St. Peter's Basilica.

Peter, one of the twelve apostles of God, is also known as the burial place of Peter.

Legend has it that Peter holds the key to heaven given to him by God in his right hand, and a volume of edicts given to him by God in his left hand. He is one of the founders of the church and the first pope...

Yorks didn't know whether this legend was true or not, although he could always feel the terrifying power contained in it.

But no matter what, the building in front of him still made him feel a magnificent sense of déjà vu, and he could feel the strong historical atmosphere rushing towards him at just one glance.

Its architectural style combines elements of Renaissance and Baroque styles.

The entire facade of the cathedral is illuminated by soft holy light and lights, and the huge columns, reliefs and sculptures appear lifelike under this reflection.

Coupled with the bell tower and dome that are illuminated and show a dazzling light like a huge crown, the combination makes the entire St. Peter's Basilica exude a solemn, sacred, and magnificent atmosphere.

Irene, who came here for the first time, was already stunned. Only Yorkshire came to his senses at this moment and continued to introduce:

"This is the main church of our church and the largest church in the world, with a dome as high as 136 meters."

After the introduction, he looked at the monk driving in front of him and said calmly:

"Brother Simeon, is someone looking for me?"

It's not that he has never stayed here, so the entire Vatican is not the only building like St. Peter's Basilica.

Generally speaking, when you get off the plane, you should first be sent to your place of residence, and then wait for notification before taking the next step.

Although he also wanted to meet the old man first, in the end such a large organization still had to act according to the rules. As the saying goes, there would be no success without rules.

According to the expected situation, it is almost enough to see the old man tomorrow.

However, appearing here now means that someone is looking for him.

"Yes, Father York, there is someone waiting for you inside." Brother Simeon, who was in charge of driving, replied. The solemn look on his face exuded a pious atmosphere.

This kind of monk is the type who can devote his life.

Sure enough...Yorks looked at St. Peter's Basilica getting closer and closer.

"Who? Your Majesty Gregory?"

However, Brother Simeon had kept silent and just drove them to the door of St. Peter's Church.

Yorks smiled calmly, knowing what he meant, and told him.

"Send my deacon sister to the building where I used to live. Of course, before that you take her for a walk. This is her first time here."

Brother Simeon nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Okay, Father Yorks."

Erin subconsciously looked at her priest.

"It's okay, you go shopping first," Yorkist saw her confused look and couldn't help but pat her on the top of her head and said with a smile.

"There's a lot to see here, not just St. Peter's Basilica, but also some miracles."

After saying that, before the little nun could react, he got out of the car like a successful thief with a smile on his face and walked towards St. Peter's Basilica, leaving Irene sitting there watching him silently, not knowing what was going on. What are you thinking about...

"Father Yorks."

In St. Peter's Basilica, the monks guarding the surrounding area bowed their heads and saluted when they saw him approaching.

Yorks waved his hand indifferently and walked in under their gaze.

There is a saying that goes well, when you walk into St. Peter's Basilica at night, you will eventually be shocked by its interior and sigh that it is worthy of being the head church of the world's organized church.

The tall central aisle leads to the altar, surrounded by gorgeous murals and statues, showing the glory of the church's history. The mural "Creation" on the dome shows the picture of Adam and God stretching out their arms to touch, giving people a transcendent world. Feel.

In short, this is a worldwide work of art.

But Yorks, who had been here many times and was even used to it, was staring straight into the depths.

There, sitting on the bench closest to the altar, was an old man wearing a flawless white divine robe, and there was also a bishop wearing a purple robe.

"Old man, Bishop Cecil..."

Yorks pursed his lips and walked over.

Step after step, his footsteps broke the peace here.

Until the two of them were in front of him, Yorks nodded to the bishop who was wearing purple robes and surrounded by holy light.

"Bishop Cecil."

This bishop was considered a strong man in his mind, with a firm belief and a sacred aura in his every move.

From this point of view, one can imagine what kind of terrifying power is contained within the body.

