"The next leader of the church?" Ruilai was obviously a little frightened by this name.

Although she is not a devout believer, she also knows what a behemoth the church is.

A bishop was enough to surprise her, and she lamented that she was so lucky that her request for help would be accepted by a big shot.

But the leader of this church is obviously a little too scary.

Because even if she is ignorant, she can still know what level of person the leader of the church is.

"Yes." Ed smiled.

"Although Ms. Reilly, you are just an unrelated person, there have been more and more rumors about this recently. If you know it, there is no problem. Maybe Bishop York is really the next leader of the church, and we all think the bishop is qualified."

Rylai was silent and subconsciously looked at Rowling. Compared to Ed, Rowling's performance and temperament made her trust her more. Some people always felt trustworthy at first sight.

"You can rest assured, Ms. Riley." Rowling smiled soothingly: "From the time I know Bishop York, there is nothing he can't solve, whether it is a more powerful demon or an ordinary evil spirit."

Speaking of this, Rowling couldn't help but sigh, as if she remembered the unforgettable live broadcast.

"I want to say that maybe the evil spirit that makes it difficult for me to deal with is actually just a salty fish in front of the bishop."

As soon as these words came out, no matter what the people present thought, Ed walked over and comforted his wife.

"You are already very powerful in my heart."

Rylai felt curious.


at the same time.

The living room is still introducing the truth about this supernatural incident.


Elise didn't know that a big shot was about to come. She just looked at Josh, who looked surprised, and his mother, Morena, who seemed to be recalling the previous events, and said.

"Those spirits smelled Dalton's body, so they gathered around him."

"Is this what my wife Rylai saw before us?" Josh said.

Elise nodded slightly, confirmed his words, and continued.

"They are all trying to invade Dalton's body, because they,

They are longing for life, longing for the opportunity to be reborn. "

Speaking of this, Elise paused and looked at Morena.

"In addition to these ordinary spirits, I have sensed some more evil, more ferocious spirits with more sinister purposes."

"Ms. Morena, it is still the original evil spirit. It is more powerful than before. In addition to it, there are also the original spying evil spirits. They have always existed. This is a reincarnation. They are now spying on Dalton's life. Body."

As soon as these words came out, Josh subconsciously looked at his mother.

There was already a trace of fear in Morena's eyes. She looked at Elise, as if she wanted to get confirmation.

But through Elise's expression, she knew it was true. She once again encountered the evil spirit that left Elise with no way to do anything.

"Mom?" Josh noticed something and asked with a frown.

"Dalton's out-of-body experience is no accident. This ability is inherited from you, Mr. Josh."

At this time, Josh was obviously stunned, but he was still able to react and asked again.


Seeing his mother like this, how could he not understand that there was something else that he didn't know.

Hearing her son's question, Morena took a deep breath, barely suppressed the various emotions in her heart, and looked at Elise.

"Go on, tell him, Ms. Morena, there is no need to hide it anymore."

Hearing this, Ms. Morena nodded, and finally took out a heavy photo book from her handbag.

Obviously, Morena had already been prepared for what was happening now.

"Do you know why I'm looking for Elise? Do you know why I know her? Because I've also been looking for this kind of weird thing."

Morena looked at her son and exhaled softly.

"Many years ago, when you were young, to help you."

"Me?" Josh's brows wrinkled tighter and tighter because of these words.

"No, but I can't. Yes, I don't have the ability to leave my body."

However, Josh saw his mother shaking her head: "When you were eight years old, you suffered from night terrors and suffered from fear and intimidation. You said that you were frightened by an old woman and that she often came to you at night. "

With that said, Morena handed the photo album in her hand to the silent Josh.

"I didn't care about the story you told me, because I never saw the old woman you talked about. I tell you, you have to be more mature. I didn't start to believe you until I saw her with my own eyes."

Josh silently opened the photo book, which was full of ancient photos one after another.

The child holding a puppy above was him when he was a child. He was still very familiar with this memory. He remembered it.

What only frightened him a little was that behind the child in this photo, a black shadow appeared in a car. It seemed like it was overexposed, but it clearly showed a human figure with a veil.

"At first, I thought it was a problem with the camera, overexposure, or some other reason." Morena also looked at the photo and said.

When he saw Josh silently opening the second one, he continued: "I saw her again later."

In Josh's eyes, in this second photo, behind the child holding a bat, the figure became clearer and more solid, revealing an old woman wearing a veil and something similar to a wedding dress.

This is definitely not something a camera malfunction can do.

"I just realized that what you said is true." Morena said.

Josh pursed his lips, his face so gloomy that he was about to drip. He silently opened the third one.

This is a photo of a child with a woman. It is also a photo of him and his mother when he was a child.

The figure behind the door became clearer and more solid, but his facial features were still blurry.

"In each photo, she gets closer and closer to you," Morena said, looking at the third photo.

"Originally, her face was still blurry, but as she got closer, her figure became clearer and her facial features began to emerge."

Josh saw the fourth photo. Behind the child sitting on the sofa in the photo, the figure seemed to become real, and the face of the old woman began to appear.

His eyes and lips were dark, his mouth was grinning widely, his expression was very hungry, and he looked at him with a fierce look, exuding a creepy evil feeling.

"Getting closer." Morena said leisurely.

In her words, Josh also saw the fifth picture. This time a very clear hand showed a grabbing posture, grabbing his neck.

Seeing this, even if Josh didn't believe in ghosts and gods before, even if he was very brave, he looked frightened and scratched his chin and lips.

