Amnesia In Movie World

Vol 6 Chapter 1028: Ancient Secrets

The Frost Giant's answer was that there is indeed a cemetery, but the funeral customs of the Frost Giant are different from those on Earth, and the cemetery is a bit special.

The special thing is, like... an elephant cemetery.

Yes, like an elephant, when it knows its life is gone, the frost giant will go alone and go to the burial place of its ancestors.

What's strange is that the frost giant usually doesn't know where the cemetery is, only when it is about to die, it is said that it will sense the call of the ancestors, so it naturally knows where to go.

Hearing this, Howard couldn't help but wondered: "No, isn't it true that not all of you Frost Giants are dead, what about the ones who died in battle?"

The Frost Giant replied: "The corpse can be preserved and brought to the cemetery by the predecessors who are going to the end of life."

Howard opened his mouth: "Oh... well, it's simple."

Baki continued: "The call of the mysterious. Maybe there are heroic spirits. The question is, are there any Frost Giants who are about to die?"

Really, Jotunheim is also a huge planet. Even if the Frost Giant is bigger than the green fat Hulk, the entire planet has a population of 70 to 80 million, and there will always be old people whose lifespan is at the end.

However, from the perspective of population, the strength of the Frost Giants is indeed quite strong. The average individual strength is higher than that of the Amazons, and the population size of Asgard is far less than that. If this power is really released, it is quite terrifying.

Just like the previous Battle of New York, if Loki let all the Frost Giants come over, it would be much more difficult to deal with than the Chitauri.

And the race of frost giants is definitely not stupid. Just look at Loki. He is a real frost giant, but his physique has been changed to a certain extent by Odin's divine power, and his appearance has changed.

But he is not lacking in brains, but Odin was born... I guess Odin himself is even more depressed.

In any case, although the Frost Giant has strengths, it is only reflected in melee combat. The strategic projection ability is unknown, and the big killer is currently only known to have an ice treasure box.

Xie Zhi and the others were still curious as to why Heimdall made Odin afraid.

It didn't take long to find the frost giant who was about to go to the cemetery.

Although it is not sure whether it can still sense the call of the ancestors after controlling it with the scepter, Xie Zhi decided to control it.

Nothing else, it is said that this road to death is quite long, and it is too time-consuming.

And no matter how curious, this trip is just a side trip, not the main purpose. I have come to Jotunheim once, and I can come a second time. The demand is not urgent.

Therefore, the controlled Frost Giant only needs the road, and Xie Zhi took him to teleport very quickly.

Since there are still children, Bucky and Howard can only stay and watch the children, and have nothing to play for the time being.

Fortunately, the dying frost giant could still sense something even if it was controlled, so it didn't delay its journey.

It's just that the journey is more tortuous, it's not just strolling on the surface, turning around, but going underground.

Here we have to talk about the characteristics of Jotunheim. Not only is it dark and snowy all year round, but also the geological characteristics are very special. The surface layer is actually hollowed out, and there is also a huge underground cavity with multiple layers.

Moreover, this extremely complicated hollowing out made the underground world look like a huge maze.

This is the geographical advantage of the Frost Giants. Not to mention that outsiders will definitely get lost if they come in, and if they don't use Star Destroyer weapons, they can't even try to destroy this species.

Based on this advantage, Xie Zhi judged that it should be one of the reasons why Odin did not want to go to war with the Frost Giants.

However, although it is only one of the reasons, it is really tiresome to fight against such an enemy in the opponent's territory, which means that the guerrillas will never be banned.

But he said that following the guide, step by step, Xie Zhi discovered a new problem.

That is... It seems that this depth means going straight to the center of the earth, that is, Xie Zhi's teleportation is highly efficient, otherwise I don't know how many days it will take.

When the first corpse appeared, it indicated that the destination would not be too far away.

In the low-temperature environment, the corpse of the frost giant, who had lived for an unknown number of years, hadn't changed much.

The cave that extends to the center of the earth is not only spacious enough, but also the icy rock wall is like a fluorescent lamp, projecting a light blue fluorescent light.

Obviously, there is also special energy contained here.

At this time, Xie Zhi no longer teleported forward, but walked, because there were not only more corpses, but also murals appeared on the rock walls of the cave, which were icy and lifelike.

This is in line with the super power of the Frost Giant. In fact, the ultra-low temperature ability is described in a more general way. The Frost Giant's control over ice and snow is subtle enough. The more expert it is, the smoother it is to play.

Judging from the content displayed in the murals, this is the history of the Frost Giants, extending from generation to generation.

