American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 44 Mission (two in one)

Dark basement.

Next to the shaft entrance.

Looking at the body that had been broken into two parts, Baker held his cell phone with a gloomy look on his face.

He knew that if the supposed breakthrough point was broken, the entire case investigation would be stuck at the starting point again.

"Set up an isolation belt and seal off this area."


Baker directed the police officers next to him to seal off the area, protect the scene, and then returned, his expression becoming serious.

He suddenly discovered that the murder case was becoming more and more confusing.

at the same time.

After receiving this message, Jeffrey also frowned and looked at the security guards Adolf and Ronald next to him with suspicion in his eyes.

"Can you tell me what your maintenance workers were doing before?"

"Okay, officer."

Adolf and Ronald looked at each other.

Although the two of them were a little confused, they still nodded obediently and told them about the connection between them and the maintenance worker Jean, as well as the repair steps mentioned by the maintenance worker Jean, and what they were going to do.

As Jeffrey listened, his face showed no trace of emotion, and his heart became darker and heavier.

According to the two security guards, the maintenance man was meticulous throughout the entire process and checked the maintenance steps step by step. There was basically nothing suspicious until the basement.

Then, why did he die?

Jeffrey couldn't figure it out and continued to look at the monitoring screen. The four people still alive in the elevator were still very different from each other, each huddled in the corner and guarded against each other.

He knew that if he wanted to continue investigating this murder case, he could only rely on the background investigation that had not yet been sent to the bureau.

"Officer, um, what happened to Gene?"

As the security captain, Adolf has always known how to avoid danger and take advantage of it. He is considered a veteran in the workplace. Only Ronald noticed what seemed to have happened to the maintenance worker Jean. He looked at Jeffrey with a calm face and said seriously.

"Officer, please believe me, Gene is definitely not the murderer. He has been working hard these years, and there is still..."

When Ronald said this, he was interrupted by Adolf.

"Ronald, don't interfere with the police officer's investigation."

Jeffrey glanced at them out of the corner of his eye and continued to look at the monitoring screen and said calmly.

"Your guarantee cannot be relied upon, but what I can tell you about this matter is that the maintenance worker Gene died in the shaft in the basement."

As soon as these words came out, Adolf and Ronald were stunned.

Ronald said in disbelief, "What? Gene, how could Gene die? Just now he said he was going to the roof to check!"

Jeffrey's eyes were calm, "I know you don't want to believe it, but unfortunately this is the truth."

As he spoke, Jeffrey looked at the last police officer on standby.

"Let the firemen come."


The police officer hurriedly left, and then Baker hurriedly walked in, standing next to Jeffrey and saying a little irritably.

"Man, this thread is broken."

Jeffrey continued to stare at the monitor screen.

"Let's wait for news from the bureau."

Baker glanced at the two security guards next to him who were still shocked and seemed to have not gotten over the death of the maintenance worker. He shrugged nonchalantly.

However, things were not static. Jeffrey suddenly found that the lights in the elevator were flashing faster than before.

Because of this sudden change, everyone in the elevator looked up, looking uneasy.

"What's wrong!" Vic, wearing a gray suit, said very uneasily.

"It won't be destroyed again."

Abigail cursed, "Shut up!"

The black man Ralph looked at Max, who was in civilian clothes.

"Let me make a suggestion, how about you and I holding our hands together?"

Max, who was in civilian clothes, was a little puzzled.

The black man Ralph continued, "Currently, only two of us are the biggest suspects. If one of us is the murderer, then the other one can stop his actions."

As he said this, the black man Ralph glanced at Abigail and Vic and continued.

"If we are not murderers, with our strength, we can also guard against sneak attacks in the dark, and this will also benefit the judgment of the police officers above, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Max, who was in civilian clothes, thought about it seriously. He was not the murderer, and this approach would also benefit him. If the black man Ralph was the murderer, this approach would be better than not knowing anything in the dark and just waiting to be attacked by the other party.


Upon hearing the response, the black man Ralph stretched out his hands to signal.

"bring it on."

Max, who was in civilian clothes, also understood. He walked over and clasped hands with the black man Ralph, forming a state of mutual restraint.

