The roar of the engine gradually sounded, shaking the entire fuselage, followed by the sound of friction between the tires and the running wheels.

All the feelings were echoing in his mind. Yorks sat on the comfortable seat and subconsciously turned his head to look at the porthole.

As the special plane accelerated, the surrounding scenery began to recede.

There was a force pushing back, and the buildings, trees and vehicles on both sides quickly became smaller at this time.

York just watched the special plane pass through the clouds, looking at everything on the ground that was as small as an ant underneath, and then turned back and glanced at Irene sitting on the left.

The little nun was also looking in the direction of the porthole. Judging from her gentle breathing, she didn't know what she was thinking.

But compared to walking alone before, now I have one more companion who can always accompany me, which feels pretty good.

"Maybe he's really old."

Yorks smiled, shook his head, and then took out his cell phone.

Although his priesthood was about to be promoted to bishop and he was already considered the top clergyman on the pyramid, but when it came to reality, he knew that he really didn't care at all.

Of course, this was just for him. A priest's promotion to the priesthood should be considered a minor news to the outside world.

Because the church has not had news about anyone who can be promoted to bishop for a long time.

Coupled with the huge size of the church that can spread all over the world and the terrifying number of believers,

Yorks felt that his inauguration might cause quite a stir.

"So the news about the bishop's promotion should be released through the first channel."

The first thing Yorks looked at was the church’s official website.

After all, this era can be regarded as more modern than the 21st century in the previous life, so compared to offline notifications, it is easier for more believers to know about this matter when it is announced online.

"Sure enough, it showed up today."

Forgetting anything else, Yorks didn't need to click on anything else. As soon as he entered the church's official website, the file format for his priestly promotion already appeared on the home page.


[Dear parishioners]

[According to the decision of the Holy See and the vote of the Bishops’ Conference, the Holy See will hold a solemn ceremony]

[To bless and announce the elevation of our beloved Father Yorkist John to the rank of Bishop]

[This is an important moment]

[The inauguration ceremony will be held on **month** at St. Peter’s Basilica]

[We will witness Father York receiving the episcopal crozier and episcopal crown, and taking on wider church responsibilities]

[We hope you will all witness this historic moment with us.

Let us pray together that God will continue to care for and guide our bishop, fulfill his duties in his new position, and become an example of faith and a model pastor.

May God’s grace be with you]


The official form of the report is straight to the point.

York couldn't help but let out a breath. He could already imagine what the believers in Pluto Church would look like when they saw this notice.

I guess after being in disbelief, I felt happy for him, maybe also a little bit reluctant to let him go.

Yorkes calmed his breathing and continued to turn to the second channel.

The official social media of the church is equivalent to Weibo in the previous life and so on.

After this notice appeared on the homepage of the official website, social media also quietly announced the matter.

The comments below have instantly reached 99+.

Obviously, this matter eventually caused a big commotion among the believers.

"never mind."

Yorkes wanted to read the comments, but in the end he turned off his phone without interest, and then closed his eyes to rest.

Even so, what Yorks didn't know was that the commotion caused by this incident was beyond his imagination.

Notice after notice appeared in various dioceses of the church.

It appears in the hands of every major diocese, every bishop, and every priest in South Korea, Japan, Romania, France, the United Kingdom, and other countries.

Not only the clergy, but also the official organizations of every country have focused their attention on this matter.

Stamford, USA.

The church of St. Luce with people coming and going.

Father Lutz, who was on the verge of retirement, sat on a bench and looked at the mobile phone he had just received from the monk, with a sigh of relief on his face.

He looked at the photo above, looked at the resolute priest, and chuckled.

"What a handsome photo, Yorkist. You finally became a bishop. Congratulations..."


The same city, the same convenience store in Stamford.

"Three dollars."

Todd, who was dark-skinned and tall, spoke to the guests in front of him.


The customer is a man wearing a luxurious suit. This kind of wealthy elite is somewhat incompatible with the style of a convenience store.

But he looked disapproving. He just looked at Todd in front of him and seemed to feel the change in the person in front of him. He took out his wallet and put the banknotes on the table and said.

"Mr. Todd, is there anything good today? It seems like you are very happy today."

