American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 298 Receiving a Cleaner

"Do you know the levels of my divine robe?"

Yorks glanced at the dumbfounded man next to Mirta, who was probably in his fifties or sixties.

At such a close distance, with his now inhuman hearing, he can naturally hear the other person's self-talk.

"It seems that the founders who founded the church here did have some real-world connections.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to know the situation of the divine robe, which is in line with the previous speculation..."

Yorks withdrew his gaze, temporarily hid his thoughts, and continued to perform daily rituals according to the process.

The ritual has been engraved in his bones, and York can perform it smoothly with his eyes closed.

The progress of the ceremony directly allowed Pluto Church to collect a large amount of power of faith again, making up for the consumption last night.

The number of people is so large that it can be increased by a few points at a time.

It is estimated that this power of faith can support at least a dozen transformations.

Each transformation is 200 points, which is equivalent to more than 2,000 points of holy power, which is not a small amount.

With more than two thousand points of holy power coupled with his magic power, he probably has nothing to fear when dealing with dark enemies.

Perceptually, however, this is not enough.

He needs more, more holy power, once and for all.

"May your word be like a lamp in our hearts, illuminating our path"

After Yorks finished praying for God's revelation and guidance, expressing his respect for the Bible and calling on God, he glanced at him.

The power of faith that only he could see filled the air, absorbed by the image of Jesus.

The ceremony continues.

At this moment, Yorks heard a prompt ringing in his ears.

Pluto Church has been upgraded again.

[quantity satisfied]

[Pluto Church has been upgraded to a third-level church]

[Can be converted to accumulate 300 points of holy power]


"That's three thousand, so fast?"

You must know that since yesterday, there were almost 2,000 people, and now it has increased to 3,000 in an instant.

Yorks stood on the high platform facing the dense crowd of believers and was doing two things. While he was leading the ceremony, he glanced at the virtual window in surprise.

According to his estimate, the number of people at the scene was probably more than a thousand.

And now the data window of Pluto Church clearly shows the number of believers at 3,000.

[Number of believers: 3012]

The most important thing is that this data is still growing, and the numbers jump every second.

Yorks subconsciously glanced at the inconspicuous Director Lark among the crowd under the high platform.

"Is this guy's propaganda so powerful?"

After thinking about it, Yorks still felt that the residents of Yamala Town might also have contributed.

The size of the town is over a thousand people, and the number of people including relatives and friends is quite considerable.

It's just that this is a bit of an exaggeration.

But it also shows that people in this world have been waiting for someone or something to save them.

Faith, the so-called faith, is faith if it is useful. As long as it is useful, it will be more pious.

That's his point.


The normal process ends.

Yorkshire still distributes holy water as it did yesterday, although the real world does not take this step.

But there's something special here.

This also has a little thought on his part. As mentioned above, these people should share it with each other even if they are relatives.

As long as you share, there is no end. It is like making a fishing net. It starts from one point and spreads to form a complete fishing net.

After all, as long as there are human beings, there must be social interaction. As long as there is social interaction, one can be connected to another.

Let the whole town help him promote it, this is his purpose.

Just finished distributing the holy water one by one.

A whole round of savings was consumed.

Mirta suddenly came to the side and whispered: "Father York, they are here."

Mirta didn't say who it was, but Yorks knew what she meant. He shook off the water in his hand and looked past Mirta behind her.

The two groups are very clearly differentiated.

On one side was a group of suspected cleaners, who were staring at the bottles of holy water in their hands with disbelief.

Behind this group were believers who had already known the effects of holy water and were very excited.

"Is he your colleague, Myrta?"

Yorks looked at the front, bowed his head and saluted him, a man who knew how to make his divine robe.

Mirta replied seriously: "Yes, Father York, he is Marcos, one of the leaders of the cleaners group in the Free State."

"Belster City?"

Yorks said calmly, he remembered the pattern of this world.

Now only the five major countries are still hanging on, barely able to survive.

And the country he was in was called the Free Country.

Most importantly, the real world is different in this free country's urban divisions, structure and previous life.

The presence of demons has reduced the area that the Free State can control to a collection of three cities.

