American Variety: Scientific Exorcism

Chapter 283 God and the Church are Dead

If the roads were all made of gravel, then Yorkshire could assume that the world was a little backward in time and he might see some steam engines.

If it was all about cars and horses, and the road appeared automatically, then it can be assumed that it was a more backward era, such as the Middle Ages, and then he could see those noble ladies and so-called noble knights with their waists and exposed breasts.

But in the eyes of Yorks, who rushed over a hundred meters in one breath, he saw that this was a road across the wilderness paved with asphalt, sand, or cement.

"It seems that this world is probably equivalent to modern times, and it is still a human world."

Yorks looked at the road in front of him and felt relieved, and stepped forward.

"This is okay. You can assume that everyone has extraordinary abilities. You can also assume that this is a doomsday environment through this desolate scene."

For York, as long as it is the human world, he will not be so lonely.

Humans are social animals, and he is no exception. Even if he has learned to enjoy solitude and prefers to live in a corner, he still likes to live in the human world.

According to the predetermined goal, Yorks walked along the road, trying to find traces of similar existences.

At the same time, while walking and observing, he felt that the speculation about an environment where monsters and humans coexist could be eliminated.

Because he has been walking alone for so long and still hasn't encountered any danger.

Not even a monster was found.

With the naked eyes and hearing that are no longer human, and the ability to control a range of one hundred meters, like a scanned three-dimensional image, the only thing Yorks saw was a group of wild animals.

Common wild animals such as antelope, mice, snakes, etc.

"This already takes away the doomsday speculation."

Yorks looked forward, his sight spread along the road, and finally stopped on the horizon, as if the road had no end.

"What on earth is going on? Is this what the old man calls traveling?"

Feeling that he might still have a long way to go, Yorkston felt helpless.

He made all the preparations, but he didn't expect that after so long, he still didn't find anything when he came to this other world.

"No, there are still some discoveries."

Yorks looked up at the sky. He could see something. Except for the debris that had been floating around, the bright sky seemed very bright. But in fact, in his eyes, the bright sky seemed to be covered with a layer of blur. fine yarn.

I thought it was because of the fragments, but now it seems a little different. The fine yarn floating with the fragments looks like a black fine yarn shrouded in clouds. I almost missed it if I didn't look carefully.

Therefore, he never gave up the idea that this world might be a doomsday environment.

In general, apart from the above discoveries and speculations, Yorks has no other new information that can make him think.

"Keep walking and there will always be new discoveries."

Yorks stared ahead and kept walking forward along the road.

Although the road ahead seemed to have no end, and both sides were covered with wild grass and branches, Yorks was very patient.

Because no matter what, as long as you keep following the road, you will always arrive at a place where people live.

Obviously, Yorks made the right choice. After walking for who knows how long, he began to discover the modern garbage left by humans.

Plastic bottles, rusty iron sheets, etc.

This shows that he is getting closer to the place where his own kind is.

After walking a long distance, although there was no time, Yorks could still confirm the approximate time now through the position of the sun.

"Directing south-west, probably between three and five o'clock in the afternoon."

At this time, Yorks had reached an intersection. He stood on the road and scanned around again, not finding any trace of human beings.

"You are already walking at a speed of 40 km/h, and you haven't left this world yet? How big is this world..."

Yorks shook his head, mentally prepared to spend the night in the wilderness.

Fortunately, he himself has fallen out of the human category. Even if he doesn't eat, drink or sleep for a month, he won't feel anything. He doesn't even have much experience of the heat and cold of the seasons.

So he didn't have much psychological resistance to spending the night in the wilderness, using the sky as his quilt and the earth as his bed.

However, just as he was about to slow down and prepare to spend the night in the wilderness, York's eyes lit up and he looked to the right.

"Finally someone!"

In the 100-meter stereoscopic view in his mind, a simple pickup truck was rushing into his three-dimensional view.

And there was a middle-aged woman sitting inside.

What only made his eyebrows slightly raised was that this middle-aged woman had a thin face, criss-crossed wrinkles, tightly closed lips, sharp lines and an unsmiling look, showing the traces of years and the ups and downs of life, but also with a hint of coldness. Be vigilant and keep people away.

With such a cold and unsmiling look, Yorks felt that this hitchhiking trip might fail.

