America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 174: Yan's Garden

Hearing William Chen say the high price of 500 million US dollars, Howard really showed his emotions.

You know, according to the agreement signed with Marvel when Columbia Pictures bought the copyright of Spider-Man. Sony owns the filming rights including Spider-Man and all related characters (but TV series, animations, brand trademarks, etc. have nothing to do with Sony), 100% of the movie revenue belongs to Sony, but they shoot a Spider-Man movie every 5 years , otherwise Marvel has the right to take back the copyright.

Therefore, even if the box office of the "Spider-Man" movie is higher, what Sony can get is only the income of the movie, and it cannot get a penny from the related peripheral products. Therefore, the total revenue brought to them by the three "Spider-Man" films currently being filmed is not much different from the price of $500 million proposed by William Chen. Even if it is slightly higher, it is very limited.

But you must know that these profits can only be obtained by their hard work planning and shooting movies, and the box office of a movie is unpredictable. The final level of the box office is affected by various aspects, and no one can guarantee every time. Spider-Man movies can get a satisfactory box office, and even when they encounter a hit movie in the same schedule, it depends on luck whether it can make a profit or not.

In fact, the harder Sony Pictures works, the higher the profits it will bring to Marvel's Spider-Man peripheral products. This kind of feeling of being hitchhiked will not be too good.

Therefore, at this time, William Chen proposed the conditions of 500 million US dollars to recover the copyright of Spider-Man, and Howard could not help but be moved.

"I need to discuss this with the board of directors. After all, the Spider-Man series is an asset that our entire company is very concerned about."

This time, he didn't say any more words of rejection. It seemed that it was indeed William Chen's offer, which moved him.

"Okay, Mr. Howard, but it should be noted that I will soon be leaving Japan and going to China, so I hope I won't wait too long."

"Okay, Mr. William, I'll get back to you shortly."

When William Chen left here, through Howard's reaction, he had a hunch that this time the deal was very likely to be successfully concluded.

And the price he offered may not be understood by some people. After all, they have not seen the horror box office of Marvel Universe movies in the future, and Spider-Man will be an important role in the Avengers. If he can make him Appearing in the Marvel Universe movies, whether it is an independent movie of this superhero or an alliance movie, can bring benefits far beyond this price.

The copyright of the Spider-Man series, in the hands of Sony Pictures, they can only make profits by shooting independent films of Spider-Man, and in the hands of Marvel, not only can enrich the Marvel Universe, but even expand the Spider-Man independent film, expand Into the Spider-Man universe, the income that can be obtained is much higher than that of Sony Pictures.

Moreover, he also made a lot of money by participating in the shorting of the Japanese stock market this time. Er, it seems that the target of the shorting is also Sony, so let them return some profits at that time.

Hey, it's so kind, who can know?

Sure enough, William Chen soon received a call from Howard Stringer. After discussions, the Sony board of directors agreed to William Chen to buy back the copyright of the Spider-Man series for $500 million. This matter is confirmed, and the next detailed negotiation will be discussed by Sony Pictures and Marvel in detail.

Through this incident, William Chen also deeply realized the pros and cons of family-run businesses and managers-run businesses.

Just like Howard, in the position of chairman of Sony Corporation, he must strive for the interests of Sony Corporation. But this matter has to be divided into many situations. The long-term interests and short-term interests of the company are both interests, so how will he weigh them?

Just like the Hermès family mentioned earlier, they will pay more attention to the long-term interests of the Hermès company, and they are willing to sacrifice some immediate short-term interests for this.

For Howard, he is just a professional manager. The most important thing to him is the company's performance during his term of office. Only with this outstanding performance can he get options and other performance rewards.

As for the long-term interests of the company? If he sacrificed short-term interests for long-term interests, causing the company to sink into the quagmire for a few years, continue to lose money, and then definitely get fired, would anyone thank him?

In this way, he will not only bear the infamy, but also lose the benefits he can get instinctively. How can any professional manager be so selfless?

After all, most people are short-sighted, they won't see too long, and they will only blame you because you temporarily affect their interests.

