Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1346: Evil door

【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Yes, in the past, this card has been completely changed.

The reason is that when Xie Zhi was in Krypton Gold, his luck exploded and he got a very special fusion card, which is the most suitable for "Defective Purple Zombie".

Defective Card Repair Card: Used on cards with the "defective" prefix, it can make up for the defects and restore the card to its original state.

As a result, the name of this card has now changed to the eighth-rank high-level white zombie!

That's right, the steel-hooded zombie that Liang Qi had scrapped could not be repaired under normal circumstances, but after it was turned into a card, it could be recovered by virtue of the special nature of the card!

Ever since, Xie Zhi's strongest follower card was born!

Isn't the strongest follower card White Spike? No, White Spike is the strongest purple rare card.

"Eight-Rank High-Order White Rigidity" is no longer a purple rare level, but an orange legendary level!

He didn't even use Xie Zhi's two blank orange Legendary cards. After repairing, he was promoted directly!

However, after reaching the orange legendary level, the card has expanded to a new standard.

The orange legendary card is also divided into levels. There are three five-pointed stars on the card of the eighth-rank high-level purple zombie, but only one star is lit, which means that it is a one-star legendary card.

That's right, zombies are divided into nine ranks. If the eighth rank is the full level of legend, then it will not be good to judge, because there are only three types left: epic, myth, and creation, so the star rating is reasonable.

But even if it is a one-star legend, it is not comparable to Purple Rare, the gap is too exaggerated.

What's more, Xie Zhikrypton has a bunch of fusion cards, so naturally, he can pile them up to make Baijiang's strengths stronger.

It ended up being…

Eighth grade high-level white stiffness: damage 45, defense 20, life 90 (60).


Yin Sha Ling: Automatically restore 15 points of life each round.

Corpse Infection: Passive, every attack comes with a corpse infection,...?

The poisoning effect is 8, and the poisoning effect can be accumulated, and the corresponding life value will be deducted from the opponent's round, and the accumulated amount is -1.

When being damaged by the effect of corpse poison, there is a 10% chance to convert the target card into a rankless zombie. The rankless zombie is not controlled by both parties and automatically attacks the closest card.

This effect has no effect on card players.

Special weaknesses: Fear of ultraviolet rays, lightning, black donkey hooves, and glutinous rice. If there is no special targeted legal attack, conventional attacks cannot completely kill Bai Jiang.

The white zombie will keep it and occupy a slot.

Recovery from white stiffness: Absorb the surrounding Qi and blood by itself (3 times 3 grids, regardless of enemy or friend.), after absorbing full health, the full state will be revived.

If no blood can be absorbed, it will be revived in full state after ten rounds.

Remarks: Zombies need energy and blood. The concept is not exactly the same as fresh blood. It is a concept of spiritual fantasy, so it does not need to be a fully living body. It can also absorb energy and blood for some necromancers, such as zombies, zombies, and vampires.

Extra Recovery (Additional Skill 2): ​​At the beginning of each round, an additional 10% of HP will be recovered.

Repay with life (additional skill): Yi, after being killed, restores the blood volume equal to the life value of the card for the card owner.

That's right, it's meat!

Ninety life points are high enough, Xie Zhi also piled up another sixty, one hundred and fifty, the meat will not kill you!

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

The key is to automatically restore blood volume every round, isn't it annoying?

And once again set up two additional blood recovery, isn't it annoying?

After death, you can still replenish the blood of the card owner, and fill up to 150 at a time, isn't it annoying?

And your vampire can be revived, we are even more stupid, we don't have to take the initiative to give blood, we will **** it automatically.

Of course, maybe an orange legendary vampire would work too, but who's keeping you out.

It’s just that when Baijiang absorbs Qi and blood, it doesn’t distinguish between enemy and friend. How to put it, there are advantages and disadvantages, depending on the specific art of operation.

So this card, Xie Zhi, not only hit the second row of card slots, but also the grid was very particular, so it didn't affect the three vampire corpses, that is to say, it occupied three of Strange's card slots. #br...?

r#As long as the eighth-rank white zombie is killed, these three card slots will suffer damage from blood absorption.

As for myself, it doesn't matter. If necessary, some cards can be sacrificed to speed up the resurrection of the eighth-rank white stiff. it!

The eighth grade white zombie first scratched Strange's paw, deducting 10 defense, 35 blood loss, and 8 corpse poison.

After finishing the work, Xie Zhi played the second natal card "prejudgment". After reading Strange's sorting cards for the next round, Xie Zhi knew the number, so be careful.

Then, Xie Zhi played a zombie, a gang sniper, and drew a card.

Another equipment card was drawn.

