American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 286 The gunfire that breaks the night

Although York was already mentally prepared, as soon as he entered the main building that was just named Pluto Church, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Because the benches that should have been arranged neatly were all in pieces, and there were broken pieces of wood everywhere, covered with a thick layer of dust.

The middle aisle has long since been lost.

The floor-to-ceiling windows should be pretty good, but some unknown things are stuck on them to block the sun.

The important thing is that the statue of Jesus has lost its upper body, only a pair of feet and half of the cross are glued together. It was very tenacious on the stage and did not fall down.

Forget it.

Yorks looked up, and in his eyes, he could see dormant bats hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Because of his and Mirta's arrival, some of the bats above had already woken up and were dancing.

"Father York, this..."

Mirta was already ashamed of himself behind.

York shook his head and looked at everything in the church: "It's okay, take your time."

In situations like this, you really should take your time.

Myrta was obviously the type to get by, a redeemer who fought to the death with rots everywhere, but he didn't actually have much money on him.

So everything in front of them requires the efforts of both of them.

As for asking others to help, don't even think about it.

The moment the devil appeared, the church had already become a historical waste. The church was no longer a place for people to pray and seek refuge because it was useless.

"Then let's start cleaning." Yorks said softly.

"Yes! Father Yorks." Mirta was excited again. In her heart, as long as it was the order of Father Yorks, whatever she did was valuable.

Soon, the church, newly named Pluto Church, began to revive.

Yorks took Mirta, and the first thing he dealt with was the broken wood on the ground.

If the benches are still in good condition, put them aside for a while and clean them before using them.

At this time, Yorks inevitably showed miracles in Mirta's eyes.

Miracle in Myrta's eyes.

The power of thought spreading in the air turned into countless invisible hands, sweeping up the garbage on the ground in one breath.

All the floating garbage flew outside one by one.

Over and over again, a pile of broken wood and dust was piled up outside the church.

At the same time, the bat above was also under control and was cleared by Yorks at a glance.

For a time, Pluto's church began to look like it had before.

The whole day passed like this...


Yorks sat casually on the bench that had just been cleared away, picked up the bread on the table, and looked at Mirta who had just called someone over there.

This world is unique, but also similar to the real world.

It's just that the countries are not the same, but have become fewer. The territory of each country is unusually large, incredibly large.

From his understanding, the planet where this world is located may be larger than the earth, but it is undoubtedly backward in some aspects.

In other words, there are no strategic weapons of deterrence such as nuclear bombs.

Mirta's theory is that because demons are rampant and spirits can pollute other people at will, there was once a country where the boss and some key figures were contaminated by demons and turned into evil spirits.

In the end, these people released a lot of weapons and blew up their country and people.

There is this example, in order to prevent the world from perishing faster.

The leaders of the remaining countries signed some agreements and decided to stop the research of weapons and at the same time jointly destroy weapons that could only be used as strategic weapons under the witness of people all over the world.

The biggest weapons currently are tanks, firearms and other conventional weapons.

In other words, from that moment on, the biggest thing in this world, the biggest and common enemy is the devil.

This is one of the reasons why the world can persist until now even when demons are rampant.

"It's really good, although I don't believe it..."

Yorks stuffed a small mouthful of bread into his mouth and narrowed his eyes.

He hates dealing with officials, but the conditions in this world allow him to thrive in this environment.

The people who have been bullied by demons are the sea that can support his ship.

"It's just a variant of the real world. Space cracks are just like the demons of this world..."

Yorks thought, seeing Mirta coming back again, he spoke calmly.

"Not smooth?"

Mirta shook his head, looked at the priest seriously and sighed: "They don't believe it, they don't believe you exist."


Yorks smiled indifferently. On the other hand, he didn't believe that something that hadn't happened for such a long time suddenly appeared now.

"So the first thing we need to do now is to find rot seeds and prove ourselves."

Mirta nodded slightly, with very pious eyes: "Father York, I will go to the police station tomorrow."

"Well, it's been a busy day, let's eat first."

York's voice echoed in the newly renovated Pluto Church, floating in the void.


