Hearing these words again, Yorks felt helpless and directly used his telekinesis to seal Mam's mouth.

Then control everything with your mind.

The stool flew over, and Mam hesitated and couldn't speak, so he sat down automatically.

All the technological equipment floated in front of him.

"Do you know your current situation? You have been kidnapped by me, so you must abide by your personality and say less."


The basement of a cabin in the woods somewhere.

The general command post fell into a brief calm from the moment Hadley's words rang out.

The next second, a bell broke the calm.

Sitson woke with a start and pressed a button.

"What's up?"

These words attracted the attention of all personnel in the command post.

"There's something going on over there in Mam."

Daniel's calm voice blasted through the speakers.

"My men said they heard grenades."

Sitson twitched the corners of his mouth and subconsciously looked at the big screen with everyone present.

The young professor who was one of the targets was using a thick iron chain to tie Mam who was sitting on the stool.

And behind them is the low house that has turned into ruins.

Sitterson looked at Hadley and looked at him, their eyes exchanging various information in the air.

"Daniel, send someone to Mam's side to capture the target. Don't let anyone affect the ceremony. It's still too late."

Sitterson said calmly, adding another sentence to express his dissatisfaction.

"Also, your people have been kidnapped."

When he said this, Sitson was a little speechless.

What kind of military elite can be done like this by an ordinary professor?

He hesitated, as if he was frightened, this is a loser!

Daniel on the opposite side was also stunned for a moment, but as a soldier, he responded quickly, without asking questions, and he just followed the order.


The voice fell, and the command post fell into silence again.

"Sir, look!"

The reminder from the staff nearby made Sitson calm down and look at the screen.

The young professor's entire body suddenly occupied the whole place, and he reached out and wiped the lens like a mirror, not even covering up his mutterings.

"You should be able to hear it."

Abandoned gas station.

Yorks smiled, grabbed what looked like a camera in front of him, and spoke as if he saw everyone in the command post.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Yorkshire John. Maybe you don't believe it, but I am really the savior of the world and the backer of mankind."

Saying this without any shame, Yorks didn't feel any shame at all and continued to laugh.

"I will talk to the ancient gods on your behalf, and there will be no more sacrifices or rituals from now on.

Of course, you don’t have to believe it, so I will show my strength, so please come on. "

With that said, Yorks took the camera and walked towards Mam who was tied to the stool. Like a personal live broadcast, he knocked out Mam with a knife.

"Oh my God!"

In the command post, some staff members spoke subconsciously.

"Damn it! What does this guy want to do! No, who is he and why does he know about the existence of the ancient gods and us."

Hadley couldn't help but cursed and yelled.

"Where are the other targets? Why don't you see anyone? Get moving!"

As soon as these words came out, the personnel in the command post began to snap and move.

"Sir, I will continue the path that the RV took and try to find traces of other targets."

Sitting at the control console below, the staff member in charge of an instrument spoke.

Hadley said with a gloomy face: "Hurry up then!"


Another chief officer, Sitson, didn't look too good either. He looked at the young professor slowly getting back into the RV on the big screen, like a personal live broadcast, and his tone was a little cold.

"It seems that the original five targets should be somewhere, which means that as long as we find those five people, everything can return to normal operation."

As a colleague for many years, Hadley understood what Sitterson meant. He stared at the big screen, pressed a button, and took a deep breath.

"Daniel! Don't hold back. The ceremony cannot be affected in any way. Anyway, the guy said, come here..."

The cold-blooded voice came into a headset, and there was no change on Daniel's face. He just said calmly.



"It's so fast."

Through the three-dimensional view with a range of 150 meters, Yorks could clearly see a heavily armed team rushing towards him as if he had a God's perspective.

From his perspective, this team does have the air of a tough guy.

"Are they the elites in the army? They even have RPGs. It's so exaggerated."

at the same time.

"Report, the target has been sighted."

The person in the front row of this special operations team composed of twenty-four military elites spoke up.

Everyone looked in the direction indicated by the discovered colleague.

In their eyes, a RV appeared from the intersection in front and then drove towards them.

The squad leader subconsciously licked his dry lips. Thinking of the commander's order, he closed his eyes and couldn't bear it. But as a soldier, obeying orders is a bounden duty.

"No need to hold back."

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the team members were obviously in a daze and subconsciously looked at the team leader.

"I said, don't hold back, the gunners are in position!" the squad leader said coldly.

The order had been issued, and the soldier carrying an RPG could only squat down, then lift the RPG and aim it at the approaching RV.

He took a deep breath, bit his gums, pulled the trigger, and released the hammer.

Somehow, he could feel everything.

The hammer strikes the firing pin, and the thrust of the firing pin strikes the igniter at the tail of the rocket, thereby igniting the rocket's flash cap.

The detonating flame of the flash cap ignites the propellant at the tail through the L-shaped pipe. The propellant deflagrates and throws the rocket out of the barrel mouth. Another part of the gunpowder gas is ejected from the rear end of the launch barrel to offset the recoil.


The soldier who fired opened his eyes wide, feeling vaguely regretful.

Because this means that an innocent life died in his hands and became his achievement.

However, what Ding Bing didn't know was that Yorks in the RV smiled and moved the camera to the front.

"Can you see it?"

This is like a personal live broadcast being relayed to the big screen in the command post.

Everyone can clearly see the launched warhead flying towards the camera.

It gives people a very real feeling. It was so real that they all subconsciously held their breath.

However, second after second passed, and someone hesitated to speak.

"Is it my imagination? The warhead seems to be flying a little slowly?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent.

If viewed from an anime perspective, dots of black lines would have appeared on the foreheads of Sitterson and Hadley.

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