The more I looked, the wider Xie Zhi's eyes widened, nothing else, the ancient history recorded by the Frost Giants

, and Asgard are completely different things!

First of all, the reason for the invasion of the earth was not at all as recorded in the history books of Asgard, in order to turn the earth into a place suitable for the life of the frost giants.

It's for... the Cosmic Cube.

Yes, the Rubik's Cube was on the earth at that time, combined with Odin's previous words, it is obvious that Odin's layout is long enough.

But continuing to push forward in the order of the murals revealed another secret, the earliest owner of the Rubik's Cube was not Asgard, but the Frost Giant!

As for being obtained by Asgard, it's very simple, just grab it.

Yes, it was Asgard who launched the war and snatched the Rubik's Cube from Jotunheim's territory.

Xie Zhi was not surprised by this, not only did Odin himself admit that he fought for the Infinity Stones back then, but he also didn't say that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was not stolen.

What's more, this kind of historical falsification is not new on the earth. The most interesting thing is not the ancient times, but it is still happening all the time in the present.

The simplest example, the achievements of Lao Su in World War II, Lao Mei has been busy with various means for more than 70 years, and is almost successfully erased.

At the end of World War II, more than 90% of people believed that Lao Su was the absolute main force in ending World War II, but now, polls show that less than 30% of people know the truth, let alone think that The achievements are all old and beautiful, and some people don't even know that Lao Su participated in the war.

However, regarding the history of the narration of the murals, Xie Zhi didn't fully believe in the Frost Giants. Asgard could fake this thing, but Jotunheim couldn't? Just as a reference.

It was the content about Asgard's invasion of Jotunheim that aroused Xie Zhi's interest.

Because the image of the invaders shown in the murals has content that Asgard does not have at all.

Among them was a woman wearing a weird helmet. The helmet was shaped like a lot of horns, but overall, it looked like a big spider or a big crab was stuck on her head.

And this woman appears very frequently in the murals, she seems to be the leader of Asgard, the kind that is super vigorous.

But here comes the problem, such an important person should be very important in Asgard, and should have a strong mark in history, but the old Xie family has never found any information about this woman.

The old Xie’s family did not check everything. After all, Asgard’s history is long enough, and they can only understand the tip of the iceberg in a short time. But even if the information has not been seen, how can Sol not know about a sufficiently important person?

Yes, the second idiot has already explained everything he knows, so there is no need to ask. This guy is a bit talkative, and when chatting, he always uses the content of his hometown as the topic, at least about Asgard. said.

But the period from his grandfather to his generation definitely does not include a woman wearing a crab helmet.

And what surprised Xie Zhi the most was that on one of the murals, the woman was holding... a meow hammer!

Xie Zhile, rubbed his chin and narrowed his eyes: "This is interesting, this woman is also the owner of the Meow Hammer, didn't Odin say that only the crown prince is qualified to use the Meow Hammer? So this Odin daughter?

But Sol has always claimed that he is the only eldest son, just a brother of Loki, if he really has a sister, just his bad-mouthed virtues, it is not his character to say it eight hundred times. "

After thinking for a while, Xie Zhi shook his head and said contemptuously: "One Loki is not enough, here comes another one, no need to ask, it's another routine of family ethics drama, this family... What a mess! It's very messy."

Too lazy to make up the story of the rich family's grievances, Xie Zhi continued to look at the murals.

In the previous history, the content of the Frost Giant's conquest from all directions appeared with the ability to open the door of the Rubik's Cube, but the picture has obvious tendencies, tall, mighty, sacred, solemn, in short, it seems very righteous.

Therefore, it is not a good bird.

But this still doesn't explain how the frost giant got to the earth after losing the Rubik's Cube.

The answer came quickly. The former Jotunheim also had a period of glory and prosperity, and their strength of civilization was also on the magical side.

However, combined with the previous murals, it is clear that due to the disastrous defeat in the war, there was a fault in the inheritance of civilization and a substantial decline.

But they said that during Jotunheim's heyday, they discovered the "secret passage" between the Nine Realms.

The secret path is Xie Zhi borrowing Loki's definition, yes, the so-called secret path is cleared by Rocky, and maybe Odin is also cleared.

The so-called secret passage is a unique space passage between the nine worlds, similar to a wormhole, even without any equipment, as long as you enter it, you can pass through it.

In this way, it explains how the frost giants went to the earth and how they sneaked into Asgard.

But these secret passages are different from the five-thousand-year cycle of celestial phenomena mentioned by Odin, because the Frost Giants have also recorded this point. The wormhole phenomenon caused by celestial phenomena is messy, unstable, and short-term.

It is not like this that can connect the Nine Realms

Therefore, it is stable in the long run.

