
A Lamborghini drove into the garage, and the automatic sensor rolling door slowly lowered.

Shortly after separating from the excited Kurt, York came out of the car. He looked back at the very flamboyant Lamborghini and shook his head.

"Sure enough, muscle cars are more comfortable."

While complaining, he walked towards the room. York's mind moved at will, and the virtual window that only he could see automatically appeared.

Skip other attributes and stay on magic power.

Since his spiritual/holy power exceeded three hundred, his bonus points have been transferred to his magic power.

One month of real world accumulation, plus nine months of accumulation here.

He accumulated a total of one hundred and forty-eight usable attribute points.

So the current magic power is 364 points.

Three hundred and sixty-four times, which is a very impressive figure.

"It's full again..."

Yorks narrowed his eyes slightly and directly enchanted the items in a backpack stored in the safe through the three-dimensional diagram.

Consume the 364 points of magic power that were just returned in one breath.

The items in the backpack were old acquaintances, homemade shaped RDX, and a total of twenty kilograms of C4 bombs.

Day and night, he enchanted it every five hours. Now, the power of this pack of 20 kilograms of C4 bombs has changed a lot.

Three hundred and sixty-four times twenty kilograms is equal to six thousand nine hundred and eighty kilograms, which is equal to seven tons.

In other words, this C4, which seems to weigh 20 kilograms, is actually powerful and has the equivalent of seven tons, and this is just a one-time enchantment.

"After a month and a half of preparation, the current yield seems to be about 1,572 tons."

Yorks made a mental calculation and instantly concluded the actual power of this pack of bombs.

This is just the equivalent of C4 itself. If the equivalent of TNT in the world is used as a benchmark, this package actually has the equivalent power of two thousand tons.

Of course, if we talk about explosive power, humans have more powerful ones.

But this is only an incidental property of magic power. The actual increased explosion of this C4 bomb with a yield of only 20 kilograms is magic power, and the power contained in it cannot be determined on a year-on-year basis.

Just to find a benchmark, he added the TNT equivalent value to estimate the power. In fact, the two are not the same thing.

"The name is a magic bomb with an equivalent of two thousand tons, so it should be effective against the Titan God underground."

To be on the safe side, Yorks conveniently added a layer of sacred energy to C4, which was essentially a magic bomb.

"It's really looking more and more like terrorists."

The voice of complaint fell, and Yorks disappeared into the garage.

In this way, day after day passed.

When this C4 bomb had reached a yield of 3,700 tons.

Cornell’s round of vacation is finally here.

During this period, Yorks almost wanted to break into the cabin in the forest directly, but he was afraid of affecting the layout of the administration.

So, we finally waited for this moment.

At this moment, in addition to the students who deliberately stayed in school, some went home, and there were also students who went on a date to relax and release stress, such as Kurt and other movie protagonists.

As a wealthy professor, he specially provided a small RV without anything, as well as some food materials used for the trip.

This makes Kurt's group of protagonists very excited.

A sunny day.

In a room.

Dana was only wearing a white panty and a top that exposed her navel. She was packing her clothes for fun while looking out the window.

Since nearby Cornell University is on holiday, there are people coming and going on the streets outside, and there is also a certain amount of traffic.

But her eyes stayed on a small RV parked on the street, and eventually moved to the man leaning against the wall of the car.

The man was wearing loose casual clothes, but he gave people an extremely strong sense of power.

Very handsome and gives people a sense of security


Dana sighed, packed up again, and stuffed the underwear and clothes into the backpack on the bed. When she was about to zip it up, she couldn't help but curse inwardly.

"You're a stinky man as hard as a rock! I've been chasing you for so long! You even used your body to seduce me, and there's no reaction at all!"

Recalling the past, Dana felt a little defensive. She lowered her head and glanced down, and couldn't help but doubt herself.

"Could it be that I'm too young?"


Before Dana could continue to doubt herself, she was attracted by the movement next to her and looked over subconsciously.

Julie, who was dressed like a flower and could show off her fur, showing off her charm openly, ran over happily.

"Hurry! The professor's car is here!"

However, Dana's attention was entirely focused on Julie's chest. In the end, she couldn't help but tighten the zipper. She took the jeans on the bed as if she was giving up, sat down on the bed, and said as she put them on.

"I've seen it a long time ago."

Saying that, Dana glanced at Julie.

"By the way, Julie, did you do something?"

Julie smiled brightly and reached out her hands to shake her hair.

"Oh, the color seems to have become brighter." Dana stood up, zipped up the zipper, and then buttoned.

"I can't believe you've gotten to this point."

Julie smiled and leaned closer, exuding an aura of youth.

"It's actually pretty good, isn't it? Come on, I need to hear your praise!"

As her arm was pulled up, Dana nodded in agreement.

"Awesome, I think Kurt will like it very much. If you want to hang him, how long will it last?"

Julie coughed, embarrassment flashed across her expression.

"I told you, I don't like him."

Dana tilted her head and looked at Julie: "Huh? Is it possible that you like someone? Holden? Marty?"

Hearing these names, Julie shook her head: "I don't like anyone."


All these conversations were heard by Yorks, who was leaning against the car door. He couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"Should I say they are sisters, or plastic besties?"

At this moment, sensing something, Yorks raised his head.

The voice of greeting came here: "Professor Yorks."

A car passed by and stopped in front of him.

Marty was sitting inside with a long thermos cup on his chest.

Those who don’t understand naturally think it’s a thermos cup, but Yorkist knows that it’s actually a chimney disguised.

"Stop smoking, Marty."

As a professor in name only, York is naturally qualified to speak.

With a kind of meekness on his face, Marty said sincerely: "Okay, Professor, I will never let it appear in front of you.

I'll park the car first. "

Yorks waved his hand indifferently, not caring whether what he said was true or false, and didn't even ask a question about a student driving.

Just because the country here is a free America, as free as it is, there should be as much freedom as possible.

When Liberty arrived on the street, a down-and-out man who seemed to be a homeless man stumbled over and bumped into the RV, causing a little commotion.

Yorks narrowed his eyes out of habit and couldn't help but walk to the front of the car and look over.

"Man, are you okay?"

The homeless man, whose face was dark and looked like he hadn't taken a shower in several years, and who had a strange smell coming from his body, looked up at Yorks, shook his head, and walked past while holding on to the wall of the car.


Listening to the homeless man's weak response, Yorks stared at the small dot on the wall of the car that was as small as an ant and appeared very inconspicuous in the color, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

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