American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 292 God has not abandoned

Combining all the information, he could only think of one thing about the word God-Forsaken Land.

That is, people in this world cannot rely on and use the power of God like they can in the real world.

Because the people in this world all rely on the products left over from the ancient church, they can persist until now with the bodies of ordinary humans.

"So that's why when that rotten creature saw my power, it immediately concluded that I was an outsider?"

Yorks stuffed his breakfast into his mouth one bite after another, his mind still racing.

"What can be concluded is that the previous structure of this world should be similar to the real world. What is important is that the person who founded this church may have been founded by the saints of the church in the real world..."

"But in my guess, the saints in the real world are also outsiders, including the old man..."

Yorkie has a headache?

Why is this all a combination of outsiders?

So, what's going on with him?

"Oh, I don't understand." After Yorkshire finished the last bite, he picked up the tableware and walked towards the sink.

"In short, the people who founded the church here must be related to the saints in the real world,"

Yorks thought to himself.

"I just don't know if he is one of the saints I am familiar with."

The more he thought about it, the more he began to sort it out.

The people in this world must have done some bad deeds that are disgusting to the heavens, causing the almighty and omniscient God to directly ignore the world.

The church was instantly extinct.

History has been deliberately destroyed by people who have done bad things, causing a disconnect.

So much so that demons overran the area, and two-quarters of the population were instantly wiped out.


The sound of washing dishes started to sound. After washing the dishes, Yorkshire put them on the shelf casually, and his thoughts continued to spread.

Although this speculation is very bizarre, the logic is very smooth, completely consistent with the information he currently has, and connects everything he knows.

Therefore, Yorks felt that he had grasped the tail end of world history.

"pretty close."

Yorks shook off the water in his hand and looked outside through the three-dimensional view.

At this time, Mirta was directing the workers on how to decorate the church and how to place items.

"Let's see how people in this world view me first."

Yorks looked calm and walked towards the main door.

"I won't offend anyone who doesn't offend me. If they just have ill intentions towards me, then I will give up the mission and look for space nodes alone, and then leave.

If there is anything else you want to do, I will pay it back a thousand times..."


As Antonio ordered donations for Pluto's church, truck after truck and farm workers arrived.

Pluto Church is no longer the shabby appearance it once was.

Beautiful floor to ceiling windows are new.

Even the benches are all new.

The high table placed on the altar gave off a pleasant smell.

Deep in the center, exquisite candle holders have been placed on the walls on both sides, and new candles have been lit, emitting wisps of smoke.

Even the chapel ceiling has some chandeliers installed.

It's so clean that everything reflects the sunlight that penetrates the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The most important thing is that Antonio, the richest man in the small town of Yamala, found the statue of Jesus from somewhere, and it is now erected on the high platform in the center.

All of this made Yorkshire have no feeling of being in a different world, and even in a daze, he thought he had never left at all.

"My Almighty Lord..."

After everything was done, Yorkshire appeared in his favorite sitting position, facing the statue of Jesus standing in front of him, which seemed to have never left or disappeared, and prayed.

"Although I don't know why you abandoned this world, please allow me to make a small contribution to you and allow me to walk in this world in your name..."

"If you feel that I have worked hard and deserve reward, and you want to reward me, I won't mind..."

"If you can, please let me tell you what I need most and the reward I want..."

"If you really want to reward me, then please give me invincible power..."

He told his needs seriously in his heart, and told the story of yesterday. As he talked, Yorks heard the sound of the completion of the fixed task.

[Prayer: Church Prayer (Completed)]

[Reward: Points +0.5 has been issued]


Yorks stared at the image of Jesus above and ended today's prayer.

"It's time to give it a try. I can't continue to be lazy this time."

Yorks casually added the 0.5 attribute points to his physique, which was about to exceed 200, and stood up and called Mirta over.

"Mirta, inform Antonio and his wife, the farm workers, including the Pedro brothers, tell them, including people you know well,

Pluto Church is officially operational and mass services will be held from tomorrow. They are welcome to attend. "

He wanted to see if, in this world abandoned by God, the Pluto Church could once again accumulate the power of faith that could transform holy power.

"Yes! Father."

Mirta's mood has obviously been very high today, her voice is loud, and her whole person seems to be alive, like a person who is eager to welcome a better life.

The corner of York's mouth raised, and suddenly he remembered something.

"Oh, by the way, doesn't Director Lark want to help us promote it in the town? Go and tell him by the way."

"Yes! Father Yorks!"

So, with the arrangements of Yorks and Mirta's actions, the small town of Yamala fell into a mysterious atmosphere.

Because the true church has been dead for a long, long time, for millennia, plus the charlatanism of the new church has really made everyone more disappointed.

Of course, not everyone is indifferent to this.

Some older people were a little touched, but in the end they still stayed on the sidelines.

But as what happened last night and with Director Luck's guarantee, the atmosphere quickly changed and became calmer.

It was like a volcano that was about to erupt, with the calm underneath containing the turbulent waves.

The most important thing is the video distributed by Mirta.

That simply brought an indescribable emotion to the cleaners who received the video.


Belst City is the largest city collection in the Free State.

It is a building that is very low-key but has a strong presence. From time to time, people will stop and pay homage when passing by.

A room was falling into deathly silence.

Fifteen people sat together in the same space, but no one spoke. Only the sound of heavy breathing rose and fell, revealing the unrest in their hearts.

I don’t know how long it took, but Marcos, currently sitting firmly in the center as the leader of the group of cleaners in Belster City, let out a breath and picked up the photos that had been rotated through, with sadness deep in his eyes.