Each city is larger than a real-world city.

Just like the small town of Yamara under his feet, it can actually be said to be a city in the real world, and this town is apparently managed by the city of Belst.

Therefore, being responsible for and leading a city's cleaners is enough to represent the cleaners group in a free country or this world.

"Yes, Father."

Mirta replied: "The city that Mr. Marcos is responsible for is Belster City."

Yorks nodded to this man named Marcos, who seemed very sensible, and then said calmly to Mirta.

"Then ask him to come and see me. It just so happens that I have something to ask."

Obviously one of the leaders, Marcos, knew more than Mirta. After all, Mirta couldn't see that the robe he wore was actually not that of a priest, but a bishop.

He had too many questions to ask, why did history break, why did the church that once reached its peak disappear in an instant, and why did God abandon this church?

"Okay! Father."

Mirta nodded respectfully and walked towards Marcos.

The two began to chat about something, and Marcos nodded from time to time.

Yorks didn't take it seriously and slipped directly into the side passage and entered a room in the side passage of Pluto Church to wait for them to come.

There are too many people in the church, and some things are really inconvenient.

"It's finally about to begin."

Yorks entered the room, stood on the window sill and looked at the believers outside the church. Part of his consciousness was staring at the three-dimensional diagram. Marcos, led by Mirta, stared at his deep inhalation, and could not help but raise the corners of his mouth.

When Mirta came to the door with Marcos, Yorkshire turned around.

Once they met, Mirta nodded sensibly and left.

Marcos was left alone. Before he could say hello, Marcos immediately calmed down and spoke first.

"York...Bishop of York."

Not a priest, but a bishop.

Yorks stared at him and smiled lightly.

"How did you know?"

Marcos replied respectfully: "Back to Bishop York, I have books left behind by the church."

Hearing this, Yorks knew that he was right. Sure enough, one of the leaders of this group of cleaners knew better.

"Can you tell me everything you know?"

Yorks didn't mince words and asked directly: "I need to know the true history of this world."

Marcos nodded, seemingly already prepared.

"Of course, I will tell you everything I know."

There were no messy conversations, no threats or anything else during the whole process, just questions and answers.

All the above questions were answered by Marcos.

The history of this world is simple.

There was also a time of doomsday, when monsters were overflowing, but because of the appearance of a saint, he turned the tide and led everyone to victory.

His name is Saint Andrew.

Long years of peace and human greed killed him.

Rights and desires have led to a great civil war in mankind, the rise of political power, and many countries have begun to counterattack the church.

St. Andrew couldn't bear to attack humans, or maybe he was disappointed.

When people asked him to die, he thought he was not worthy to be crucified in the same posture as Jesus.

So, he died peacefully and was crucified on an X-shaped cross by everyone.

In the end, the victors may have felt ashamed and destroyed all the history of the year in order to cover up.

So much so that history began to break down.

Finally, some remaining clergy reestablished the new church.

But they found that they couldn't use the holy power.

God has abandoned this world.

Yorks listened to Marcos recounting history word for word with no expression on his face.

After all, this history is exactly as he guessed.

And he also knew who this saint was.

In the past life and the real world of the parallel world, St. Andrew was the brother of St. Peter and one of the original apostles of Jesus.

This act alone would make sense for God to abandon the world.

"Aren't you willing to take action?"

York's expression was indifferent. It is impossible for a saint and one of God's apostles to have no power.

He wouldn't do that.

Whoever, no matter who wanted to attack him and let him die, he would let him die.

After all, for a person with such a great name as St. Andrew, he might just be an incarnation while walking in the human world, and even if he dies, he can still be resurrected by God's side.

But he is a living person, and when he dies, he is truly dead.

He did not think he was qualified to be resurrected by God.

So, while York was learning about the general history, he asked Marcos what the authorities in this world were like.

"We can only maintain the normal functioning of society." Marcos sighed.

"Even the military strength has been reduced to the point where it can only maintain law and order."

Yorks raised his eyebrows and heard Marcos talk about the status of the cleaner again.

"It can be said that the biggest managers at present are us cleaners, and the current authorities are just doing it for us."