Hearing this, Todd, who had always looked paralyzed, smiled for the first time and took the banknotes.

"Father York has been promoted to the priesthood."

What appeared on the computer screen in front of him was not the price scanning screen, but the home page of the church's official website, with the notice and Yorkshire's photo prominently visible.

"Ah, is that so..."

Suddenly hearing the news from Todd's mouth, the guest's face felt a little unnatural, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


"I'll pass it on to Father Yorks for you."

"No, no, Mr. Todd, it's best to keep your blessings in your heart..." The guest waved his hand and refused.

Todd kept smiling. He knew what the guest in front of him was like. After all, everyone would be like this after being beaten by Father York.

Father York's style never fails to impress.

"Okay, I'll give you $2."

He just gave the money to the customer in front of him, who was actually a demon, and let him leave the convenience store in a hurry with a constipated look on his face.

Todd watched, but at this moment, Todd heard the movement and turned to look over.

The elevator door leading to the underground cracked from the wall, and a young man holding a backpack walked out. He had a look of regret on his face and a somewhat anxious look on his face.

"Healy, good morning, where are you going?"

“To St. Peter’s Basilica!”

With a messy look on his face, Healy took a piece of bread, ate his meal in front of Todd and hurried out.

This made Todd sigh and shake his head, then he picked up the phone that rang at the same time and put it to his ear.

"Mr. Mike, what can you do?"

"Todd, Healy is gone?" Old Mike's voice sounded on the pager.

"Yes, he just left." Todd replied seriously.

"He said he was going to St. Peter's Basilica."

"Just go, that guy will definitely regret it. Bring me some more gloves."

"Okay, Mr. Mike."

Todd's response spread down the line, reaching Old Mike's ears.

At this time, Old Mike also put the phone receiver in its original position. He subconsciously looked at the computer on the desktop, and the notice of York's priesthood promotion also appeared on the screen.

"This guy's footsteps are really going further and further, but that's normal."

Compared to his usual academic expression before, Old Mike had a nostalgic smile on his face.

"I just don't know which diocese he will be sent by His Majesty Gregory."

Old Mike let out a long breath, then looked at the research equipment next to him, and then continued to walk over, continuing to fulfill his dream of winning the Nobel Prize.

Same time, New York.

In a large room that was still dark even though the sun was shining brightly outside, a beautiful blonde with an explosive figure and messy hair was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, looking at the notebook on Bai Jie's lap, with an incredulous look on her face.

"Huh?? How did this guy become a bishop?"

Hannah's eyes widened, and the lingering alcoholism after she sobered up dissipated in an instant. She continued to slide the mouse as if to confirm again, and finally couldn't help but throw the notebook aside and rubbed her face.

"Ah! I should have known better not to drink!!!!"

Then she scratched her messy blond hair with some annoyance, and then subconsciously looked at the brand new Halloween costume under the bed and the red wine bottles on the floor.

"I bought a house next to his house for nothing! I originally wanted to give him a little surprise, my money!! Ahh..."


"Defendant, please stand up!"

In the overcrowded courtroom, under the gaze of all the spectators behind him, including the Warrens, the young man stood up obediently.

The judge's voice sounded and the sentence began.

"……according to……"

"Guilty of manslaughter."

"...five years in prison."


The Warrens, who were sitting in the gallery at the back, breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

This sentence is much better than the previous life sentence. It is all the result of hard work. Of course, I have to thank Father Yorks for it.

Ed raised the corners of his mouth, moved closer to Rowling, and whispered: "We should rest for a while after this incident."

"Rest?" Luo Lin couldn't hide the smile in her eyes. She glanced at the mobile phone in her husband's hand.

From the still-lit screen, through the exposed corner, Rowling could see the homepage of the church's official website and the photo of Father York on it.

"Okay, where are you going?" Luo Lin deliberately whispered.

Ed raised his eyebrows, looked in front of him and said with a smile: "Vatican, St. Peter's Basilica, let's go see Father York..."


Jersey City, New Jersey.

A roaring voice like a lion from Hedong came from a house: "Janet! Come down and eat!"

But the voice she suddenly remembered upstairs was louder than her mother's.


