American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 322 The fish bites the hook

Ancient Greek mythology is the most famous Western mythology.

Early on, when I was a student, I read a book on Greek mythology.

The above summarizes many mythical stories about gods.

Especially the master of thunder and lightning and dark clouds, he is the third generation god king in ancient Greek mythology, the supreme god who rules all things in the world, the head of the twelve main gods of Olympus, and the greatest god in Greek mythology.

Most of the stories about Zeus are about him descending to earth and giving birth to children who became heroes.

In a word, it can be called the devil in sex.

Thinking of this, the pen in York's hand for approval stopped, and he thought about which big shot this giant hand matched.

The second generation god-king in ancient Greek mythology.

He was originally the first generation of God-King and God-Queen, the son of Uranus and Gaia, and the youngest of the twelve Titans.


Titans and kings of gods.

His weapon is a scythe made of black rock from the deepest reaches of the earth.

And he overthrew his father Uranus, was also overthrown by his son Zeus, and was suppressed in hell with all the Titans.

And this hell happens to be the body of the abyss, located at the bottom of the earth.

"It all makes perfect sense."

Without any expression on his face, Yorks slowly finished approving all the students' homework, then got up and left his office.

"Sorry, let's check again this time."

He murmured to himself as he walked down the aisle.

Not long after, after being greeted by many students, Yorks appeared in the library and used his authority as a professor to take away a pile of old books about ancient Greek mythology.

"Professor York, what are you looking at these things for?"

Kenneth, the library manager, looked curiously at the young professor in front of him who was very famous in the entire school.

"As far as I know, there's something wrong with the outlook on these things. Well, it's a bit messy."

Yorks didn't explain, just took the library card from Kenneth and said calmly.

"I'm just curious and want to study it."

Kenneth suddenly understood, but Yorkist nodded to him and strode away.

"Professor Yorks! Walk slowly." Kenneth's words sounded behind him, and Yorks waved his hand.

In the three-dimensional image in his mind, a group of female students began to appear intentionally or unintentionally, and began to try to get closer to Kenneth.

It looked like he was asking for some information from him again.

"Well, being a handsome guy is tiring." Yorks shook his head, hugged a pile of books, and left here as low-key as possible.

But as a professor at Cornell University who has recently become famous and whose seats are packed, Yorks is still disturbed.

There will always be some bold female students who approach him by using study problems they don't understand, and then intentionally or unintentionally show off their youthful charm to provoke temptation.

This made him sigh, these students are really not ordinary bold.

However, York's purpose is not to do this kind of thing, but to study in isolation directly.

It wasn't until a few days later that he stopped his research trip.

A lot of hypothesis testing, plus some information revealed by more confidential documents.

He has been able to confirm that this planet, which is almost similar to the Earth, has a group of Titans, the Titans, sealed underground.

"In 1453, there was a big earthquake, but according to a legend that has been handed down to this day in a certain village, they saw a giant walking taller than the mountain. The earthquake that shook the house was also caused by the giant."

"In 1521, several explorers claimed to have seen a sleeping giant on an island that was larger than the island."


"In 1783, during mankind's first hot-air balloon trip, hot-air balloon expert Cameron claimed to have seen a giant..."

Yorks couldn't help pinching his eyebrows.

So many similar legends are definitely not a coincidence. With such detailed explanations and the golden-red lines all over the body, there is no doubt that the giant hand is Cronus.

"The second-generation god-king of one of the Western mythological systems."

Yorks took a deep breath, and the light from the laptop screen illuminated his solemn expression.

"Its power can be compared with the legendary Zeus, that is the legendary god."

However, when he thought of something, Yorks released his right hand holding his eyebrows and his expression returned to normal.

"Even so, if I use all the power from the first world, I'm not necessarily weaker than this guy. No matter what, it's still a 50-50 split."

Thinking of this, York's eyes became dark.

So many stories and legends have already shattered his previous guesses.

The so-called ancient god is not one, but a group of old Titan gods who were knocked down into the abyss by Zeus.

