Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1390: name


A shocking thunder fell from the sky! Blast Clark into the ground abruptly!

After a while, two coughs came from the pit, and Clark, who had changed into a charcoal-grilled skin suit, crawled out.

But when he got up and looked around, he covered his ears with his hands, and said with a strange expression: "Then what... is sister-in-law here too? Why are you yelling at me?"

Xie Zhi was almost overjoyed, it seems that Baihu's voice was more than one person who yelled out psychological shadows.

At this time, Clark also figured out what was going on, and saw a rainbow flashing across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he was connected to False Xie Zhi, and at the same time, False Xie Zhi also had something in his hand.

That's a... storm axe!

"So it's this ax that hit me?" Clark rolled his eyes, and looked at Zhen Xie Zhi helplessly: "Brother, how many weapons do you want to test?"

Xie Zhi said with a grin: "It's a matching one. It's been a lot of hard work. When your baby is full moon, I'll give you a big red envelope~"

That's right, Xie Zhi is not very satisfied with just having the strength to contain the Kryptonians, at least it must be able to cause a certain amount of damage.

In terms of the destructive power of the old Xie family's collection of weapons, the Storm Ax is currently the number one, and Xie knew that he did a lot of things with the help of infinite gems, and he also changed the setting of the Storm Ax.

The new setting is not complicated, only those who have been approved by Xie Zhi can have the right to use the Storm Axe. Of course, the control will also be handed over to the other party, and the other party can also transfer it second-hand if they want.

But the key point is that when the target is not allowed to touch the Storm Axe, the Storm Ax will unleash its power on its own, and the lightning strikes will not stop.

This is also to guard against strong men like Thanos, and use brute force to take it hard, which Kryptonians can definitely do.

Now it's done, you can take it by force, as long as you can withstand the continuous thunder attacks, you can do whatever you want.

Furthermore, the method of summoning the Storm Ax has also been increased. Since the Storm Ax can release the Rainbow Bridge that is not a star-destroying weapon, then what to fly when summoning, just teleport over the Rainbow Bridge, so as not to happen during the flight. Accident.

For example, if the enemy can't hold the battle ax by force, they can change it to blow it away with a punch. As long as the weapon cannot arrive in time, the scene where Sol was trampled by Thanos will reappear.

With such a double insurance blessing, it is basically impossible for the enemy to interfere with the return of the released Storm Axe.

But he said that Clark was hit by a guy. Although he was not injured, the sour taste was not inferior to the eyeball being stunned. Although he did not survive the baptism of thunderstorms in the drizzle, he witnessed the kryptonian compatriots go through catastrophe scene.

How should I put it, the Thunder attribute can't kill Kryptonians, but it has field control effects, which is quite annoying.

But no matter what, I owe too much to the old Xie family. Yes, it’s not a favor. Not long ago, Clark’s family almost let the Enchant Witch play it off, so Clark was unhappy and had to continue fighting.

It's just that the ensuing battle made Clark terrified. Yes, he still has an absolute advantage in physique, but the problem is that once the martial arts master has an output that can break the defense, the meaning of skills will be completely different.

That's right, the Tomahawk can do damage to Kryptonians!

As for the pseudo-Xie Zhi, there is no difference in combat awareness from the main body. Now that he has a defense-breaking weapon, as the avatar of the husband of a martial arts master, he began to teach Clark how to be a man.

In just a few seconds, three cuts were made on Clark's body! The kind that bleeds to pieces!

It must be said that Clark's combat awareness is really not that good, his reaction speed is indeed top-notch, but with his almost invincible steel body, he never cares about being beaten when he fights with others. Almost never suffered.

In fact, he hasn't bled all his life!

So... Clark: I'll be gone at the first blood?

Of course, this also has something to do with the old Xie’s family. According to the disappearing future shown by Hongtashan, Clark not only bled, but was almost killed by a nuclear bomb. In short, there is a difference in his mental journey, coupled with despair, and the battle against Doomsday. Clark, it's pretty hard work.

But at this moment Clark, the psychological level of his fighting consciousness is really weak, and he opened three big holes at once, and his reaction was so shocked that he was dazed, instead of taking the opportunity to fight back or distance himself.

That is to say, his identity is currently a training partner, if it is really a life-and-death struggle, the enemy would have killed him by now.

Perhaps Clark also thinks so, and his sense of security allows him to be confident and bold.

Xie Zhi was embarrassed to continue, of course the fake Xie Zhi also thought the same.

Although seeing blood is crucial to a fighter, is Clark really a fighter?

No, he just has that talent, but his ambition is not here, so there is no need to "be good for him".

"Are you okay?" Xie Zhipiao asked.

"Ah? Oh, it's okay, it's just that I'm not very used to the pain of serious injuries..."

