Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 2 Chapter 206: Emergency call

Like it or not, Magneto now has no choice but to accept it.

And he still doesn't know that the language course given by Xie Zhi is enriched. The selected textbooks are completely a baptism of the essence of oriental thought and culture.

And although the computer involves all aspects of the development of civilization, but there is no religious content, but there are myths and stories. I believe that Magneto, as a persecuted mutant, is willing to tell the next generation the story of demons and ghosts becoming immortals. , not a civilization that has to be set on fire for heresy.

As for whether Magneto will develop an extreme religion in the future, Xie Zhi doesn't care, the opportunity has already been given, and if he doesn't have a long memory, he deserves what happens.

I have to say that Magneto is definitely a resolute actionist. After Xie Zhi lifted his ability restriction, he didn't delay for a second, and directly attracted countless metal objects to form a huge floating boat on the sea, and it is still expanding .

Leading three companions and sailing away on a boat, that is a chic.

What Xie Zhi and others didn't expect was that this guy acted extremely simply.

Send the archangel to explore the way at high altitude, and soon found a sea tribe. After easily taking it down, they started making people that night!

Yes, the human way of life here and now is like this, not much better than the primitive society. When encountering outsiders, the first task is to borrow seeds, so as not to breed unhealthy children from close relatives. But after they expressed their attitude, Magneto did not hesitate at all, saying Pop it, it's still three!

But Magneto is definitely not out of lust, Xie Zhi and Bucky are very sure of this, because one of the three is good-looking, and the other two are really... Lao Wan is also well-informed, a generation of legends, no As for being hungry, it is obvious that this person's ambition is not as strong as usual.

Anyway, Xie Zhi and Bucky think that they would definitely not be interested in it, Lao Wan is really a man, and he will work hard for the reproduction of the race.

But the Archangel was very helpless, he was the only one other than Lao Wan, the boss had set an example and took the lead, and he had to keep up with the pace of the leader, so he went to find Lingdie and Rainbow, but he got two big mouths.

Xie Zhi and Bucky were overwhelmed with joy while drinking some wine and eating some side dishes. For the boring behavior of these two guys, Xiao Yu and Lei En looked down on them at the very least, expressing their contempt from the bottom of their hearts.

As the days passed, Xie Zhi and the others had a rare and easy life. For Xie Zhi and the others, this world was almost home safe, without any threat.

When you're bored, it's interesting to watch the development of Magneto and the others.

Magneto is not only fast in compilation, fast in papa, fast in building a harem, but also fast in building infrastructure. No, in two days, a huge mobile city on the sea appeared. This guy uses superpowers to build infrastructure, which can be called real infrastructure. madman.

What kind of generator, water purification filter, public toilet, as long as it is basic needs, that is everything.

And in this water world, there is another powerful force, relatively powerful to be precise, a group of pirates, with giant ships, motor boats, and a lot of guns and ammunition.

If there is no accident, this group of pirates is the strongest armed force in the world.

It's a pity that when you meet Magneto, it's no longer a question of strength, it's simply an adult bullying a kid.

Seconds later, the pirate group was disarmed and had no choice but to surrender.

"Bullying people is too much, cheating." Xie Zhi threw a peanut into his mouth and took a sip of wine.

"That's right, shameless, don't use superpowers if you have the ability." Bucky also slurped the wine, and licked it.

Xiaoyu passing by rolled his eyes from the bottom of his heart, thinking that Magneto would call you shameless if he knew it, and don't use high technology if you have the ability...

Magneto and other mutants are busy building a new world and spreading the seeds of life, Xie Zhi and others are not idle, they still have work to do.

In addition to daily martial arts, learning, educating children, flirting, and then arranging robots to mine in the sea, setting up production lines on the moon, and continuing to produce sentinel robots.

It has to be said that the sentinel robot is strong but the cost is indeed high. Although mining and production do not cost money, refining and forging metal-free polymer materials is far more complicated than making steel and iron. material, it is not easy to manufacture.

So in six months, two hundred sentry robots were produced.

That's right, it's almost crossing again.

The reason why the time was extended this time is because of Xie Ai. The little girl also understands that playing with quantum phase transitions will shorten the stay time, and in the world of mutants, she was really frightened by the apocalypse. Xie Ai is a lot more honest in this world , Many times it goes without saying that you know that you have studied hard, and you don't play quantum phase transition much.

But it’s not enough to say that it’s scary to be scared. When this was still in the mutant world, a group of parents were very concerned. As a result, they never stopped dancing square dances with the big baby every day. It’s still skinny. Children have suffered a lot since childhood, and their spiritual will is far from that of ordinary children.

It's just that when he was about to leave, Magneto suddenly called Xie Zhi that day.

This surprised Xie Zhi and the others, because not only did they never contact Magneto, but Magneto did not take the initiative to contact him either.

At this moment, Magneto's contact information is also very powerful, flying into the sky, controlling the magnetic field, and broadcasting his crazy shout like a super speaker: "Thank you! I know you are spying on me! I know you can hear me! Come out! Come out!"

The black antelope flew over, and at the same time, Xie Zhi's voice came out from the speaker: "What are you shouting for? Can't you keep your voice down? Don't you know the impact of the night's rest?"

Then Xie Zhi and others flew out, and they were also very curious about what Magneto wanted to do.

At this time, Magneto looked anxious: "I beg you! Help me! Save people!"

Xie Zhi asked in surprise, "Who are you saving?"

Magneto pointed to the mobile city below: "My woman! Premature birth! Bleeding!"

Xiaoyu flew down without saying a word, seeing his daughter-in-law so straightforward, Xie Zhi wanted to ask "Which woman are you" swallowed it, followed by Xiaoyu, followed by Lei En.

And Bucky flew to Magneto, grabbed his armor, and flew him down at extreme speed, who made Magneto not good at high-speed flying.

However, when everyone arrived, they found that the pregnant woman was already out of breath.

Xie Zhi hurriedly released the medical bed and carried the pregnant woman up, but after the medical bed was activated, the pregnant woman still could not be rescued.

Magneto ran over after landing and said, "How is it?"

"I'm sorry." Xie Zhi shook his head helplessly: "The medical bed can save lives, can't bring the dead back to life."

Magneto was silent and said nothing.

Xiao Yu suddenly said: "Look! The child is still alive! The medical bed has helped the child!"

Sure enough, the monitor showed that the fetus still had a heartbeat.

"It's less than six months old, this child can... Forget it, let's use a medical bed to survive, it should be fine."

After Xie Zhi finished speaking, he approached the pregnant woman, changed his battle clothes, and extended a sharp blade from his fingertips.

Magneto said anxiously: "What are you doing?!"

Xie Zhi said in a good mood: "Cesarean section delivery, how about you come, you will do surgery?"

Magneto raised his hands: "Sorry, you come, you come."

Xie Zhi moved swiftly and was indeed a veteran. He quickly completed the operation and took out a premature baby that was only the size of a palm. The baby was still alive, and the medical bed could indeed continue to maintain the fragile life of the baby.

"It's a girl." Xie Zhi patted Magneto on the shoulder: "My condolences, the good news is that your daughter is alive. Don't worry, the medical bed is here for you, this child can survive."

Unexpectedly, Magneto's face changed continuously, and he shook his head: "We don't need this kind of high-tech medical bed, it will hinder the normal development of medicine."

"What the **** are you talking about!?" Leon became furious, grabbed Magneto by the neck and lifted him up.

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