The so-called Titans sleeping underground are not unable to come out and walk, nor are they unable to destroy the entire planet or bring unbearable disasters to mankind.

"To put it another way, what these ancient gods sleeping underground don't want are sacrifices, but what they want to be able to relax and have fun over the long years. Just like humans, they like to watch some TV."

York's mind is diverging.

"So in the movie, the ancient god who smashed the entire forest cabin and the entire energy field with one hand did not really want to destroy humans and the planet, but because the TV plot was a bit bad and killed the sacrifice management of country M. bureau,

It's like some viewers have watched a bad drama and want to beat the screenwriter and director to death. "

The more he thought about it, the Yorkist always felt that these old gods were trying to escape from something.

Since you can come out, why not come out and continue to fight with Zeus.

One: In the battle with Zeus, his strength was damaged, so he could only choose to fall, accept reality, and have some fun.

Two: They are afraid, afraid that Zeus will find out that they can come out.

Three: Both.

Yorks smiled. No matter which option he chose, he seemed to have a big advantage.

"In this case, if you are afraid of eggs, it is nothing more than doing it."

Yorks closed his notebook, feeling increasingly relaxed.

He didn't think that a group of old gods who could only hide deep underground could do what he was doing now.

The worst case scenario is to directly use all the power of the first world to shuffle everything on this planet and flip the table violently.

After all, there are old gods, and the legendary old pervert Zeus should also exist, but I don’t know where he is, whether it is in his Olympia or somewhere else, just like Asgard in Norse mythology in Marvel.

Thinking of this, Mr. York moved randomly and used his mind to collect the messy books, preparing to return them to various libraries.

"Having found out who the opponent is, the next step is to increase the cards for fights and meetings."

Yorks was furious in his heart, looking at the old books that were quickly floating in the air and piled up, the smile on his face was a little presumptuous.

He had too much time to prepare before finding the lair where the Authority and the Titan God appeared.

So, after returning the books the next day.

While York continued to play the role of the professor who was hailed as the most charming by his students, he also did not forget to buy some homemade materials on the black market.


A large lecture theater has already been filled with people, including the door, and the space above is also crowded with students.

They all turned their attention to the young professor who was giving a lecture below.

What is puzzling is that most of the female students that I glance at are blond, blue-eyed or with various hair colors.

In front of this large group of female students, some pitifully few male students shivered in a corner.

"The first thing we want to explore is the brain."

A voice full of magnetism and charm sounded in the young professor's mouth.

"I would like to first mention a point of view, proposed by a Nobel laureate, biologist Francis Crick. He called this point of view a "surprising hypothesis." The general idea of ​​this surprising hypothesis is as follows ,"

The young professor who caught the eyes of all the students turned around and gestured to the ppt.

“As he writes in his book The Amazing Hypothesis, you, your joys, your sorrows, your memories, your ambitions, your sense of personal identity, your free will,

In fact, all this is just the physiological response of a large number of nerve cells and their associated molecules..."

The young professor was teaching seriously, but this did not affect his charming temperament.

Peaceful, handsome, dangerous, poisonous.

The endless charm made many female students present completely go in one ear and out the other. They just stared at the young professor without blinking and pretended to listen carefully to the lecture.

And the male student, who was shivering and huddled in the corner with no status at all, was a bit offended.

Kurt, who joined the football team and became a star among them and was popular with many girls, took a special look at the seat on the left.

His favorite goddess, Julie, didn't even blink, she just stared at Professor Yorks who was giving a serious lecture below.

"I'm sure Julie has no idea what she's really like right now."

Kurt subconsciously glanced at the young professor in the audience, feeling the charm emanating from him, and felt an indescribable frustration in his heart. Although he had a good figure and was a star of the rugby team, he couldn't compete with this man who was even more majestic than him. The force of a tall collision.

On the court, the young professor just bumped into him lightly, and he, the high-spirited star of the team, flew several meters away like a garbage bag. It was simply a shame!