The actions in the elevator were also seen by Jeffrey who had been watching. As an experienced police officer, he understood the meaning of these two people instantly. If there was a murderer between these two people and he did not want to be exposed, he would definitely not do it again. kill.

If neither of the two people with the greatest suspicion is the murderer, but if someone else dies, then the remaining person will be suspected of the murderer.

While Jeffrey was thinking about this, a police officer came to report.

"Officer Jeffrey, the fire department is here."

Jeffrey nodded, then looked at Beck.

"How about you take charge of this matter? I'll keep an eye on it from here?"

"Okay, anyway, the things I'm thinking about are not suitable for me. Come on." Baker patted Jeffrey on the shoulder and followed the police officer to leave the monitoring room.

After Jeffrey watched, he continued to look at the monitoring screen. The lights became more flickering, and the darkness became longer and longer. In order to reassure people, he picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the button.

"The fire brigade is here, you can go out after a while."

The words rang in the elevator, and the four people looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief, especially Vic in the gray suit, whose face relaxed a lot. He was originally squatting in the corner, but now he slowly stood up.

"It's finally over. I hope the light doesn't go out."

Vic said, and then he heard a bang and his vision instantly fell into darkness.

As if joking with Vic, the lights in the elevator suddenly went out.




There was a loud noise in the elevator, but the feedback on the monitor screen was darkness, and then there was no sound. Jeffrey frowned and continued to press the intercom button.

"Everyone should stay calm and stay put. If you are attacked, you can shout for help and cooperate with the people next to you!"

However, within a few seconds, the lights in the elevator came on again and returned to normal, except that the situation in the elevator changed again.

"Oh my God!"

Next to Ronald, who had come to his senses, Adolf saw the scene on the surveillance screen and covered his mouth.

Not only them, but also Jeffrey subconsciously took a breath of air.

In his eyes, two more people died in the elevator.

Vic, who was wearing a gray suit, fell to the ground. It seemed that the cause of death was a broken neck, as if someone had pinched his head and twisted it.

At the same time, the black man Ralph and the civilian Max were originally the most suspected. Among them, the head of the black man Ralph was missing. The blood was slowly flowing from the vent on it, and the flow was all over the elevator. Blood.


Max, who was still holding the hands of Ralph's headless body, cursed secretly and quickly let go. His face and clothes were covered with blood.

He looked in shock at the headless bodies of Vic and the black man Ralph, whose necks had been twisted in a circle, and fell to the ground. Then he looked at the woman Abigail huddled in the corner.

"It's you?"

Abigail, who was also shocked, collapsed and screamed.

"No!!! It's not me!!!"

"It's not you! Or who it is!!" Max gritted his gums and walked towards Abigail.

"No! It really wasn't me!" Abigail screamed, sensing the danger, and she stared at Max.

"It's you! Right! Are you going to kill me next?"

"No!" Instead, Max walked towards the old woman, pulled off the rope hanging on it, and then walked towards Abigail.

"NO! It's not me! It's really not me!!" Abigail huddled in the corner, her face was full of tears, she had collapsed.

At the same time, although Jeffrey couldn't hear the conversation, he saw Max's behavior. He picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the button, saying in a deep voice.

"Max! What do you want to do!"


"I'm not a murderer, I won't kill you, I just want to restrict your movements!" Listening to the radio, Max gritted his teeth, grabbed the collapsed Abigail, and forced her over.

"NO!" Abigail collapsed and screamed to resist, but in the end she could not resist the strong man.

"Don't kill me! Please! Please..."

Max didn't answer. He tied Abigail with a rope with a cold face and threw her in the other corner before returning to his position to digest what just happened.

Seeing this, Jeffrey breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at everything in the elevator and subconsciously pinched his eyebrows. He found that all the previous inferences had been abruptly cut off again.

In just a few seconds, Max, the most suspicious man, and the black man, Ralph, held each other hostage. Even if Max could break free from Ralph's hands, he would not be able to cut off Ralph's head and put his head back in a few seconds. On the vent while also twisting off Vic's head.

The important thing is that black Ralph's hands and body remain the same as before.

As for Abigail, it is even more impossible. Women's congenital shortcomings also prevent her from doing that.

So who is the murderer?

As if someone was joking with him, Jeffrey was a little unwilling and continued to pick up the walkie-talkie and press the button.