Optical camouflage clothing, equipment, non-stealth, can make oneself blend into the environment, the dodge rate is 35%, if the dodge is successful, the damage is invalid.

hang up.

The last natal card is of course the natal card "Time", and it is only worthwhile to use this card in the next round.

And the four cards drawn in the fourth round have three remaining cards, which are Liar Dog, Thug and Five Hundred Outlaws Summoning Order. They are not suitable for battle now, so let's rest.

Then before the end of the round, Xie Zhi controlled the plague doctor's attack, cut off 25 points of Strange's blood, and applied 5 points of poisoning effect.

This time it was Strange's turn to have a headache. Just now, luck broke out and he got a random awesome equipment card, but the opponent immediately retaliated.

And when it came time for him to act, he was first hit by the toxin and lost another 42 points. (minus one each round).

So what if the blood volume increased by 300, more than one-third of the blood volume would be gone.

The countdown is running out, just change it!

Strange started playing cards, all of which were vampires.

But in addition to the four low-level vampires, this time he also drew three purple rare "intermediate vampires" and a plain human.

Intermediate vampire (minor boss): damage 28, defense 10, life 45...

Except for two skills, the remaining skills are the same as low-level vampires.


Those two skills are:

Thirty years of vampire lifespan: Physique crosses classes, causing small bosses to have faster speed, 15% dodge rate.

Tusk Evolution: Doubles the amount of blood sucked, and doubles the effect of HP recovery after attacking blood sucked.

It is indeed more powerful than low-level vampires, but it is still not enough to see.

But the mid-level vampire is a small boss. It seems that even a high-level vampire is nothing in the leadership.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

So how should the more advanced vampires be positioned? Is it like the knighthood rating described in the movie?

Thanks to the hard work of pondering, Strange has already started to control the card to attack the eighth-rank white stiff.

Pure exchange, he has no other tricks, just kill as much blood as he can.

In the end, seven vampires plus one blank board only caused 24 points of damage in total. That's right, because most of them didn't break the defense!

Instead, except for the three mid-level vampires with 10 points of defense, all the others were counterattacked in seconds.

High attack, medium defense, high meat, the eighth-rank Baijiang is indeed a legendary card, so powerful!

If Strange didn't have a stronger card, he wouldn't be able to fight this battle.

Xie Zhi couldn't help laughing and said: "How about it, who is strong and who is weak now? Why don't you surrender."

"Hmph!" Strange gritted his teeth, "It's not over yet! It's not certain who will die!

Don't think I can't figure it out, there must be something wrong with the natal card..."

Before he finished speaking, the fifth round was here.

Xie Zhi couldn't help shaking his head, not because of the cards he drew, but because of Strange's unreliable old problem.

Just a few words of provocation, and he will reveal his secrets.

Obviously, he has even more powerful cards. Maybe he killed high-level vampires in the mission, or even higher levels. After all, vampires are too deadly, and participants can be resurrected after death, and they can continue if they fail. do.

So now Strange is betting that his health is thick enough to survive until he draws a stronger card.


It's unreliable, if it's Odin, Xie Zhi's provocative words are completely meaningless, and no one will respond to Xie Zhi.

The desired information has also been obtained, Xie Zhi does not need more detailed information, it is safer to kill him quickly.

So Strange had no chance.

Xie Zhi's newly drawn cards this round, the cards he saved up before, and the two draw cards he played, the three white spikes are all in one.

Although Bai Spike's first attack is useless, because 10 points of defense can just prevent the first attack from breaking the defense, but Bai Spike's own attack is also high enough.

The key point is that Xie Zhi used the "time" of the natal card, so all the cards played in the last round were copied, including the eighth-rank white zombie!

Concentrating the attack of multiple high-attack cards, a set of combo attacks, and the new poison, even when Strange makes a move, he can only be forced to walk by a wave of poison effects. Strong cards are meaningless.

It's done, and three more natal cards are in hand.

In the end, only the observer is left.

However, as soon as the two entered the game, the observer hurriedly said: "Thank you, I am with you! I will definitely not fight with you, I surrender..."

Suddenly, the choice of whether to accept the surrender popped up.

Of course there is an option to surrender, but Xie Zhi never paid attention to it. Is there any need to think about surrendering? So having is the same as not having.

As for everyone else, no one took this option seriously.

Who would have thought that the observers took it seriously.

In this regard, Xie Zhi refuse.

The observer was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Thank you, I am sincere and have no second thoughts!"

Xie Zhi smiled: "I mean, it depends on your performance, but no matter how good your performance is, you have gained my trust, but there are some things...

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

Let's put it this way, you should burn incense, eat and eat, and do things that need to be done even when thunder strikes.

Get it, don't expect me to change plans for you.

Besides, I understand you, you are also a generation of supreme power......?