"I was getting closer and closer to you, and finally I got scared and found Elise." Morena said.

"Then the matter was resolved."

Josh put down the photo and looked at his mother: "But I can't remember anything, no relevant memories."

Hearing this, Morena looked at Elise.

Elise, who had been quiet all the time, continued to speak: "I used my spiritual power to suppress your memory and the ability to leave the body.

Sorry, I was still weak at the time and had no way to deal with another more powerful evil spirit, so this method was the only way I could think of to prevent her from approaching you. "

As she said that, Elise scanned the house and observed along the way that there were only one group photo and wedding photo of Josh, and there were no others. The rest were all photos of Riley or her and her children.

"Deep down inside you're still afraid of having your picture taken, right?"

"Sorry, Josh." Morena said, "I hid these photos."

Elise shook her head, looked at the silent Josh and said, "I suggested that your mother hide her and stop taking pictures of you, so that you can forget all this."

"Who is she?" Josh didn't care and just asked.

"The parasitic spirit, she seduces your soul and leads you to the world of the dead where she lives. All this is just like Dalton." Elise replied.

"So she's back now? Because of my son?" Josh said.

"Yes." Elise sighed: "They have no concept of time. This is reincarnation, so we must solve them so that you will not encounter this kind of thing again in the future."

Josh let out a long breath: "How to solve the problem of continuing to block Dalton's ability like me?"

"If that's the case, it's a good idea," Elise said, shaking his head again: "But before that, we have to get Dalton's soul back."

After listening to everything, Josh already knew a general idea and the reason.

"Are we going to the world of the dead?"

Elise nodded: "Yes, so I need your help, Mr. Josh."

"I'm sorry." Elise apologized again: "Now that you know the truth, in a few days you will all remember things from your childhood. In fact, I don't want you to think of these."

Elise's voice was gentle and had a very kind feeling.

Josh looked at her, looked at it seriously, and then pursed his lips.

"I did this for your son. Your son is still in the world of the dead. No one knows where he is, even if we are psychics." Elise looked at Josh and said seriously.

"Looking at the situation like this, I have to say that there is not much time left to search slowly. If Dalton's body is invaded by an evil spirit, Dalton will not be able to come back.

You are his father, and there is the deepest blood connection between souls. You are the only one who can bring him back. "

Josh closed his eyes, and all the emotions in his heart were filled by his father's bravery. If a father's strongest courage comes from, it can only be his family. Only his family can make a cowardly man brave. Guan was angry.

"Okay." Josh opened his eyes and said calmly: "What do you need me to do?"

In fact, he understood what he was going to do through his previous words.

"I will release your abilities tonight. You need to enter the world of the dead and use your blood connection to retrieve Dalton." Elise said seriously.

"And I, and Ms. Rowling, will follow and protect you until you find Dalton."

Josh nodded silently.

As they said this, the sound of footsteps attracted their attention.

It's Rowling and Ed, Riley and others.

And their seemingly very relaxed atmosphere made Elise and Josh a little uncomfortable.

They are so heavy here and are preparing to do big things, but you are still smiling, what the hell is going on.

Josh was relieved to see his wife looking so relaxed.

Compared to him, his wife Ruilai has experienced more, so he feels a lot of apologies and heartache.

On the other hand, Elise looked at the Warrens with a vague dissatisfaction in her heart. If the Warrens, the legendary industry model workers, were like this, there would be no need for her to continue their close friendship in the future.

Because she instinctively hates such arrogant people. In her mind, psychic mediumship is a profession that is dedicated to others, but it is also a very dangerous profession. You cannot be too careful and take it seriously.

However, when the Warrens and others came to the living room, Elise soon knew the reason.

"I think we have to wait for someone before we do anything." Rowling looked at everyone in Elis and said gently.

"Who?" Elise frowned.

"Bishop John York." Rowling said calmly.

She was calm there, but this name had already set off huge waves in Elise's heart, causing her to stand up from the sofa.

"You said it was Bishop John of York?" Elis asked again in an uncertain tone.

"Yes." Rowling smiled, "I just had a phone call with the bishop. He is on his way here now and should arrive soon."

Elise took a deep breath: "How could a person like him, how could he care about such a thing."

At this moment, Elise looked at the Warrens with something wrong. She never expected that the Warrens would have such great dignity to call this person over.

You know, that breathtaking live broadcast was not long ago.

And Elise's appearance also made Josh and Morena confused. They were a little confused and had not yet fully absorbed this matter.

Rowling saw the look in Elise's eyes and said with a smile: "It wasn't me, it was the bishop who accepted Ms. Riley's post asking for help. Although I don't know the reason, it is quite a coincidence. I can only say that Ms. Riley's luck is pretty good. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes turned to Ruilai.

Riley was a little embarrassed: "I have been asking for help on the Internet, and today someone accepted my request for help. Ms. Rowling said it was Bishop York John."


After hearing this, Elise finally understood why the Warrens were so relaxed. Indeed, if this big shot came over, the evil spirit would be nothing.

Thinking of this, Elise finally had a smile on her face, looked at the confused Josh and Morena and said with a smile:

"It seems that there is no need to use my method. In front of this bishop, this thing that happened to you may not be that difficult."

Seeing the originally heavy Elise suddenly heaving a sigh of relief and smiling at the name, Josh subconsciously looked at Riley and the Warrens, relaxing and saying with helplessness.

"Can you tell me who this bishop is?"

Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, look at me and I look at you.

At this moment, an ordinary pickup truck had arrived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and was about to enter this community.

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