "

"Yes, but can't that energy core?"

"No, the energy core is the top secret in recent years. Once there is relevant information, it must be reported in detail. I can't hide it for long."

Youde suddenly said: "What if it is the secret of evolution? Is this temptation enough?"

Rogge was startled: "What kind of evolution?"

Youde called up a holographic image which has a detailed description of the characteristics of a creature, as well as videos and images. That's right, it's the hunters' research materials on aliens.

Rogge couldn't understand the words of the hunter tribe, so Youde translated it and described it.

As Rogge and the others listened, their eyes widened. Rogge exclaimed in shock: "Does this kind of creature really exist!? As long as you can gain the genetic advantage of the opponent through parasitism! And the evolution is endless! My God, this creature is absolutely It’s a treasure! If its secret can be obtained, the situation of Foss can be completely replicated! It’s even stronger!”

"Is this information valuable enough?"

"Enough! Enough! I just need to make up a story!"

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