When the bishop, who had always been the protector of the Pope, heard his words, he just nodded slightly and left the place.

The old man who was sitting on the bench with a smile and an indescribable charm was left behind, and he was still standing.

"Your Majesty Gregory." Yorkist changed his title for the first time here.

"York, you're here." The old man looked back at him and patted the place beside him.

"Come, sit down."

Yorks nodded and sat on it.

In this parallel world, there were not many people he could respect, very few, but the old man who raised him was one of them.

At that time, the old man was just a priest, but eventually he became a bishop, and he just walked out of the seminary. Under the call of the other party, he became a trainee priest, and eventually he became a priest, and the old man also In this move he was promoted to pope.

This is the relationship between him and the old man. In general, it is not an exaggeration for him to call this old man his father.

"Yorks, you have changed a lot." The old man's eyes were filled with light.

"I seem to be getting younger."

"Really? Maybe I've been taking care of my health recently." Yorks smiled and pulled up the quilt on the old man's knees. The movements were natural and familiar, and he didn't know how many times he had done it.

"You have changed a lot too."

"Are you getting older?" Seeing this action, Gregory looked at York and smiled gently, his eyes full of memories.

"Well, a little bit."

Yorks looked at the old man, and his eyes, which had always been strong, softened at this moment.

After being baptized by the holy power, the clergy can not only use the holy power, but also have some effects, which can last longer than ordinary people's lifespans.

Although some bishops have black hair and appear to be only in their fifties or sixties, they are at least in their seventies or eighties.

Just like Bishop Richard of Thailand, his hair was black and white once upon a time, but now after a lot of consumption, it is completely white in an instant.

Now the old man who raised him is visibly older than before.

Under his inhuman hearing, the beating of his heart was pitifully weak and no longer as strong as before. Coupled with some very weak movements, Yorks frowned in silence.

This situation was something he could only hear from some old people who were about to die of illness.

The old man in front of him seemed to be the same, but overall the inside gave him the impression that he was at the end of his tether.

This is……

York's face became inexplicably condensed.


Gregory didn't take it seriously, he just stared at the statue of Jesus in front of him and said gently.

"Do you know who was responsible for your promotion to the priesthood?"

Yorks took a deep breath: "I think only you can suppress the bishops in the bishopric who are hostile to me."

"That's right, it's me. You won't blame me, kid." Gregory smiled.

Yorks pursed his lips and followed the old man to stare at the eternal statue of Jesus:

"No, you must have your reasons for doing this."

"Haha." Gregory smiled and said, "Child, do you have any questions to ask me? Just tell me and I will answer them one by one. This is also the purpose of calling you here."

Yorkes took a deep breath: "There are indeed many problems."

Gregory just smiled.

"I came across something by chance, and you probably know it. I want to know if there is another world."

Yorks first picked a question. Although he knew that the answer was probably yes, he still wanted to get the answer from the old man.


Gregory replied: "Our world is not the only one. It is just like an egg. The outside of the eggshell membrane is connected to worlds we don't know about."


After finally getting the confirmation, Yorks didn't know how he felt, but he felt inexplicably excited.

"Have you been out?"

Gregory seemed to be able to sense York's state of mind. He smiled gently and said: "Yes, I have been out. It was a very good trip."

Yorks subconsciously let out a long breath. From this sentence, he understood what it meant. The old man had a way to get out or knew the space node where he could get out. It was similar to the space crack in the mist. The difference was safety and stability.

But just when he thought of this, Yorks suddenly remembered the previous speculation, that is, the space in this world is unstable, becoming more fragile and supernatural events are increasing.

The two must be related.

So after Yorkist took his breath back, he looked at the waiting old man and asked selectively.

"What's wrong with our world?"

There was no change on Gregory's face. He smiled and replied: "It has become more dangerous."

York's heart moved.

The old man spoke as if he knew all his thoughts.

"Are you curious why there have been more and more supernatural incidents recently and space has become more and more fragile?"

Yorks nodded silently.

"Haha, that's a crack in our world."

