Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 328: Broadsword

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Xie Zhi and Bucky didn't do it themselves, but instead manifested countless bands of light, which floated the corpse and rotated it 360 degrees for observation.

Of course, sentry robots of normal size are also indispensable to help.

However, this experience also reminded them that the army of ants is still useful. In view of the improvement in strength, the army of ants has not been used for a long time. Although it has not been eliminated, it is basically stored in Laifu. Bring some with you, at least you have a helper when you work, and your efficiency will be greatly improved.

Over time, more and more black hole grenades have been discovered, but these harvests are also different, and there are three sources.

One was found from corpses buried in the ground. The surface of these grenades is relatively old. Although the material itself seems to be intact, the two of them are also placed in a pile separately, ready to detonate all the experiments, and test the stability. If buried for an unknown number of years There is no problem with it, so it is enough to prove the safety of this weapon.

The second type was found on the corpses in the wreckage of the spaceship. It is slightly stronger than the one buried in the soil, and it also needs to be tested.

The third type was found in the wreckage of the spaceship, in a storage room similar to an arsenal. Since the airtightness is very good, the five-star praise after opening the box is like new.

There are also a lot of other harvests, mostly firearms and armor, and things that are completely incomprehensible, but they are also classified into categories, and they will be arranged later.

"It seems that the other civilized battlefield is not cleaned too clean." Bucky waved at Xie Zhi and said, "Old Xie, look at what this is."

Xie Zhi was surprised and said: "Sword? The shape is simple enough, and the weapon style is completely different from these dead people, but it is very similar to that ship. Is this civilization defeated by people who use cold weapons?"

"Yeah, it's really unreasonable." Bucky wiped off the dust on the sword body, and his eyes lit up immediately: "There is no rust, it looks like new, the material is very good, and the technical content is not low."

Bucky waved it a few times, nodded and praised: "The center of gravity is perfect, tsk tsk, this craft...try the power."

As he said that, Bucky suddenly stabbed the armor of a corpse with his sword, and it pierced through easily.

Xie knew: "Sharp enough, melee combat is an advantage, let's try it with Adamantium alloy and see which one is more powerful."

Bucky drew out his dagger and bumped it against the long sword. After a bang, the long sword was cut with a small gap, while the dagger made of Adamantium alloy was intact.

Baki said: "It seems that the Adamantium alloy is still powerful, but it seems that we haven't encountered anything that can't be cut directly by the Adamantium alloy, and this sword is strong enough."

"It makes sense, and since there are omissions in cleaning the battlefield, maybe this is just a standard weapon of others, not the most high-end, but how did they break through the long-range attack line?"

"Unless..." Bucky waved his sword and pointed at the battlefield: "Let's watch the live broadcast of the battlefield."

Xie Zhi curled his lips: "Do you know how many years ago the war happened?"

"I don't know, well, don't think about it. By the way, I have to distinguish it. What do you call these two civilizations?"

Xie Zhi looked around: "The one who uses the black hole grenade is called Xiaoqiang civilization, and the one who wins over there is called... Daxiong civilization."

"Can you take a snack after naming it?"

As I continued to search, from time to time, I found a few things that were obviously not Xiaoqiang's civilization, such as helmets, spears, shields, etc., all of which were designed in a classical style.

However, the sentinel robot found a huge thing from the wreckage of the spaceship. After several robots resisted it, the two couldn't help being overjoyed.

"This a spaceship! It looks intact."

"Like! With such a big body, it can't be a melee weapon, but it looks like a big knife. Why is it designed in this shape? Flying and cutting people?"

That's right, the thing that looks like a spaceship is indeed like a huge black knife. Only in the "knife" part, which seems to be the main body of the ship, the overall shell is rough, like the surface of a rock, but it does not produce bright reflections. Perhaps it is the design with matte considerations in mind.

As far as the design style is concerned, from an aesthetic point of view, it highlights Xiao Sha, which is very cool.

As for the blade alone, it was at least thirty meters long, and it looked like a murderous black sword!

Xie Zhi rubbed his hands excitedly: "If it's really a spaceship, then our long-distance travel problem will be solved."

"The question is, can you drive?"

"It sounds like you know how to do it." Xie Zhi paused and snapped his fingers: "When things go wrong...ask Youde."

The two contacted Youde, talked about the current situation, and asked him if there was anything he could do.

Youde said: "Well, this does not match the information, it seems that the so-called dark area still hides unknown secrets, you are really lucky, you can pick up spaceships in the no man's land of the universe.

As for how to drive, I can’t help, the design of spaceships of different interstellar civilizations is different, even if I am on the scene, I have to study it for a while..."

Bucky couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said, "So it's useless? Well, it's useless to pick it up."

"That's not necessarily true." Youde said with a smile: "Technology, no matter what civilization, the development trend conforms to a law, that is, the operation is simplified and humanized. The more advanced the civilization, the easier the operation of technological products The simpler it is, unless you are an inventor with abnormal brain circuits, you won't do it the other way around.

My suggestion is that you keep looking. If you can find another one, then use one to experiment with it. It doesn't matter if it breaks.

And you said that the body structure of the corpse is similar to that of humans. I think that the operation method of the spaceship is likely to be adapted to humans, unless it is a brain-controlled method. If the brain waves are different, there is no way.

Of course, for the sake of safety, let’s use the sentinel robot to drive, in case the spacecraft has a self-explosion system, if it is similar to the black hole grenade you mentioned, the consequences will be too serious. "

"It seems that this is the only way to go, then continue digging!"

Not to mention, the luck of the two was really good, or the war back then was tragic enough, and there were too many spaceships participating in the battle, so they only dug up about one-third of the wreckage on the battlefield, and found another intact sword-shaped spaceship, of course , more incomplete.

Let the other sentinel robots continue to work, and the two focused on the spaceship.

Although the hatch of the Dadao spaceship was sealed, the two of them didn't care. Anyway, there are two intact now, so they directly chose to open the door violently and destroy the hatch.

Not to mention, the shell material of this spaceship is really strong, much stronger than the miscellaneous military spaceships encountered before, and the shell was destroyed by using Adamantium alloy.

After making a hole and putting in the shrunken Sentinel robot, the two asked Qinglong to grab the spaceship and fly far away. They were still afraid that if it exploded, it would affect the harvest of the trip.

I thought it was similar, so I let the sentinel robot test it. In fact, I was blind, no matter what button control device there is, I fiddled with it all.

Not to mention, in the random pressing, it really triggered the reaction of the big sword spaceship.

Through the transmission of images, the two discovered that the originally dull cockpit, with the sound of an engine appeared a holographic image in the cabin, showing the external environment.

"Yeah! It's done! Next press that!"

"Wait, how do you know?"

"This is the intuition of the ace pilot... Oh, well, occasionally mistakes, change to the one on the left, it will definitely work, look! It will work."

The exhaust port on the side of the big knife spaceship glowed red, and immediately after the power was generated, a thrust was blown in a ring, and the surrounding dust was flying, and the big knife spaceship also slowly floated up.

And the next operation, let the spaceship rotate on the spot, it really looks like a big knife spinning horizontally.

Bucky scratched his chin: "Could it be that this really used to kill people?"

"If this is the case, can the spaceship still play sword skills?"

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