Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 454: you are the real savior

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Seraf glanced at his armor, and then clasped his fists together: "Thank you for the generous gift from the boss. I never thought that I would recover my strength one day, and I am much stronger than before."

Indeed, as Seraf said, the upgrade Xie Zhi asked the Alien Queen to do was not as simple as a set of armor.

In fact, in addition to enhancing the defense, the armor is more of Xie Zhi's evil taste. Angels are amazing, isn't it just two extra wings, we have an extra eye, and we start with a dog.

Moreover, at this moment Seraf also has the ability to fly, nothing else, it took some time to copy Neo's ability, and a new ability was developed, since it can change the rules of the matrix world to a certain extent, then flying is also possible.

Therefore, Neo's abilities are also included in the abilities that the Alien Empress gave Seraf.

In addition, there is also the ability of the gold medal thugs and the dreadlocked twins of Melowen. Although these two brothers were plucked by Seraf before, they still have some unique skills. It is a bit like Xie Ai's quantum phase transition, but there are Insufficient, the switching between virtual and real is not as flexible as Xie Ai, that is, it cannot be followed by attacks when it is virtual.

However, Neo can also do this to a certain extent, so the alien can be blurred and separated from the body. Now that the two are combined, this virtual-real transformation is close to Xie Ai's level.

What's more, Seraf's new third eye is basically a laser weapon, which does not exceed the physical rules of the matrix. After all, laser is not a black technology, and the plug-in made by R2 can be realized in the matrix.

However, the main body of that eye is the prophet's eye! Yes, now Seraf could see the future too, if he wanted to.

However, Xie Zhi didn't intend to use Seraph as a fortune teller, so he asked the Alien Empress to use it. Seraph is now only carrying this ability. Whether or not to use it and how to use it depends on Xie Zhi's authorization.

Although Xie Zhi is not a hacker genius, but now the Alien Queen has collected a bunch of miscellaneous abilities, and it is easy to fulfill some of Xie Zhi's requirements.

Other abilities such as possessing, devouring, absorbing, etc. were all given to Seraf. The extent of upgrading and strengthening is not a star and a half. It can be said that apart from the alien queen, Seraf should be the number one master of the matrix at this time. up.

Even if Xie Zhi puts his picks aside at this moment, and replaces the original savior Neo, it will not work, because Seraph who Neo knows will know, and Seraph who Neo does not know will.

At this time, Xie Zhi waved his hand and responded: "Small matter, you are my matrix manager. If there are thorns under your hands, you must be able to calm down the situation. Of course, the main thing is... you will need it later.

Now seriously, have you decided what kind of dog you want? "

Seraf was stunned, thinking that this is a serious matter? Why are you still thinking about the dog? I changed the subject, this is a must.

" Erlang God image is fake."

"Nonsense, your past image of an angel is real? Make a full set, or it will look unprofessional."

Are the three fools and Tai Ritian professional? Seraf said helplessly: "Just... respect the original, Xinggou."

Xie Zhi sighed with a little disappointment: "Okay, as long as you like your dog, well, let's not talk about the dog, let's talk about the designer... What do you think of his fighting ability?"

Seraf said: "He doesn't need combat power, he can create combat power."

"Yes, he is the soul of the matrix, but... are you created by him?"

"Not exactly. I am a comprehensive program of various firewalls and anti-virus software designed by humans. The designer just integrated and optimized it."

"Well, obviously the creativity is not very good, otherwise the agents should be more powerful. Even if the first generation is not good, my pets have eaten so much, and the new ones have no upgraded version. I guess that's it." (Note 1)

After pondering for a while, Xie Zhi asked: "So do you think, can you beat him to death now?"

Seraf looked at his fist: "Now I can change the rules of the procedure, and the Prophet understands him, I understand him, I know some of his methods, there is a chance of winning."

"More than that, you haven't counted your third eye. Its lethality is not just as simple as lasers. If necessary, I will authorize you. You can overclock and overload the ... mainframe."

Seraf frowned slightly: "But if the hardware is damaged in a large area, it will not be good for humans or digital life."

"So I said, when it is necessary, use it leisurely, at least it can affect the calculation power of the designer." Xie Zhi handed the large bunch of keys to Seraf, and said solemnly: "The mission of saving the world and maintaining justice is entrusted to you up.

Beat the designer casually, but don't beat him to death. I want to live. I haven't seen him become a human. My obsessive-compulsive disorder... no, it's the sense of justice, which will not be satisfied. "

Seraf was a little puzzled, and pointed to the alien queen: "Don't you use it to assimilate the designer? Isn't that directly controlling the matrix?"

Xie Zhi shook his finger: "Of course you can't use it. The designer must be on guard against me right now. Fighting shouldn't be his strong point. Otherwise, he would have shown up and fought me to death, but he has more than seven billion yuan in his hand." hostage.

If I go, or if the alien goes, he will use the hostage as a bargaining chip, and he may have left some instructions just in case.

So, it will be different when you go, you are all old acquaintances, but he doesn't know that your abilities are different, his defense against you will not be at the same level as mine, find an opportunity to play by ear, and beat the old boy directly Be a fool.

And you also said that digital life also needs a savior. Now is the time for you to play a role. If you can't do it, I can only think of other ways.

But if there is no suitable solution, unfortunately, I can only do it hard, and save as much as I can, but the matrix must be destroyed from the hardware.

There is no way, I will not negotiate with terrorists who take hostages. This is an iron law.

So Seraf, you made it, you are the real savior. "

Yes, in fact, this is where Xie Zhi needs Seraf. When encountering this kind of enemy with hostages in his hands, he can't do anything about it. Therefore, Xie Zhi's first choice is to train an internal special agent to complete it. Beheading.

It just so happened that Seraf met the conditions in all aspects.

Seraf looked at the key in his hand and nodded solemnly: "Understood the boss, I can't kill him, because the matrix still needs to work."

"Come on, I like you."

Seraf took a deep breath, the armor and the third eye on his body disappeared, and he returned to Tang suit. Yes, these modes can be disarmed.

A door opened and Seraf entered the back door.

At the same time, Xie Zhi tapped his temples with his fingers, and said to the alien mother: "Notify the other aliens that the power plant can be destroyed, and give Seraf 314 seconds to open the door."

According to Xie Zhi's, the aliens sent out before started to act, and when the power plant was destroyed, the door leading to the host computer appeared.

The door opened, and black cloth shoes with layered soles stepped in, and an old man's voice came from a swivel chair with its back facing the door: "Seraf, you shouldn't have come."

Following the voice, the swivel chair turned around. The person who spoke was an old man with white beard and hair. He was dressed in a silver-gray suit and held a ballpoint pen in his hand.

Seraf tilted his head slightly: "You knew I would come?"

The old man said lightly: "I am the designer of the matrix. Although I am not a prophet and cannot see the future, I can calculate various possibilities. Although the probability of you coming is low, it is not impossible.

So my question is, what did Mr. Xie Zhi give you? Make you willing to come to die. "


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