"But we have to give it a try, just in case it's just superficial."

York began to show the compassionate smile he used to have when he was a priest, stepped back to the edge of the road, stretched out his right hand, and then gave a thumbs up.

During this period, the simple pickup truck was already visible to the naked eye, getting closer and closer.

What Yorks could see was that the middle-aged woman sitting in the car seemed to be looking at him seriously.

With just one glance, the simple pickup truck moved forward with his compassionate smile without even a pause.

"Oh, this human heart is so cold."

Yorks looked to the left and watched the simple pickup truck drive away, leaving only dust on the ground. He didn't feel anything, because he knew that as long as he followed the back of the truck, he could find a group of people.

This is a very good result for him. He also understands the middle-aged woman's approach. If he were to leave him in his previous life, in this wilderness, if someone wanted to hitch a ride on him, he would not pay attention to it, and would even look at it. They won't even look at it, for fear of causing trouble.

Who knows if this guy is a murderer or some kind of fugitive.

Therefore, Yorks withdrew his right hand calmly and began to change direction and walk towards the direction where the pickup truck left.

But something surprising happened.

Before he had even taken a few steps, the simple pickup truck that had already rushed out of the range of the 100-meter stereoscopic view rushed into the range of the 100-meter stereoscopic view again and returned again.

"Is this...a discovery of conscience?"

Yorks looked at the simple pickup truck in front of him that was covered in dust, and subconsciously stopped.

He was not wrong. The simple pickup truck stopped in front of him.

The middle-aged woman sitting in the driver's seat glanced at his satchel and dark robe, as if identifying something.


A cold voice came out of her mouth.

Yorks put away what he was thinking, nodded, opened the car door and got in under the woman's gaze.

After he closed the door, the middle-aged woman began to control the simple pickup truck and change its direction, and set off again amidst the rising dust.

She didn't speak, but York was a little curious, because the middle-aged woman seemed to know his identity, that of a priest.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, Yorkshire could see an old satchel sitting on the back seat.

"Thank you for agreeing to give me a ride, but I'm curious as to why you came back?"

Yorks glanced at the middle-aged woman and said.

He needs to know more.

"Were you a priest?"

However, the middle-aged woman said something that surprised him.

"You haven't given up this useless identity yet?"

Yorks narrowed his eyes in silence and followed the middle-aged woman's words: "Why should I give up?"

The middle-aged woman was silent for a moment under these words, and finally only said one sentence.

"Oh, in an era when God and the church have died, there can still be such a pious pastor."

As she said that, the middle-aged woman looked at him, with sadness deep in her eyes that he couldn't understand.

"where are you going?"

Yorks, who had not yet absorbed the message that God and the church were dead, frowned and temporarily suppressed the doubts and speculations in his heart, and answered seriously.

"I don't know, I just came out of the mountains."

As he said this, Yorks played a trick and knocked on his head.

"I found that I had no memory of this world. It was as if I had selectively forgotten everything. The only thing I knew was that I was once a priest."

As soon as these words came out, Yorkist clearly saw that the middle-aged woman was stunned for a moment, and the pupils of her eyes were dilating.


While Yorkist was observing her words, he keenly noticed something strange about the middle-aged woman, and knew that he had made the right bet. In addition to priests, there should be priests in this world.

After all, he is indeed a priest. As for the priest...

Of course, there are priests in the real world, but they are also managed by the church together with the priests, but their responsibilities are different. Compared with the priests, the priests are the logistics personnel and managers of the church.

But in the previous life, priests and priests belonged to two different sects, but generally speaking there was not much difference between the two, but that does not mean that there were no differences.

After all, different names and sects mean there must be differences.

In addition to presiding over masses and weddings, priests are also responsible for praying for the dying, confessing and even exorcising demons.

A pastor is a person who is responsible for leading and caring for other Christians full-time. Treatment and support are the pastor's main responsibilities, with a focus on protection and management.

Generally speaking, priest means servant of God, and pastor means shepherd in the original biblical word...

"Father? Why is there still a priest here..."

It was obvious that the middle-aged woman was a little dazed. She just stared at him, her eyes no longer focused.

At this time, the car began to turn to the right side of the road, preparing to head straight into the wilderness.