, To be precise, you were the strongest in the past, but now you are so cowardly, it's fake. "

The observer smiled wryly, and while applying for surrender again, he said, "Master Xie, that's your point of view, think about it from my point of view.

A person who got so many infinite gems, who can make rules for many universes, also let Odin, who also has a bunch of infinite gems, enter this state of helplessness.

Such a person has made a plan, will it be simple?

During the period, I also followed. Although I don't know the specific details of the plan, there must be a trap buried in the plan that no one can resist.

Everyone targeted by this plan has already been doomed.

If I worry about what I shouldn't, I'm afraid I will end up like the three of them.

Please believe me, I never mean to make you change your plan, I just understand and understand.

I just can think about it, I will always behave well. "

While refusing to surrender, Xie Zhi asked, "What am I thinking about? What do you want to understand?"

"What I want is very low, I really understand it, the endless years, the immortality, I am the strongest since I appeared, which made me ignore the most fundamental needs of life, but now I have touched it, that That is, to survive.

I don't want anything anymore, I just hope kindred and I can continue, in the form of intelligent life, just be ordinary people.

I know that you have integrated all our clansmen into one, but there must be a chance, right? I just want us to live a normal life and prosper, as long as we don’t become the bottom of the food chain.

Developing like a human being is actually... quite interesting.

In fact, we have been observing, but there are too many kinds of lives that we have never experienced. We actually have huge flaws, and we are incomplete lives. "

Xie Zhi raised his brows: "This requirement may not sound high, but it doesn't matter what the score is.

After all, you have destroyed many universes,...?

forgot? Is this over? "

"Never forget, never forget, dare not forget, so atonement is no problem, we are willing! But living is the only way to atone, right?

Look at my performance, you can ask me to do anything. "

While talking, the observer applied for surrender again. By doing so, the opening time could be delayed.

Xie Zhi thought for a while, and said: "If you beg me to think about it, then I can only agree to think about it, but the result of thinking about it may not be beneficial to you."

"Your consideration is a grace! Thank you for your kindness!"

The observer's attitude couldn't be lower, but Xie Zhi didn't underestimate him. After all, he is an immortal who lived longer than Odin. To be precise, no one lived longer than him.

So if he is really playing tricks, then as long as Xie Zhi starts to think about it, he will be recruited, because "considering" also means that his observers are in different camps, at least they are neutral, and the treatment they receive is the same as that of Odin and others. Being different also means getting an opportunity.

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【Amnesia in Movie World】【】

But Xie Zhi thought about his plan, and felt that it is not good to be too suspicious sometimes, and it is really unnecessary, because this plan did not leave a chance for these top powerhouses to come back.

That's right, even if he screwed up his game, he still has some operations.

To put it bluntly, it is simple, and it still complies with the "principle of fairness". It is nothing more than that Xie Zhi has arranged a special hidden element. When necessary, the game can be restarted, and everyone can start over.

And this hidden element seems to be accessible to everyone, but in fact, no one can activate it except him.

Because it is a question-and-answer mechanism, but there are several questions in the question-and-answer mechanism that hide traps, and they are absolutely impossible for Odin and others to answer correctly.

Therefore, the only person who can activate this "coin reopening" can only be Xie Zhi.

If you don't leave this kind of backhand, Xie Zhi would even get involved with himself, that would be too stupid.

That being the case it is not impossible to think about it.

Xie Zhi nodded: " don't have to surrender all the time, it's time to play cards, don't delay...?

Let's chat, and I just want to see how you have gained. "


So the game starts, the dice are thrown, and the observer takes the lead.

While talking to Xie Zhi, the observer stuck at the last second of the countdown before playing a card.

But he didn't control the card attack either, making it clear that playing cards is not an operation, and the countdown continues to be consumed, which leaves time for dialogue.

But what this card represents is quite... evil.

It was a monster, a monster with a little humanoid concept.

It can be seen that there are legs, a torso and a head, but basically, it is like a living person being put in a leather case, and it seems that the hands are tied, resulting in a thicker torso.

The leather case is made of fleshy skin, and you can still see the blue-black blood vessels under the skin. The color and smooth texture give people the impression that it is quite disgusting!

There is also a circular hole in the chest and abdomen of its torso, and some fleshy objects are wriggling in it, and during the contraction, some black liquid that looks disgusting will flow out.

And that thing is standing still, moving around, its movements are very evil, and it makes creepy noises. The first impression it gives people is horror, horror, evil... In short, all scary words Elements can all be concentrated on this thing.

Even if it was better than Xie Zhi, although he would not be afraid when he saw this thing, he still couldn't help feeling disgusted.

Xie Zhi looked at the description of the card again, and frowned: "How did you get this...perverted thing?"_&?

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