Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 323: destroy it quickly

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "No need for a hammer? All right, I'll give you a chance, but..."

The hammer suddenly erupted with electricity, and 142 was suddenly swayed by the passion of the electricity, rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

142 Confused, shouldn't be, this woman doesn't care about her own people? Did you catch it?

And Xiao Yu said while discharging: "...not now."

142's last thought before being stunned was: "My old lady made a mistake, this girl is cruel enough, don't children nowadays pay attention to friendship in battle..."

She didn't know that this was not the first time this family had died, and it was not unheard of for family members to become hostages. The experience in dealing with it was...struggle! The great man said well, if you seek peace through struggle, you will live in peace! If you seek peace through compromise, you will perish peacefully!

However, the electricity resistance of 142 also surprised Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu didn't want to electrocute her directly, so she released lightning from weak to strong, gradually increasing the power, but the drunkard's physique is really strong, enough to charge her Minutes before being stunned!

From this, Xiao Yu also concluded that 142, the alien's physique, had reached the level of his own internal strength plus the addition of a Tai Chi ring, and he was born with a strong foundation. (Note 1)

However, after Corona 142, Xiao Yu directly put the hammer on her chest as a chest stone. Xiao Yu discovered it a long time ago. Good controls.

As for whether 142's **** will become flat...Xiao Yu thinks that they are flat in the first place, so I can't blame me.

Then Xiaoyu manifested will energy and pulled the little thing around Ryan's neck, but it seemed that Ryan's body reacted more strongly when pulling, so Xiaoyu had to give up the way of forcing it.

Turning around, she rummaged around 142. There were not many things, and there were three buttons that looked like buttons. I don't know why 142 didn't work for her, but throwing it didn't help. Xiao Yu didn't think that 142's hidden weapons were better than Lei Bin.

Instead, I found a small thing like a lighter, with a button **** and an indicator light. Xiaoyu tried to operate it a few times. After pressing the button, Ryan stopped twitching, and turned the **** to the end. Hearing the click of the button-like thing, Xiao Yu tried to pull it out, and took it off easily.

"Well, a high-tech hidden weapon." The corner of Xiao Yu's mouth curled up, and then he stuck the "small button" on 142's neck, then picked up the hammer, and pressed the remote control switch...

There was a creaking sound, 142 twitching, blood vessels floating... exactly the same as Ryan's performance.

"Awesome!" Xiao Yu couldn't help but admire: "Such a strong physique is also useful! Good stuff!"

As for Ryan, despite her super self-healing power, Xiaoyu released the medical bed to speed up her recovery.

Ren moaned, rubbed his head and looked at 142 on the ground, and said viciously: "Sister, don't stop me, I'm going to kill this drunkard!"

"I won't stop you, but I have a more interesting one, do you want to try it? Just press the button."

Speaking of Xiaoyu handing over the remote control, Ryan took it and pressed it, 142 twitches, press again, stop, press again, twitch...

Reciprocating like this, Ryan had a great time playing: "Let you try this taste too! You will have to pay it back sooner or later!"

At this moment, Xiao Yu and Lei En received a communication request, and the two girls were overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly connected.

It was Youde who requested the communication. After some conversation, the two women realized that they had disappeared for eight months, and Youde sent communication requests many times every day, hoping to find everyone.

After exchanging information, Youde gave a judgment based on the information, so the two women felt more at ease. Most likely, Xie Zhi and Bucky just haven't come out yet, just wait for them to show up.

But there must be a time limit, and you can't wait endlessly. The three of you can discuss for at most one year. If you don't show up after one year, you can only use the time machine.

At this moment, the second daughter's mentality is much more stable, and the good news also makes them less angry.

So Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Youde, how about Gugu?"


"Really? Didn't Cuckoo cause you any trouble?"

Youde said with a smile: "It's a little troublesome, but I'm not alone, and there is also a sentinel robot army, so... Dongfeng 17's name is getting louder and louder now."

Ryan laughed: "It sounds like your experience must be wonderful."

"It's okay, there is a video record, and you can watch it as a documentary in the future... By the way, I suggest that you don't enter the wormhole lightly, and learn more about the information of the wormhole and the local situation. Although it seems to be a garbage planet, there are so many of them. The wormholes in the world must bring not only space junk, but also good things, so from another perspective, we think that the place where you are is a treasure."

Xiao Yu nodded and said: "That's right, just this little button-like thing is very powerful, this place is worth exploring."

Just as he was talking, 142 over there made two hums, and it seemed that he was about to wake up.

"The physique is strong enough, and he recovered so quickly, let's not talk about it, I have the communication on."

"You don't need to turn it on all the time. You may not be able to buy communication equipment of the same technical level. Save energy. I will contact you once a day."

"Alright, that's it."

After hanging up the communication, Xiao Yu and Lei En smiled and looked at the waking 142, and saw her sitting up in a daze, and said to herself, "Did someone hit me on the head with a planet?"

"Do you know this?" Ren shook the remote control in his hand, 142's expression froze, and he quickly touched his neck, dumbfounded.

Xiao Yu said: "Now I ask, you answer."

"No way." On the contrary, 142 relaxed, curled his lips and said: "Isn't it just pain, you can try it, the worst is death, feel free, want me... oh oh oh!"

142 twitched again, Ren let go, and said, "Are you still stubborn?"

"Don't even think about..."


"What the **** are you..."


ten minutes later.

142 rolled his eyeballs, and lay down on the ground like a big character, and said impatiently: "I'm yours now, do whatever you want, destroy it, hurry up, I'm tired."

The two women looked at each other in blank dismay, this guy really didn't care anymore, with the virtue of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"I still don't believe in this evil..."

Ryan was about to press the remote control, but was stopped by drizzle: "Wait a minute."

Then Xiaoyu walked into the spaceship, and came out with two bottles containing liquid.

"This is probably the wine of aliens." Xiao Yu said and threw a bottle to Ryan.

Ryan was surprised: "Let's drink? My body is probably fine, can you?"

"I respect her." Saying that, Xiao Yu pulled off the bottle cap and spilled the wine on the ground.

142 sat up thumpingly, watching the spilled wine, eyes twitching, staring coldly at Xiao Yu: "Hey! Hey! You are too much!"

Xiao Yu casually threw away the wine bottle, knelt down and smiled, "Don't be You drink heavily, we are doing good deeds, and we plan to help you quit drinking, bear with it, maybe I won't drink you for three days Just quit, if you can’t do it in three days, you can take ten days, if you can’t do it in ten days, you can take a month, don’t worry, we have time and can afford it.”

142 suddenly changed his face, and said with a wry smile: "Why do women make things difficult for women? Please, kill me, okay?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "This is for your own good, you don't understand now, but when you grow up, you will be grateful to us."

"Okay, you guys won, but don't ask questions of principle, I've already backed down."

"Okay, then tell me, why did you suddenly attack us? What's wrong with our sentence?"

142 shook his head and sighed: "Little girl, because the owner of the hammer can go to any place in the universe, there is no need to ask how to leave this place. I originally wanted to subdue you, and ask how you got this hammer. , In fact, it is purely superfluous, why do I care about this shit, it's cheap!"

Xiao Yu looked at the hammer: "I didn't find that the hammer has this function, do you know how to use it?"

"Hehe, of course the hammer doesn't have this function, but the owner of the hammer has the ability to call...well, it's a convenient and efficient way to travel. When it comes to principles, that's all I can say."

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