"Max! Did you see the murder weapon?"

The voice rang in the elevator, and Max glanced around blankly, then shook his head.

The whole place was so clean that there was only red blood and silent corpses.

Seeing Max's response, Jeffrey began to feel a little headache. No matter how he reasoned about this case, he would reach a dead end.

Just when I was at a loss, a police officer hurried over with a document.

"Officer Jeffrey, the results of the bureau's investigation are here."

Jeffrey perked up and quickly took the police officer's documents and looked through them quickly.

As a result, his expression became even more hesitant.

The information inside shows that the five people in the elevator are not good people.

The old woman who hanged herself to death, May Birrell, had been married thirteen times, and her partners all died in mysterious circumstances. Since all thirteen of them were lonely and helpless old men, she successfully accepted all of her partner's assets and became a billionaire in one fell swoop. .

Ralph, a black man who lost his head, was suspected of domestic violence and robbery and was just released from prison this year.

Vic, whose neck was broken, was involved in several financial frauds, many of which resulted in family destruction and suicide.

Max, who survived, was discharged from the army, but was suspected of violating the ban on the battlefield.

As for Abigail, she was suspected of a murder but was released because there was no evidence.

There is no connection between these five people.

Jeffrey put away the materials, his face solemn, and he remembered the stories he heard when he was a child.

"The devil in human form! The devil who judges sinners!!" Jeffrey murmured, thinking of what his mother had said.

If there really is something that cannot be understood logically, just push it onto something that doesn't exist, and then all this will make sense.

"Officer, what are you talking about? The devil?"

Compared to Adolf, who looked confused, Ronald heard Jeffrey's whisper, and he quickly talked about the skull...

"Officer, look."

As he spoke, under Jeffrey's gaze, he operated on the control console and played back the afterimage he had seen before.

It's a pity that by that time of playback, the afterimage has disappeared.

"Impossible, I obviously saw it with my own eyes!" Ronald shouted.

Hearing this, Jeffrey grabbed Ronald's hand.

"Are you sure?"

Ronald nodded, but looked at the playback screen and shook his head.

"At that time, I did see a skull composed of afterimages, but I don't know why it was not on the screen..."

Jeffrey let go of Ronald's hand in a daze and looked at the elevator monitoring screen above.

As if to prove something, the elevator lights started flashing again.

Jeffrey felt something was wrong and stared at the monitoring screen.

Sure enough, ten seconds later, the lights in the elevator instantly went out again, and the screen went dark.

A few seconds later, it lit up again, and there was a corpse hanging in the air inside. It was Max. He died in the same way as the old woman by being hanged. The rope hanging on the vent seemed to have not been touched by him. .

Abigail, who was tied up in the corner of the elevator and unable to move, collapsed and screamed.

"Who can come and save me!!!"


This directly proved Jeffrey's inner judgment. When everyone present looked at the screen in confusion, he decisively picked up the phone and silently dialed Baker's phone number.


At this moment.

A simple house with crosses hanging everywhere.

Yorks, who had just returned home from church, was throwing a stack of banknotes into a box. This stack of banknotes was the money that believers put into the offering box today, totaling one thousand five hundred and three dollars.

Of course, he does not plan to use the money, but will donate it all at a charity event tomorrow.

The important thing is that the money in this box alone is no less than 150,000 US dollars, which is the long-term trust and love of believers in him.

In addition, the US dollars donated by these believers can be exchanged for points when donated in tomorrow's charity event, although this is determined by the system.

After handling this matter, Yorks continued to the living room, picked up the backpack placed there, and continued to the basement without stopping, preparing to place the holy water and bullets he had just made today, and to perform daily maintenance on the firearms inside.

Everything needs maintenance to prevent it from decaying, especially something as deadly as a firearm. If something goes wrong, it will be very dangerous.

As soon as he came to the room and pulled up the secret door, the cell phone in his arms kept vibrating. Yorks didn't pay attention. He just walked into the basement, picked up the cell phone and connected it.

To his surprise, as soon as the call was connected, the mechanical sound in his ear rang first.

[Trigger random tasks]

[Save more innocent people from angry demons]

[Task reward: +20 points]

[Whether to accept]


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