Along with the sound of footsteps going downstairs, a sentence rang out.

"Father York is going to be promoted to bishop!!"


Ms. Peggy, who was putting down the plates on the dining table, was stunned for a moment. She looked at Janet, who had a flush on her face due to the violent movements, and wiped her hands on the cloth.

"Come, let me take a look."

With that said, she took the tablet handed over by Janet with an excited look on her face.

The eldest sister Margaret and others who had already taken their seats at the table glanced at Janet, who was excited and a little nervous, and then looked at her mother who had already picked up the tablet and was reading.

"It really is."

There was a happy expression on Ms. Peggy's face, but somehow she looked at her daughter in front of her. As a single mother, she couldn't feel the changes in her daughter.


Janet pursed her lips and said, "Can I go?"

Ms. Page looked at her daughter seriously, and the smile on her face became even bigger.

"Do you really want to go?"

Janet nodded seriously.

"I want to go."

Hearing this, Ms. Peggy subconsciously looked at the photo of the priest on the tablet. She could hear Janet's seriousness, exhaled softly and smiled softly.

"Okay, then you won't have any birthday gifts later."

As soon as these words came out, Janet still didn't understand the meaning. She excitedly rushed towards Ms. Peggy.

"Thank you mom!"

Ms. Page was hit all over her arms, but she didn't care and stroked the top of her daughter's head.

"Silly boy!"


Romania, Buchares International Airport.

An old man with white hair and wearing a bishop's robe was leading a group of clergy into the empty special passage.

While walking, the old man seemed to think of something, and he spoke calmly.

"Aisas, when the time comes, remember to go to the convent to pick up Sister Tracy to attend York's inauguration ceremony, so that she won't have to mention her beloved little nun in front of me all the time."

Brother Isaacs, who was walking in the middle, nodded and said:

"Okay, Bishop Rovshan, I will."

After hearing the response, Bishop Rovshan couldn't help but talk again.

"Since she misses the child so much, let her also attend York's inauguration ceremony. According to York's character, this guy will definitely bring his deacon sister to his own inauguration ceremony to confirm her position."

As he talked, he reached the end of the passage and his vision suddenly opened up. Bishop Luofshan looked at the church plane that had been waiting for a long time in the open space in front of him, and he still felt a little emotional.

"I thought you would become a bishop, but I really didn't think it would be so soon, York."

The old man couldn't help but think of York's face and his previous interactions.

Don Mueang International Airport, Bangkok, Thailand.

A small team of protective soldiers appeared, fully armed and divided into left and right groups to escort the people in the center to the inner passage.

The most special thing is that there is an old man wearing a purple bishop's robe sitting in a wheelchair in the crowd. He is staring ahead with an expressionless face.

I don't know what he thought of, but the old man suddenly spoke calmly, breaking the calm: "Daniel, are you envious?"

After the words fell, the priest behind him, who was responsible for pushing the wheelchair, shook his head and smiled.

"Bishop Richard, I don't envy you. I know Father Yorks deserves this."

As he spoke, Father Daniel's eyes flashed with conviction and piety. Hearsay said that he had been to that scene before.

To him, the earth-changing environmental change itself was a miracle that ordinary people, including him, a clergyman, could not do.

Once you get there, it's like you know what something represents, but you don't know how it's done.

This is beyond the scope of cognition.

So he didn't feel anything at all. On the contrary, he felt that this was what he should do.

With his expressionless face, Bishop Richard could feel the emotional changes of the people behind him, and he said calmly with Father Daniel's moved expression.

"That's good. Anyway, you will take over my position in the future. There is no need to envy that... guy..."

As he spoke, Bishop Richard's voice began to grow smaller, until it was so quiet that no one could hear it clearly.

" a little different from you after all. The church has its own considerations."

"I understand, Bishop Richard." Father Daniel smiled.

"I will work hard and I won't let you down when the time comes."

The priest's tone was unusually firm.


Just like this, dialogue after dialogue related to Yorkshire appeared at the airports of every country.

Suddenly, one after another direct special planes with church logos began to take off, flying through the clouds and heading straight to the Vatican.

The whole world is in turmoil over this incident.

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