However, just about ten kilometers away from Pluto Church, there was a man with a calm face, carrying a suitcase and walking in the jungle outside a farm. He had just put away his mobile phone with a look of ridicule in his eyes.

"The legendary priest? How could something that hadn't happened for more than a thousand years suddenly appear now?

Mirta is not trustworthy and can be marked as a suspected evil spirit. When the time comes, she will need to go to the city for an examination to prove herself. She has disappeared for a long time..."

As he said that, the man shook his head, stopped where he was, continued to touch in the dark, took out a notebook from his pocket, and then took out a flashlight and shined it on the notebook.

He came all the way here after receiving a case involving a suspected rot seed.

Now, he felt a little regretful.

How could a demon appear in such a wilderness?

Moreover, there is a farm nearby, and some farm workers live there, and the towns passing by have not changed much.

The man's mind entered a storm of thoughts, but his emotions remained stable.

"Since you're already here, you have to go and take a look."

The man shone the light of his flashlight on the book and silently opened a few pages.

A sketch of a map appeared above.

The town and farm are clearly visible, while a few roads are drawn outside the farm markings.

The final target is pointed straight ahead, which is in the jungle.

These are all maps he drew from the people who reported them.

"We're almost there, it should be right in front."

The man looked forward, not sure if it was an illusion, but he saw a faint light.


After confirming that it was not an illusion, the man picked up the flashlight and shined it forward.

Along with the sound of jungle friction and footsteps, the man silently took out a revolver.

As long as the devil's true form does not appear, everyone will be an ordinary person.


The man drank again.

"come out!"

"Wait! Are you the janitor?"

Hearing the voice from the other side, the man still did not relax his vigilance. He looked at the bright front and drank again.

"Come out"

A boy who was probably only about a freshman appeared in front of the man from the jungle with his hands raised.

He was dirty and looked innocent.

"I'm the reporter who called you."


The man frowned, his gun still pointed at the boy in front of him.

"Yes!" said the boy.

"I am Alex, Uriel's younger brother."

The man glanced at the boy in front of him warily, but in his mind he was confirming the consistency of the voice.

"The voice matches, the rotten name is Uriel, the information matches, it should be the person who reported it."

Then, he took another serious look at the boy to confirm that he did not carry anything offensive.

"What's your mother's name?" the man asked.

"Maria!" Alex immediately answered without a second's hesitation, raising his hands.

The man's eyes crossed Alex's body and looked into the distance.

In his eyes, he could still see the very blurry light from the lighting.

"Why are you here?" The man continued to ask, feeling a little more relaxed.

"Because my mother, Maria, saw the light of the electric flashlight." Alex nodded his chin to the bright flashlight in the man's hand.

"So let me come out and pick you up."


Hearing this, the man put away the revolver, but he did not take it back and continued to hold it in his hand.

"Is your home in front of you?"

Alex nodded.

"Lead the way." The man said, "Lead the way and take me to see your brother Uriel."

Alex still nodded obediently, then turned around and led the way.

This all seems completely normal.

The man felt relieved and silently followed the boy.

But what he didn't see was that there was a haze on Alex's face.

What he didn't even expect was that a transparent string was tied to the ground where Alex led him.

So as soon as the man left, he was directly pulled by a thin rope, causing him to stagger a little in the dark night.

Then he suddenly woke up and looked forward, Alex was already rushing toward him with a ferocious face.

boom! boom! boom!

Several consecutive gunshots broke the calm of the night, and they were extremely loud.

The gunfire directly alerted the nearest house, which was the farm marked on the cleaner's map, and the surrounding houses.

"Did you hear that?" Inside the house, a man with a downcast face wiped the window vigilantly and looked at the source of the gunshot.

He had a beard and a cigarette in his mouth. He was asking about his brother Jimmy in the back.

"Could it be on our farm?"

With the last shot, Pedro could see the distant flames disappearing through the window.


Pedro looked at the deep night outside the window, thought about it carefully and then shook his head: "It should be coming from the forest."

After saying that, Pedro immediately turned around and walked towards the place where the shotgun was placed.

Jimmy still stopped in place, his nerves already tense.

"Could it be the Ruiz family? Or some poacher?"