The reason for the discovery of the secret way is still the Rubik's Cube in the universe. After all, this treasure is to control the space, and it is also extremely sensitive to changes in space. This is what Xie Zhi understands the most.

Therefore, when the frost giants studied the Rubik's Cube in the universe in ancient times, they also discovered the secret passage between the nine worlds because of its characteristics.

So logically, there is no reason for Asgard not to study it after getting it.

Maybe it was Odin who blocked the secret about the secret passage, but during the layout, he did something wrong, making Loki think that he himself discovered the existence of the secret passage, and thus had everything that happened later.

Although only Odin knows the truth, Xie Zhi believes that the possibility is at least 90%.

Talking about the secret path itself, in fact, this thing is not simple. There is no instruction manual for the murals, but judging from the form of expression, Xie Zhi probably is similar to his wife's previous guess.

The Nine Realms and the World Tree, in Asgard's explanation, are maintaining a balance, but Xiao Yu believes that it is a very special power transmission system, and it is also the source of Asgard's divine power.

So when Loki was planning to completely destroy Jotunheim, his adoptive mother, Frigga, was as if her tail had been stepped on.

And the murals of the frost giants also vaguely show this point.

Looking back, there are not many things that can arouse Xie Zhi's interest. Although it is a major historical event of the Frost Giant's own nation, it has little meaning to outsiders.

Until the mural shows...the role of the Frozen Chest.

Xie Zhi's eyes lit up immediately, he held up the ice treasure box in his hand, and said to himself: "Oh~ the real function of this treasure is not to kill people.

That's right, Jotunheim is the most valuable treasure. If light can be used for fighting, this civilization is too short-sighted. "

So what is the ice box for?

Simply put, it is the hope of revival of the frost giants!

On the eve of Jotunheim's heyday, the great men of the past forged the Ice Treasure Box, and because of this thing, Jotunheim entered a glorious era.

The specific function, first of all... Frost giants were not giants before, their body shape was similar to that of earthlings, and they did not have blue skin and red eyes.

It became like this because of the ice treasure box.

This treasure can endow life with powerful icy power.

The more endowed, the greater the body changes until it grows into a giant shape. This is of course a side effect in Xie Zhi's eyesight. The Frost Giant may not think so, it seems to like it quite a bit.

In fact, this body mutation can also be verified from the side of Loki, because what the old Xie family knows is that the baby Loki adopted by Odin back then has the same body shape as a human baby.

So the big man who is five or six meters tall unexpectedly gave birth to a little one, are they pandas? The fat man gave birth to a little mouse?

Now I understand that the body mutation has led to genetic changes, except that the children born are still the same size as before, and the growth process is like hair.

Another point is that the current Frost Giant makes Xie Zhi feel that it is not strong enough. Obviously, it has something to do with the loss of the ice treasure box. It has lost the medium to enhance its strength. Naturally, one generation is not as good as the other.

It's no wonder that Odin was turned into a one-eyed dragon by Laufey. At that time, Laufey, as the boss of the frost giant, should be quite fierce.

In the later period, Laufey was instantly killed by Loki with the Eternal It is not ruled out that the Eternal Spear is indeed powerful, and I am afraid that there is also the reason why Laufey has not supplemented for thousands of years, resulting in his strength.

As for whether Odin knew this secret, Xie Zhi felt that there was a high probability that he knew it. After all, after the victory of the second Ayo War, they snatched away the ice treasure box with a clear purpose.

And just strengthening the individual strength is still only a part of the effect.

The ice treasure box is also a sharp weapon for infrastructure.

In fact, the labyrinthine geological structure of Jotunheim was completed with the help of the ice treasure box.

That's right, this kind of function is exactly the characteristic of weapons shown to the outside world, but the Frost Giants are really not stupid, nor are they violent. Who said that weapons can't be used as construction tools?

Moreover, they played with super-large arms, which transformed the entire planet!

Although considering the habits of ice giants, this transformation of the ice and snow world is only suitable for them, but I have to say that this way of playing inspired Xie Zhi.

That's right, different species have different habits, and this kind of construction may be unbearable. After all, not everyone can use a refrigerator as a bedroom.

But there is one thing, ice, when it melts, it becomes water!

And the ice treasure box can create endless ice out of thin air, isn't this the same as creating water resources!

We must know that the water resources in the universe are actually cherished resources, and we must know that most planets do not have water resources.

Although water can also be combined, there is no ice treasure box with high efficiency.

So... isn't this a renewable water resource creator!

Such an artifact, as a weapon? It's such a waste of money, I guess the ice treasure box wants to cry too.

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