As he spoke, Marcos laughed at himself: "Because we cleaners are the last line of defense."

Well, this is similar to the structure of the real world, everyone has their needs.

The church monopolizes the supernatural and dark world to keep the world functioning, while the official monopolizes everything on the surface to maintain law and order and maintain the functioning of society and life.

Yorks glanced at Marcos, and after hearing this, there was actually nothing to say.

His ultimate goal is just to complete the mission.

Of course, the founding of churches is now within scope, but only incidentally.

As long as he completes his mission, it doesn't matter what he does, because he won't stay in this world for long.

After all, this world still feels strange to him.

Thinking of this, Yorks didn't bother to ask any more questions. Everything was pretty much as he guessed, and he was no longer interested in knowing anything more.

"You can join the church, but what I need to know is, can you represent the will of all cleaners?"

Yorks clasped his hands behind his back and turned to face the window, looking outside and waiting for the answer.

Marcos remembered the meeting with the other two cities, took a deep breath, nodded seriously and said with pious eyes.


Their ancestors, the cleaners, were the remnants of the clergy who founded the new church.

Joining the church now, in addition to being able to deal with demons, there is also the most important layer, which is the will of the family and the wishes and prayers of the ancestors.

Behind every authentic cleaner there is a very simple mission:

“If one day someone is able to create a real church, you must join and follow that person seriously, and mentor that person.

Past history must never be allowed to happen again..."

Marcos knelt down on one knee and spoke in a very serious tone:

"We are willing to follow your footsteps and become a vanguard to implement your will..."

Yorks smiled, his thoughts surging.

Marcos felt an irresistible force exploding in his knees, forcefully lifting him up.

He suddenly looked at the man in front of him, his eyes narrowed, and his heart tightened inexplicably, but finally a voice fell in the next second, making him relax.

"Your name is Marcos, right? Marcos, I agree."

Yorks turned to look at Marcos, walked over and patted him on the shoulder, saying gently.

"But before that, I need your details. I need to know what each cleaner has done."

With that said, Yorks took back his hand and walked towards the door.

"Don't try to play tricks, I can see it. Oh, by the way, there are restricted areas and information about each country."

Marcos bowed his head deeply. He did not feel offended by these rude words, but felt relaxed:

"Yes, Bishop York."

He quickly found his role and niche.

Not long after, Yorkes received a pile of information sent by Marcos.

"Bishop York, everything you want is here." Marcos looked at the bishop who was having lunch and said respectfully.

He had reached an agreement with everyone before.

Carry out the will of the bishop in front of you.


Yorks looked at Marcos and motioned to the lunch on the table: "Marcos, do you want to eat together?"

Marcos thought about it seriously and finally shook his head.


Yorks disagreed and waved his hand. After Marcos left, he began to look at the information in front of him.

There is no need to look at history, it is just like that.

What he needs to know is the current number of cleaners and the distribution of formerly abandoned churches.

At this glance, the number of cleaners was so small that he felt a little silent.

"There are only seventy-three cleaners left in Belst City, including Mirta."

Looking through the records of the cleaners, Yorks sighed.

These cleaners use life-saving tactics to deal with demons, and they can be called servants one after another.

If it cannot be solved, use micro-tactics to move people to the safest place.

To this day, there are only three territories left in this great country, and all the outside areas have been occupied, becoming places where no one dares to go, and eventually turning into a restricted area.

"No wonder, people in this world always have a sense of despair."

Yorks shook his head and continued reading.

Note the location of the abandoned church.

"Utilizing waste, first go to the nearest place to create a new church, continue to spread the heat, and gather the power of faith in the entire country as soon as possible."

Yorks stared at the map above and made a decision immediately.

"Seventy-three cleaning staff. Excluding the female cleaning staff who can only become nuns, there are a total of sixty-seven priests. We have to recruit more..."

Just when Yorks made up his mind.

At this moment, the Free Country has fallen into a commotion due to the actions of the cleaners group and the videos on the Internet.

The lights that dispersed the darkness in the small town of Yamala were like a knife inserted deeply into the hearts of everyone who saw the video.

at this moment.

The whole world began to know about the founding of the church.

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