Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 462: you still mean it

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All the Smiths were sullen, and one of them said angrily: "Kill him!"

Nobody likes being tricked, not even a digital being.

Many Smiths rushed towards Xie Zhi with anger, but at the same time, a new figure descended from the sky!

Dangdang stopped in front of Xie Zhi, that's right, the aliens appeared, and they were all in golden versions.

And not only came from the sky, but also from the surrounding residential buildings, there were many strange shapes coming out of the windows and landing in the small square.

The two sides collided for the first time, and violent waves erupted immediately!

Not only was the blowing dust flying, the ground was cracked, the air waves also shattered the glass of nearby buildings! It was like a big explosion.

It shows how exaggerated the force of the collision between the two sides is.

But Xie Zhi flew back a little distance, blocked the air wave with the force barrier, but protected the cigarette **** in his mouth.

At this moment, the battle in the small square has become high-end from the very beginning, and both sides have demonstrated terrifying fighting power beyond the norm, not only in speed and strength, but also in incredible defensive power.

I saw that there were constant explosions on the ground, but they were not caused by gunpowder, but caused by repeated battles and collisions. The cement blocks were almost uninterrupted. Those who don’t know may misunderstand that this place has been bombed by artillery fire!

And every time a black shadow flies out, no matter what it hits, it is a big hole. The destructive power is much higher than the efficiency of the demolition team. In the precarious state, obviously it won't last long.

And it is inevitable that this kind of demolition battle involves ordinary people. There is no way. When a high-intensity destructive battle takes place in a city, disaster is inevitable.

This point, Xie Zhi has no choice, the enemy and the enemy will not discuss the battlefield before starting the fight. If Smith can consider collateral damage, he will not be able to replicate himself by infecting others.

"No wonder you are confident." Xie Zhi raised his eyebrows and said to himself: "This level of individual destructive power is almost catching up with King Kong, and King Kong can fly. Fortunately, this is a virtual world, and the combat power is exaggerated. It's not surprising, I don't believe in reality..."

Xie Zhi covered his mouth consciously, then patted his mouth lightly: "Good luck, please be merciful."

But these were not beyond Xie Zhi's expectations. After all, he knew what his alien shape could do. Correspondingly, he could guess what Smith could do.

However, although the destructive power of both sides is equally astonishing, it is obvious that the alien has the upper hand, and every figure that flies out is Smith.

The Alien itself is better than Smith in all aspects, plus... well, the Alien knows martial arts, and even gods can't stop it.

The key weapons are not only arms and legs, but also a tongue that shoots out from time to time, and a sharp tail that can be used as a whip or a spear. Therefore, in terms of fighting rules, the alien is a foul and has its own equipment.

What's more terrible is that the aliens also show some super powers from time to time. Yes, the program in the matrix world is not only the twins' blur power, it is really like the world of mutants, with all kinds of weird super powers.

As for these superpowers, Mei Luowenjia has the most subordinates, plus he is engaged in intelligence, and has captured the designer. All the high-value abilities, Xie Zhimenqing, Alien Menqing, if you don’t get it, you’ll have to wait What.

Ever since, the alien parasitic mutants in the concept have come true in this virtual world.

Although the opponent's ability can also be obtained through infection, Smith's gains are much scarcer.

All he got were secret agent programs that slipped through the net, or ordinary people, thinking about infecting stronger programs. Unfortunately, he didn't have the important resource of unlockers, and every valuable target was not so easy to find. of.

The result is that the alien has absolutely suppressed Smith's split body!

In fact, many Smiths tried to break through the alien array with the idea of ​​catching the thief and the king, and directly beheaded Xiezhi.

The idea is correct, if Xie Zhi is really heaped to death, the alien will naturally collapse without fighting.

But the premise is that it must be able to break through the alien front.

And what's strange at this time is that no one of the aliens has directly dealt with the other party by devouring it, and they just don't talk about it.

Looking at the same unmoving Smith across the street while smoking a cigarette, Xie Zhi raised his chin and said loudly, "Hey, Mr. Smith No. N, are you not going to end?"

Accompanied by Xie Zhi's voice, a building still collapsed.

That Smith was also floating in the air, his face was very dark, and he sneered: "Mr. Xie Zhi, if you only have these abilities, it would be too disappointing."

Xie Zhile said: "It seems that you are the one who gets beaten up. Is it really okay for you to talk so shamelessly? Frankly speaking, let's find fault again now. I win in seconds. Look at you, your nose is crooked, and That, one ear, that... hiss, what does a broken egg taste like?"

Smith snorted coldly: "But none of them died! Mr. Xie Zhi, if you continue to talk like this, I'm afraid I can only say sorry."

"Don't be embarrassed, it's so boring, you should be mean."

Smith gritted his teeth and said, "I want more!"

Following his voice, in every corner of the city, each and every Smith stepped out of invisibility and appeared in the sunlight.

And no matter who he saw, Smith used to stick his hand into the chest of the other person, completely penetrated, and then a new Smith appeared.

And so, more Smiths emerged.

Immediately afterwards, Xie Zhi heard the notification tone of the tablet, took it out to look at it, and said with a smile: "It should have been like this a long time ago, I thought you would have to bear it for a while."

Similarly, after Xie Zhi said this, for any infected person marked by the positioning program, there must be someone around who was possessed by a strange shape, and then separated and went straight to Smith.

But this time, the alien that appeared no longer showed mercy, and directly attacked with all its strength.

All of a sudden, the city was lit with flames, smoke and dust billowing, and super battles were constantly staged, from demolition, upgrade to demolition of the city!

But the key area, it happened near the Prophet's residence.

The children in the prophet's house, as well as the black woman, were all shocked by the big noise.

At this time, the Prophet was very calm, and wearing a pair of sunglasses added to the temperament of a fortune-telling witch. She smiled at everyone and said, "Don't worry, children, the first Future Smith will lose, but this time the opponent he faces, Even scarier."

As if to verify the prophecy of the prophet, the children saw two silhouettes flying together outside the window, and the humanoid one was directly pierced by the tail of the golden alien!

Following the alien, he hugged Smith tightly, and blasted his sharp-toothed tongue directly into Smith's head!

After that, Smith seemed to be a black jelly that was ripped off. While being torn and devoured by monsters, Smith also revealed the appearance of another person whose data flowed down.

Until it was completely eaten by the host of Smith's parasite also fully appeared, but in a coma.

Yes, this is Xie Zhi's plan. He is afraid that the Smiths will not show up if the aliens show their killing methods directly. After all, not everyone has the positioning program now, and there must be a process.

And Smith has copied a lot of himself before, all of which have no positioning program. If you hide and seek, it will be too troublesome to find.

So let the other party feel that they can't do it, but if there is hope in a larger amount, they will show up and continue to infect. They are not afraid that they will infect more, but they will hide.

But at this time, many Smiths in the city changed their faces at the same time, including the one who was confronting Xie Zhi, who shook their heads in unison: "No, no, it shouldn't be like this!"

Xie Zhi sighed: "I can't help it. If you don't cooperate if you come to find fault, then you can only play Snake."

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