In today's special era, the most taboo thing is gunshots and screams at night.

As the caretaker of the farm, Jimmy didn't want to think of anything else.

"No, not the Ruiz family. Ruiz was just a farmhand. He didn't have a gun in his house."

His brother Pedro had already walked to the shotgun, picked it up, checked it, and answered.

"It's not a poacher either. Poachers don't fire so many shots."

Pedro said as he loaded the shotgun one after another.

"I heard three gunshots, then there was a pause and two more shots. These were not poachers. This was not hunting at all."

Pedro said, stopped loading, raised the shotgun, and took a deep breath.

"Because that was not the sound of a shotgun, but a revolver, and only a revolver can fire five bullets in a row."

Jimmy behind him had an extremely serious expression on his face.

"Do you want to take the dog with you?"

"No, the dog will bark." Pedro shook his head and refused, throwing the shotgun loaded with two bullets to Jimmy.

Seeing his brother take it, he picked up a shotgun, then picked up two shotgun shells, loaded them, and walked towards the door.

Jimmy, who is thin and tall, followed silently behind him.

The two people's nerves were completely tense. Each of them walked out with a shotgun and looked towards the jungle in the distance.

All that can be seen is the farm and its approaching jungle, shrouded in thick fog.

It was as dark as a huge beast about to swallow everything in its bloody mouth.

Jimmy felt timid for a moment.

They were caretakers, so they naturally needed to enter the forest to take a look, but in this situation, he was a little afraid to go there.

Pedro squinted his eyes, looked at the misty darkness in front of him, and blew out the nearly exhausted cigarette in his mouth.

"We'll go over there early in the morning and have a look."

On a misty night like this, no one dares to step into the darkness at will.

Including him, an old hunter.


Jimmy next to him breathed a sigh of relief.

The two of them retreated.

When the night fades, the sky is slightly bright.

After a sleepless night, the two brothers Pedro and Jimmy walked out of the house fully armed.

He even took the hunting dogs with him.

Due to the terrain restrictions, the pickup truck outside the house cannot be driven.

They could only go over step by step to see what happened in the forest last night.

As a result, just halfway out, Ruiz, an agricultural worker on the farm, came over.

It looked like his face was oily, his hair was messy, and he had suffered from insomnia all night.

"What happened last night?"

Ruiz has an honest face and a short stature. He looked at the fully armed Pedro and said.

"I thought something happened to you."

Pedro glanced at Ruiz: "I don't know, we are going over now to have a look, do you want to follow?"

Ruiz immediately shook his head decisively.

"I'm not going."

Pedro withdrew his gaze, signaled to his brother Jimmy, then passed Ruiz and continued walking towards the woods outside the farm.

"Don't worry, we will investigate this matter." Jimmy patted the shocked Ruiz on the shoulder and followed.

The two of them were dressed in hunter's clothing, each holding a shotgun filled with shotguns, and they were walking with two hunting dogs towards the source of last night's gunshots.

Under the guidance of the hunting dog, the two entered the woods with only overgrown weeds and a few trees, and soon found the source in the middle.

The ground was covered with blood, and in the center of the blood lay a body that was bitten by various flying insects.

What made their hearts solemn was.

Only the lower body of the body was left, with a pair of legs connected to some organs, which looked particularly horrific.

The rest of the organs, including the hands, were also scattered around, and the upper body disappeared.

Jimmy's breathing gradually became heavier: "Was it caused by a large beast, a lion? Antonio's sheep was eaten by a big guy..."

Antonio, the farmer here and the boss of the two brothers, scolded his two brothers because their sheep were taken away by a large animal some time ago.

Jimmy thought of it in an instant.


Pedro stared at the cross-section of the body and said solemnly.

"The break in the middle of the waist is very smooth, but it looks more like it was cut by some kind of sharp weapon. Would a wild beast leave such a wound?"

Jimmy took a closer look and felt that the scene did not look like a scene of being eaten by a beast. He said nervously: "What should we do?"

"This matter must be reported." Pedro subconsciously scanned the scene.

Above the body, he saw an old suitcase hidden in the weeds.

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