Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 428: Mutation

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The smoke and dust cleared away, and the leopard-headed Shifeng no longer existed.

Putting down the binoculars, Pelt patted Packard on the shoulder: "Good job Lieutenant Colonel, from now on, I am immortal, no one can kill me. And you..."

Pelt pointed at Landa: "Dr. Landa, I need all the beast clues from the Emperor Organization, and I want the strongest!"

Packard suddenly said, "Dr. Pelt, do you know your biggest problem?"

"What do you want to say?"

Packard grinned: "You have a problem with your own positioning... and the Emperor Organization is just a civil organization, and its energy is far inferior to that of the military, and your ability will make you the most powerful weapon in the United States.

So, why not cooperate in a more profitable way? Obtaining power from the national level, maybe one day, you can still be the president, at least you will become a big shot, and just as you can see that I like war, I can also see that you like power.

Think about it, join the military and reflect your value. When you control all the big monsters you can control, and the army can cooperate with your monsters to fight, your enemies are very powerful, and you need to get more powerful.

And me, as long as we continue to fight this **** Vietnam War, we haven't lost yet, and if we don't continue to fight, I'm a coward! So I suggest that Lao Yue do something now, let the war continue, show enough importance, and your ability will be valued by the military. "

Pelt opened his mouth slightly and looked at Packard, as if thinking about his suggestion.

And Landa, who was looking at the blue dragon with a binoculars, said, "Both of you, before planning your great cause, I suggest you... take a look at this first."

The two frowned and raised the binoculars again.

Xie Ai said: "Daddy, there is no jaguar statue, how can we pass the customs? These fogs are very annoying, and I don't know if I have washed my face when I turn back."

Bucky also said: "Yes, Lao Xie, I don't know much about games, but the condition is to put the gems back, and there is no place to put them back, what should I do?"

"Well..." Xie Zhi rubbed his hands and sighed: "There is a way, but you have to try to find out if it works...Master, you messed around, and let a game character cheat, it's a bit embarrassing to say it, no matter what Alright, let’s try it first.”

As he spoke, Xie Zhi called out the holographic image, which was exactly the picture of the jaguar statue he had taken before.

After looking at it for a while, Xie Zhi raised his hand, and the Tai Chi ring shot out green light, and at the position where the original statue collapsed, stones were constantly being manifested out of thin air.

Bucky shook his hand: "Uh... your solution is to rebuild a statue?"

"Yes, anyway, the NPC said that placing the gemstone on the statue will remove the curse. If the statue is really good, it shouldn't be blown up, so maybe... just a statue."

While talking, an identical jaguar colossus reappeared, but it was manifested by will energy. Xie Zhi didn't know if it would work or not, so he didn't make a permanent one. Try it first.

"Girl, give me the emerald."

Xie Zhi didn't go there either, and continued to drive the emerald towards the statue with the energy of his will, and placed it on the groove between the leopard's head's eyebrows.

Pelt, who was in the distant mountains and forests, couldn't hide his panic: "Impossible! It must be useless!"

After the gem was installed, there was really no response. Pelt smiled: "No one can stop me, I will be invincible..."

Xie Zhi scratched his chin in confusion: "Does it have to be permanent?"

Qilu suddenly said: "Uncle, the guide said to shout Yumanji."

"Oh yes, and this, come on, let's shout together."


"Meow meow meow."

This time there is a reaction!

The gems on the leopard's head suddenly burst into light, very dazzling.

At the same time, the tangible halo continued to spread outward, and the scope became larger and larger! Judging by the momentum, I'm afraid it will expand to the entire island.

And when the halo rushed past Van Pelt, the big boss' skin seemed to be scraped off by the light waves! In an instant, its skin turned into black ashes and dissipated, and the body under the skin was actually made up of countless rats and insects!

Then his body collapsed and scattered on the ground, and mice and insects scattered and fled in all directions.

This scene left Packard and Dr. Landa dumbfounded.

A soldier present couldn't help but exclaimed in horror: "I just said that this guy is a devil!"

At the same moment, Xie Zhi glanced at the directions of the witnesses, turned his head and ignored them, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Old Xie, you are..."

Xie Zhi raised a finger: "Shh... wait a minute."

Everyone didn't know what happened, so they had to wait.

After a while, Xie Zhi opened his eyes and said, "Well, something strange happened, but one thing is for sure, we have indeed cleared the level. Well, that guide is here again, let's go down."

Following Xie Zhi's voice, a jeep drove out of the forest.

After everyone landed, the NPC guide they met before also got out of the car, and said thanks for saving Balabala like Yumanji, which was an explanation of the plot. In a word, you can retire with success.

Then the NPC reached out to Anakin: "Aviator MacDonald, shake hands and say goodbye."

Anakin walked over to shake hands with him, and the mist on his body began to drain immediately, as if he was torn from him by a force, and the goal of the mist was to fly to the jewel above the cheetah's head.

"Duck, Bajie, you have shown your original shape, hehe."

Yes, Anakin was back to his original self, no more mist entanglement.

This effect has already been explained, and it is indeed a customs clearance.

Then everyone shook hands with the NPC one by one, and all the mist on their bodies was sucked in by the gemstone.

After the fog disappeared, the NPC waved his hand in the direction of the gem, with a look full of emotion, but turned a blind eye to Xie Zhi and others who were close at hand, as if they did not exist.

While shaking his head again and again, the NPC got on the off-road vehicle and left.

Bucky pointed at the off-road vehicle that went away: "Is this guy a fool?"

Xie Zhi nodded and smiled: "That's right, he's a fool. To be precise, he has nothing in his mind. He's like a marionette, a tool man. On the contrary, the big boss almost became a real existence. They are all game characters." , the treatment is different."

"What's the meaning?"

Xie Zhi pointed his thumb at the statue behind him: "This statue I built has an unexpected result."

"What's the meaning?"

"Let's put it this way, the gemstone is a special carrier, and so is the formed world, and the statue that originally established the connection in the middle is gone, but after being replaced with the statue that I manifested, there is a connection path again.

But the statue was realized by me, and it was connected to my consciousness. Before we installed the gemstone and shouted the clearance lines, what happened after the three communicated... well, maybe it was a chemical reaction. In fact, I can’t explain why, but there is no doubt that Yumanji itself has magical power, and this should be one of the main reasons, because the original non-permanent manifestation The statue, now solidified, has come true. "

Bucky pointed around and said, " can control Yumanji?"

Xie Zhi shook his head: "I can't say control, but Yumanji did have some kind of connection with me, like being connected to a local area network. In short, I know a lot, such as how big this land is now, what is the terrain like, where are people , I know where there are animals, anyway.

And not only the original game characters, this Skull Island is also connected with Yumanji, so the aboriginals of Skull Island, including some outsiders, I also know their location, for example..."

Xie Zhi tilted his head towards the distant mountains, and said with a smile: "There are a few guys hiding in the woods on the mountain over there, watching us with binoculars. If you like to watch the excitement so much, then don't go."

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