Seeing this, the old man smiled gently and explained.

"Yorks, our world is actually like an egg. If the protective eggshell outside the eggshell membrane does not break, then our world will be stable without any changes..."

Hearing this, Yorks already understood the meaning of this sentence, and he let out a breath.

"So once the eggshell on the outside of the egg breaks, bacteria will take advantage of it and enter the inside of the egg. In this way, the internal structure of the egg may be contaminated by bacteria."

As he said that, Yorks smiled bitterly: "So it's that simple?"

After all, this statement can indeed explain why there are more and more supernatural incidents, because it may be like the cracking of the eggshell of an egg, cracks appear in the fortress of the world, which leads to the invasion of something and begins to evolve some kind of change .

If you think about it, it's actually true. Monsters like Reed's apartment building had never appeared before.

Because that kind of monster is not a demon from hell at all, but seems to be a variant of some dark power.


Gregory glanced at him and smiled brightly.

"What do you think it is?"

"I thought the apocalypse was coming or some world wanted to invade."

Yorks said a little unnaturally, but he still thought of something and then asked.

"Who is Erin?"

"A descendant of a saint." Gregory replied calmly.

"The only descendant of St. Lucia."

"St. Lucia? That's it. No wonder..." Yorks thought of Irene's eyes.

Legend has it that God gave Saint Lucia double vision, allowing her to continue to see the truth of the world and understand miracles more clearly.

"...Wait a minute, old man, tell me, did you secretly go to other worlds when you traveled around before?"

Only then did Yorkes think of this. After all, when the old man was traveling around, he had complained more than once.

"Do you really think I'm traveling?" Gregory glanced at this guy.


Yorks twitched the corner of his mouth. He had an idea and thought of many things, even the bishop's arrangement.

"Do you understand?" Gregory looked at the suddenly stiff-faced Yorkist and smiled calmly.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Yorkshire sighed.

"In other words, how should this world be repaired?"

Combined with the previous words, how could he still not understand.

"Ha ha!"

Gregory laughed and pointed at Yorkshire.

"You will understand then."

Yorks shrugged and said, "Old man, why did you choose me? It's not like there are no people in the church."

Gregory stared at the statue of Jesus again and sighed: "Because you are the only choice and the one we selected."

Yorks fell silent. He understood the meaning. The word "our" probably represents the bishopric:


"You'll know in two days."

Gregory said calmly: "During this period, be prepared to accept the bishop's scepter and responsibility. When the time comes, I will personally promote and crown you..."

After saying this, Bishop Cecil appeared in the side passage and walked all the way.

During York's silence, Bishop Cecil silently supported the old man.

After Gregory stood up, he looked back at the silent Yorkist and smiled.

"York, we all believe that this is God's will. Think carefully about whether you want to accept this mission. If you refuse..."

The old man paused: "Then we also respect your choice."

After hearing this, Yorks looked at the two people who were starting to leave, with a hint of conflict on his face.

The old man threw the blame directly on him.

Of course he understood what the old man meant.

If he accepts it, he will know how to repair the so-called cracks in the world, know everything and why he was chosen, and he will be responsible for repairing it.

The repair is successful, and there are fewer and fewer supernatural incidents. In this world, only God's organization is left to fight and mess around. Demons from hell come up to possess them from time to time, and then the church takes action to drive them away, strengthening the believers' faith and increasing the base of believers. , full of tacit understanding.

If he refuses, then what happens next has nothing to do with him.

He can still become the original salted fish. He used to be the salted fish priest and then the salted fish bishop. Maybe the world will have more and more holes and the space will become more and more fragile.

Because of this, there are more and more supernatural incidents, and cults can easily break the space fortress and summon evil spirits. Due to various factors, the peaceful days in the past have begun to be broken, and the whole world may become more and more dangerous...

So, which option to pick?

"But once you know that there is another world and you can even enter and exit it, it is really difficult to ignore it. Damn old man..."

Yorks sighed, stared at the statue of Jesus in front of him, and murmured.

"How do I choose?"

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