Seeing Xie Zhi looking at his three wounds with raised eyebrows, Clark also took a look, feeling a little embarrassed.

Nothing else, it's all starting to heal itself, even if you call an ambulance on Earth, the injury will be gone when the car arrives.

In order not to be misunderstood as a fresh meat, Clark decided to change the subject. He looked at the storm battle ax in Xie Zhi's hand with lingering fear, and swallowed: "Brother Xie, what kind of ax is this? I didn't feel anything." Well, the skin was cut open, this... Diana's Vulcan sword is not so powerful!"

"Diana slashed at you with a sword? What did you do to Diana? Let me tell you, she is married, and her husband is also very vigorous. He knows kung fu."

"I don't have much... No, Brother Xie, Diana didn't kill me, I don't know her well! I'm talking about back then, didn't I stab a Kryptonian to death with the Vulcan sword?"

"Indeed, this ax is much more powerful than the Vulcan sword, do you know how I got it?"

"How did you get it?"

"It is said that one day, I went to cut wood, and my ax fell into the water, and then a magical thing happened, a mermaid appeared! She asked me if I dropped a golden axe, a silver axe, or a storm axe... "

"Then what, Brother Xie, is there anything else? The corn at home is still waiting to be harvested." Clark had an expression of "brother, can you be a little more foolish?" on his face.

Xie Zhi laughed and patted Clark on the shoulder: "It seems that you have heard this story before, this is the version for putting children to sleep, you can tell it to your baby later.

OK, that's the end of the test, thank you for your hard work brother, I'm sorry to let you die... Yo, it's already grown up, then it's fine, I'll find you for a drink later. "

Three openings were made for the Kryptonians, and the Storm Axe added the high attack link. Since the pseudo-Xie Zhi has high attack and high defense, there is really no need to continue testing.

A predetermined goal is achieved.

After Clark said goodbye, Xie Zhi's job was to use the fire source to create new armor, but hand it over to the mother box to upgrade...

Time passed day by day.

this day.

In the dark gray-blue hall, there are pots of braziers burning orchid flames, and the strange high column sculptures make the atmosphere more Gothic.

A metal plate was erected in the center of the hall, and a person in a bright red cloak walked slowly to the front. The face of that person was completely covered by the shadow of the cloak, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

He raised his hand, and a cube floated towards the metal plate, and was immediately embedded in it by melting the metal.

Then the man in the red robe said: "You stupid brother ~ brother stupid ~ brother stupid...Are you deaf?"

The metal plate finally changed, wriggling and deforming like cement, and hot molten iron was surging, and a living metal statue appeared, resembling the Liquefaction Terminator T1000, except that the color was pure black.

Moreover, the interior of the sculpture is hollow and burning with flames, causing this person's eyes and mouth to reflect the fire, and the shape is cool enough.

The living statue is none other than Darkseid's adviser, De Sadd.

He was also wearing a cloak, and when he saw the man in red, De Sadd couldn't help but frown and asked, "Who are you? How come there is an exclusive communication channel for the mother box?"

The man in red coughed dryly, and said loudly: "My name is... Dalabangbadibedibdobiruong~"


"I'll say it again, remember it well, my name is Dalabong Babandbedip Tobiruon, come on, read it again."

"Darabang...I don't care what your name is! Tell me what you have to say!"

The man in red sighed: "It's impolite, forget it, I'm looking for you to inform you of something, to tell your master Darkseid, Mundaluk Suspergubic Bale City..."

"What city?"

"Mundaluk...Bale City."


De Sadd took a deep breath and suppressed his anger: "Talk about something!"

"No, no, the relationship must be smooth, otherwise how would you convey it to Darkseid? The information transmission is not clear, which shows that you are a competent minister.

So you remember well, I am from Dalabun of Mundaluk...for...on behalf of the great king Kunkutukutakatikotsuvasirasong of Mundaluk...for.

To officially inform Darkseid, the following are the original words of His Majesty Kunkuta... Silasson.

I, Kunkuta... Silasson, I heard that you are quite crazy, it's interesting, of course I'm very busy, I don't have time to deal with you shameless.

but! My princess, Mia Morasuna Dani Xie Lihong, said that no one can be more arrogant than her Mia... Xie Lihong!

So, my princess Mia..."

"Xie Lihong!"

"Yo, you finally remembered part of it, not bad."

De Sadd gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know what you are doing? You are challenging the greatest existence in the universe, Darkseid! That's why your name is Insect! You are finished, you Mundaluk... I don't care. What are your stupid names! You are all finished!"

The man in red shrugged his shoulders: "Okay, you said what I want to say, anyway, the result is the same, tell Darkseid, a cloud piercing arrow, thousands of troops are coming to meet you! Wash your neck and wait to die You, my lord Kunkuta..." New

Before he finished speaking, De Sadd went offline.


