Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 325: I wish you happiness

The two sisters-in-law looked at each other, and they both felt that 142 was behaving strangely. He didn't look depressed after losing, but instead smiled, especially the way he looked at Xiao Yu.

Ryan said: "If you lose, you have to admit it, and if you are beaten, stand firm."

142 immediately cast a disdainful glance at Ryan: "It's not that you won, it's just a matter of a minute if you come down and make gestures."

Xiao Yu shook her head: "No, you can't beat her."

"Impossible!" 142 smeared a nosebleed: "I don't even have a little eyesight, I'll just soak it in wine and die."

Ryan smiled and said, "We're talking about fighting, but not close combat. I have many ways to deal with you. Do you want to try it?"

142's expression changed: "That... weird green thing? Well, magic is really annoying. Although your things are not quite the same as magic, they are also quite evil."

Ryan continued to beat her: "More than that, do you think the white tiger and the black horse are just for show? Yes, you are very good at fighting, and I really can't beat you, but I can kill you."

"Really, if I hold it in my hand..." Chapter 142 paused, sighed, and sat down on the ground again: "Forget it, if you lose, you lose. It's not shameful to lose to the owner of the hammer, but I want to There is no way for me to be a slave, at most I will not be free, and if I take a ten thousand step back, I will die."

Ryan panicked: "Hey, you're playing a rogue, right?"

142 grinned and said, "Why didn't you say I lost? Are you blaming me?"

Xiaoyu patted Ryan on the shoulder, raised his chin slightly at 142: "It's okay, we didn't have the habit of raising slaves, and I gave you a chance, but it was just to see how aliens can fight. What about you? Cooperate at this time, even if you lose the price, you will be free when we leave, how about it?"

"One more condition, she..." 142 pointed at Ren, bit her cheek and said, "Don't torment me with the cutie!"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "It depends on your cooperative attitude. If we get along well, we don't need to torment you, but if we play tricks, there will be no agreement. Don't say that what we say doesn't count."

"Okay, let's talk, how to cooperate?"

"Do you have a place to live?"

"I'm willing to cooperate, but the place is a bit small..." 142 tilted his head: "I don't have a place to raise your pets... Oh! You have so many tricks!"

Under 142's amazed gaze, the two spirit totems rushed to the heads of the two girls, turning into green mist and disappearing without a trace.

Ryan tilted his head: "Can three people squeeze in?"

The three women boarded the spaceship, 142 took charge of the pilot, and flew away from here.

During the flight, all you can see is garbage dumps, as if the whole world is made of garbage.

Ren frowned and said, "Isn't he living near the garbage dump?"

"Although many scavengers and poor people live near the garbage, I am not interested in it, but 90% of this planet is indeed a garbage dump. You can see the river below. In fact, it is the sea, and the garbage is protruding. It's an island.

So cities can only be built in places with few wormholes. In fact, there is only one city. "

Xiao Yu said: "The foreign things here are not all rubbish, right?"

"Of course it's not just rubbish, there are also good things, even treasures. If you're lucky, you can get rich overnight if you find a treasure. Of course, you may die unexpectedly. The latter is more likely. But I haven't rummaged through trash for a long time. I only catch Live."


"Yes, it looks more capable of fighting. I will sell it to Grandmaster to earn some wine money. Grandmaster has set up an arena. There are not many entertainment methods here, and gladiatorial fighting is the most popular."

Ryan said, "It sounds like a bad place."

"Hmm, it's very bad, but it's very suitable for drunk life and dreaming."

Xiao Yu suddenly said in shock: "That wormhole is so big!"

142's voice was much gentler: "That's the biggest wormhole on Saka, and the locals named it Devil's... Forget it, it's too rude and indecent."

Ryan felt more and more that 142 was weird. There was a difference in his attitude when talking to Xiaoyu and talking to himself. He was obviously gentler to Xiaoyu, but he was very gentle to himself. What do you mean? Do you have to be beaten to speak properly?

Even at this moment, with a pair of panda eyes and nosebleeds, but a gentle tone... very comedic, this guy also has a funny attribute?

But he said that after flying for a while, he saw the shadow of the city, which is huge and spectacular, but the architectural style does not meet the aesthetics of the two girls, like a pair of building blocks, lacking in aesthetics.

Entering 142's house, it's really not big, but it's not a problem for three women to live there.

Xiaoyu looked around and said: "142, you call us bear boy, you look very young, does your race have a long lifespan? One hundred years old? Two hundred years old?"

142 said softly: "No way, I was joking before, he pretended to be a master, but he is young, not much older than you."

Ryan looked at 142 suspiciously, and said: "Really? It's hard to tell about aliens, well, a woman's age is a secret, so don't ask, let us see your things."


Xiao Yu pointed to her neck, and 142 understood that it was to see what could destroy the little cutie.

She dug out something from the closet, wrapped in blue cloth, it was a seven-foot sword with a sheath.

142 touched the hilt of the sword with a complicated expression: "For now, you have to return it to me when you leave. This is the only thing I can't give up."

Saying that, he solemnly handed it to Xiao Yu, no matter how Ryan looked at it, he felt a bit like "I gave you the most precious thing, you should cherish it.".

Xiao Yu took it, and drew the sword out of its sheath. The hilt was snow white, the body of the sword was the color of a lake, and the blade was shiny silver gray. It was made of unknown material, and there was no trace of age on the whole.

Xiao Yu condensed a mass of will energy, and cut it off smoothly with a single sword strike!

"Sharp, tough, good sword! Back then, if you had this sword in your hand, I could cut off your shackles directly, and this weird." Then Xiao Yu shook her head and sighed: "I take back what I said earlier. , with this sword in hand, Renne may not be able to defeat you."

Ren was surprised: "Really? Is this sword very powerful?"

142 glanced at Ryan contemptuously: "What do you know, master knows the goods, this sword is not only made of extraordinary materials, but also mysterious... You should treat it as a mysterious power, master, I tell you, this sword can also change into a sword if necessary." The long spear is suitable for both length and defense, and in the universe, there are not many things that it cannot stop and cut continuously.” (Note 1)

Ren joked, "Compared to a hammer?"

142 rolled his eyes: "Arguing, isn't it? The hammer is unique. It's a high-end product among high-end products. That''s better anyway."

Xiao Yu put the sword back into its sheath: "Does this sword have a name?"

142 hesitated for a moment, and said, "Dragon Tooth Sword, um, do you like it?"

"A gentleman does not take away what others love. Although I am not a gentleman, I don't do this either. Don't worry, I will pay you back in the future."

"I believe in you." After speaking, 142 glanced at Xiao Yu with a strange look: "You said that in terms of skills and experience, I rank second among the people you have met, so who is the first?"

Renn nuzzled: "She's a man."

142's expression suddenly felt a little laughed dryly, "Uh...Is he a boyfriend?"

Xiao Yu shook her head: "No, it's my husband."

Immediately, 142 looked shocked: "You, you, you are all married?"

"Yes, my daughter is ten years old."

"Uh, congratulations, I wish you happiness... Well, how long are you going to stay?"

Xiao Yu said: "It depends on the situation, not necessarily, and the spaceship costs money to buy, do you have any suggestions?"

142 thought for a while: "I see... this matter is a bit complicated, why don't we chat while drinking? Master, how much do you drink?"

"I do not drink."

142 bit her finger: "What a pity..."

Ren patted 142 on the shoulder, and said carelessly: "It's okay, I can drink! Drinking is like drinking water, you can do whatever you want."

142 was furious in his heart: "Why are you everywhere!? You are so annoying!"

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