“I can’t cover up the nymphomaniac look on her face, Holden, I feel so uncomfortable!”

Like a man who has been decadent for many years, Kurt sighed at the attentive boy next to him, and then collapsed forward on the desk.

Holden, one of the sacrifices, was designated as one of the protagonists of the Wise Person by the Administration.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly: "There are many people who like you, so don't hang yourself on a tree. Oh, I mean you should change your goals."

Kurt couldn't help but glance at him: "Oh, she is the only one I like. It's not like you don't know. Don't look at Julie who is dressed so well, so sexy, and looks so generous. In fact, she even touches her hand. If you don't give it to me, you'll get angry and curse people on the spot.

I just like this kind of girl who dares to show her charm and is clean and tidy. She can gain face when I take her out. "

As he said that, he just lay on the desk, turning around and staring at Marty, who looked very decadent in his own temperament and looked like a loser without even cleaning his hair.

"Marty, didn't you say you seem to like Dana a little bit lately?"

Kurt motioned to Dana, who was sitting next to Julie and looked polite.

"She seems to be the same. Although she doesn't look like it, like Julie, she doesn't blink much. She just stares without taking notes."

Marty, one of the sacrifices, was designated as one of the protagonists by the Authority as a fool.

He followed Kurt's gesture and glanced at him, with a calm expression and shrugged his shoulders without caring at all.

"I don't like it anymore lately."

As soon as these words came out, Kurt and Holden were stunned and looked at him.

Marty said calmly: "Dena is not as simple as she seems, well, she is not what you think."

Compared to Holden who was very calm, Kurt raised his eyebrows first and asked curiously: "What do you mean?"

But Marty began to stop talking and just shrugged again.


Seeing this, Kurt sighed: "What annoys me the most is you. You are mysterious and don't say anything and pretend to be competitive every day. If you don't say anything, I know what you mean."

Even so, Kurt vaguely didn't believe his guess.

Dana has one thing on the surface and another behind her back?

Only Holden was a little confused and asked Kurt: "What do you mean?"

Kurt did not answer, but continued to stare down at the young professor who suddenly said something that made the students in the classroom laugh, and sighed.

"Nevertheless, it is undeniable that Professor York is really charming. As a man, I can't even be jealous of him.

There are always some non-human beings born in this world who are attacked by dimensionality reduction. "

"Well, I have a better figure than you, and I am more handsome than you. I am more knowledgeable than you and became a professor at a young age. I am even richer than you. I drive a Lamborghini..."

Holden gave a violent blow next to him, which made Kurt upset and blurted out.

"I have a cabin built in the deep mountains and forests, suitable for traveling! Does he have one?"

As soon as he said this, he attracted the attention of Marty and Holden.

"Although it belongs to my cousin." Sensing the gazes of these two guys, Kurt became decadent again.

"I usually go there to play during holidays. There is a big lake there, and I can basically swim to the end..."

Holden and Marty looked at each other.

Holden said: "How about we make a date after the holidays this year? The deep mountains and old forests sound very nice. It should be quite exciting if we stay there at night."

Marty added: "You can take Julie and Dana with you. The most important thing is that you can make an appointment with Professor York and let him see your skills."

Kurt's mouth twitched. His arms were already held hostage by his two friends. He subconsciously glanced at the young professor below and couldn't help but think of Julie, who looked like a nymphomaniac.

The young man's anger and wanting to show something in front of the girl he liked made Kurt hesitate.

"Would Professor Yorkes agree?"

"I think he will."

Marty held Kurt's arm and whispered: "I heard that Professor Yorks usually doesn't refuse students' requests. He can be said to be responsive to requests. So I think as long as you request, Professor Yorks will not refuse a good student." The student’s kindness, but you are his proud disciple.”

Kurt thought about it seriously: "Okay! Then I'll make a serious request!"


A few people were chatting quietly there, but they didn't know that the corners of the young professor's mouth had already been slightly raised.

The fish bit the hook...

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