Therefore, Howard's choice is easy to understand. Getting the 500 million US dollars can make Sony's performance this year better, and can use these funds to tide over the crisis, and even buy some companies now.

And keep the rights to the Spider-Man franchise? So what if the sequel is going to be a hit? At that time, it is not certain who will enjoy the applause in the chairman's seat.

Of course, compared with professional managers, family-run business has many disadvantages. Therefore, no matter which method is used, it is not a standard paradigm that can be applied everywhere. It depends on the trade-offs you need for your own needs.


By the time William Chen arrived in the capital, Ivanta had been here for a few days.

After coming to Modu, Ivanta lived in Chen William's new home, which was the residence he had previously ordered Li Ying to buy for him in Modu.

This residence is Yan's Garden on Yuyuan Road, Changning District, the Magic City. This old house was built in 1920 by a foreign doctor until it was acquired by Yan Qingxiang, a famous entrepreneur in the modern Chinese machinery manufacturing industry in 1940. Become Yan's private residence.

This mansion covers an area of ​​about 5,416 square meters, of which the building area is 1,570 square meters and the garden area is 4,900 square meters, which is almost the size of a football field.

Yanjia Garden is a set of independent garden residences in Nordic style. The exterior of the building is made of river pebble dry-pasted walls and machine-made flat tiles and steep **** roofs. It is clean, simple and elegant.

The fireplace-style chimney and the crimson roof tiles are particularly eye-catching under the sunlight, paired with the two towering camphor trees in the courtyard that have been around for a hundred years, making people feel excited.

Delicate rockeries, pavilions, and nurseries are scattered among the lush trees, which are pleasing to the eye and feel like walking into a mountain garden.

This mansion has been neglected to maintain after the descendants of the Yan family moved abroad. Later, it was slightly dilapidated. Last year, it was bought by Chen Tianqiao, the owner of Shanda Network, for 280 million Chinese dollars, and the entire huge garden house was renovated. The original appearance of Yan's Garden is preserved as much as possible, and it is prepared as a residence.

However, before moving in, Chen Tianqiao's body had problems.

In 2004, when Chen Tianqiao flew from Modu to Yanjing, he felt a severe pain in his chest. At the time, he thought he was having a heart attack and rushed to the hospital after the plane landed. Doctors told him his heart was in perfect condition and the problem was a panic attack.

After that, Chen Tianqiao implemented the grand box, and wanted to occupy the entrance of the TV side and develop the home entertainment field. It can be said that this decision was still very advanced, and it was also because it was too advanced and was restricted by supervision, and finally ended in failure.

Under pressure, from last year, Chen Tianqiao's health was in critical condition again.

This time, the problem was worse and lasted longer. It was also when his mental state reached the and he felt so dizzy that he couldn't move.

At this time, due to his physical condition, Chen Tianqiao could no longer bear the pressure of doing business, so he made a decision to gradually withdraw from the company's business and move his family to Lijiapo.

Therefore, at this time, Li Ying helped Chen William find a place to live in Modu. Knowing this, he contacted the other party, and finally bought the mansion at a price of 50 million US dollars.

After nearly a year of repairs and renovations, this once-prominent old house is now ready for occupancy.

The benefits of buying this mansion have also emerged. The Troupe Group was already well-known in the United States, but when Ivanta arrived in Modu, he began to set up the Asian headquarters of Tropp-Chen Business Management Company in Modu. At that time, the news of her staying in Yan's Garden came out, and then the news that Chen William bought Yan's Garden from Chen Tianqiao's hands at a price of nearly 350 million Chinese dollars spread all over the business circles of the magic capital.

Needless to say, Chen Tianqiao's popularity in China at this time, after all, he was once the richest man. After acquiring Alibaba shares, William Chen also gained great popularity in China, and his later acquisition of Marvel brought his popularity to a new height.

Now this real estate transaction before these two rich people has also attracted the attention of many people. This kind of popularity also provided a lot of convenience for Ivanta's investigation in the magic capital.

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