"What is certain is that McElhenney is dead, and our comrades died under the sneak attack of the evil spirit."

As soon as these words came out, some people gritted their teeth slightly, but their faces looked calm, and only the bloodshot eyes began to turn red.

"Another comrade is missing."

Marcos, who had gray hair on his temples and was almost sixty years old, took a deep breath.

"But a legendary priest has been welcomed. Tell us what you think of the video."

With that said, Marcos glanced around the silent colleagues: "Or you are willing to believe Mirta's words, take off this uniform and become a clergyman in the church."

The tone became lower and lower.

"Mirta said that this legendary priest wants to bring the church back to the world, wants people to have faith again, and wants us to become real clergy..."

As soon as these words came out, the breathing sound of the whole audience entered the same frequency again.

Silence continued again.

In the end, only Marcos's peer, who also had gray hair on his temples and black hair mixed with white hair, spoke first.

"God has finally set his sights on this evil land. I think we cannot miss this opportunity, otherwise the world will really perish."

As soon as the first person expresses his true thoughts, the rest begin to express their own thoughts as well.

"I agree, too many of us have died and we cannot continue to die."

"I second that I believe Mirta's words and believe everything I have seen. This legendary Yorkist priest may be one of those saints recorded in history."

"I agree, we have been praying, asking God to have mercy on the human beings in this world. It seems that God finally heard our wishes..."

"I agree. Combining all the feedback and the video sent by Mirta, there is no doubt about the identity of this priest."

"I agree, is there any other way we can do it?"

"I second the motion..."

"I second the motion..."

Everyone, the fifteen people present presented an overwhelming situation.

No one said anything to disgrace the scenery.

Marcos pursed his lips, knowing what all this was about.

Because they, the cleaners, have been longing for it for a long time. Even though the church has died and God has abandoned it, they still pray every day.

I hope that one day it will be like that day recorded in history, when the whole world was on the verge of extinction because of demons, and suddenly such a person appeared and turned the tide and led everyone to victory.

Thinking of this, Marcos couldn't help but let out a breath.

Although there are gaps in history, he also knows some things, and he feels angry and somewhat disdainful in his heart.

The church's demise is all caused by idiots.

Those damn scum should fall into the abyss and never be reincarnated.

"Marcos, here you are."

The voice sounded, interrupting his confused thoughts.

Marcos suddenly woke up and found that everyone had turned their attention to him.

"I second that we cannot miss this opportunity, just like our ancestors throughout history."

Marcos's face became extremely serious: "They didn't miss it, so the whole world will be saved, so we can't miss this opportunity!"

As he spoke, a dangerous light flashed in Marcos' eyes.

"If the authorities or anyone wants to prevent us from leaving, then we will let them die! We have gone through such a brutal battle, and we are not people who are unwilling to take action."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The person who expressed his opinion first before had a look of sarcasm on his face.

"The leadership belongs to us, and we are the ones relied on by the people. The faith of this world has never disappeared."

As he spoke, his eyes turned red, and he slapped the table hard, causing a lot of commotion: "We finally waited for the leader. I want to go back to my hometown with my great-grandfather, grandfather, grandpa, and my family." Father said,

God has not abandoned us yet! "

As soon as these words came out, one of them had their eyes turned red.

"I want to go back too!"

"Me too!"

"And I!"


Marcos smiled, and said with a gentle smile: "Go back, and I will approve the leave note for you."

As he spoke, he looked unchanged, but his voice was already trembling.

"Fortunately, my home is here, otherwise I would have walked a long way back like you."

Everyone looked at Marcos, who had been fighting demons for decades, had saved tens of thousands of people, and was one of the leaders of the cleaners group.

"The meeting is dismissed! Leave!"

Marcos smiled gently.

"There's a return!"

As these words fell, an undercurrent surged around the world.

What no one in Belst City knows is that, except for the cleaners who live in this city, all the cleaners have quietly left Belst City long ago, walking on the frontline of life and death, and returning to their hometowns many years later.

Suddenly, Marcos was the only leader left in the building that the people named Save.

"Phew, I can finally let go of this burden."

Marcos stood in the office, looking at himself in the mirror, which was a bit unfamiliar to him. He touched his gray temples and his already white hair, and couldn't help but reveal an unusually relaxed smile.

He was actually the first person to receive the message from Mirta.

He still remembered what he felt at that time, only anger, because he was already desperate and did not believe what Mirta said.

He even wanted to lead people to rush over and kill this fake priest who deceived Mirta.

As a result, McElhenny's death, feedback and guarantees from the local police department, plus the video from Milta.

He slapped himself hard for the first time, repenting for his almost impulsive behavior that day.

"Fortunately, I wasn't impulsive."

Marcos took a deep breath, took a serious look at himself in uniform in the mirror, and said his final goodbyes.

Then he took off all his uniforms, including his jacket, folded them one by one, and placed them on the desk.

Marcos, who left only his clothes behind, glanced around the tidied office, his eyes full of memories.

He said: "Thank you for your hard work."

The sound disappeared with a click. Marcos closed the door and walked out of the office to the hall outside.

The layout here is actually similar to that of an ordinary office area.

Compared with the very messy and unorganized appearance before, it now looks very clean, as if it was the first time I moved here.

The only extra thing is that on the table are the work uniforms that symbolize the cleaners, including backpacks, work shoes, and certificates.

There are them on every table.

"These guys seem to be really..."

Marcos laughed and walked slowly outside.

Isn't he like this?

"I'll go back and tell my father, too.

God has not abandoned…

History has returned to its starting point..."

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