The man in red snapped his fingers, the red cloak disappeared, the brazier disappeared, the statue disappeared, the hall disappeared...

This is... the Star Destroyer Academy.

Of course the man in red was Xie Zhi, and there was a Steppenwolf standing not far away.

"Little wolf, do you think my brother would be so stupid as to report the truth?"

"Uh... In fact, your goal of angering Darkseid has been achieved, and it doesn't matter what it is called."

"No." Xie Zhi shook his fingers and looked at the small galaxy outside the exit of the light film of the battleship with a smile: "The name is very important, believe me, no matter how confusing it is, Darkseid will definitely remember it."

Apocalypse, in the palace.

"What is a force with a messy name?"

Dakseid turned around and stared at De Sadd, the sense of oppression forced De Sadd to lower his head: "My master, their... names are very long, I didn't remember them, but it's not important..."

"Whether it's important or not is up to me to decide."


De Sadd suddenly came to his senses, and excitedly said: "There is a record of the communication, I will transfer it to you!"

When Darkseid read the communication records, he nodded: "Mundalu...Lu, Luke...what's the matter? Bah! I don't think the messy names are important! What are they going to do?"

Do you just listen to the name?

De Sadd lowered his head and said, "They are challenging your majesty, they are seeking their own death!"

"I don't know what to say, hum, send an army to destroy them."

"As you wish, my master, but master, they used the exclusive communication channel of the mother box. Obviously, they got the mother box."

Dakseid said blankly, "What do you want to say?"

"I think that although they are insects, they are also insects with some strength..."

Before De Sadd could finish speaking, a class of demons suddenly came to report.

The content of the report made everyone in the hall feel a little unreal.

Darkseid suppressed his anger, and said in a deep voice, "What did you say? Say it again!"

"Master, your... bedroom star field has just been destroyed, and the twelve concubines have also been destroyed..."

"What happened!?"


Instead, Dakseid didn't say anything, remaining silent.

As a high-ranking minister, De Saad is quite acquainted, and he hurriedly said: "Report detailed information! The whole process!"

The monster responded: "Yes, according to the reports of the survivors, the attack happened suddenly, a fleet suddenly appeared near the star field, and fought without declaring it.

Although the enemy's fleet is far inferior to ours, they mainly attack with small fighters, and there are a lot of them. Even though they are small fighters, their firepower can penetrate the outer armor of our warships, and their shooting is amazingly accurate. Can always attack the vital point.

In addition, that kind of small fighter is extremely fast, and in just fifteen minutes, the entire fleet in the star field was wiped out..."

"Fifteen minutes!? Are you sure?" De Sadd was shocked.

Not only him, but everyone in the hall is like this. Darkseid's fleet is invincible, and one day it will be wiped out within fifteen minutes! ? How can this be! ?

"This is what the survivors reported. There is still a wartime warning message in the bedroom. It really only took fifteen minutes from the start to the end of the attack."

"Then what?"

"Then the enemy fleet rushed to the sky above the planet, a man wielding a huge ax fell from the sky, accompanied by countless lightning strikes, and the fleet's heavy artillery bombardment, the surface troops were quickly destroyed.

Then that person went to the bedroom, cut off the heads of twelve concubines, and claimed..."

"Claim what?"

"Claims that his name is Dara, what is it, what is it, what is it, what is it... It's too long, and the survivors didn't remember it."

At this moment, Dakseid finally spoke: "His name is... Dalabongbabandbedibdubiruon! Remember this name for me!"

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and whenever he met familiar people, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

There is no unnecessary expression on everyone's face, as if they are indifferent to everything.

To this.

Shen Changqing is already used to it.

Because this is the Zhenmagic Division, an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main duty is to kill monsters and ghosts, and of course there are other side jobs.

It can be said.

In Zhenmensi, everyone's hands were stained with a lot of blood.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but he got used to it as time went by.

Zhenmus is huge.

Those who can stay in Zhenmusi are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Zhenmagic Division is divided into two professions, one is the Guardian Envoy, and the other is the Exorcist.

Anyone who enters the Town of Demons starts from the lowest level of Demon Slayers,

Then he was promoted step by step, and eventually he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee demon slayer in the town of magic division, and he was also the lowest-ranked demon slayer.

Possess the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with Zhenmusi's environment.

It didn't take too Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in Zhenmagus, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd. In the **** Zhenmagus, it presents a different tranquility.

At this time, the attic door was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped in.

Enter the attic.

The environment has changed in vain.

A scent of ink mixed with a faint smell of blood hit his face, making his brows furrowed instinctively, but then relaxed quickly.

There is almost no way to clean off the **** smell on everyone in Zhenmusi.

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