Yorks quickly grabbed the steering wheel in the middle-aged woman's hands and stabilized the car.

"What are you doing?"

After saying these words, the middle-aged woman woke up instantly and quickly took control of the steering wheel, but she was still trapped in the emotion just now.

"Are you really the legendary priest?"

Because of the behavior of the middle-aged woman, Yorks really didn't understand it, and he didn't understand why she was so shocked by such a priest since there was a priest here.

But there are some vague guesses.

"In my memory, I am indeed a priest."

As he spoke, Yorks took out the contents of his satchel one by one, as if he was afraid that the middle-aged woman would not believe it.

A Bible that was so thick it could crush someone to death, and a bishop's scepter he held.

These are all things that only appear in religion.

The middle-aged woman broke her ice for the first time, as if absorbing this shocking information, she took a deep breath and said.

"You really have nowhere else to go?"

Yorks nodded, he knew that his method was successful, and he might be able to understand everything about this world today.

What does it mean that God and the church are dead, and why are you surprised that his identity as a priest can be described as a legend?

The middle-aged woman glanced at the man sitting in the passenger seat, looked at him and nodded, couldn't help but let out a breath, and then pressed the accelerator.

The simple pickup truck roared and roared.

Until it was already dark, Yorks silently calculated the distance of about fifty kilometers and looked at the house that appeared in his field of vision.

The house stood alone in the wilderness with nothing to rely on.

The only thing there is is the surrounding grove. In the dark night, this house looks very desolate. This is not a place where ordinary people dare to live.

He couldn't help but glance at the middle-aged woman who was driving calmly.

After getting to know her along the way, he only knew that this woman was called Mirta.

Just know this.

But this didn't stop him from thinking about what the circumstances were that made Mirta live here alone.

"We're here, get off the car."

Mirta parked the car in the large open space in front of the house and looked at the man who had been quiet in the passenger seat.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but during the drive, she was able to experience something called a sense of security again after decades.

This made Mirta somewhat believe the man's words.

A legendary priest who can exorcise and exorcise demons.


Yorks looked away from the dark room, which was only illuminated by car lights, and followed Mirta out of the car.

While looking around, he followed Mirta who led the way to the main entrance of the house, and couldn't help but ask.

"Why do you live here alone?"

Mirta, who was inserting the key into the keyhole, paused subconsciously.

"It's a long story..."

After saying that, she clicked and pushed open the main door.

"come in."

Yorks raised his eyebrows slightly and followed in.

However, what he didn't expect next was that there was a modern pickup truck, so-called light bulbs in the house, and even a refrigerator.

But under his gaze, Mirta fumbled for a while and then took out a lighter and lit a kerosene lamp on the central table.

This was something he didn't expect.

But judging from Mirta's movements and the kerosene lamp that was almost burning out, she had done it countless times.

"sit down."

Mirta looked at the man standing there, pursed his lips, and said with complicated eyes.

"Although I don't know where you appeared from, I can see that you are confused, like a strange visitor who has no understanding of this world. But you can rest assured that I will answer all this for you."

Yorks nodded, still obeying Mirta's words, walked up and pulled up a stool and sat down.

And when he sat down, Mirta went to the kitchen next to the table again. From the perspective of Yorkist, she lit the candle placed on an old shelf, and at the same time took out some bread and something to drink and returned. .

"Sorry, this is all I have to eat." Mirta put the plate on the table, then sat down and looked at the man, her tone inexplicably apologetic.

Yorks shook his head, looked at Mirta who looked a little uncertain in the firelight and said calmly: "It's okay, I'm not hungry, but can you tell me what's going on in this world?"

As he spoke, Yorks paused and said straightforwardly:

"Also, why are you so surprised by my identity as a priest?"

Duan is a character that he doesn't understand, and he believes that Mirta in front of him will play the role of letting him understand the world.

Because, through a 100-meter stereoscopic view, he saw the deacon uniform of the church from a room with beds...

Thanks to Urgent Warrior Olga and Dogtail Hua for their rewards!

Thank you for your support!

I got this recommendation from the editor today, and the effect is really bad. I had a hard time getting on it.

Everyone said that comments and collections would explode, and I was also looking forward to it. The result was so calm, as if it had never been recommended. It was so miserable...

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